#i'm on the fence about the word 'monosexual'
maslows-pyramid-scheme · 11 months
On biphobia, I feel there is a heavy level of internalised misogyny - which plays with the gold star lesbian + you ere dirty if you have sex with men and some level of fake purity culture - which comes into play imo + some women having total repulsión for men (which can be socially understandable) and taking it against other women for liking men (we didn't choose to be attracted to men).
Also imo the fear or lived experience by some monosexuals to not be enough or be left by someone bi and it transforms into intense biphobia. As a bi the number of lesbians that have just stopped talking the moment I said bi 😭😭😭😭 I'm sorry I'm
I'm mostly bi for bi tbh due to the above but I'm not the very jealous type either and I trust in commitment.
That makes sense; if you can't take it out on men, take it out on the women 'around' them (but it's somehow less petty than hating something because someone you dislike likes it!).
I don't mean to hurt you feelings, but it's probably good that a 'relationship' like that doesn't go anywhere - if you tried to force it, you'd each end up resenting one another and maybe internalising harmful ideas about your sexuality. That's what happened with my ex, at least... she kept complaining about how she had to 'settle' for a bisexual like me (low self-esteem, hatred of men, belief that all bi women are just one look at a male away from ditching them).
How has bi-for-bi worked out for you?
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