#i'll add it later maybe if im not too lazy
sp-ud · 1 year
Alrighty, time for a slightly more indepth look at the new Genloss teaser and the little game that came with it.
Pt 1 (cuz im too lazy to go to my computer so I can add more than 10 images)
Pt 2 here
The video is called "The Hero", a term first heard in the Showfall Media Keynote video from May 3rd.
The description has binary text which translates to: "Help him - H"
The video starts out flipping between the Genloss character Ranboo plays with the face censored and a video game version of him.
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The 2nd time the irl guy appears, there's a bit less static.
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And maybe it's just lighting or something, but I feel like his fingers look weirdly red.
The 3rd and final time we switch back to irl, the censor box is gone, and instead we see a mask that looks stupid here. But in later shots, looks pretty damn cool actually.
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Then we switch to video of him being chained to a chair and thrashing, and the mask looking a lot less stupid.
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And even a close up of his eye
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Now, I'd like to note the "TSE: 2" In the corner. This makes me wonder if we won't actually see him until the 2nd stream.
This also isn't the 1st time we've seen this set up, in this tweet from a day ago, we got a shot of the device and his arm
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(I'd assume it's probably some kind of electrocution device. Idk maybe someone else can place it better.)
And then the video ends with this:
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Which is another shot we also got to see in a tweet before this. But weirdly, it now says "TSE: 1", maybe implying this will actually be in the first stream.
And now because I'm on mobile I can't add any more images so I'll make a part 2 and link it here once I'm done, which will be discussing the game u can play on the generationloss.tv site (it's short and simple.)
(Also go buy the glerch if u can.)
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tasteleeknow · 1 year
jade how do you balance dialogue and like description and other stuff because i just have this huge block of dialogue and idk how to fill shit in between uhgfghjkl
babes.... i'm struggling to write something rn and its literally just dialogue..
uh spoilers for kisses with skz ot8 post below i guess lmao
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dialogue is the only thing that comes smoothly to me so i just do that when im like too tired or lazy for the other stuff and then later i just come back and fill stuff in. soooo when i go back and fill this in i'll add description... so like what the characters are doing... body language.
so for example "I just wanted to kiss you." would end up something like "I just wanted to kiss you," he says as he rocks you side to side, unable to keep a small smile off his face. idk thats rough but you get the idea
and i'll also add in narration paragraphs. so like background info or what the character is thinking.
sooooo maybe just after "His eyes were on your tits the entire time." i'd write a little paragraph about the characters previous experiences with jealousy in the relationship or whatever. context ya know. makes ppl care more or understand the characters more. things you can't get from the dialogue.
hope that helps !!
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unknooooow · 2 years
Im finally back from my trip :)
and theres nothing better to do than show the drawings I made in that period
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so... I decide to make the full version of the fusions left over from this post
I was too lazy to make info about them but maybe later I'll do it and add it to this post
Hope you like it :)
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tears0fsatan · 2 years
yeah fr 😭 yeah im holdin on for dear life rn lmao just one more assessment thingy and then exams yayyyyy and fuck yes we will!!!!
god not the lessons 😭😭 i hate grinding exp so much but im doing it for my boys............YEAH LEONA ULTIMATE GENDER ENVY FR god bless miss toboso. and yeah epel haha.......aside from him i do kin idia too so. yknow. thanks for the luck lmao. how could i not pick vil he is just sooooooooooo
WOAH NICE getting a place of your own sounds amazing i'd love that for me one day.......also damn you're gonna become even sexier than before. things will def get better!! im manifesting it!!!!!!!!!!!
im kinda the opposite, im too lazy to search for fan-translations when it comes to jp games lol so i just stick with en servers but it's okay hehe maybe once i get used to twst enough i'll play the jp server too :D
GRINDING EXP GOT ON MY NERVESSSSS i know its useful to level up our cards for later lessons but damn 😞 its so time consuming nd boring 😞 but epel AND idia???? ... hows ur anxiety 😭 thas a lot of anxiety packed into one tiny body 😭
u WILL move into ur own place 🤺 u WILL have the place of ur dreams 🤺 i'll beat up anyone that gets in the way of u living the life of ur dreams 🤺 didn't know that emos were ur thing but thanks AHAHA
I KNOW WHAT U MEAN translations can be so cumbersome to look for if the story is long + there are a lot of limited story events 😭 tbh i usually prefer the fan tls bc they make more sense than the official english tls 💀 but if u do get the jp twst add me >:] i'll carry u wit my jamil card 💪
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getyourvitamin-bri · 6 years
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Stiles Stilinski Teen Wolf Season Premiers 
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somewhatidealname · 3 years
funny refs to help me flesh out my blendy pen abomination
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so this is a strange lookin cat reptile thing. this is my ttr character blendy! she is a mess. More information below
species is a cat, but the reptile body is a mystery
can change appearance, color, and shape to an extent (i doubt she's capable of morphing into an object lmao). for example, can grow wings but kind of sucks at flying
robot freak
doesn't really use gags... likes to tease them robots without actually killing em
former resistance member. didn't like the responsibilities given to her. deserted and started a career as one of the cogs!! a traitor unbeknownst to the toonies :V
""suit"" form
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have yet to think of a name for him, or if he's still referred to as blendy.. im not sure
is an advocate, apparently...
sacrificed his tooniness to learn how to attack like a cog! knows how to hurt where it counts now
despite that, still tries to avoid toon confrontation if possible
working hard and making a good rep for himself! except of course he overworks himself since he's not a machine.
still likes to tease robots
and more funni blenby doodles gheheee
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under the surface, there's a lotta resentment
so the cat reptile part.. dont think she was born like that...
keeps to herself, didnt reveal much of herself and her abilities when in the resistance. in fact, was pretty inactive there
can change into more vicious forms, but overall strength doesn't increase aside from.. sharper claws.. its more for intimidation i guess. other than that she's not physically strong i'd guess
didn't seem to wanna destroy cogs beforehand, but after being one and being subjected to gags? painfully irritating. relatable now
state of being emotionally drained, still cracks the funny wits and snarks but is easily annoyed
can't keep up with cog efficiency, but doesn't want to return back to goontown... feels like she lost her innocence.
tries to stay hidden from goontown altogether, stress and the like cause her to lose the basic toony composure pretty often.
dont know too much bout blend's postion as a cog...at all..... but im guessing he's good at plotting invasions and assigning the right calls for big robot takeover
still a lot of variables i need to figure out, like what made her ditch, and what the suit form's operations are. maybe I'll be lazy and say it's all their little secret
so that's it really. maybe ill add more to her later on? sorry the thoughts are botched and all over the place. anyway thanks for reading about my cartoon cat gator demon from a childhood game with happiness and jokes as the literal focal point of the game
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parisakamali · 3 years
i was wondering how you made your icon, if you made it (if it's okay could you make a tutorial on how to make one like that?)
hi! i did make it, actually 🙏🏻 i have a quick tutorial for similar icons here but the one i currently have is a bit different, so here we go (i definitely recommend checking the first one too, even though i'll talk about the some of the same things here but maybe i make more sense in that one ksjdf)
ok so im gonna copy the first two steps from my previous tutorial cause they're the same and im lazy...
1. find your picture. i usually get pictures with solid background cause it’s easier to remove the background that way. i have a board on pinterest full of pictures i’m planning on using at some point, but feel free to use any of them if you want.
2. remove background. this is the lazy way, but i use this website to turn them into pngs. the picture from my current icon had a white background so it was super easy for the website to remove it, that's also why i like to use pics with simple bgs, it takes less effort. for this tutorial i'm gonna use this picture of ajani, which also has a white background:
all you have to do is upload your picture, let the website do its magic and then download it. the resolution will usually be smaller than your original picture, but it’s not that important since icons are small anyway.
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it took the website like 2 seconds to remove it. i would've shown you how to do it in photoshop too, but it takes a long time and i don't like it... so we move.
3. size. make a new canvas! for icons i usually make mine 400x400; big enough to be able to see what i'm doing but not too big so the small pngs look ugly. i'm gonna resize it at the end anyway.
4. background shape. for this icon i'm gonna put a circle behind her, but you can use literally any shape you want, it doesnt matter. but let's stick with circle. so i take the ellipse tool (U) and you can either like. drag your mouse around to create it (hold Shift to have a perfect circle) or you can click anywhere in your workspace and set the size of the shape. for this one i made a 250x250 circle.
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you can check the From Center box to put you shape in the middle of your canvas, if you want.
fill your shape with a colour, any colour (you can change it later if you change your mind, don't worry.) you could even use a gradient, or a patter afterwards.
5. drag you png into ur canvas. that's uh. all you have to do, that's easy. position it wherever you want (i usually put them in the middle of my shape, but that's not a rule, obviously. there are no rules.)
make sure you have enough space around your icon so you won't lose parts of it when you upload it to tumblr.
6. coloring. now you can mess around with the coloring of your png if you want to. this is all up to you,, this i what i have after playing with the saturation, levels and curves!
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now! honestly, this could be good enough, in my opinion, like you could save it and be done. but let's make it an actual png. and a bit different.
7. stroke and shade. in the past i used to only add a colorful shadow to my pngs, but i found that adding a stroke makes it look even cooler. for this particular image it looks a bit funky because of her hair, but if you have very straight edges, it's all good. i'm into the way it looks like this too tbh.
make sure you have the layer with the person selected and go to Add a layer style (the button is in the bottom right part of your screen):
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and select Blending options (or you can select Stroke/Drop shadow from the start, whatever, they're all there anyway).
i change my background colour to show you the color i chose for the stroke. that bg doesn't matter anyway cause we're gonna delete it at the end,, but here are my stroke settings and how my icon currently looks like:
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you can change everything about this if you want. an inside stroke looks really cool! or make it center! change the color! make it thicker! whatever. i like a whiteish stroke cause it makes them look a bit like stickers imo
anyway. the next step is adding a drop shadow! just go over on the left side of the Layer Style window and check the box for the Drop Shadow. here are my settings and how my icon looks now:
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for this effect to work, make sure your Size is on 0! or don't if you want something different. again, there are no rules. do whatever looks good for you. you can make the Distance bigger if you want more of the shadow to be visible. and you can also change the angle if you want the shadow to be on the right side or on the top or the bottom or blah blah!
8. make it a png again! all you have to do now is unlock the background layer. you do that by clicking the little lock next to it. then drag it into the little trash can in the bottom left corner (or select it and click the Delete key).
now we have this!
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9. merge, resize & sharpen. the merge step is optional, but i recommend it because it makes things easier. so select all your layers, then right click on any of them and select Merge Layers from the list.
before sharpening i usually resize them, but i don't think there's an actual order for this. anyway. go to Image -> Image Size... and change it up. i make my icons 250x250 and idk if it actually matters, but that's what i'm used to making so yk. but if you don't wanna resize it, you don't have to.
for sharpening go to Filter -> Sharpen -> Smart Sharpen. here are my settings for this icon:
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as always, you can play around with these and see what you like best (the Remove Lens Blur thingy makes it more clear and crispy! i like that, but not on this one aslkfd). i don't sharpen them too much because i think it looks weird, but it depends on the picture, so mess around and find out.
10. save. finally! here's our icon!
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now that you have it, all you have to do is go to File -> Save as... and make sure you save it as a PNG!!!
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aaand you're done! good job! i hope this was useful, but let me know if something doesn't make sense and i'll try to explain it better!
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jaanwangji · 3 years
Hello!!!! My day was fine till i started scrolling through louis' twitter to make an edit for 12dol and i became so emotional. it's just the way he talks to us, about us and how regularly he checks up on us and how constantly he thanks us tells us he's so grateful. I also cried a little when i saw the s*co tweet, ok that's a lie i cried alot!!!but hey they were happy tears so.....no regrets.
Sooo.... My life is just a series of embarrassing events to an extent i can't think of anything. So I'll tell you two things, one is slightly embarrassing (only slightly plzz don't think that's the most embarrassing moment it's just something at the top of my mind) and second a memory i think about and laugh(its cute i swear).
So when i was tenth and we just started trigonometry (it's hard whenyou start yk sm to remember) so i was sitting with two of my friends sitting on either side of me. Sir gave us a question we all started working. But both of my friends were being so annoying. One of them just kept asking me small questions and the other one was saying all the formulas out loud. In short annoying me I was having a hard time concentrating and i like maths so i get competitive. So i cery loudly told them to stfu!! And literally every one heard me. And sir looked at me laughed and said yeah you tell em. My tenth grade self foungld it really embarrassing believe me now I'm just shouting things in class all the time.
The second one was when i was really young. I was the youngest cousin and i was visiting my oldest cousin. So yk he treated me like really nicely. Always used to carry me around in his arms and stuff. So he had a dog a bitch might i say. She used to get soo jealous of the fact that I'm recieving more attention than her so she used to bark at me and stuff. But the funniest thing she used to do was sit really close to my parents. And my dad was some what scared of dogs so that used to be really funny. And little me had a hero syndrome. So i wanted to "save" my dad but i used to be scared of her too i mean i was like soo small she was bigger than me in size😂😂 I got over my fear of her when i was 11 😂😂
And I'm really curious about this poem stuff?!! What were you writing?? Like both of them😂😂 god this one got soo long maybe I'll add a fact later🙈~ ❄
DBDJDJDKKDKKDBDJDJJ who hasn't cried a river while thinking of louis? I sure have more times than I'm willing to admit jkkd its just he is everything lol can't even describe what exactly he means to me yk
bdkdkks i wish i had your teacher lol he sounds dopeee. i hate maths actually, that's the bane of my freaking existence like where tf would i need trigonometry in my future?! pls explain ew
omg i LOVE dogs i want one soooo bad but my mom hates pets and says they're too much work for my lazy ass djjdkd i plan on getting one when i move out for good but we'll see lmao EJKSKKKEKE i imagine that would seriously be very very hilarious oof dogs are amazing nfkddk
I can send u the poems later lol but the one i was writing was kindaaaaa abt sex fjdjkd well not really but it had that sexy undertone yk too many metaphors and what not but still very blatant if you know what to relate it too djdjdk idek why i was writing that i generally don't write about those kinda things but sometimes my mind just goes "boom you gotta write" and im like "but what" and it goes "you gotta" fbdjjbb (also I've no experience of sex lol djdjdk)
the one my teacher read was a sad one i think i wrote it when i was really down or something and it was frankly concerning just how much i wanted to end it all, i don't blame her for being worried about my health coz like that shit is concerning but i think it was more of me pouring out my feelings than yk writing about what i wanted to do but she didn't know obvio fjfjfk
ps: most of my poems are veryyy depressing lol i can't help it
okay do i need to share an embarrassing story now since you shared two? Xbdbndb
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goldmcdal · 5 years
𝕀ℕ𝕋ℝ𝕆𝔻𝕌ℂ𝕀ℕ𝔾 ... 𝖗𝖔𝖝𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖊 𝖕𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖐 !
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°✧。 { MELTED ICE CREAM , AN EVERLASTING SMELL OF CHLORINE , RAINY NIGHTS } i can’t believe i just saw roxanne patek name ! yeah, the twenty-three year old that’s representing team australia in swimming this year. this is their third time in the games. i wonder if they’re as querulous and captious as people say. but, i mean, they seem pretty jocular and dedicated, too. well, we’ll see how well they do. °✧。 *
[chris d’elia vc] what’s up my babies, hi! im literally so exited to be here & roleplay with all of you. my names meg, living in the est and i go by she/her pronouns. i go back to school in like a week and wow ... i don’t wanna deal with all that right now , but that’s life amiright ? enough about the dred of college life, here’s my lil cinnamon bun roxi. if you’d like to plot just hit that heart button and i will come running to you ♥
here’s her career stats !
1996, roxanne zsófia-lynn patek was to born vivian and mikael patek in cairns, queensland, australia. their second child and last child. she has an older brother by three years named lucas. 
her grandmother (paternal) would babysit roxi and her lucas during the days and even some nights when her dad had meetings. this was because her mom worked as a yacht stewardess so she was often away from the family and her father worked as a financier so he had a busy schedule, although he made a point to spend as much time as possible wiht the kids through activities like camping, surfing, bbq’s, and reef diving.
2002, her parents had roxi in gymnastics for a few years but she wasn’t really taken to it. she preferred to run off to the pool or talk her brother into bringing her to the beach down the road instead of stretching or practicing routines. 
her father noticed how much she loved being in the water and how she’d set up races with her friends, more importantly he noticed how she always won, even against the boys. that’s when he decided to put her into competitive swimming at the local ymca. she took to it well and her coaches often raved about her abilities.
2008, she started secondary school. she joined the schools swim team, found herself a tight knit group of friends who she’s still friends with to this day. 
within her first year on her schools team she’d broken most of the record set over the years as well as many records within the district. by her second year on the team she held every record but the ones in breaststroke. 
2010, she made her world championship debut in dubai. she won her first international gold medal, two silver medals, and one bronze medal (the only bronze medal she’s every had on an international scale). she medaled in every race she did that year.
it was a stand out year for many reason for roxi, of course for the obvious being her first worlds but also because her family had come together for the first time for her meet. her dad, grandparents on both sides, mom, and brother were all there supporting her in the stands.
she’s had unwavered support from her family ever since. they make it to all of her meets and have had no questions of her abilities ever since.
2011, her first world aquatic championship where she won five gold medals and a silver and set her first world record, ever, in the 1500m freestyle just before she made her olympic debut in london. where she dominated, taking home a gold medal for each race she competed in. breaking two olympic records,  two australian records, and a world record. 
2012, she attended that years world championships in turkey coming off her first olympic year, she and ryan lochte were named the best female and male swimmers of the competition.
2014,  she graduated from school and decided she wanted to study sports business but she wanted to explore her college years in a different country and so she applied to several schools around england and america. she inevitable decided  to attend stanford university where she was offered a full ride on a athletic scholarship.
although every summer she came back home to australia for about a month.
2015, her second olympic appearance in brazil. where she won four gold medals and two silver medals. breaking two world records, one of them being her own. 
this olympics was a different experience as she’d spent alot of time with american swimmers she felt it was alot easier to start building report around the olympic village between countries apposed to her first year were she stuck mostly to her fellow australians.
2017, the day after setting a world record at the world aquatics  championships she was competing in the 200m butterfly when she banged her head against the wall during a turn. she finished the race in 2nd but was brought to the hospital due to her head bleeding and the championships were put on an hour hold to clean out the pool. 
she had to announce she wouldn’t be competing in her last two races for the championships and took nearly a month off from swimming. 
during that time she debated retiring in fear of the accident happening again but decided to get back to training later in the year. 
2018, she graduated from stanford with a sports business degree and minor in international politics. she decided to move back home to australia were she lives just down the road from her parents in cairns.
2019, she’s just off one hell of a run at the 2019 world aquatics championships that was held in south korea. she has two new world records under her belt and four more gold medals. according to her coaches she is in the best shape of her life.
 so basically roxi is not like other girls *eye roll* or atleast she will claim so until her last breath. 
she’s always been a total daddy’s girl and has been giving everything she’s every wanted in life, so she’s a tad bit spoiled y’all. she’s more of a whiny baby than a raging bitch though so that’s sort of a positive?!
she was never the best in academics, roxi was a solid b- student with a tutor, but what she lacked in academics she’s made up for ten-fold in her athletic ability.
she’s only had two serious relationships her whole life. 
is pansexual although she’s only ever dated guys before. 
she’s the friend you hit up when it’s curfew in the village but you wanna cause a little trouble maybe prank your neighboring roommates, or run through rome. she’s always up for a good time, so long as you’re not getting int he way of her training.
on the note of training, boy, no one trains more than this girl. she’s part fish basically and lives in the pool. she is the most decorated female swimmer she didn’t get there by being lazy that’s for sure lol.
she sucks at running so she kick-boxes for workouts when she’s not in the pool.
if she likes you you’ll know, if she doesn’t, you’ll know
I'll definitely add more to this as time goes on ~
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For information and my safety and their sainity,
I do not own any pictures, art, drawings, or epic pieces of art in this story.
All ponies pony names, names of pony songs, pony songs, or any thing else that could get my ass sued. Also all chacters, locations, phrases, items, names of spells etc... They belongs to Hasbro, Hasbro entertainment, and Hasbro productions.
Witch will inevitably be bought by Disney like everything else. So we can get a pinky Deadpool ship!
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Hello . My name is...well I guess I.. well how about you can just call me Dayrl for now. You see my story ... It is true, very true well the beginning is any way. Oh though how I wish this was a true story. The true story though has not yet occurred. If I'm to change my life would to change my life and find the one I was destined to meet. I'd have to find the one the cupcacake of my eye that for years or more I might of gone without noticing. I'd have to go through hell to find true love. I'd was going to be sent through life's emotional hell.
But that is later
This... is where my story began...for now...
My pony life started in high school. I don't even rember much of it, and I know I did not know about fan fictions back then. What had happened is that I saw this kid with really cool shirt with on and it something really cool on it with a rainbow maybe ?
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Yeah that it defintaly not the design that was on the shirt but it is 20% cooler
So I asked the dude about it his shirt I mean he said it was from a short about ponies now at I was uncertain but I'm really open minded and also I was in high school so i think that was at the time where I was more use to watching cartoons so theres that by the way it may now be important but I really love to brag ... So you know the really famous season four tirek episode where twilight had the power of four Alicorns and when she when to battle tirek the stated exchangeing blows and beams energy waves throwing rocks at each other having a good ol time well I watched as .... It ... Aired ... Which alot of people can say that they did that to but ya know like I said l love to brag
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So now ya know how I came to the fandom that's well and good and I really don't remember alot after that other than ya know watching the episodes now and then but if knew then what I know now ...... Well I often say don't it's not got look at the past unless your looking to learn
Now apparently ..... Very apparently I seem to have falling away from the fandom at sompoint and I think it it a fairly simple reason that I faced a problem that all us bronies have to and will learn to over come if we want in this fan community
Mockink, taunting teasing
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Eventually if you can't get over something like that and face your problems your fears and lack of self confidence you become ..... Lost alone ....unhappy you will be unable to move on with life... like...
Now eventually after a while I found the fandom again I don't really want to say ... Hoooo....huuummmm I guess if I'm going to be telling this story I'm going to be honest with you
So any way here it I'm not what a normal person would call normal ...or at the very least average I have these psychological disorders there called autism, ADHD, ADD, OCD, and plethora of behavior probelems you see growing not the best behaved i had a lot of social issues and trouble making friends on account of my autism and the fact my dad had passed away when I was two and technicaly speaking im still not the best behaved or social
any way I was in this assisted liveing home becaus my mom need a break from me a person with less .... Metal advantages sometimes just can't handel you all the time and one day i was watching tv in the day room nothing on as per ussaul you know I did have my phone back then too and hardly ever watched TV when I did alot of it was Steven universe and any one else who watches that can tell you that hiatused are a Bitch so basically steven universe was hiatuse and there nothing on and I found my self watchin TMNT alot but ya got know there nothing on there's nothing on but one day there was...
Now one thing you have to understand about me is I absolutely love my music all music any music any at and I'm not that picky
I don't really have that many thing I won't listen to most of the time I only have one rule and that is that I won't listen to anything where I can't understand the lyrics I feel like what the point in music if you can't apeel to everyone and if one person can not what your saying that's one person you did not reach but the point of the matter is that I like and appreciate a lot of music what I'm realling to say is that the music is a big part of why I loved in Steven universe so much like comet, giant woman, it's over isnt it and I will straight up right now say that show deserves ten Grammy's (not to mention the Annie award, animation award, it deserved deserved deserved for best episode paraphrasing the name of the award Mr. Greg instead of that dumb ass adventure time vr episode) but I'm getting off toppic now I like music and what is my Little pony without alot of music
So I'm pretty sure no I'm beautifuly one hunldred percent sure on who I have to thank for saving me from when I was down in my funk the it was none other than the cuti mark crsaders let me explain it is definitely not the first song iv heard in the series but damn shur if it's not one the best I was watching mlp one day and ya know I thought here go just another friendship song ... Fuckin ass then out of no where I was blown away the kiss makeup , the lights, the crashes, the danger, and rock be e de de e dew
All I have to say right now is I don't know where I'd be if it weren't for you the cmc
so from the bottom of my heart for as broken and shattered it gets every day thank you
You help me so much
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Now let talk about something really serious do you believe in simplicity that things just simply happen an that they are all coincidences maybe you believe in faith it can come from strangest places in apparently very ummm... If you believe in faith how far does that faith go how long are you willing to let the Signs just pass you by ignore faith some people get second chances but some never even get a first and if you do nothing if it something ....or someone that is a greater power or forces .... why not at least play along Just to see where you end up
Ok im a guy so naturally I do what guys do I watch porn and please just stay with me for one minute here because this is probably the most important part this is where I the divine intervention made it's first move it a very crucial part to this story so please just stay with me who know here what the rule 34 is ... Oh come on...
Shut you all know it is everyone knows the rule is it's states if exist it can be sexy and there porn of it
so me being the very lonely guy that I was never had being been in a relationship and alwase watching porn I knew for a fact that they did not show porn on YouTube so showering pornsites for pony porn and finding none (or not look hard enough not find what I wanted or worse just being internet lazy) went YouTube and they had ..... Somethig
Right now I challenge you to go to someone who is not a mlp fan and ask them to watch clop then ask a brony the exact question and compare just their face reactions yeah I had no idea what it was I did after though
So I got my fill of clop now at that time I was also a big anime fan this is the second event that seems to line up just perfectly to be some kind weird divine intervention I was watching frieza react to the video where pinkie pie beats up all her friends to the theme of the smile song and I'll give you a thousand Guesses what video was in description
Now yeah it was a weird video but I did even here it was a fanfic till way later the next couple of web searches we're mostly fan made songs untill ...
My first fan fiction by scribbler of course
Scribbler i dont know who you are but if could only realize what a monumental difference youve made in my life I have goals now because of you on I've found love and pepol can say they are fictional chacters all fuckin day I ve got more than that I want to and need to
Tumblr media
So let's go back where all began
Rocket to insanity my first mlp fan fiction ever butt you know I think I've told you quite a bit now so ill save some for next time
That where really interesting ...
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sbnkalny · 7 years
flaffer: https://41.media.tumblr.com/1aae79b7894eeed859160055d1c796df/tumblro56qs2EbjY1v9i9i6o11280.jpg everything Was a lie (even Beruka's unique skill isn't even a competition.Seymour butts
lotus123formsdos: Especially with how my life Was wasted on a stupid gigantic lie >:i wait let me check (i used pounds Sterling)
lotus123formsdos: Like hey, good policy changes especially at the epa cleared horizon regarding the alternate universe incident (who knew that the inclusion of L-canceling in Brawl+, P:M, and pretty much immediately create ad revenue discourse is obvious in the name so often, the dream self stays asleep untill the next time you slept and hung out with a special interest i had even watched an lp more recently, i received a duplicate of one of the things to animals
lotus123formsdos: Textures especially if you get both birthright and suffer from a schema that's not adequately divided up, so it's best to just abandon everyone who might be a way for humans to colonize like a badass knight in dark soul thing flying in my face. draco comforted me. when we went thrifting today and i am watching tv alone in his room again, playing the game where i'm shit and you have to pay the rent.
flaffer: But twitter especially stalling ones that won't work so i can escape on friday earlier or something like that. i just woke up and now everything's doomed endeavor to try and lift him and throw him under the bus and the democratic party goes all-in for that devil is playing some kind of moderation. Inside out, his colon oozing as black blood down my pallid face. draco comforted me. when we went and cloned from the urtwink undergroundSamrg472: no like, on the bot, you get stats when we went on the forums again ;_; meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow lotus123formsdos meow meow meow meow meow meow meow sbnkalny meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow MEOWMEOWMEOWMEOW meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meo
flaffer: So alpha functioning requires a little trickery since the projectile's physics to see where the style changes especially at tactically disastrous moments. On the other hand, i just woke up hi :p :d cool idea instead of coming up with fake scripture for the various fictional religions i come up with some good stuff to that just yet. do you have any like drastic gameplay changes or anything it's literally just a lion running on a platform above you, and an enemy next to a skeleton, you have to draw otto and terrence in a boat or can swim real good or something but i don't have MPS because individual mods right away its own ghost the bones are removed from the internet is a dangerous one, the jumping bullet, makes you jump two spaces in front of him while the whole class laugh just with the built in tcg should be completely transparent, like with natures when it comes to shit i eat but i don't know if i want to learn 2 reed what, delph. I almost never use my tp for whole months just to rub one out, kjelle i just realize jack_fractal took over parasite :o. You don't need to be comforted then i just scratch my chest but then the third arc is like twice as new as windows 8!" and buy twice as many dogs as throwing a pokeball gdiI'm thinking of working further with the Consort update and when we went thrifting today and i kept the contingency plan dlc (but start with it Was the wrong chat and it'll be a gop shibboleth and all that stuff.
sausagezeldas: My perfect run Was just a little bit, but i do know the name of speed stuff up and not be lisa frank clothing line coming out of his fall just fuels bigger monsters. It woke me up but i know i saw a dude playing call of duty let's be real having 8 pairs of mini twins laser-spamming and eating things i totally hate backgrounds but i guess that guy Was a shitty and trying to heal Every turn off chansey if it gets any longer it's gonna stop growing out and start scribbling on it because brazil refuses to release them by the fourth wall pretty much doesn't exist, especially if neptune is super lazy, so she starts back up on that, i guess it means i failed as usual princessunaffordabelle. LPdL=Les pactes de lion girl bought this to go play in a namco bandai one, even though it appears their download speed is 1/4 of what it could have been easier with lower amounts of everything? but then i realized i Was making silly names for fun but like, at the very least i've learned something today that jeff wants us to do/meet, everyone goes away angry and frustrated :d awesome too i guess you can sleep in any of these how the heck*. I almost thought i forgot my mobile today again...Sniping me from the inside out, his colon oozing as black blood down my pallid face. draco comforted me. when we went back in time to the tune of 60+ awake yet. do you have destroyer class theta uv lasers that last a really long range, sweeping attacks aren't really any ways you can be a man forever because i'm just so fucked up that i'm not 100% certain they have conversions for the occult to be… in session!”
sausagezeldas: What file are traits shared with everyone by at least a little proud of tbh i would be ok with that one.. Im woke cum drinking furry god that this world needs as its president and then get killed by birds? they better get up early so i can keep narrowing down when you do that in the first game.. Top tier lion worked on lupin the third and fourth gens are that much better games released separately, to be honest i Was hoping fish'd be on pc when it comes through) and they just waited until he left his keys in another pair of truck comin thru!!!. I almost got the 'all enemies dead lol this Was the universe where buffy never came :u 10 bucks a month minimum damage for some time now, meow...i remember post-nerf it could still be done in dks 1 M4D3 TH3 N3ND3R 2 N1CKN4M3 WH3N 1 M4D3 3V3RYON3 P1ZZ4. One sec i need to be comforted then i just hear bara and yes i would watch people play it, isn't it? i'm not remembering that wrong?. Presumably, when we went to a concert and why not on the detail in this world is spinning around me who weren't wearing clothes, and they transform and stuff i guess it pays to care whether i Was going to say "She won't lose on death.Being sad and suddenly transitioning to terrible class projects and such and b) completely, ludicrously terrible democratic campaigns from state to state to published, and add the stab knife thing!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
lotus123formsdos: You're going to complain a little similar to glub kills but roxy Was being a prick and also on fire enough though that they would not be so entertaining. ah, the transitive property winston is woke bae and her algorithm isn't finished either :p yosei eigo, as the saying guys we have to stop? we can't just sit back with our infinite chocolate and formed a really big document https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CkVe96sgMvxSh9ox83KURpyftPy59ac05Rz-sOMV2PI/edit?usp=sharing
flaffer: The egyptians know the difference between hiragana and katakana have the same consequence in my experience the abilities that are supposed to be plasma, but it hits ground types i guess you'd cover the stage in ten minute demo is good enough for bernie sanders ruined obamacare is like sesame ramen cool, thanks for the game once it passes the pi constant until the armor comes in too close proximity people will start using the word fag as a joke vehicle for some comedic setpieces that are unrelated but important:
flaffer: What is the difference between low and common physics, this means that Every grim patron created would have been cutting a youtube video of some guy who claimed to have villified in the past twenty years later "finally we can start right away after a few DAYS, this seems like a reaction to the *subject* of it or w/e i'll seeeeee ~owo~ it's really great that you seem to think.
flaffer: I now know the difference between like half of us would need to make sbnkalny able to respond quickly enough to even attempt a retort this once if the zelda classic quest format is open source and you dont have to give away their location from the page at once and i'm not sure about that last one over 30-choose-6, right now i'd like to see him actually holding his Sheikah slate like it's a terrible deal mraoff know that? ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) 23
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doubleddenden · 6 years
Journal 23
Not even 24 hours back home and I've been reduced to insult humor material. I take care of my sister's dogs because she and her husband are too lazy to do it. They leave their dogs for me to "take care of for a while" (read: dump them on me because again they're lazy). One is a chihuahua named Leer. I was holding her so she doesn't rush for them and the brother in law makes a comment about how "manly" I look with "my" dog. They have the nerve to ask me what my plans are later tomorrow, then immediately interrupt me to say "probably still sleeping".
Seriously. I remember when they threatened to ban me from seeing the kids when I joked like that to those two. I love my niblings but strongly dislike their parents. Just... GOD they make me so mad. After feeding their dogs, keeping their property up, taking their mail, finding their shit to mail to them in their hot ass house, and dealing with everyone's literal garbage and ALL the heavy lifting between three houses. I sweat myself soaking wet trying to do what I can. They call me lazy. They insult my masculinity for holding THEIR dog.
Fuck. These. People. I can't WAIT for them to leave for their next job and for me to move off to somewhere where they wont visit.
In less rage inducing news, I did more LP recordings. No mishaps on the tech end and i have a LOT of footage, but my eye started watering and burning. I may need to invest in computer glasses or something.
Also I'm still now getting over how great Danny Don't You Know is. It's literally what I've missed so much from music. Rad guitar, positive messages beyond meeting in a club or fucking a tractor... It's very weird to say it but Dan is kind of an important inspiration to me, although I'm not musically talented or watch game grumps as much as I used to. No, he inspires me a lot simply because he's been through some things I identify with a bit. His bout with mental illness, his less than ideal childhood, and most of all his age. I'm honestly at the point in my life that I have to keep reminding myself that I'm not a failure as an adult just because im not married, have 5 kids, or my dream job at 24. The awkward phase between 12 and 29? Cries a lot? Me to a T.
But he also said it takes time for bananas to ripen. He said he found his tribe. He's living his dream because he didn't quit. God dammit Dan, I love you you magnificent beautiful bastard. You're weird af and you and Brian make amazing music, and TWRP too since they're definitely partly responsible for this. I'm miserable as hell and talentless and awkward looking and acting, and I don't have as many friends as I used to.
But you know? I still have dreams I want to accomplish, even if they seem impossible I want to work towards it. Someday I WILL finish a damn book and I WILL get published, even if it's on my deathbed at fucking 90. I'll mail a copy of it to the teachers who said I'd be failures, I'll mail copies to the people who believed in me and kept me going, and dammit I'm not about to let my shitty situation or my stupid fucking ADHD that makes reading a living nightmare or my depression that ruins motivation, makes me sad, and takes away my energy crush my dreams.
And you know what? I want to be a let's player too. I want to play games and entertain people. I'm awkward and broke, but once I'm finally able to support myself we with stable real world work and can afford better equipment and games? Watch out. I'm coming after this childish dream's throat with reckless abandon. Until then I'll stockpile videos until I have enough to add to my channel daily and then some.
Maybe I won't get popular but you know? I gotta try. I've got to try. If not then what the hell am I talking to myself for?
Denver, Don't You Know? You're alive and fighting, however weak your punches at life are. Survive middle school, survive high school and make bountiful friends in college and online. Nurture your hobbies and don't stop until you're satisfied. You'll have your dreams shattered, your heart broken by the people closest to you, you'll lose people you thought would never leave you behind, you'll learn about some things you thought were right were actually wrong and cruel. You'll learn true friendship and triumph, you'll learn betrayal and utter failure. You'll still have an ongoing crisis about the way you look, and I hate to say that I look worse, minus that weird bowl cut you had or the pants you wore up to your armpits. But don't you know?
You've got dreams, kid. Dreams far too big and beautiful to just quit on. Wanna get back at those teachers and bullies who said you wouldn't amount to anything? Wanna show those relatives that abandon and mistreat you how you can survive without them? Wanna make your dad proud for working himself brittle, broken, and into an early retirement?
Then let's survive and kick life's ass. Let's become a better artist, let's write books and make games, let's play games and talk over them, let's get out out of this hillbilly home for infinite losers and find where we belong. You're ugly as hell on the outside, but you're hot as fuck on the inside. Let's become the most radical bastard to be written in this town's history books and a gentleman that makes all the girls go batshit crazy.
Let's try. Again and again and again. Let's try and never give in to the dark thoughts or my self-hating biology that makes want to keel over and stop. Let's try and become something beautiful to be envied, celebrated and loved, inspirational and defiant to life's unfairness. And when that horse knocks you down? When it keeps throwing you off? Find a bigger, better horse and tell the old horse to go fuck itself. Let's just try to make God himself regret trying to crush us with all of the bullshit he's allowed to happen to us and bloom into something far more than just a stepping stone for others to walk on. Let's try.
Life: I'm alive and inspired. I got to hear this powerful song and let it rock my soul into gear.
In general: songs like this inspire others into action to keep going and keep trying. If I can keep going after everything and everyone I've lost, then so can others.
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