#i wrote some of 8's thoughts in octarian for this one. hoping to get better at backgrounds
ar0rin · 4 months
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gay-fly-fish · 6 years
It was almost a kiss - M4rie oneshot
Rating: General
Pairing(s): M4rie, background pearlina/agent 24
Word Count: 2593
Summary: Marie and Agent 4 are chilling before a concert when things begin to escalate. Then Callie interrupts and things become awkward. Oh boy. These summaries just get better and better. (Also, I’m on a roll with these song lyric related titles)
Uses some headcanons on characters
Ellie = Agent 4, Grace = Agent 3 and Sky = Agent 8
Ellie can’t speak and I hope I wrote it okay! (Marie is the only one there able to read sign language hence why Ellie only uses it around her)
Dressing rooms were strange things. They seemed so empty yet so full at the same time to Ellie. It was a large room with various dressers, cupboards and mirrors. It all looked expensive and glamorous.
 For Ellie though it all paled in comparison to the inkling sitting in front of a mirror, fiddling with her hair so it was perfect.
 Marie never liked to admit it out loud to her but she knew she got nervous before going on stage, which was why she fretted over small details. It was also why she was there – to help calm her nerves.
 She wasn’t sure why she had asked her though.
 “Els can you come over here for a sec?” Marie asked after a pause, lowering her hands from her hair to her lap.
 Ellie put down the book she had brought over and walked over to stand behind the pop star awkwardly, fighting to control her blush.
 Marie looked up at her and tilted her head questioningly. “Is anything wrong?” she asked gently. “Your cheeks are all flushed.”
 Ellie felt herself blush even more as she fumbled to sign that she was okay.
 Marie read the signs skeptically, looking up at her in disbelief. She stood up from her chair, lifting a hand to her forehead. Ellie had to force her breathing to remain normal at the contact.
 The idol sighed deeply. “Normal temperature,” she murmured quietly, hand dropping to Ellie’s cheek, which made her jump slightly. “You’re sure your okay?” she asked gently.
 Ellie smiled and nodded at her friend. “I’m fine, just a bit warm,” she signed quickly, trying to come up with an excuse.
 Marie snorted in disbelief but let the topic go. She began to fidget with her headpiece and gloves nervously, turning away from her. “It’ll be fine,” Marie mumbled under her breath.
 Ellie reached over and placed a hand on Marie’s shoulder to try and give some comfort. The older inkling jumped slightly at the touch but relaxed slightly once she realized it was her. She offered a small smile in response. Ellie quietly noted her cheeks going slightly green.
 “You’ll be great,” Ellie signed confidently. “You always are!”
 The idol blushed at the compliment, scratching the back of her head. “Thanks Els,” she chuckled awkwardly. “It…means a lot.” She reached over and squeezed her shoulder gratefully. She had expected Marie to retract her hand immediately after.
 She didn’t.
 Instead it moved up to press against her cheek once more. Ellie blushed at the action, which caused Marie to chuckle knowingly. There was a small glint in her eyes that Ellie didn’t recognize. She only got more confused as Marie stepped forward slightly so there was barely any space between them.
 Ellie internally flailed as she realized how close they were. Their faces were almost touching at this point and she was unsure what to do.
 Marie was looking at her curiously, trying to figure out what the younger inkling was thinking.
 Callie just had to choose that moment to enter. She burst into the room with no warning, door swinging open with a bang as it hit the wall. “Hey!!” Callie greeted excitedly, as full of energy as always.
 Marie and Ellie flew away from each other as fast as possible.
 “Oh, did I interrupt something?” Callie asked innocently, noting their faces. Marie was fighting to control her blush and keep a straight face while Ellie was staring into space looking rather stunned. “I can leave…?”
 “No!” Marie blurted out quickly, internally flinching at how quick. “I mean…what did you come here for, Cal?”
 Callie blinked and shook her head, not believing her for one second. “I came to check if you were ready,” she said slowly. “Pearl and Marina have almost finished then we go on.”
 Marie nodded silently, her focus on Ellie who was refusing to make eye contact. “Yeah, I’m ready,” she muttered quietly after a while. “Let’s go.”
 “But – “
 “Let’s go, Cal,” she repeated firmly. Callie sighed and walked back towards the door with a nod. Marie followed her to the door where she turned back to face Ellie. “I’ll see you later, Els.”
 She received no response.
 The silence between her and Callie was palpable as they waited their cue to go on stage. Marie stubbornly refused to look at her cousin, knowing that she’d ask about what happened.
 “Marie, what did I interrupt?” Callie asked innocently, trying to get her to look at her.
 “Nothing, Cal,” Marie sighed stubbornly. “I told you already.”
 There was a sort of half laugh of disbelief. “That wasn’t nothing,” she stated matter-of-factly. “Ellie refused to make eye contact with you.”
 Callie sighed in frustration. “Surely you must have noticed, Marie!” she muttered quietly so only she could hear.
 “Noticed what?” Marie snapped irritably.
 “Ellie usually can’t take her eyes off you.”
 Marie was stunned into silence. “She does what?”
 “It seems everyone but you noticed it, but,” Callie explained reluctantly. “I’m pretty sure she has a crush on you.”
 “R-really?” Marie asked in amazement.
 “She never takes her eyes off you and she’s just a lot happier around you than the others,” her cousin continued. Marie remained silent as she processed the information. “And I know for a fact that you feel the same way,” she finished. “So what happened?”
 “I…I was going to kiss her,” she mumbled quickly, feeling her cheeks warm as she said it. “I don’t know why, but…”
 “You don’t necessarily need a reason why,” Callie comforted gently.
 Marie began to reply but was cut off by the first notes of Fresh Start beginning to play. “We’ll talk about this later,” she said quickly, rapidly putting her mic on.
 What the hell had just happened?
 The question never seemed to leave her head as she entered the small backstage lounge – the place she went to during concerts until it finished. It was small but fancy with comfy sofas, a polished glass coffee table and a TV screen showing the concert. Callie and Marie were currently performing
 Sky and Grace – or Agents 8 and 3 as she first knew them as – were sat on one of the sofas. Grace was trying to teach the octoling how to play a card game and seemed to be succeeding though she had to correct something every now and again. Sky was as eager to learn as ever though she got a little irritated every time she got something wrong.
 She idly remembered Grace saying that she found the way Sky scrunched her nose up in frustration when she got something wrong adorable.
 She had thought back to see if Marie had any similar habits. When she was annoyed, Marie was quite expressive about it, usually slapping a hand onto her forehead or slouching over. She found it cute.
 Ellie felt her cheeks warm at the memory and the image of what had just happened flashed in her mind.
 “Hey Ellie, you okay?”
 She jumped and whirled around to see Pearl and Marina sat on another sofa. Pearl was looking at her curiously while her girlfriend’s attention was on the other two agents (well, most likely Sky).
 “You’re just kind of staring into nothing,” Pearl elaborated casually, motioning for the girl to come closer. Ellie shuffled closer shyly. Though she had talked to the two idols many times in the past, she still felt shy and awkward around them.
 She hastily brought out a notepad and pen that have clearly been used over and over, scribbling down a few words. She resorted to this when no one could read sign language. “Just daydreaming.”
  Pearl frowned as she read the paper before looking up at her with a smirk. She chuckled and shook her head slowly in disbelief. “You act as if I don’t recognize that face,” she chided playfully.
 “What face?”
 “Y’know that far off daydreaming look you just had,” Pearl explained idly, leaning back against Marina. The small inkling began to examine her fingernails. “The look of someone with a crush.”
 “Who has a crush?” Marina asked suddenly, head snapping to look at both of them.
 “Ellie here has a crush on someone,” Pearl informed her girlfriend, grinning at Ellie smugly. The damn inkling knew that just mentioning someone having a crush would peak Marina’s interest.
 The octoling looked at her blankly for a second before her mouth slowly lifted up into a grin. “Really? On who?” she babbled excitedly. “For how long? Oh, do you get that warm fuzzy feeling when you look at them?”
 Ellie simply stood there awkwardly, feeling incredibly uncomfortable but unable to stop her. Fortunately it seemed someone noticed.
 “Mar, that’s enough,” Pearl said quickly, noticing the younger inkling was getting slightly overwhelmed by the flurry of questions. “You’re freaking her out!”
 Marina blinked slowly and noticed that she was correct in Ellie feeling uncomfortable. “Oh,” she mumbled sheepishly. “Sorry, I got a bit carried away…”
 Ellie shook her head with a small smile, scribbling down a note. “It’s fine, honestly. Just caught me off guard.”
 Marina seemed to cheer up and began to ask something but was cut off by a crewmember entering the room. “Oh, that’s our cue to go back on,” the octoling sighed miserably, fiddling with a small microphone that was lying next to her. “We’ll see you after the show, Ellie!”
 Ellie nodded and waved goodbye as the two pop stars rushed to get on stage. She was left standing in the middle of the small lounge. She sighed internally and moved to sit near Grace and Sky.
 They had finished their card game a while ago it seemed and were now watching her.
 “So, who is it?” Grace asked calmly with a small smirk. Ellie blushed and looked away from the pair. She heard a string of rushed octarian from Sky who was still not very good at speaking inkling. “Sky wants to know too.”
 Her blush only got harder as she wrote something down. “Who’s what?”
 Grace snorted quietly in amusement as she read the note before passing it to Sky. “Don’t play stupid, El,” she chuckled lightly. “We heard your conversation with Pearl and Marina. Who do you have a crush on?”
 Ellie grimaced slightly at her bluntness. With a sigh, she wrote down a single word and passed it along to the taller inkling..
 Grace nodded but didn’t look surprised in any way, almost as if she had already known. She seemed to note her accusing look and chuckled sheepishly. “Everyone’s already pieced it together,” she admitted quietly, scratching the back of her head.
 Ellie frowned and tilted her head questioningly. What did she mean ‘pieced it together already?
 “We all saw how you looked at her,” Grace elaborated. “And you always get that daydreaming look when we mention her. It wasn’t too difficult to piece together.”
“Yes,” Sky piped up from behind her. “Obvious.”
 Ellie blushed fiercely and looked away from them quickly.
 Grace put a hand on her shoulder gently. “If it makes you feel any better,” she comforted. “Marie may feel the same way.”
 Ellie whirled around to face her again, writing hastily. “What do you mean?”
 “She was doing the same thing when you weren’t looking,” The taller inkling sighed. “And you’re all she seems to talk about on missions. It’s always ‘one time Agent 4 did this’ or ‘agent 4 always does this’” Grace smiled and shook her head. “You can’t tell me that Marie keeping track of your online matches doesn’t tell you anything.”
 Ellie thought over her friend’s words, left speechless. The audience screaming and the music coming to a close dragged her out of her thoughts. Sky was as quick as ever to respond, leaping out of her seat and running out of the lounge.
 “Sky wait!” Grace called out in exasperation. She shot Ellie an apologetic look before chasing after the octoling.
 Ellie sighed deeply before following after them.
  Backstage was crowded with crewmembers, the 3 agents and 4 idols. Pearl and Marina were focused on Sky who had run over to meet them. Grace hovered halfway between them and Ellie. The green haired inkling offered Ellie a supportive smile though her main focus was on Sky.
 “She’s really not subtle about it, is she?”
 Ellie jumped and turned to face Marie who had snuck up to stand beside her. She tilted her head curiously at the idol.
 Marie grinned mischievously. “Grace has a crush on Sky,” she chuckled lightly. Ellie smiled awkwardly at the mention of a crush, which the other inkling noticed. “Hey, uh,” Marie began quietly. “Do you want to go somewhere more alone? I need to talk to you.”
 Ellie tried to keep her breathing as even as possible but she could tell it was a losing battle. Maybe she should just say no. Maybe that was the best plan and deal with this later.
 She nodded anyway.
 Marie gave her a small but genuine smile, grabbing her hand without a word and leading her away from the crowd.
 Marie led her into her dressing room. It was empty and far away from the others – perfect for a private conversation. Ellie couldn’t help but recall what had happened earlier and blushed.
 Marie reluctantly dropped her hand and turned to face her, pulling her gloves off as she turned.
 “First of all, I should apologize for earlier,” Marie began with a sigh. “It may have freaked you out a little so for that I’m sorry.”
 Ellie smiled at her. “It did a little but it’s fine,” she signed comfortingly.
 “I want to offer a bit of an explanation,” Marie continued, more confident in herself. She paused causing Ellie to try and prompt her to continue. “I like you,” Marie blurted out eventually, cheeks flushing green as she said it.
 Ellie’s heart almost stopped for a full minute and she could hear her breath hitch.
 “I don’t know when it happened exactly,” Marie rambled shyly. “It just happened after a while I suppose. You kept on coming over to visit me and Callie and Gramps and I guess that got to me after a while.”
 Ellie eventually got her act together and grinned widely. “I like you too,” she signed happily.
 Marie’s rambling stopped instantly as she processed what she had been told, eyes flickering between Ellie’s face and hands. After a while, a grin slowly appeared on her face, both overwhelmingly and sheepish. It was one of the few times Ellie saw Marie caught off guard.
 There was a moment of silence between them but it wasn’t awkward in the slightest. Marie stepped closer to her like earlier but it wasn’t confusing this time. Marie chuckled airily. “I wanted to do this earlier,” she mumbled in a low voice, lifting a hand to Ellie’s cheek. “Stop me now if you don’t want me to.”
 Ellie huffed in annoyance and shook her head.
 The corner of Marie’s mouth curled up in amusement before she leaned in, pressing her lips to Ellie’s before she could doubt herself.
 It wasn’t a long kiss but she liked it, Ellie decided as they pulled away from each other.
 Before the idol could say anything, Ellie leaned over and wrapped her up in a hug. Marie was slow to respond but eventually returned the hug, burying her head in the smaller girl’s shoulder.
 They didn’t notice the door opening and closing quickly as Callie begun to enter then left.
At that moment they didn’t care for much else other than each other.
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burstbombbitch · 7 years
In-depth Character Sheet
Credit to Sir Ender at this writing forum.
Reblog or repost. DO NOT remove credit.
TAGGED BY: @doublerosa​
TAGGING: hoo boy here it comes. the squad ofc @sturmazing, @musesoiree​ (for dustin, and anyone else but there’s so much dude), @coriignis and @theseasirens​​ for any blog. all my lovely friends @silentisms​. @fireflym​ @seelostsouls​ (u can choose a blog)  @eudaiimonia @gottaxroll @splashysquid
---fuck there’s so many of you to tag jesus please just take it if you see this. i love all of you.
i wrote this like a week ago i’m sorry no obligation to actually do this bc it took me SO LONG pls dont suffer
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FULL NAME: Bonbon Charbonneau MEANING: “Charcoal Chocolate”, essentially. Meant to refer to a nasty outside, but sweet inside. NICKNAME: Bon, Bonnie, BB, Bunny. MEANING: No one wants to say her repetitive full name, lmfao. AGE: 20 BIRTHDAY: December 5th. ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Sagittarius. GENDER: Cis Female. ALLERGIES: None. SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Pansexual / Panromantic. THEME SONG(S): (Octospy) (Normal) (Octoqueen)
APPEARANCE HAIR COLOR: Pastel pink, bordering on white. HAIR STYLE AND LENGTH: A pair of super long tentacles, styled in two buns. EYES COLOR: Lilac, with star-shaped pink pupils. HEIGHT: 3′11′‘ | 119.38 cm. WEIGHT: 69 lbs | 31.3 kg. OUTFIT/CLOTHING STYLE: Lolita, essentially. Really girly and proper. Occasionally will dress way, way, down, usually during or after a tournament. DISTINGUISHING MARKS(SCARS,MOLES): Bio-luminescent “freckles” all over her body. SELF CARE(MAKE UP): Lots. Usually winged eyeliner and scarlet eye-shadow. FIRST IMPRESSION ON PEOPLE: Prissy, proper, elegant. SKIN COLOR: Dark brown. BODY TYPE/BUILD: Pear-shaped. Large thighs, strong, long legs, and slightly toned biceps. DEFAULT EXPRESSION: A small, haughty smile, with half-lidded mischievous eyes. POSTURE: Straight, hands usually on hips, Weight leaning to one side. PIERCINGS: None, presently. DESCRIBE THEIR VOICE: Her voice is very confident despite not being relatively loud. She speaks without filler words or stammers. It has a very regal sound to it, where her words are careful to come out, but dance upon the air with grace. Statements tend to end with a crescendo, regardless of whether or not it is a question. Exaggerates words frequently. Strict pronunciation. Extremely proper. (Voice Claim)
RELATIONSHIPS MOM: Céleste Charbonneau HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: When she’s feeling playful, Céleste is definitely the one she runs to. She gets along with her well, although her mother’s extroverted energy does grow tiresome and she eventually retreats to her own room for solitude. DAD: Clair Charbonneau HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: He is the sensible one of the family. She finds herself closer to him than her sometimes eccentric mother. They spend a lot of time together, reading books and watching movies. He did most of her homeschooling, alongside hiring well-established tutors, before deciding that he would release her into the world. If she knew the decision to deafen her was his, she might be more inclined to be less loving. SIBLINGS: None. HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: N/A. CHILDREN: None. HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: N/A. PAST LOVER(S): N/A. CURRENT LOVER: N/A. REACTION TO MEETING SOMEONE NEW: She makes snap decisions on whether or not the person is worth her time. By default, she’s very smug and arrogant, finding them to be more of a thing to play with than someone to converse with. She’s not above manhandling someone to make them more amusing to her. ABILITY TO WORK WITH OTHERS: She attempts to take charge and do all of the work to get out of the circumstance of having to work with anyone. When she must cooperate, though, she is relatively tolerable, for she doesn’t want to screw someone else (unless it benefits her) over. LEAST FAVORITE TYPE OF PERSON: Shy, anxious. She doesn’t like reminders of herself. She’ll goad them to make them do something. She definitely tries to invoke some sort of other trait out of them. PARENTAL TYPE(PROTECTIVE,ETC): Her parents were both extremely overprotective of her, a trait she fails to displace when she has children. They were very lenient with her as well, besides the whole ruining her early life, making her more prone to gently guiding her children without imposing her will onto them.
PERSONALITY ...WHEN YOU FIRST MEET THEM: Confident. Placid. Elegant. ...AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY LIKE YOU): Excitable. Bubbly. Childish. ...AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY DISLIKE YOU): Sarcastic. Sassy. Snide. FAVORITE COLOR: Lilac. FAVORITE FOOD: Tea and cream-filled pastries! FAVORITE ANIMAL: Cats, spiders. FAVORITE ELEMENT: Air. LEAST FAVORITE COLOR: Grey. LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: Eggs LEAST FAVORITE ANIMAL: Shark HOBBIES: Singing, dancing, shopping, and video gaming. USUAL MOOD: Relaxed. Calm. DRINK/SMOKE/DRUGS: Nope. She drinks very, very infrequently. DARK VERSION OF SELF: gestures at the octospy verse LIGHT VERSION OF SELF: gestures at inkling idol verse HOW SERIOUS ARE THEY: She holds herself relatively seriously. CLASS IN AN RPG: Cleric, Archer, Mage. BELIEVE IN GHOSTS: Kinda, yeah. (IN)DEPENDENT: Independent. VULNERABILITY: Hearing problems. Mentions of war. Divulged secrets. OPINION ON SWEARING: Abominable. DAREDEVIL VS CAUTIOUS: Daredevil. MUSIC TYPE: She’s fond of so many genres, provided it’s not ear-shattering. She can find the best in all types of music. MOVIE TYPE: So bad, it’s good / Romance / Thriller BOOK TYPE: Adventure / Mystery / Romance COMFORTABLE TEMPERATURE: About 65 F. SLEEPING PATTERN: Sleeps about 8-10 hours a day. CLEANLINESS/NEATNESS: Obsessively neat. DESIRED PET: Either a tarantula or a kitten. HOW DO THEY PASS TIME: Sleeping, or reading books. BIGGEST SECRET: Her song and dance are fueled by her synaesthesia. HERO/WHO THEY LOOK UP TO: Her grandmother, Nia Di Napoli. WHAT ANIMAL WOULD THEY BE: Cat FEARS: Silence, large bodies of water, loneliness. COMFORTS: Sensory objects, tactility, sleeping.
HOW DO THEY REACT TO… DANGER: Face it head on. She’s very cocksure. SOMEONE THEY HATE WHO HAS A CRUSH ON THEM: Tease and torment. She’d egg them on and flirt with them, knowing she’s just grinding them beneath her heel. PROPOSAL TO MARRY: Lighting up! Squealing! Storm of kisses! Lots of touching. God knows her voice is going to reach killer wail levels of painful pitch. DEATH OF LOVED ONE: Wailing, violence, shutting down as a whole. Non-stop aggression. DIFFICULT GAME/MATH/ETC: Continue trying, nonstop---literally. Someone’s gonna have to intervene. INJURY: Grin and bear it. SOMETHING IRRESISTIBLY CUTE: Lip biting. Grabby hands. Lighting up, again. Bouncing on her heels.
HISTORY BIOGRAPHY: Born a synaesthetic, Lady Charbonneau’s family fretted for her sensitive hearing. As a result, they silenced and removed her from the world, raising her as if she had been deaf from birth. Their only child remained a mystery to most of Inkopolis, locked behind closed doors for her own “safety”. Her close friend, Nia Di Napoli, frequently removed the headphones that muted everything, helping her solidify the courage to defy their decision while giving her the opportunity to adapt to sounds she had yet to experience. 
This habit of babying her remained throughout her adolescence. Despite training efficiently in self-defense, and constant attempts at proving herself worthy of respect, her family reciprocated with buying out her Turf War matches and downplaying her ability. Finding that out coaxed her into sneaking into the Adult Ranked Matches late at Inkopolis Tower, where they couldn’t bribe people into losing. Of course, dealing with high ranked squids while being only C- yourself grew tiresome, but persistence eventually brought her to S+ at age 17.
Desperate to receive some fragment of respect, Bonbon put herself up for drafting come her eighteenth birthday. The Charbonneau family has a long-standing history of war, benefiting troops through monetary and physical means. One of the elders, Bourbon Charbonneau, fought valiantly as a captain in the Great Turf War hundreds of years ago. Keeping up the legacy, she thought, was her only chance of being her own person.
While every decision has seemingly furthered her depression, she continues on a path already tread in the hopes that such a safe route will bring about some sort of reward, even if it isn’t bountiful. Another option for her, her ability to sing entrancing songs, lies in wait, hoping to be utilized.
FIRST APPEARANCE: A mysterious, minuscule pinkling took a tournament by storm without even giving a word as to her age, rank, or background... and donated the proceeds to charity?
KNOWLEDGE LANGUAGES: Inkling, Sign Language, Human French, Written Octarian, Learning Hylian. SCHOOLING LEVEL: College student, essentially. FAVORITE SUBJECT (S): Linguistics and Theatre INTERESTED CAREERS: She wishes she knew. She’d love to actually sing, though. EXPERTISE: Theatre, Song and Dance. CHEMISTRY: A MATH: A LANGUAGE: A+ GEOGRAPHY: B POLITICS/LAW: B- COOKING: F, until she pays off the teacher. MECHANICS: C BOTANY (FLOWERS): A MYTHOLOGY: A DRAMATICS(ACTING,SINGING): A+++
READING LEVEL: College graduate. HOW GOOD ARE THEY AT PLANNING AHEAD: Always have a plan!
ROMANCE . DO THEY TAKE INITIATIVE: Definitely. She’s very needy and you’ll know it immediately. HOW DO THEY ACT(SHY,ETC): While very avoidant when crushing, she’s super clingy and affectionate when dating. GENTLEMAN/LADYLIKE VS KLUTZY: Ladylike with a dash of klutzy. She shows her real side if she really trusts her partner, so they have to deal with a near 180 of the persona she shows on a daily basis. GO SLOW VS JUMP INTO: Jump into! She puts all her apples in one basket. PROTECTIVE: Extremely. She’s very feral and primitive at times. ACT LIKE FRIENDS OR LOVERS: Her lover has to be her best friend. WHAT KIND OF PRESENTS DO THEY BUY: She actively stalks her partner’s wishlists or things they see as they cruise around together, and has them anonymously delivered, as it she wasn’t obvious. If she hasn’t a clue, she’ll start sending dorky things she thinks are nice to try to gauge their interest. TYPE OF KISSER: She steals small kisses, before elongating them with lots of lip tugging. Definitely fond of it. The type to really get into it. DO THEY WANT KIDS: Not really, but can be easily persuaded. DO THEY WANT TO MARRY: Yes. MAKE GOOD OR BAD DECISIONS: She has a tendency to make bad ones, but hopefully her partner corrects that. :^) Or at least doesn’t let her. ARE THEY ROMANTIC: Yes, albeit cheesy and dorky deep down... HOW ARE THEY IN BED: She prefers to be dominant, and that’s all I’ll say. GET JEALOUS EASY: Not if she is trusting of her partner, but she is definitely very anxious and wonders if she’s good enough frequently. WIFE/HUBBY BEATER: Uh, no. MARRY FOR MONEY: click this. FAVORITE SEX POSITION: uh WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ON THEIR DREAM DATE: A nice long exploration through untraveled territory---just the two of them. Lots of hand-holding, kisses, and cuddles. Good food would definitely seal the deal as the best date ever. OPINION ON SEX: She’s yet to form one, although she’s occasionally thirsty. It doesn’t really come to her often. As long as it’s consensual, she’s down for anything.
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