#i'm also taking raasuk massively out of context sorry raasuk but the dance theme is important here
youssefguedira · 1 year
1, 10, and 21 for the WIP asks? 👀
answering this one for joe and nile post apocalypse fic because its my most beloved rn even if i have no free time
1. give a five word summary of this chapter/fic
daydreaming about nile being badass
10. what is the last line of dialogue you've written?
REALLY descriptive one here
21. share three songs that would belong on a playlist for this chapter / fic
the source material for this fic would make this so so easy so i will deliberately make it difficult for myself:
na na na (na na na na na na na na), my chemical romance
raasuk, mashrou' leila
losing touch, the killers
thank you!!
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