#i'm a bit disorganized when it comes to writing so sometimes I'll change the plot and forget to update the drive oops
darklight-owl · 6 months
Reading my own worldbuilding/writing notes that haven't been updated in months like
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snugglesquiggle · 1 month
I love your writing and the way you give depht to the characters! Hostile Takeover is one of my top favourite fics! I also read the draft of An Opaque Heart and it was so good!
There is something else you could share about the Corrupt Combustion? Or that story about Cyn and Uzi? I am oh so curious about them after the emotional devastation of An Opaque Heart!
fun fact: Corrupt Combustion is worse. or at least it might be; after writing AOH, i started wondering whether i really should write something even more bleak
but yeah, Corrupt Combustion is the story about Cyn and Uzi. or was, rather. it begin mutating when i made the connection that Cyn being stuck inside of Uzi, occasionally possessing her, kind of resembled a common trope of demons sealed in the protagonist you see in a bunch of anime. i kept thinking along these lines, and whoops, this AU is whole ass Jujutsu Kaisen fusion now.
(i recently read back over my original outline for Circuits Turn to Stone, the original Uzi & Cyn fic, and i don't think it works as well with how much everything else has changed. i'm not sure if i'll scrap it entirely, or rewrite it into a different story where Cyn's influence drags Uzi into darkness, more of a horror/thriller with less fantastical action and complex mechanics. there's a certain appeal to that, but i worry the stories are too similar, even as i rethink how CC should ultimately play out)
but enough waffling. what is Corrupt Combustion? you don't actually need to know anything about JJK to understand it, i think.
Sometimes, dead drones explode. The technical term is absolute combustion. Oil burns, light flares, heat spills out – but there’s more. It’s all wrong. Not tongues of flame, but holographic lines of aberrant code. The hands splay and the screen flashes, radiating an alien shape with three prongs. And the dead come burning back to life. The humans tried to study it, control it, refine it. The humans are dead. The gates of Cabin Fever are open, and the dead roam the frozen wastes. Nori caries the whole world on her shoulders. Yeva, Alice and Beau, even Uzi — others drones are nothing but insects in her shadow. But who is the sun?
the notes for this have been semi-public for months now, but i've been dragging my feet in pointing people at it since i'm still unsure what i'm gonna do with it.
it's also a little bit disorganized. a general overview of the mechanics is in this post:
this "prologue" is the newest thing i've written, it's supposed to serve as a introduction to the plot
Deadlocked & Thrashing is technically the first thing i've written, and it was supposed to be a sort of prequel fic that sets up the events of the main plot, but it's gotten so complicated that i think Beau might've become the real protagonist?
finally, the last post chronologically speaking is the backstory for Doll's dad, and i think it's probably the write up i'm proudest of.
one thing you may be thinking if you read all of that... where the heck is Uzi?
and i do have plans for her, big plans, but i'm keeping those cards close to my chest for now >:3
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