#i'm just derpin'
crowetesque · 11 months
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Backlog: Another WIP that I'd like to get around to finishing eventually.
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biscuitkazoo · 1 year
Dragon Age Absolution:
"And they were lactose-bians"
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realhankmccoy · 9 months
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I almost want to say No Shit, Sherlock because it's so obvious that it's almost stupid to point it out.
But it's not stupid, it's just some scholarly American-Canadian type trying to help the stupidest and cruelest of developed countries (except for Russia, but I think many people no longer classify it as developed, which is wild -- I'm not sure what the consensus is on that) out of the muck and mire. Some people don't realise it's an ideology. Others just too shortsighted and call it survivalism, pragmatism or gains. Most Americans don't realise they're cucks. They have no clue. I never hear them admit "I am a cuck" because it would be so embarrassing. But they don't want to take corrective action with themselves either, or don't know how.
Anyhow, what's America wring its hands over instead for ideology? OMG THE RAINBOW FLAG ... which is so fuqqqing stupid as almost every gay I ever talk to hates gay people cuz they've internalised America's hardness and cruelty towards gays
I just want to say open your fuqqqqing eyes. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person with any vision, and Amerikkka just wants to make excuses as to why folks to the politcal right... AINT SO BAD AINT WHAT YOU SAID THEY ARE.... oh yes they are... i don't get it wrong. i don't speak unless i'm damn sure. I've been that way for a long time due to how vicious my community was towards me if i was ever wrong. and i have the receipts, as they say. well, receipts in my head at least... i prob lost the box of receipts... but in my head is what matters
since (americans don't understand) there's no invisible judge in relating to me
there's me and you
do they think A JUDGE is watchin us? DO THEY THINK GAWD IS WATCHING US? why also do they act like we're in a courtroom?
fucking Mayflower white people puritan Judge-Gawddy bullshit is why, fucking wackos
but that's the ideology of thinking those to the left of them are liars or stupid or got it wrong. NOPE, I FUCKING DONT, A-HOLES. I got it spot on. I know what's what, you can't gaslight me, you can't lie your way out of it, and you can't manipulate me. Shame on em all for trying it.
I know who's nuts due to being spoiled and derpin around, and that person isn't me... even if I come across that way, heh.
anyhow, no i will not subscribe to your ideology and i will not be gaslit into being told that i'm the one 'warped' by ideology. ridiculous. you have to stand for something in life other than self if you want to be a grown adult -- where would Einstein or Hawking be if they only stood for self, both sociopolitically and in research -- and if you don't you're basically Trump, amiright? not far off from him... blech
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lady-clara · 7 years
Haven't see you much lately. Just wanted to say that I hope you're doing well.( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
I wanted to post stuff butTumblr didn’t work on my phone for like… a week. I didn’t wanna post it somewhere else, save it w my computer and post it, too much work for something trivial. orzIT WORKS AGAIN THO~~~ as of yesterday. Thanks for checking in, I’m quite alright. C:
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oreodump · 13 years
What a chat post do?
I wonder.
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