#i'm gonna get my copy around december or january though
teecupangel · 1 year
It was just announced that AC Mirage is releasing in October. Are you excited? (I managed to get the collectors edition!)
Congrats! I pre-ordered the Collector's Edition as well <3
Sidebar: the normal version is currently 49.99 USD in PSN which gives us an idea of how long (and how big) this game would be. It's not surprising as Mirage did start off as a DLC of Valhalla so this will definitely not be as long as the recent AC games. I hope that means this would have a tighter more focused storyline and doesn't mean the narrative suffers because it's shorter. Also, as it's available for previous generations, it would probably have the same graphic options as Valhalla.
Alright, this can be a bit of a rant because, well, it's me XD
I read it's using Origin's parkour system but they've improved on it which sounds nice 'cause it's like the love-child of old and current AC games' parkour system.
The scene where Basim used that lamp-looking thing to quickly turn? Reminded me a lot of the old AC games, that's for sure. And that throwing knife kill? Definitely gave me AC1 flashbacks XD
Special assassinations are back and, not gonna lie, absolutely excited for that. That was my favorite part of the stealth mechanics of Unity, Syndicate and Valhalla's Siege of Paris DLC. I'm hoping it's quite diverse like those games and that scene where Basim uses a rope to hang his target feels like one of the special assassinations.
Also, also, also...
Chain Assassinations look so cool and if this is an unlockable skill, I know where my early skill points are going XD
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As for open combat, I'm a sucker for dual wielders especially if it's the more traditional long blade/short blade combo and I love fighting styles that have a lot of twirling around so this entire sequence?
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Yeeeessss, thank you. Twirl for me, dorky wolf dad. Twirl. I demand more twirling.
Btw, his Mirage fighting style is a bit different from his AC Valhalla style and I wonder if we'll know why he changed his fighting style in Mirage? (I'm betting it's connected to his Loki memories)
Baghdad looks awesome btw and, not gonna lie, I am having AC1, Revelations and Origins flashbacks.
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Also, we saw another character in this trailer that is actually mentioned in AC Valhalla.
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(So we know he's not gonna die which is nice XD)
Overall: I am cautiously optimistic and I hope Ubisoft doesn't fuck this up. I really hope Mirage is a success so the higher-ups in Ubisoft see that stealth-heavy AC games are worth developing.
Also, I read the Prince of Persia remake is being handled by Ubisoft Montreal (who is also handling Hexe) who handled Mirage so this might be a good indication of the kind of game the Prince of Persia remake could be.
Also, because it's me.
Hello, Hidden Blade Kink, my old-ish friend.
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bryan360 · 4 months
No "On This Day" posting I'll be focusing today.
2024 Review - Seagate 2TB Portable Drive (Second Half - Installing and Formatted)
Hey, guys! Sorry for keeping this waited from past weeks that I’m trying to write I got. Nevertheless, it’s time for the second half part of my portable drive topic review without leaving behind. Last time where I’d covered the unboxing portion during the first half, I’m now moving onto to install with my gaming system which I’d did awhile back. Before I can show you around, there’s something I wanted to bring I’d kept secret from past years. I should’ve brought it sooner if I had such time left til now. Nevertheless, it’s for my gaming console itself as a previous upgrade that my family give me.
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(From January. 6th; 2:29 to 2:30 P.M.)
This here’s my actual Xbox One S console (not the Xbox Series S/X, though). It happened back in December. 16th, 2019 that my family give me as a late Christmas gift by surprise. Well, a surprise for me back then from before. There’s also a second gift that would be save for another time. Anyways, It’s been past 6 years later after decided to move on with my Xbox One S system. Its longevity usage runs well of playing games I have; which I’ll get to that for my final part soon. As for what happened to my original Xbox One, the one I got from April 2015; is thankfully kept into my closest that doesn’t have scratches. Don’t worry, I still got everything for my Xbox One S system with its data that was originally carried from my original gaming console.
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(From 2:32 to 2:56 P.M.)
So anyways as I continue on, we’re bringing you this step where I installed with my portable drive and its USB cable. Took about few seconds to connect with both items together, but finally got it of what’s on screen display right after turning my gaming console. As you can see, there’s a front USB slot down left corner below where I’d placed there. It was my second attempt when my gaming console recognize not too long ago. Of course there’s some USB slots on the backside I’d tried to get around minutes before that. I don’t know why or if I would’ve paid attention closely, but the front USB slot is one way to go. Now, I went to options setting to manage storage devices; where you can see I could select on either media and for games with my portable drive. Obviously, I’m here to formatted any games I got. As of now though, it read about 1.8TB instead of 2TB from what the box advertised. It does happens for other hard drives, so that’s alright.
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(From 2:58 to 3:01 P.M.)
Just holding on til I'd promised I can finished off for the final part soon. In the meantime, I've given to formatted my portable drive that didn't take long to complete. I'd given its name of "My Games" first during this recording. Looks good so far as I'm moving to store with one of my games I got. That said, that's gonna be it for this second half part of my portable drive review. I’m sorry that things weren’t according as planned I’d would’ve do more for this month. I’m just having some trouble scheduling while I’m stuck doing at the program for weekday mornings. Even though I would be doing during the weekends by any point, I’d tried my best to write some stuff. Nevertheless, at least I’d gotten with this second half covered; especially finally showing my previous gaming console after years later.
My Overall Thoughts (so far):
As of now, It’s nice to installed with my portable drive and its 3.0 cable to my gaming console in respond. So far, I’d went through formatted with my device before I can move on with my other games to store later. And I just had one game that deserved to start up for my final part soon. Hope you’ll be ready for this. 👍
Reveal - Link Here
First Half - Unboxing Impressions - Link Here #2
Tagged: @murumokirby360 @carmenramcat @alexander1301 @rafacaz4lisam2k4 @paektu
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whichwitchami · 4 years
Hi! I'm wondering, how often do you practice your witchcraft? Things like be with your deities/what do you do with them, cast spells, anything like that? (I hope this isn't too prying, sorry if it is. And I'm aware that everyone's craft varies and I'm not trying to copy yours, I'm just looking for some help on how to shape my own practice. I'm a new witch and very busy with family/kids and also in the broom closet since my husband is Christian, so I can't practice as much as I'd like). TIA! ❤️
You’re not being invasive or coming off as you’re trying to copy me! We learn best through communication and hearing what works for others, what doesn't, and then trying it ourselves. I get that. 
So with my spirit companions, I’d say I do something with them on average once a week. So we sing in the car, we watch movies, they hang around while I do a craft, some thing like that. It’s not necessarily planned (unless the little one whose only 5 wants to watch a movie, cos we gotta make sure its safe for her). Again, not really planned, they just show up and if I have time we hang out. 
Casting spells I do as needed. If something comes up that I feel a spell will be helpful for, I’ll go ahead and cast one. 
Deities....again the answer is kinda as needed?
I have a couple of systems in place, one where I switch out my altar every new moon to a new deity so I have some time to work with each of them. I’ll also do a tarot reading for new moon intentions. Then I do a tarot reading for myself every Sunday to do some shadow work and prep for the week. 
I also reach out when I need them. For example Mani helps me keep my patience at work a lot, Freyja helps me speak my truth etc. so I’ll leave an offering and pray to them when those themes come up in my life. 
Another idea comes from the amazing @breelandwalker who can probably explain better, but its basically focusing on one Deity per season. (or in my case 2 or 3 per season cos I have so many)
For example: 
Spring (March, April, May in the northern hemisphere): Frigg and Persephone
Summer (June, July, August): Sol and Freyja
Fall (September, October, November) Thor, Ancestor work, Spirit Guides
Winter (December, January, February) Hades and Mani 
why each Deity went with a certain season is personal, but this is my break down. Obviously I work will all of them throughout the year, but having set seasons for decorations, altars, etc. can help it be less overwhelming and make sure there’s fairly even attention towards each. 
That can be a lot when you’re busy and in the broom closet, the good thing is there’s lots of ways to make small witchcraft in your every day.
Some examples: 
1. glamor spell while washing your face/ brushing your hair, focus on confidence and whatever else you need that day
2. choose clothes accordingly. Maybe you have a necklace that reminds you of Persephone, so you wear it in honor of her. To anybody else you’re just accessorizing 
3. Meditate? if you have time even 30 seconds of breathing and appreciating your craft/ deity is good
4. Enchant your coffee, sprinkle in some cinnamon for luck, prosperity, protection (idk what cinnamon means to you but that's what it means to me) or other herbs/ spices that taste yummy in coffee and have correspondences based on what you need (doing your own research is highly encouraged and please be mindful that using herbs is ok in small amounts but I’m not an herbalist and I’m not recommending medicinal doses) 
5. Stir clockwise to invite good things, counter-clockwise to banish negativity.
6. Household chores as dedication to deities is awesome. I’ll clean the house in honor of Thor or Freyja and do the dishes in honor of Frigg. I’ve found my deities love it when I use self care as an offering. you can also weave some magic into this by adding lemon, orange, lavender etc. to floor washes and cleaning sprays. People will just assume you want the house to smell good as well as be clean. As you clean mentally manifest things like peace, love, and protection in the home. 
7. Journaling, take 5 minutes at the end of your night to reflect on the day, write down things you’re grateful for, not only is it good for your mental health but its an awesome way to secretly bond with deities
8. Cooking magic! Similar to the cinnamon in the coffee, using rosemary, thyme, sage, salt, pepper, all the herbs you normally use (and produce too! Garlic, potatoes, apples etc.) is a great way to bring magic into your day. Look up the properties of what you use on a daily basis (this can get iffy though, cos some people debate the ethics of magic in cooking especially if you’re going to share the food. Your husband and kids might not appreciate that the food comes with a magical kick....)
9. Candles! many people love a good scented candle. Pick one in a scent you associate with a magical need or a deity and light it. 100% people are gonna think you just love your house smelling wonderful. 
That’s just a handful of small ways you can bring subtle magic into your every day life. It’s a lot easier than you think, and you don’t need a lot of materials to do it! 
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