#i'll read psy/changling (? tell me more)
mego42 · 4 years
I have another one! (that might have gotten unpopular now that Iron & Magic exists): Fuck Hugh D’ambray (yes, still, always)
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
*heavy sigh* 
Stop judging me. I can feel your judgment.
Listen, Hugh is the exact kind of asshole I lose my whole mind over (extremely prickly, super over people as a general concept, has a soft squishy middle bit but is, quite frankly, mad as hell about it). Like, yes, I know, he is a bad, rude man who did awful things to all of the favs. I am definitely not going to fall back on the whole iT wAsn’T hIS fAuLT argument because I find that kind of character excusing generally inane (*stares in that other author that retconned an entire book and a half in a single chapter to make the antagonist a pure and shiny love interest* EMBRACE UNCOMFORTABLE COMPLEXITY YOU COWARDS (not you, the author)) so instead I will trot out ye olde classic: BUT DID YOU (they) DIE?????????
Idk man, Elara likes him, Kate likes him, Bucky likes him, I stand in good company okay???? I refuse to justify my love for a burly soldier man who shamelessly rides a white unicorn and loves it for the Sheer Drama™️ of it all.
Plus he’s charming as hell, and I am a known sucker for the charm offensive I SAID STOP JUDGING ME I AM WEAK I DONT CARE
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