#i'm gonna use him for jun bc i think he could pull of the lil shit vibes i want (: while still looking respectable enough for ppl to believe
cosmicmoved · 5 years
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NEW MUSE ADDITION!           this shouldn’t be much of a surprise bc i’ve been talking about this for a bit but i’ve decided it’s time to add my scammer/swindler muse back to the blog. let me introduce you all to JUN, a professional pain in the neck! (: i haven’t written up his proper backstory yet but this is a revamp of an old oc that i totally scrapped. they have similar names and certain backstory points are similar but i’d much prefer to think of him as a brand new character. read on under the cut for more about him! i haven’t added him to the muse page yet but i’ll do that later! (side note that this will probs be the last male oc i’ll add for a while, unless i end up dropping somebody else for some reason, bc i don’t like that there’s such an imbalance on the blog rn)
hi, first i just wanna say...you won’t be able to tell from all of the shit i’ve written under here bc these are mostly just quick and basic facts but jun is generally better suited to like...heavier plots, i guess?? on account of him being a criminal? i DO DEFINITELY wanna write casual stuff for him too but my point is that i really don’t want him to be treated like a dumb haha comedy muse just because he’s annoying. i’ve had issues with ppl reducing muses of mine to dumb comic relief-type characters without my permission in the past and i want to be clear that, even though i write this guy with a sense of humour, that doesn’t mean i also don’t take him seriously as a character either. i WOULD like to write proper plots for him and i want him to be an interesting & hopefully complex character so please try to keep from flanderising him. i don’t think that comedy & drama need to be kept separate. i think you can absolutely write serious plotlines and drama and all that shit while keeping a sense of humour about a character (’: basically, i want to make jokes about him and that’s okay to do but please don’t turn him INTO a joke. he’s still a criminal and good at scamming people! anyw....onto the trivia!
he was born as jun shinozuka on the twenty-eighth of november, 1996 (i.e; he’s twenty-three next month) and in yokohama, japan. he moved to the US with his brother when he was like eight. he moved with his older brother, mamoru, to go live with his aunt and uncle after his mother died. he never knew his dad.
he doesn’t tell people his surname, preferring to go by a mononym for the sake of seeming mysterious. his real name is actually pretty easy to find out. he still keeps in contact with his brother so you’d really just have to find him and you’d have your answers. but he doesn’t appreciate people referring to him by his full name because it ruins the fun /:
jun wasn’t an especially well-behaved kid and he had trouble sitting still & focusing in class while his brother got good grades and was generally very well-liked by his teachers. growing up, he had an awful habit of just bullshitting all the time but he got really good at it after a while. since he kind of concluded lying was the thing he was good at it, he decided that he might as well find a way to make a career of it. this lead to his career in the scamming business. the irony is that his brother, always the exact opposite to jun, is a police detective. he knows jun’s up to shady shit but he doesn’t know all the details.
his habit of lying, again, started when he was a kid because he thought it’d be a good way to get people to like him better. people would pay more attention to him and think he was cool & interesting on his own, rather than him having to live in his brother’s shadow all the fuckin time.
that isn’t to say jun hasn’t been arrested bc he has. just not for the conman stuff. he usually gets arrested when things go wrong, e.g; he once got arrested for ‘destruction of public property’ bc he broke the sign of a streetsign pole when trying to hide from a bunch of guy he’d pissed off and tried to throw it at them. yeah. anyway, his brother HAS bailed him out before because he’s a warm-hearted guy and he loves his lil bro, even if jun only ever thanks him by insulting the police and trying to leave by way of climbing out windows.
he comes off as kind of an idiot most of the time but he’s actually very good at his job. his #1 mode of operation is selling junk to people while claiming that they’re something much more valuable but he is not beyond selling shitty or unreliable information to people either. in his defence, he’s not forcing anybody to listen. it’s their issue if they want to believe him. he’s also willing to work on bigger scams with people for a higher profit but he tends to stick to smaller schemes because he’s mostly a one-man deal.
although he’s undeniably a criminal, he tries to avoid taking advantage of people TOO much.....like he doesn’t target vulnerable people or anything because he’d just feel super guilty about it and that’d force him to rethink his whole life trajectory and he’s not about to unload all that on himself. thinking is for losers. no thanks.
100% the kind of guy who thinks kids' breakfast cereal is an any time meal
he’s really annoying! it’s okay if your muse wants to kick his ass! because he’s annoying!
he’s kind of a shameless flirt, esp w/women.
jun is basically incapable of holding a serious conversation about feelings and shit like that. he’ll just make lame jokes to steer you elsewhere. 
it’s ok to bully him.
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