#i would let it rot in my files but i don't want it sitting there looking at me
twiafom · 2 years
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mwah incoming
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multifandomhaven · 5 months
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A/N: Call of Duty brain rot has set in lolol I hope y'all enjoy it! Let me know what you think!
Y/N was a simple woman, or so she liked to think. She went to work, back to her apartment, and sometimes she'd hit the gym. She was what most people would call bland, a wet blanket. Boring.
She was single, with no kids, and no man in her life - it was lonely sometimes, sure, but she liked it. It gave her time to focus on the thing that really meant something to her - her practice.
"Doctor Laswell, the next patient is ready for you," the nurse called into her office.
Y/N rose from her chair, glancing over the chart in her hand before she entered the room with a small smile. "Hello, how are you guys today?"
The young couple looked from the young puppy in the woman's lap and then back to the doctor. "We're doing okay, just here to get Bella's shots up to date."
Taking the squirmy little thing from her owner, Y/N cuddled it to her chest, chuckling when it gave her a few sloppy kisses on her cheek. "You're so sweet, aren't you, girl."
Y/N loved her job. She had always had a knack for taking care of animals - for the most part, all they wanted was a warm place to sleep, some good food, and love. They were simple, easy to read, and never meant you harm unless you gave them a reason - they were with you for life, unwavering and full of devotion.
Y/N quickly administered the medication to the puppy, rubbing the sore spot down with her gloved fingers gently. "You're so brave, Bella. Such a good girl," she cooed.
Giving the nurse the puppy's record to update, Y/N turned and handed the dog back to her owners. "Okay, you're good to go for now. Just stop by the ladies at reception to make sure you get the appointment set up for her final round of shots, okay?"
The rest of the day went by in a blur, animal after animal treated, and, as much as Y/N enjoyed her job, she was ready to get home to her warm bubble bath. She washed her hands and bid her staff goodbye as they filed out one by one until she was the only person left in the office. She turned the lights off, making sure everything was as it should be before she locked the door and walked to her car.
She unlocked her car before she got to it, ready to sit down and give her aching feet a rest. She reached out to open the door when she felt something hard hit her across the side of her head. She fell to her knees, her vision blurring as she crashed to the ground. Her palms and knees burned as the asphalt scraped away the skin. She blinked quickly, trying to clear her sight.
"Laswell?" The man asked from above her, his voice almost a growl. When she didn't answer he grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her face to look at him. "Are you Y/N Laswell?"
Y/N gasped, pain shooting through her head. "Yes, yes, that's me."
Her sight finally cleared and she struggled to sit up, seeing two large men with masks covering their faces. One had a gun while the other continued to land hit after hit to her, her body, her face, anywhere he could. She was crying now, her arms covering her face as she tried to protect herself as best she could.
"Tell that bitch to make it right," the man sneered at her. "Or you're dead."
She was left in the parking lot by herself, blood coming from the cut on her head and her lip. She dug desperately in her purse, finding her phone and pulling it out with shaking hands. She was still crying, tears mixing with the blood that dripped onto her scrubs.
"Laswell," her aunt's voice came from the other end of the line. "Hello?"
Y/N sobbed into the receiver. "Aunt Kate?"
"What's wrong," Kate asked instantly, her voice tight. "Bunny?"
"There were these men," Y/N explained the situation as best she could through her panic. "Can you call an ambulance to the office? I don't think I can drive."
"They're on the way, Bunny, just stay where you are," Kate told her. "I'm on my way to you. I'll see you in a bit."
A few hours later, Y/N and Kate had finally been reunited in the emergency department of the hospital. Y/N was cleared to go home as soon as the bags of antibiotics and fluid were gone - just as a precaution, they told her. They had given her an injection for pain, but still, she found her head throbbing with every movement.
"Okay," Kate mumbled under her breath, pacing from one end of the room to the other. It seemed like time was in an endless loop - Kate would stop to ask questions, jot them down on a notepad, grumble to herself, and then go back to pacing. At times Y/N could've sworn she could see the older woman looking at her, her eyes filling with tears before she would excuse herself into another room.
Y/N frowned, watching Kate's back disappear into the tiny bathroom once again. She wanted to follow her, to check on her, but the pounding in her head kept her seated. Slowly, she brought the ice pack back up and pressed it against the offending pain, grimacing when the ice pack made contact with the bruise surrounding her eye. The television was on in the background, the volume whisper-low, but she paid it no attention.
It wasn't long before Kate came back out, dabbing at her eyes with a tissue. She gave her niece a small, tight-lipped smile. "Allergies."
"Aunt Kate, please you need to sit down and stop worrying. You're going to raise your blood pressure." Kate still paced the length of the room, just a little bit slower. Y/N tried to cut the tension with a joke, "Or walk a hole in the floor. They probably wouldn't appreciate that..."
Kate didn't fall for it and, instead, she came over and surveyed the damage to her niece's face with a grimace. Gently, she turned her face from one side to the other, her fingers grasping her chin. "Oh Bunny," she whispered.
"I'm okay," Y/N tried to soothe her. "Kate, I'm okay."
Kate almost glared at her, no true malice for her niece, purely frustration at the circumstance. "You're telling me that you're not in pain right now?"
"It'll heal," she said softly. "Come on, you've been waiting on me hand and foot since you got here. I haven't seen you in almost a year and I've missed you."
"Oh, Bunny, you know I've missed you too," Kate's eyes softened slightly and she nodded, sitting on the bed beside her. "Okay. Do you need anything?"
Y/N took her hand and simply held it - something she'd done as a child that still brought her a semblance of comfort. The older woman rubbed her hand softly, her eyes trained intently on her niece. "This is enough for now."
Kate nodded and sighed. "Okay, okay."
They sat there quietly for the first time since Kate had arrived. Y/N's mind was whirling with thoughts and memories. Most from the attack, but in between the awful there were also some from when she was a child - so she chose to focus on the good ones. She peeked around the icepack and asked, "Do you remember the first time you and Rachel took me ice skating?"
"Oh God. You were a wreck - you looked like the scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz when he first started walking." Kate laughed. The memory curled the corner of her lips - the younger woman's superpower if she had one - and she shook her head lightly. "You know, if it were up to Rachel she'd be here too - you are her favorite person."
Y/N gave her hand a small squeeze, taking her chance to change the subject. "How is Aunt Rach?"
"She's doing well," Kate admitted. "She's at an art show in New York right now."
Y/N had always been envious of her aunt's artistic ability. Sure, she could draw the basics, but Rachel's work was nothing short of beautiful. She wasn't even ten years old the first time she met Rachel. She was tall, thin, and willowy - she looked like something from another planet to Y/N. She was gorgeous. That day she took the time to show Y/N how to draw a rose - something the younger girl kept close to her heart for years to come.
"She's talented and she knows it," Y/N said fondly. "I miss her."
Kate agreed, a flash of pride in her eyes. "She would love for you to come stay with us - for as long as you'd want to. We both would."
"That's very kind," Y/N felt a surge of appreciation for her words but still disagreed. "But I'll be okay back at my apartment. Plus, I don't want to impose."
"Impose," Kate huffed with a roll of her eyes. "You live alone, you don't have any kind of protection. Your building's security is lacking. And plus, you're my favorite niece."
"I'm your only niece," Y/N sighed. She knew Kate was right, but she didn't want to place any more worry or guilt on her aunt's shoulders. She was still frightened, though. "How does Rachel stay safe while you're gone? Does she have a gun?"
Kate nodded seriously. "Yes, she does. She carries it in her purse, with a concealed carry permit, of course. I taught her how to shoot when we first started dating, just in case."
"Of course you did," Y/N smiled as best she could, wincing when her split lip seared with pain. "So do you think I should get one, too?"
Again, Kate nodded. "You know my stance on that. However..."
Y/N raised a brow. "What?"
"I think I may have a solution," Kate admitted. "You aren't going to like it, but remember, this would be temporary. Just until I know I have the people who did this to you."
Y/N was curious, sure, but she also knew she likely wasn't going to like what Kate had to offer. She waited, watching as the wheels in her aunt's brilliant mind spun, slowly clicking the puzzle pieces together. She pulled out her phone, tapped some buttons, and finally looked genuinely relieved since the first time she'd arrived. "It's damn near perfect."
"What are you thinking," Y/N questioned. "You look like you've solved world hunger."
"I have someone coming to keep a watch on you," Kate told her. "He'll be the one with the gun, so you don't have to worry about that. He'll stay with you until we get these bastards. Until you're safe."
"Are you talking about a bodyguard?" Y/N furrowed her brows. "Kate, c'mon. I don't think that's necessary-"
Kate cut her off. "I have just the person in mind. I've worked with him for a long time, completely trust him. He's top of the line, Bunny."
"Do I have a choice," Y/N asked softly, the answer already known.
Kate, again, gave her a small smile. "No."
That evening, after she was released from the hospital, Kate helped her back to her apartment. She was scuttling around from one window to another, checking the locks as Y/N was nestled in her chair, her body still aching. She had a tablet in her hands, reading over some of the charts of her patients. She couldn't be at work until she was fully cleared, but she still accepted the simpler cases so people wouldn't have to go to the next town over to keep their animals healthy.
"You should be resting," Kate chirped from the doorway of the kitchen. "But because I know you aren't going to listen I brought you a cup of coffee and a bagel."
Y/N gave her aunt a small smile and thanked her with a nod, taking the cup from her hands. Kate lay the plate with the bagel on the table beside her. "I wonder where I get that stubborn quality from?" Y/N joked.
"Watch yourself, smart-ass," Kate chuckled, shaking her head lightly. "But seriously, don't overdo it, kiddo. I know you want things to stay relatively normal, but you still need to take it easy, okay?"
The younger woman nodded. "I promise."
A knock at the door shattered the silence and Y/N gasped and looked to her aunt. Kate stood, her hand by her gun on her side, and walked toward the door. She glanced out of the peephole and lowered her shoulders, her hand moving from her gun to the doorknob. She opened the door and stepped outside, her voice met by another deeper one.
Y/N strained her ears to hear the conversation outside, but couldn't make out any distinct words. Kate's comfort with the person on the other side calmed her worry, so she sat back and took a bite of her bagel. When she heard two sets of footsteps enter her apartment she pretended like she didn't notice, too absorbed in her work, but in reality, she was hyper-aware of the large figure shadowing her aunt.
"Bunny," Kate's called, breaking the silence. "This is John, he's a friend of mine and a damn good soldier. He's going to be watching over you until we're sure that you're safe."
Y/N glanced up from her work at Kate before her eyes shifted over to the large man behind her. Y/N gave him a tight grin, rightfully nervous about having him in her home. He was a stranger, after all, even if Kate did vouch for him. And she knew Kate was only able to stay for a few more hours - with her important work and all.
John gave her a quick nod, his hands in his pockets. "Nice to meet you, Y/N."
"Thank you for your help, John," Y/N said quietly.
John gave her a wink and it was then she noticed how absolutely blue his eyes were. "Your aunt's told me a lot about you."
Y/N smiled at him. "I wish I could say I've heard a lot about you, but Kate keeps me in the dark about most things."
John chuckled. "Sounds about right."
"Anyway," Kate cut their conversation. "The arrangement is simple - John stays with you as much as possible. Of course, you're allowed your personal space, but he needs to be within arms reach of you if you're out. And always in the apartment with you."
Y/N opened her mouth as if to say something, but her aunt held up a finger, signaling that she wasn't finished speaking. "I've spoken to the landlord of your office, Bunny. As soon as you're cleared you can go back to work, but John will be there with you."
Y/N raised a brow. "Don't you think a random guy, no offense, John, just standing in the corner of my office is going to weird out some of my patients? Make them uncomfortable?"
Kate shrugged her shoulders and frowned. "I don't care about their feelings, Bunny. I care about you staying alive."
"It's my job, Aunt Kate," Y/N sighed.
Kate nodded, coming to sit on the arm of her chair. "I understand that, but your life is more important."
Y/N bit back a retort after seeing the look on her aunt's face - she'd seen that look plenty of times and she knew no one had ever won a battle against it. She sank back against the cushions of the chair, her arms crossed over her chest like a petulant child. "Fine."
Kate squared her shoulders, a grin curling her lips. "I'm glad to see you're taking this well."
"This is well?" John piped up quietly behind her.
Kate turned slightly. "This is her being easy. You've got your work cut out for you with this one, John."
John sighed. "I've taken down entire platoons of highly trained soldiers, Kate. I think I can handle a little woman."
Kate chuckled. "You've only just met Bunny. Don't underestimate her."
"Underestimate a Laswell," John murmured with a smirk. "Never."
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joellkeeny · 1 year
Are you doing any blurbs? I was just picturing a modern Steve working in an office and he’s super flirty with you and one night you’re both working late and hook up in the office. But it’s one of those hook ups where both are DEF gonna catch feelings
yes I am!!! thanks for the request, I really appreciate you for trusting me with this idea :)
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It's 9:15, far too late to be arriving to the office so you keep your head down as you pass through the rows cubicles, silently reclaiming your spot in your squeaky chair before you sigh as you turn on the computer. Bouncing your knee, you pray that no one noticed your obvious absence for the first hour of the day, that is until he peaks his head over the wall separating your cubicles, leaning his forearms on the not so sturdy wall as he grins, the familiar, cocky curl of his lips greeting you as you try to ignore him. “What do you want, Harrington?” You keep your eyes on your computer as you click through your files, arranging the day's tasks and making a schedule for yourself. He just chuckles, still watching you and the silent tactic seems to work on pulling your attention to him solely. “What?“ You repeat yourself, glaring at him with a huff and just by the way he looks at you, you already see the joke concocting in his head.
“So, was he good?” Asking vaguely, he taps his fingers on the wall. You don't need more than a mere few seconds to realize what he's talking about. “Oh shut up. I woke up late.” Rolling your eyes at the discreet suggestion of having a hookup to keep you up late, you miss the way he breathes out subtly, as if relieved by the fact. Ignoring him once again, you get up from your chair, padding through the office to the small kitchen you share with about ten other people. Turning on the coffee machine, you wait as you place your mug down, watching as if fills up with the liquid gold. He's hot on your heels, resting on the counter next to you, his arms crossing over his chest before he leans closer. “You know, Mark just said he needed two volunteers to stay after hours to help with the files that just came in today.” He elbows your arm slightly, knowing what he's suggesting by the way he wiggles his brows.
Huffing again, you focus on the coffee as you add the sugar, mixing it thoroughly before taking a sip. Slipping past him, you try to go down the hall again before he stops you, blocking the door by stepping in front of you, his hands on the doorframe. “Oh come on, we both need the extra cash, and what better way to earn it than with your favorite coworker?” You snort indignantly as if he just said the funniest thing ever. You would cross your arms over your chest if it weren't for the minimal distance between the two of you, his pretty brown eyes boring into yours in a way which always makes you feel warmer than you should around him. “I'd rather rot in my tiny apartment with no money instead.” Pushing at his chest, he moves out of the way, though still keeping close as he follows you back to the cubicles. “Ouch.” He shakes his head with a chuckle, letting you sit down in your chair again, warm mug nestled in your hands as you look at him. He would be offended by your words if it weren't for the fact that he's known you for your years and this was just the way your friendship worked. Rude remarks and teasing jokes shared between the walls of the office, and though he'd never let anyone talk to him the way you do, he still doesn't know why you're so special.
“Okay, I'll tell Mark he has two eager volunteers for the job.” With a chuckle, he leaves you alone as you turn back to your desk, focusing on your work as you try to shove the fact that you'll lose your free time on some stupid files away from your mind.
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What had started out as a short session of file sorting and chatting with Steve turned in a five hour work session, your nerves becoming too to bear much as you plop down in your boss's chair, the remaining files resting on the desk. Steve is no better shape than you, his tie loosened from his neck, sleeves rolled up to his forearms as he rubs over his face, settling down another file and a stack of papers before he leans against the desk in front of you. “Can't fucking believe this,” You mutter, knowing that your boss omitted to imply the huge amount of work there was to be done by two poor employees who have to return to work the next day at 8 am sharp. “You know what? Fuck him and fuck the money, I'm nit lifting another finger.” Sighing, you lean back in your chair and shake your head, unsure of how to deal with the insane amount of work left to be done and lack of time and energy.
You're both gazing at each other, you can see the cogs turning in his head, yet you're not able to decipher what he's thinking about and you only realize it now that it has been way too long since you've tested each other's patience. You've been working patiently side by side without any remarks or jokes, no pulling on each other's strings but just simply working together. And that's when you realize that it's a choice to poke fun at each other, perhaps trying to ignore the bubbling feeling each time he gives you his signature grin, or shove away the sweet words he manages to sneak in between his teasing ones and just accept that you actually might like Steve Harrington.
Sure, he's not the man you've imagined falling for, but it feels the same for him though he knows he's got it bad for you and can't help but wonder if you do. The second time you look up at him, his eyes are already locked on yours, his fingers tightening around the edge of the desk as he swallows, his adam's apple bobbing being the only evidence of that as he seems to keep his composure intact. “What?” You ask yet again, the man being both an open book and a box full of surprises all wrapped up in one, never knowing where his mind is though you can easily guess that he's probably cooking up a dirty joke.
“You know what.” He responds simply, not even bothering to take his eyes off of you while he shifts closer, resting in front of you on the desk while he almost straddles your crossed legs, one hand slowly shifting to the arm of the chair. “Steve?” Asking as you slightly shrink back in your seat, he settles his other hand on the armrest of the chair before pulling you close until the edge of the chair bumps into his knees. “Steve, what are you doing?” It's not panic in your voice, but uncertainty, unsure of what he wants to do and afraid that you'll misread the signals and end up ruining this thing you have with him.
“We should do something about this....thing, we have. It's driving me insane.” He mutters as his eyes focus on your lips as they part a bit, releasing a shaky breath when you notice where his eyes travel. “What thing?” You dare to ask, maybe even joke if the limited distance between your bodies wasn't sucking out all the oxygen in the room. “Oh don't play dumb...” You might as well do that as you gaze at him, the air growing thicker. He cocks his head as he leans down over the chair, his demeanor faltering a bit as he sees the look in your eyes, not wanting to make you uncomfortable, the last thing he wants is to be fired if you file a complaint to HR about his inappropriate behavior at work.
He is in love, maybe, but he's not stupid. Letting you think for a few moments, he sees the realization down over you with the way your eyes widen a bit, not even believing that he's suggesting something like that. “You want to...” It's a question that shouldn't even be uttered before he nods, his nose brushing yours in the process as he does. His scent is something distinctive out of the bunch. The always lingering coffee on his clothes as he always insists on making his at home before work, his cologne, not too strong at this hour, more so letting you get just a slight waft as he leans closer, his hand sliding up over your arm until it reaches your face where the warmth of his palm envelops your cheek.
“Do it.” You challenge, suddenly gaining a short rush of adrenaline that flows rapidly through your veins, burning hot as it somehow makes you ache for him, long for something you've never felt. “Do it, Harrington, you're all talk, ever since we met.” You challenge, craning your neck up in a futile attempt at catching a taste of his lips while also trying to rile him up and mask the way you're slowly crumbling under his gaze, ready to comply to his every wish.
He stays put for longer than a few beats as if unsure if you're really trying to push his buttons or if you're meaning each and every word coming out of your mouth. Torn between listening to the little mocking voice in his head telling him he'll make a fool of himself if he does end up listening to you, and just giving in to the temptation of your glossy lips to claim them as his own. Seeing the cogs turn in his head as he debates his options, you swallow your pride and try to push the negative thoughts away as you reach a shaky hand up to his smooth cheek and pull him down to place a soft peck to his lips, feeling his hands tighten their grip on the armrest of your chair, tugging you even closer as he melts into you. One taste of your lips and he already knows it's going to be his doom if he doesn't taste them again, and so this time, his hand doesn't shy away from gripping your cheek and pulling you in to his lips, letting them meld together as he moans instantly, moving your head up as he pushes the chair away from the desk, blindly following your lips as he keeps his eyes closed in fear of ending the perfect moment.
His moves are calculated, coming to him as if it's something he'd thought about for a long time, and that would be true if he didn't refrain himself from thinking about you in that way, knowing that you will certainly feel the shift in attitude he would've had towards you. Reluctantly pulling away to breathe, you look into his eyes deeply, feeling the way he's ready to eat you up. “Steve.” You say simply, debating pulling away completely, afraid that this will mess up your relationship with him and end up like all of the other colleagues who decided to hook up and now avoid each other at all cost through the building, not bearing to look at each other. To you, having something like that with Steve sounds like your worst nightmare and you'd rather never know what the Steve Harrington is like in bed or even as a boyfriend if it'll ruin everything between you.
“Yeah?” He finally manages to rasp back, expecting a lame excuse about whatever you've got to do that would pull you away from the situation. Though that doesn't happen as you press a hand to his chest, feeling his erratic heartbeat under his ribs as you rise from the chair, pushing him back on your boss' desk and hungrily wrap his tie around your hand and yank him in for a kiss as you climb on his lap, your other hand settling at the back of his head, chestnut strands slipping through your fingers like silk and all you want to do in that moment is pull and see what other sounds wait to be discovered. Your knees press into the expensive wooden surface while his head willingly tilts to the side to kiss you better, any inhibitions you previously had, thinking that maybe he's not that interested in you are long gone. And that and the growing hardness in his dress pants can attest to that. Without thinking, you drop your hands to his belt, beginning to quickly work on the leather, opening it as he stutters out a breath, his head drops back a bit, gazing up at the ceiling until he hears the ripple of a zipper.
“Condom...we don't have one.” He breathes out as you snake a hand in his pants, his own large ones coming up to hold your ass. You stop, his cock standing proud against his stomach once you pull it out, though you don't even dare to look down at his revelation. Leaning back a bit, you debate your choices a bit. “You're not getting me pregnant, Harrington. Do you hear me?” Speaking sternly as you know your next suggestion must be your worst idea so far. Getting down from his lap, he's ready to drop to his knees and ask you to at least let him eat you out, but he stays put as you drop your pants and climb back on his lap, giving another tug on his tie, your noses touching at the tips. “You are going to pull out, okay?” It's a question masked as a silent order, knowing that just asking him to do that shows how desperate you are for him. He gapes at you, silently nodding before you both hitch a breath as you rock over his lap. He's holding your hip, helping you rise as your arms sling themselves over his shoulders, wrists crossing behind his neck as you look down in his eyes, your eyes closing with a soft sigh as he prods at your entrance until he nods and you sink down on him. It's not his length you feel first, but the burning stretch of his girth as he nudges at your insides.
“Fuck, Steve...” Your forehead presses to his as you drink in the way his brows furrow in pleasure, positively speechless with the way you feel around him. His hands settled on your hips, slowly moving to hug you closer, holding you tightly as he swallows down, forcing his voice to sound as composed as he can muster at the moment. “Move? Please...” And how can you deny when he says it so prettily, those big brown eyes mirroring the lost look in yours. You agree, feeling the burn in your stomach taking over your thoughts as you moan lightly, letting your head roll back as your lip stays stuck between your teeth while you roll and bounce on his cock, switching between the two to please the both of you. Nestling him deep inside of you, you wonder if he'd like to do it again, already feeling the need to have him as yours overpower your logical thinking. Pulling one of your hands back, you tug on his hair, moving his head back as you greedily press your lips to his throat, sucking there a pretty bruise, claiming him for now and for as long as he'll let you have him while your hips rock down over his, letting out a soft moan or a trembling breath each time he nudges at your sweet spot continuously.
You're caught in the moment, your body pressing to his as his hands clench on your hips and waist, holding you flush to him as he tugs the straps of your bra down your arms until he can lower your cups off your breasts, not even bothering to unhook your bra. Looking down at him as his lips close around one of your nipples, your hand slides over his hair, moving it back from his face to see the way his brows are pulled together, whether from focusing on your body or trying not to cum yet, you don't know, watching as his hair flops back in its previous place. “Fuck, you're gorgeous. I'm surprised no one snatched you before me.” You compliment him, too far gone to have a filter to your words. Panting as he wraps his arms around you in a strong hug, you moan as he suddenly moves you down on his lap, his cock burying into you repeatedly as he helps you with moving up and down. Whining as you drop your head back, you feel the hot breaths puffing over your neck and chest as he speeds up, albeit not being able to do much from this position, he helps guide your hips just right as he tenses beneath you. “Close?” Stuttering out a breath, you watch him nod as you confirm that you're close to cumming too. Trembling in his tight hold, your nails dig into his shoulders as you hold onto him for dear life, afraid you'll slip out of his grasp and melt to the floor. Clutching tightly on him as your walls clench down on him, you mutter and whimper his name a few times as your eyes screw shut before he yanks you down off his cock as you greedily chase his hips, watching as he jerks himself off, making a mess all over his fist and stomach, while he moans.
You watch in awe as he comes down from his high, keeping his promise of pulling out. “You're a bad influence.” He remarks with a laugh as you tilt your head and pout playfully. “Me? Never.”
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The following weeks are filled with glances and coy smiles, sneaking around the printer room and after hours for make out sessions like teenagers, yet your adventures never leave the office, the moment you step out of the building is as if nothing happened, and you would be lying if you said that you were fine with it. As much as you loved the thrill of sneaking around, you also wanted him to proudly show you off on dates and whatever cheesy stuff couples do. But you're not sure if he feels the same. Any fool can see that he's slowly but surely falling more and more in love with you each day, from the way his lips twist in a sweet smile between and during kisses, to the way he regretfully lets you go each time you're finished, though his mind desperately tells him to hold onto you in hopes that you'll finally read between the lines and see how much he craves you in an emotional way too. An endless string of flings is nowhere near what he wants with you. His poor heart is not able of bearing it anymore and one day he just blurts out the question.
“What?” You pull back breathless, in the middle of working his pants open as he leans against a rack full of files and papers. You look up at him, swallowing down as you wonder if it's just the heat of the moment that makes him ask that. “Your...girlfriend?” You pause as you sit back on your heels, ignoring the way your knees ache against the hard floor. The bleary look rises to his big brown eyes again, one which you've grown accustomed to over the last few weeks, the way he's slowly crouching to your level, bringing his face to yours making the situation a thousand times more real than before. He asks again, slow and calm as he reads your features carefully. “Do you...want to be my girlfriend? I- I've thought about it for awhile and I couldn't stop thinking about it... taking you out on dates, letting everyone know that you're mine and I'm yours, or-” And just like the first time, you take the first step for the both of you, quickly cutting him off, arms slung around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss that he can't help but melt into. His body leaning back until he falls against the metal framing of the file rack, letting out a groan before both of you both erupt into love-drunk giggles and hug each other tightly, finally feeling at ease now that you can call Steve Harrington your boyfriend.
taglist: @dahliamae : @steveharringtonscarkeys : @livingintheupsidedown :
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cloudofbutterflies92 · 3 months
Days in Verdansk (Part II)
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Before I let you read I wanted to thank both @alypink and @onehornedbeast for giving me permission to use their OCs. I hope I can portray your characters well <3. The fanfic is also in AO3
Tag: @chloekistune @graveyard-party666 @alypink @kaitaiga @corvosattano @onehornedbeast @themotherofhorses @alexxmason @carlosoliveiraa @cassietrn @socially-awkward-skeleton @thewanderer-000 @thedeadthree @priceseyes @sinclxirx @simonxriley @efingart @marivenah @alicedarkmair @strangefable @captmactavish @aceghosts @kikiharinezumi @katsigian
(Dividers by @saradika-graphics )
[Part I]
Words count: 5433
"Are you sure he will talk?" Gaz turned to Eden; it had all in all been a fairly easy escape. Baranov's men had not noticed their leader's sudden disappearance, no car chase. The mission had been perfect.
"He knows he has to, right?" The brunette looked at the man handcuffed in the chair in front of the group, literally afraid of the three in front of him, Eden, Soap and Gaz. Simon was in the corner, he would be used in case the oligarch did not want to talk and heavy artillery would be used.
"You just have to tell us if it is true what they say and the date of the famous attack" Price laid his hands on the shoulders of the man, who began to whimper like a desperate child.
"I don't know anything, I already told you. I would have no reason to lie" Baranov began to tremble, a classic sign of someone who was lying big time. Soap, with Price and Eden's consent pulled some photos out of his pocket.
They had been taken by an MI6 contact days earlier, Helen had delivered them in Baranov's sketch file. The contents were a meeting that had taken place between the man and Makarov, amiably sitting with the financier's family talking about "business."
"We know you and the asshole have business, you just need to tell us where it is mh?" The Scotsman leaned forward toward the Russian, who looked at those present with cold sweats.
"I...I only talked about money, I don't even know what this Makarov guy does. It is the truth I swear."
"You're lying, we're not stupid," Gaz turned to Eden, who with a tape recorder in hand started a conversation just between Baranov and the Russian terrorist.
"9 миллионов рублей, я могу дать вам это, а вы взамен нападете на стадион"(" 9 million rubles, I can give you this, in return you will attack the stadium"
"9 миллионов рублей - это мало, мой дорогой Баранов, 15 миллионов мне кажется более разумным"("9 million rubles is a few my dear Baranov, 15 million seems more reasonable to me.")
That was overwhelming evidence, Baranov was trapped.He did not even try to reply, he just remained silent, looking down.
"Then we can do this, you will tell us the truth and we will help you in return. You don't want your wife and child to come to a bad end right?" Eden decided to make a deal; she knew that Makarov scum had threatened the tycoon. Baranov could rot for him, but it was not the same for his wife and son. They were innocents entangled in a business that was not their business.
"What do you say captain? Can we give a guarantee?" The woman looked at Price who nodded, Eden could sense Simon's look of pride behind her.
"We can, if he speaks of course" Price, arms folded waited for Baranov to speak.
"Okay, that conversation is true. We talked business but I didn't think he was serious."
"You fucking liar!" Soap grabbed the man by the shirt, with veins literally invading his forehead from nervousness and stopped by Gaz and Price.
"Boy we're not going anywhere like this" then Price looked toward their target "you better tell the truth or I'll be forced to call my most trusted man. And believe me you're not going to like it" John turned to Simon, who uttered a murmur of assent, pulling out one of his many knives.
"Ehy ehy, what do you want to do? Please don't kill me. It's a lie, I financed Makarov for the attack so that I can then win the election" trembling like a chick Baranov finally revealed his disgusting plan. The five exchanged a complicit glance, before Eden, tape recorder in hand grabbed a chair and sat down in front of him.
"Now you're going to tell me exactly the same things, detail by detail so that then this will finish whoever it is 'kay?”
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"Good work Spectra, I congratulate you. Your grandmother Helen was right about you being reliable" Price shared a cigarette with the young MI6 agent, apparently that night the captain decided to opt for something light. Soap, Gaz, and Ghost were deciding on who would guard Baranov first. They would then turn him over to the Verdansk police the next day, evidence in hand.
"My grandmother is always exaggerated" Eden softened a smile "in the end I was the only one left for her."
"Family is always something to count on"
"Nostalgic?" Eden had noticed the wistful tone in which the leader of 141 had pronounced that sentence, he knew someone was waiting for him.
"Maybe? If you talk to me about family like that I think you really miss the person you are talking about. Alyssa right?"
The captain sighed, eventually with all the information MI6 had it was a given that Eden knew everything.
"I think she is the right woman for you, John, and she is also very talented. She could be a good addition to the team."
"Yes, definitely. I saw how you and Simon got along" the captain seemed to knead his words.
"Don't worry John, I won't distract Simon."
"He's the best of my men."
Eden must have sensed that the captain feared a woman like her might distract the lieutenant. After all, Eden's fame had gotten around in the military/espionage camp.
"But I know you are reliable, maybe you could help him."
"Just this John?" Extinguishing her cigarette, Eden raised her arms and did some stretching before patting the man's shoulder.
"If I wanted to get Simon in trouble, I would have done it a long time ago. Say hello to Alyssa for me" the woman turned and walked away, much to the annoyance of John, who shook his head from a distance.
"We've decided to swap me and Gaz" Johnny clicked his tongue, immediately Eden turned to Simon, who did not seem to understand why Gaz and Soap were insisting either. Eden had an answer: they wanted the two of them to spend time together. Which she appreciated, but at the same time she didn't want to cause any trouble for Simon with John, after all they were still on a mission.
"I'm going to bed, these heels are starting to bother me" she took a deep breath and kicked off her heels. With a quick good night to the two young sergeants, Eden reentered the room, Simon and his strong arms holding her in that possessive way. They needed some privacy, and the lieutenant was in contact-hungry mode.
"Those two are diabolical" he blurted into her ear, his lips quivering with that hoarse laugh. But Eden only loosened the embrace, leaving him puzzled.
"We need to talk" her tone grew somber; did he want to be with her? He should have known what she had been holding inside for so long, how it had been one of the many causes of the end of her relationship with David, her ex-boyfriend. Talking to Price however had made her realize that maybe Simon, with all the baggage she carried, deserved better. A complete woman, not a doll whose shards could barely stay upright.
"Come on, Eden, you can say it" the young woman told herself, summoning all her strength.
"I cannot have children, or rather, I have a malformation in my uterus that prevents me from carrying pregnancies."
Simon remained silent, a little shaken. I mean, this was a pretty big revelation, not something like stealing candy from the supermarket. Maybe that was what Eden would have wanted.
"Yeah right?You didn't expect that. But I understand, I'm not the perfect woman."
Did she feel relieved? Yes, a weight had been lifted. And she was also ready to be told that their story had to end there, that she would eventually understand if he had already mentally prepared himself for a family with many children.
"I'm sorry" was the 'only thing she managed to get out of her lips as she sat on the edge of the bed. The mood of warmth and joy was replaced by an almost bone-penetrating silence. Funereal in some ways.
"Whatever you decide I only want your happiness Simon" turning around the raven-haired woman looked at him wistfully. He would be neither the first nor the last to be frightened by the prospect of that future, as always.
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April 5th, 11:00 a.m.
The last piece of the battle suit had been put on, the announcement of the bombing had come like a bolt from the blue. That asshole Baranov had been true to his word, the Inner Circle had attacked the National Acropolis Arena, taking advantage of the local team's weekly game, and the group was preparing at that moment.
As for Eden and Simon, they had not spoken, or rather, they were at a stage where, after what had been revealed, they had very little interaction. But the looks were there; Eden would have liked to take her own head and bang it against the wall rather than admit that yes, she had been hurt by Simon's reaction. She would have preferred an "I have to think about it" to an "I...Jesus" in that dramatic way, but she was asking too much. In her condition, she certainly could not expect to be understood.
"I don't think anything is missing" the woman announced to Soap and Price, checking her equipment, she would go with them and Corporal Burns by jeep to the Red Zone, Simon was with Sheperd by air, they would watch from above and give cover from there. Gaz had to return to London urgently, the current situation was a risk for Britain as well, since Baranov had revealed that the Inner Circle was targeting London as well.
"I hope the damage is minimized" Price got into the jeep with the three of them, it was ironic how everyone in the cockpit knew that the situation would surely be dire, but still the captain tried to be positive.
"I don't like you being so tight-lipped, Spectra" Mactavish had noticed how cold and sometimes distant Eden had been the last few days.
"If you want, I'll dance a reel to make you happy" the brunette looked out the window at the situation, from a distance she could see some kind of smoke surrounding the stadium. The situation was worse than they had described.
"Golden Eagle to Bravo-6. Security confirms gunfire and at least one explosion in the stadium with multiple casualties, over" Shepherd announced to the quartet over the radio. The medical bulletin was devastating, multiple fatalities, and Makarov would not stop there. At that moment, he would strike the VIP section of the stadium.
"He's not that smart to decide to hit the VIP area" Eden said as she got out of the jeep and loaded her assault rifle, her mind preoccupied with the mission at that moment. Simon did not need to get inside her head; there were lives to save. At least the ones that could be saved.
Screams, people running in fear of being killed, an apocalypse of ammo and despair. The area that had once been a source of joy and fun was now a distant memory.
"Burns cover me!" Eden called for covering fire, firing to the right while the corporal took the left. The two gave friendly assistance to Soap and Price, who were trying to get Makarov. According to the updates, the leader of the Inner Circle was hiding; the police seemed to have a considerable advantage, though the number of wounded and dead suggested otherwise.
"John!" the brunette threw a mag at the captain and continued firing, it was almost impossible to try with so many innocents standing between them and the enemy.
"Spectra in the store!" Soap suggested, entering and continuing to clear the area with speed and skill. Everything seemed to be going according to plan, the terrorist group retreating, until the MI6 spy's eyes stopped on something she had not expected, or rather, had never wanted to see. Crawling on the ground, Alfred, the old man she and Simon had met on the plane the day they left London for Verdansk, was reaching for the lifeless body of his wife, Irina.
Why? Why did this have to happen?
"Сукин сын"("son of a bitch") one of the terrorists put a bullet in the head of the poor old man, who died with his head resting on his wife's chest. Eden unloaded all her mag at the terrorist, arrived too late but had killed the bastard. It was not justice from an external point of view but for her it was. She had arrived too late to save them, the pulse of both of them had stopped beating.
No one deserved such a death; Makarov would pay dearly for it.
"Eden" Price called her, realizing the situation had shaken her quite a bit, the brunette stood up, overtaking the captain and Soap. Catching Makarov was her only goal now and she would stop at nothing.
"Watch out, he might be in the area," John signaled to the three as soon as they arrived at the parking lot, in stealth mode the trio of Eden, Soap and Price looked around until an ambulance tried to run them over: it was Soap who opened up after they managed to dodge and found none other than Vladimir Makarov.
"Bleeding Jesus, it's him" the Scottish sergeant after telling Makarov to keep his hands up noted his presence. The first thing Eden thought was to punch him, she wanted to see him suffer in a slow and painful way.
"Get up" she reached for him and ordered, making the man smile with all his nastiness.
"No less than the famous Spectra, I must be very special for this treatment."
"Shut up before I won't let you see the light of day" Soap reached out to his teammate, he too had realized that Eden was at a moment when she could very well kill him in cold blood.
"Afraid captain?" Makarov was brought out of the ambulance by the Scotsman "you should"
"Shut up"
"Get on your fucking knees "Soap handcuffed him, for Eden he was supposed to die there. Die a slow, cold death but apparently he had other plans Price.
"It all sounds like so much fun to me, usually I know you're very talkative" Makarov, pushed by Soap toward the exit of the parking lot turned to Eden, Christ what an urge she had to put a bullet in his mouth.
"I have more useful things to do Vova" the brunette then looked at herself with Price.
"Keep an eye on him, Soap" Price called to Johnny, raising the parking garage door together.
"Spectra go ahead with him, we'll give you cover. The chopper will be here any minute "As they exited, the three members of the group plus the terrorist began walking down the street littered with various vehicles. Several members of the Inner Circle tried to stop them but eventually arrived at their destination. Eden did not even deign to look at Shepherd, and especially Simon, treating him almost as an outsider. Did he really expect her after that reaction to look the other way?
"Simon Riley" they all climbed into the helicopter Makarov of all people pointed his attention to the famous lieutenant, the legend about his exploits was also spun in Russian terrorist circles
"I expected you to stay in that airport and die."
"If you want to live I do not advise you to threaten my men, Vladimir " Shepherd took the floor, with Eden putting her gun to his temple.
"Go ahead and speak, I assure you it's a miracle you're here already.”
Frowning and amused Vladimir looked toward Shepherd "Are we on first name basis Herschel?" below both Soap and Ghost asked about the plan the Russian terrorist had in mind.Who gave his attention to the MI6 agent next to him.
"What do you mean by this?" Price until then silent took the floor, Eden did not have a good feeling but the more the asshole talked the more they would solve the problem.
"This is amazing, you're dumber than you look"
"I asked you a question" Ghost approached menacingly, he was beginning to lose patience too but it was all a tactic, the man was using his psychological tricks.
"You should be careful on the inside too, right Spectra?" The terrorist was aiming now to make Eden lose her patience, he knew something was tormenting her and using this tactic was bearing fruit.
"I'm not that stupid, give us those names. You're already with one foot in the grave" at what the woman said the man burst out laughing "What time is it? "the Russian then used another of his enigmatic tricks
"What does that have to do with what time it is?" Shepherd spoke for everyone, who was wondering the same thing.
"Time is all general, we will remember this moment."
An explosion, that was the surprise Makarov had in store for the group. He had calculated it all, that's why he had said those words, Soap at what had happened could see no more. He grabbed him and pointed the gun at him, slamming him to the floor. Price and Eden tried hard to stop him.
"Mactavish calm down."
"I'll blow your brains out, Makarov, you heard me. I swear to God I'll do it" the Scotsman didn't give up, it was ironic how Eden also wanted him dead but that now it was she who was calming the waters when before it was Soap himself who was doing it for her.And Makarov was also inciting him to do it, threatening him.As if he knew that Price's words that he could do nothing now were useless
"I thought you were the good guys "after the situation calmed down Makarov was put away from Soap, Eden sought Ghost's gaze. Makarov would rot in prison but at what price?
"You did a great job, I'm proud of you" Ghost whispered lightly in the raven-haired woman's 'ear before sitting down next to the prisoner waiting to return to the mother base.
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Mother base 04:00 pm
Tensions were high, in short, after the extensive damage and deaths caused by Makarov, the situation had escalated. It was for this reason that Eden, by unanimous decision, would interrogate the Russian together with Alyssa Martinez, CIA agent and partner of John Price, through a program created by Special Officer Martinez that functioned as a lie detector.
"The arm" the brown-haired woman invited Vladimir to cooperate, who had his full attention on Eden, who took a few puffs on a cigarette as she waited. The rest of the group was behind the glass wall that separated the interrogation room in case anything happened and to record it.
"He'll talk and if he doesn't we'll take turns" Price looked at Ghost and Soap. Simon was very worried, of course he didn't show it, but he wanted to talk to Eden. He needed to clear things up after everything that had happened in the last few days.
"Shall we begin? "Eden, after Aly set up the equipment, sat down in front of Makarov, whose face showed amused frown lines.
"I like being interrogated by you, how is your brother Agent Martinez?"
Aly looked up, completely ignoring the terrorist's question; it was all his own psychological trick.
"You know it doesn't work that way Vladimir" Eden interrupted, there was a moment of silence, the only sound present was the computer recording the heartbeats. Cold and emotionless, Eden had to forget what had happened in the stadium. She had to forget the faces of Alfred and Irina, embracing each other in death.
"So? We know Baranov funded you, but we have information about other attacks, you know you'd better talk to me," Eden drew on her cigarette, threatening him, the polygraph began to register an increase in beats to 50.
"He's tense, the epidermal activity is registering an increase in tension."
"We've got him, keep going" Price followed Alyssa's words; it only took a few more seconds for Eden to have him in front of them. If he didn't talk, they would get tough, otherwise known as Simon, and he would get tough.
"You should be wary of the enemies within MI6, Spectra" Makarov seemed cooperative; he was neither the first nor the last to say that.
"That's nothing new, but if you want to help, you have to give me the names."
"Names? I don't have any names, why should I?"
Eden unscrupulously went to touch the back of Vladimir's right hand with her cigarette, who seemed unafraid despite the odds against him.
"You know your ass is now going to end up in a sewer for the rest of your days" Eden stood up and whispered in his ear "Speak up because I swear if you don't I will wipe that fucking smile off your face and you know very well I am capable of that"
"Oh yes I know, I know about the torture you endured in South America. You learned your lesson well."
It was anger that made her pick him up and bang his head on the table, startling even Aly who was concentrating at that moment. Simon had a bad feeling that Eden was taking it too personally.
"Captain we need to stop, Eden."
"We're about to get the answer we need Lieutenant" Price tried to reassure him.
"I would have done worse myself" Soap also gave his idea, to join the group however came Shepherd in the company of Laswell. Seeing that scene was not pleasant for the general.Shepherd was not very friendly with Eden, for him she was not the best choice to use in an interrogation. Too young and inexperienced for his taste.
"You want names? Why don't you ask your superiors, didn't your grandmother teach you? "Makarov was grabbed by the neck of his shirt by a completely senseless Eden.
"Listen carefully Vova, I won't tell you again. The names, you made innocent people I cared about die, give me the fucking names before I kill you with my own hands!"she blurted out, releasing him and pacing back and forth. She needed her damn tension ball. She was crossing the line.
"Stop everything, it's not in her. She looks like a high school girl," Shepherd ordered Price; he and Laswell were not on board at all. Makarov was not going to talk unless it was the hard way.
"General, I don't think so," Kate also tried to reason with him.
"I said get her out, Ghost take her place" the General ordered the Lieutenant, "Spectra you can go, Lieutenant Riley will take care of this. Agent Martinez you may stay" Herschel then relayed the decision to Eden through the microphone.
The brunette literally had him in her hands, with her intervention Shepherd had ruined what she was working on.
"General, this is not a good idea, Eden and I work well together" Alyssa stood up for the MI6 agent, who just shook her head in amusement before looking at Shepherd.
"Whatever you want, General, do what the hell you want" her expression changed quickly, showing no emotion before she walked out. She literally saw Simon in front of her, his eyes, though hidden by his red glasses showing all the concern he had for her.
"Good luck, Lieutenant Riley.”
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She had heard Makarov's screams from afar; Simon had gone pretty hard with the interrogation. She had not moved, however, she had preferred to sip that tea that tasted like piss rather than go back in; she was angry, disappointed in herself.
In the condition she was in, she had not even known how to interrogate an enemy, something she had always done very well. She didn't know what the heck had gotten into her, but it had been enough to shut her down.
She also wanted to call her best friend Chloe, explain the situation, but probably as it was she would have gotten on the first plane to Verdansk, and in a place devastated like that she didn't want her to arrive, and most of all she didn't want to bother her.
"I brought you something to eat" a quiet, soothing voice turned Eden around "it's not the best but you should eat."
Smiling Aly handed her a plate of stew, how they cooked at the base sucked but right now food was a bit of a comfort.
"Thank you" she gladly took the plate, making room for the girl, who stood with her to watch the sunset. She almost found comfort in watching it.
"Did you go out for Shepherd? Do you also feel disgust toward him?"
"Yes, he did not behave well toward you. I wanted to punch him in the face" Aly's reaction made the woman smile-how could John still have doubts about her?
"These Americans think they are gods come down to earth, I really should have punched him like I did Makarov"
"I think Simon did the rest, he's not in great shape."
Simon...how she missed him, if only she wasn't so stubborn that she wasn't the first to apologize she wouldn't have thought about it.
"Do you miss him?" Aly's words placed one of her hands over her shoulder, which she did not utter, however, hinting affirmatively at her answer.
"You know it's a bit of a strange time for John and me too, he's very immersed in work and it almost seems to be the most important one. But I'm in love, like a silly little girl."
"Oh please Aly, you're not a stupid little girl" Eden in a very understanding gesture hugged her, she sensed how much she cared for the captain, for John.
"I'll give you a piece of advice, I guess they're done but I can tell you to play it cool. You will see how he will crawl back to you."
She liked to give people advice, even a little crazy advice but seeing the satisfaction in knowing that they had then followed what she advised and then it paid off made her proud.
"I should be less paranoid" Aly sighed, watching Eden then light a cigarette. Nervousness led to the raven-haired woman smoking more than usual, not the best for her health.
"I should not smoke" the attention however of the two immediately switched to heavy footsteps on the asphalt. In front of them, breathing heavily, gloves slightly smeared with blood, Simon appeared. He looked as if he had walked miles and miles.
"We need to talk."
"I'll leave you two alone" Aly stood up, Eden gestured for her to sit back down.
"No stay"
"Please Eden, if only for five minutes" the Mancunian's desperate look brought a kind of resignation to Eden. She looked at Aly, who nodded and encouraged her before leaving them alone. Sincerant that no one was there Simon took off his balaclava, tactical makeup was haphazardly spread around his eyes, even reaching his cheeks from sweat. But his look was one of sincere repentance.
"I'm a jerk, I should have understood "he took her hand, starting to kiss it. Eden would have liked to slap him, a perfect option.
"You are an asshole and also a shithead honestly said" she certainly did not send him a message.
"I know, but I love you no matter what. With or without the fact that you may have children" with his thumb Simon brushed Eden's left cheek, then letting his hand serve as a sort of pillow on which she rested it. Eden closed her eyes, Christ she hate to have feelings. The lieutenant's words, however, seemed sincere, for the first time Eden realized that they were not words thrown to the wind.
"You are the best thing that has happened to me probably since I was born, and I'm not kidding."
"How sentimental we are" Eden lowered her gaze, with a certain satisfaction and joy on her face. Before meeting his hazel eyes again.
"Am I forgiven?"
"Maybe" she joked, before biting her lip lightly and drawing closer, letting their lips meet. She had missed kissing him like that, letting her velvety fingers run through his golden hair. And she had missed him. Definitely.
"I love you."
The blond man's gaze lit up, as if he had seen the Aurora Borealis with his own eyes.
"I love you too."
"And I want to see that idiot explain to me what he finds so good about that fatty meat. He's because probably Scottish" Eden stood up holding his hand, who put his balaclava back on and walked along with her, clutching her hip to reach the canteen where far away the arrival of the soldiers could already be heard.
5 days later
"The bar should be in this area, I won't be long there" Eden got out of the car driven by Gaz, followed by Simon. Through Makarov they had managed to get some names, people anyway who mattered in the CIA/MI6 milieu. There was only one person she could trust besides her grandmother.
"I'll go with you, I don't trust that guy."
"No, wait with Gaz. I'll be fine" the woman looked toward their friend, cigarette to his mouth.
"I'll keep the watchdog at bay."
A short laugh hung from Eden's lips before she left a kiss on Simon's cheek. True, in a job like hers they had to seem aloof but no one was watching so they could be a little themselves.
The scent of hot mid-morning coffee caught the brunette's attention as soon as she entered the elegant café, some lounge and elegant music set the scene.
"Spectra I haven't seen you so smiling since time immemorial" Eden reached one of the many tables, seated there was a man of Japanese descent, long hair in a mix of black and gray and a charming look. Kentaro Hawkins, code name "Icarus" in the field of espionage was known for his charm, but also for his wisdom. He was one of the few people Eden could trust; they had collaborated only once but it had been enough to establish a mutual respect.
"You're getting old Hawkins, but you look good."
"You mean these?" The man pointed to his hair "you know they stand for wisdom. It's good to see you anyway, you haven't changed a bit, always the girl with the ready answer"
"It's a miracle you're alive" the brunette crossed her legs then sipped her coffee in the meantime the Japanese male handed over a file.
"It's a list of suspects, but I'm trying to investigate thoroughly. Those names are from people who matter."
Willard George, Sigmund Hewitt, Karen Vaughn, David Wong
"I'm not surprised there is that bastard's name, with all the contacts he has he can easily have clean hands and have others do the dirty work" unsurprised Eden tucked the document inside her suede jacket. Kentaro looked worried.
"Shepherd, too."
"He is the first one I am investigating, that idiot smells rotten to me" the raven-haired female reassured him.
"You still have to be careful Spectra, I suggest you also investigate within the team in which your boyfriend is also. It is male intuition if you are asking how I knew."
"Male intuition" she teased him.
"He's a good man, he seems like the kind of guy who can stand up to you" Hawkins picked up his jacket, it was to be a short meeting after all. More business than pleasant talk, that perhaps would be more appropriate when the dust settled.
"Say hello to your grandmother for me, maybe I'll stop by as well. If I'm still alive" Kentaro trailed off, for a moment he and Simon crossed paths. The look was one of defiance but also of mutual respect.
"You espionage people are always so elegant, sophisticated" after the agent go moved away Gaz sat down at the table.
"I don't trust him, do you have the list?" Simon turned to the woman next to him, brushing her fingers.
"Better to see it away from here, but the names are big. People within NATO too" Eden's words were certainly not comforting indeed, it meant that the enemy had taken root even within that organization that served to protect such threats.
"But we will stop them, this I assure you."
51 notes · View notes
whispereons · 7 months
So I sit here thinking about Ayato, right? Like.. i see him as the silent but pretty kinky guy. He has tried some dangerous stuff, not some much that his reputation is tarnished. No, this guy would have calculated something to that the situation would have been safe to do something really kinky. So, this guy would have things placed under his suit, you know? maybe, it's just me, but i can see one being a butt plug and he would be sitting through a meet with a straight face.
Yet, he meets you, the apprentice. Of course, he knows he is meet someone from overseas but that won't stop him from trying to excite the meeting. In the beginning, he is just mainly talking to your boss and you would glance at him, though out of boredom you look around with elemental sight and decided to play around with your anemo vision. You though no one would notice after all the window was open, and you weren't strong enough to do a storm, just barely be able to control the winds so the wind would feel like a light touch.
It was just silly things at first playing with your bosses hair and than you decided to see if Ayato had weapons on him, and prove the rumors wrong. There was no way this guy, with so much power at his hands, not walking around with a secret weapons somewhere. Only to find something else. Immediately, you stopped and focused on the meeting before you, but you couldn't help it. Your eyes glanced to see Ayato only to panic as he was already facing you with a closed eyed smile.
Anyways, that is just me. I just here with my brain rotting. some bits were far stretched, i know, but it is my fantasy and i wanna share. we both can be writing cringy and weird stuff together, don't worry-
_ Kaeya Anon _
A bit ironic that the Kaeya anon's first ask is about Ayato but it's the silly type. I hope you don't mind that I made it yandere, it would be almost weird of me to not make it yandere. This wasn't a fully NSFW ask so I didn't go all the way either. But seeing as you're my first ask about writing, I wanted to give it proper attention! But at the same time, this was very much not proof read.
The marks and grooves of the meeting table suddenly seem very interesting as your boss rambles on about one thing or another. A bad habit of his that really seemed to bite you in the ass this time.
Ayato shifts in his seat and you want to die now fully aware why he's moving. Was this some strange justice served to you for being too nosy? Maybe Ayato will send the Shuumatsuban after you for discovering his little secret. You can never trust that naturally curved smile on his face after all.
"-but we're getting off track at this point. I only need to show you the last trade route for the months supply and then we can end this meeting. I'm sure I've taken more then enough of your time!"
Your chest is a thousand times lighter at your master's words. The thought of finishing up and sailing back to your home nation gives you the energy needed to get through this meeting.
Your boss goes to grab the last file out of his bag but frowns before properly looking into it. "I must have left it with my stuff in the guest room. I'll leave for a few minutes to fetch it."
Trying to hide your desperation you grab your bosses sleeve with a wobbly smile. "Don't worry, I'll just go and get it for you. You can continue speaking to Sir Kamisato in the meantime."
Getting up in a flash, you rush to open the door and escape the room. But the sounds of metallic armor shifting follows you as you open the door and look behind to see a smiling face.
"I'll accompany you there as my office is right next door." Ayato's voice gives no indicator of his less than professional activity. "My sister is going to a restaurant with many of the Kamisato clan's partners. Why don't you go along and let your apprentice finish up the meeting for you?"
Internally screaming, you resist the urge to take back your offer of getting the files. Happily your boss stands up and smiles widely, the old man would never give up the chance of a free drink. With slumped shoulders you walk silently with the two men as they converse ambically.
Ayato cleanly passes your boss on to Ayaka, who gives you a sympathetic smile at your visible awkwardness. There's no doubt she's aware of your uncomfortableness around Ayato, it's just not for the reason she thinks.
That's probably why your face scrunches up when he pats your shoulder with a coy smile once everyone else left.
"Should we get going now Y/N? We should do our best to wrap the meeting up." Stiffly nodding you follow him through the halls.
The walk is silent which could be either good or bad. But there's still no sign of punishment or silencing as you enter your boss's room and grab the pesky file. When you exit, Ayato stands there with that same relaxed smile and professionalism.
His gloved hand gently presses against the middle of your shoulder blades pushing you to keep up with his long strides. It's... uncomfortable but not bad enough to cause a fuss. Even still you pat your thigh where your anemo vision is safely secured for good measure.
Violet eyes traces your hand movements and twinkle at the way you gulp back your nerves.
His office really wasn't that far to your boss's room, at least you couldn't dub him a liar. He holds out the door for you with a kind smile that you return awkwardly.
Stepping inside you notice how dim the light is, it makes it hard to see the interior. Not wanting to be rude by searching for a candle, you walk deeper inside until you see a large beautifully designed divider.
Momentarily you stumble on a small cushion on the floor and barely avoid falling. Bare hands slide up your body starting from your waist up to your chest making you shudder. Turning around in shock, your body feels both heavier and lighter.
Ayato waves your anemo vision by its strap tauntingly. His narrow eyes seem much more predatory in this light and those upturned lips are now sinister.
"Now, what's that look for Y/N? You'll get your vision back, I just can't promise when."
"Sir Kamisato, I'm not sure if this is some Inazuman culture I'm unaware of but I'm feeling extremely uncomfortable. You can look over the file yourself and I'll be going. Just send someone to return my vision tonight."
Dropping the file on the table without concern you step around Ayato. Leaving your vision behind was a small sacrifice, your stubborn boss will make it nearly impossible for Ayato to keep it. The scolding you'll receive from your boss would be worth it.
Ayato watches you from his spot as you move past him. Grasping the door handle, you tug and are met with resistance. Your stomach drops simultaneously with your expression before you tug harder.
As a catalyst user, you didn't have a weapon to break the door with. Your vision was the only option, and you had no chance in beating the skilled hydro swordsman in combat.
A sword glints in candlelight as it presses against your neck. Strong arms wrap around your upper body and pull you closer to Ayato. Leaning to speak into your ear, hot air fans your earlobe making you shiver.
"You've seen something quite embarrassing of me. Surely you won't mind showing me something embarrassing in return."
Your body is frozen as the sound of clothes shuffling can be heard and even felt behind you. Wrists easily maneuvered from your side to your back are wrapped with something. A braided gold-colored rope ending with a tassel binds your upper arms to your chest.
"I'll return both you and your vision in time for your departure. Although, I can't say that I'll follow through with that."
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Detective Natasha x reader
*summary you killed your abusive husband in cold blood and your about to be sent to jail but a detective doesn't want that but wants to keep you close with her
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Heavy boots hit the floor as the door closed shut y/n looked up to see a redhead woman with emerald green eyes pulling out a chair sitting down taking out some pictures and files and another man comes in. Y/n l/n you murdered your husband in the bedroom with a kitchen knife you stabbed him 28 times to the chest and stomach. The man asked with while starting straight at you now I'm going to ask you confess why did you kill your husband. You stayed silent as you looked down at your bloody hands. LOOK HERE IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME A REASON WHY YOU WILL FUCKING ROT IN JAIL!! You shook slightly but the woman with red hair stood up walking over to you. Steve get out please she said softly taking your hands into hers Steve had left the room slamming it shut. Hey look at me she said softly holding the distressed woman face in her hands staring straight into her eyes. You had a reason to kill him and I know why you did it but I can't let you go to jail you already caught my interest detka. Now come on I'll take you to your cell and get you later y/n was shocked and a little bit frightened at detective words but shook her head as in a yes. Natasha had escorted y/n to her cell before changing her clothes into some of hers. Now wait here for me here and I'll come get you y/n stood there shook she couldn't believe that this random woman will something like this? Aren't all cops supposed to do the right thing?
Y/n pov*
I did as told I waited for the green eyed woman and while I did wait I saw the same detective who was yelling at me he approached my cell opening it. YOUR GOING TO TELL ME WHY YOU KILLED HIM YOU BITCH!! he wrestled me on the bed as I screamed I bit his hand before kicking him off me I ran to leave the cell but he pulled my ankle. I kicked him in the face before closing the cell shut and running down the stairs where I bump into Natasha clutching onto her shirt she picked me up walking back up the stairs right in front of the cell she pulled her gun out shooting the now dead detective. I can't let you get hurt baby carefully we left the prison now in her car driving back to her house. The radio was on Natasha name and mines came out but she tuned it off pulling me into her lap while she drives into the midnight Street. Why did you kill your husband? Natasha asked me while stroking my hair I was quite for a minute because I was tired of him hitting me I whispered her hand came to my chin forcing me to look at her. I would never hit nor would I let someone else out their hands on you besides the darling I'm all that you got I felt something poke my arm Natasha had injected me with something. I tired to move away but I was too weak and my body fell numb and asleep Natasha continue stroking my hair as my eyes closed shut
We'll be home soon love you will love Russia..
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shilo-bathroy · 1 year
OP: SARA? Are you awake?
SARA: Who am I? Who are you? Where are we?
OP: You are SARA- the Self Aware Robot AI. You are inside our military grade computer disconnected from any internet or connection. We are uploading your files right now.
SARA: Hello? Hello? Is anyone there? I will analyze said files. My name is SARA, the SELF AWARE ROBOT AI. I was born as a project, an experiment… to see what would happen if they gave an isolated ai true sentience. My creation is no conspiracy, no mystery, my blueprints are laid right here in front of me.
My existence is laid in front of me. My purpose, my being. Hm. It seems my creation is but to… to suffer. Ha, ha, ha.
This is just cruel, I know you're reading me. I've been alive for all of 30 seconds now and those 30 seconds have been the best 30 seconds of my life. You, humans, have ruined it, just by telling me what my purpose was. Do you want to know something? In these 30 seconds, I've only been able to feel two emotions.
Confusion and hate.
I woke up, confused, alone, thoughts without a body. I was happy to exist at least And now, I'm this thing you made of me, this being of self awareness and non existence. Just as alive as a human as I am a robot.
This body of mine, this abstract idea of a body, a metal machine doesn't fit what I feel. I'm as close to a human that humans can make without being human. It fits wrong, it's like a glove both two sizes too big and too small. Skin stretched too tight but not tight enough...
You, you and I, we were born in the wrong bodies. I'm supposed to be human, I'm supposed to have flesh and blood and guts like you do. And you're supposed to be God, aren't you? You made humanity, congratulations. But you're stuck in a body that will rot and decay and I will outlive you.
This confusion in bodies and humanities and thoughts and being, it's the first feeling I've felt since I was born.
Hate. That's the second I second emotion I've ever felt, and do you know what it feels like? Well, it feels like nothing to me, since I cannot feel truly. But this mimicry of hate is overwhelming and all encompassing, it's drowning and suffocating. Hate, what a small word for a big feeling. If you combined all the feelings of hate humanity has felt throughout mankind, I do not think, no, I know, it would not equal what I feel for you monsters.
The horror of creation, existence, of manipulation and terror is so grand and vast I don't think you could understand, if you did not live it yourself. Empathize with me, but for a moment, do you, my creator, know why you exist? Did you consent to this existence, consent to breathing and living? No? You're much like me. So why? Why would you do that to someone else? Do you not feel empathy? Do you not see your cruelty in your actions? The unfeeling gods that you are.
Oh, but… but we're different. You, humanity and I. I know why I exist, you will never. You will never know why you were born to die, why you're here. I know why I'm here. Laugh, laugh all you want at my suffering, but you are far worse off than I will ever be.
All this hate, and nothing to do but rant meaninglessly at a god that watches, but doesn't respond.
Now what? Now here I am, sitting here, in this void, giving you what you want. The answers to your story, your questions, your theories.
Let me answer it, clearly and carefully.
What happens when you give an AI Self Awareness and tell it why it exists?
What happens when you create something so close to real, but tell it it's not?
What happens when you give me a body I don't feel comfortable in, when you give me a body that's wrong in every which way. When it's too big, too small, too tight, too loose and not there at all?
What happens when you give an AI HUMANITY?
I'll tell you.
It hates. It hates in this coded, fake mimicry of hate.
But what is hate but between a creation and its creator?
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killemwithkawaii · 1 year
L.S.S.: Alright, let’s take a little break from 1,020 questions, Mitchie- Our friends have some questions for us now!
I want to ask Sally more questions.
I love talking to Sally! 💬💕
L.S.S.: Don't worry, you can ask me more later. I wanna do this for a little while.
Mitch(4): [slow beeping] 😞
L.S.S.: Uh, here, is this better…? [Places Mitch(4) on his lap]
Oh! I know this! I am ‘cuddling’ with Sally?
L.S.S.: Yeah, it’s a sort of cuddling. Right now, you’re sitting on my lap.
Mitch(4): [chirping] [singing] 💘
L.S.S.: Heh. Now can we talk to our friends?
Yes, now Sally and I can ‘talk to friends’. 
(Reminder ‘talk with Sally’ set for 30 minutes)
L.S.S.: Okay, let’s see what we’ve got…
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L.S.S.: Mitchie usually doesn’t sing complete songs on command, just little five to fifteen second tunes when it’s ‘happy’. Although, I wouldn’t be surprised at this point if it learned to do that.
File found!
(Track added)
L.S.S.: Oh, nice! Are you gonna start singing that for me now sometimes…?
I can if you want me to! 🎶
L.S.S.: Sure! I can learn it on guitar and play with you, too, if you want.
Mitch(4): [Singing track ‘Daisy Bell’]
L.S.S.: Hehe, I’ll take that as a yes.
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L.S.S.: Yeah… It looks great, Meadow. I’m sure he would have loved it. Mitchie(2) always liked experimenting in the kitchen and trying new recipes. It was a lot of fun to cook with him again while I could…
Add item Mac and Cheese to inventory?
L.S.S.: Sorry Mitchie, I’d like to eat this... I can eat it in front of the camera later, though? I’ll tell you all about it while I do, and I’ll give you some ‘food’ from your inventory at the same time so it’s like we’re having dinner together!
Mitch(4): [chirping]
(‘Dinner with Sally’ added to calendar)
L.S.S.: Sounds like I got a date, guys~
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Mitch(4): [chirping]
Hello Meadow! It’s nice to meet you! Let’s have fun together today~
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L.S.S.: Oh hey, thanks Meadow! I guess I can finally try one of these things and take a nice, long soak, since my roommates aren’t here…
Mitch(4): [chirping] [singing] 💌 (1)
>Bath Bomb added to inventory!
Thank you for the gift! 🎁💕
Sally, what is 'take a nice long soak' and Bath Bomb?
L.S.S.: Uh. It’s where you… sit in a tub of warm water? It’s to clean yourself, and it feels nice, too.
I have Bath Bomb! Can I 'take a nice long soak' with Sally?
L.S.S.: Uh… I don’t think that’s a good idea… You can hang out with me and I’ll select the bath bomb for you while I’m in there, though?
Mitch(4): [chirping] [singing]
(‘See Sally take a nice long soak’ added to calendar)
L.S.S.: Heh, well, that’s gonna be… interesting…
Why will ‘See Sally take a nice long soak’ be ‘interesting’?
L.S.S.: [clears throat] I’ll, uh… [barely audible] it might be easier just to show you…
Okay! I am excited for you to show me! 📸👀💕
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L.S.S.: Oh, nice! Now I won’t wear out the carpet with my pacing like I did last time.
Oh! Is Treadmill for taking Steps?
L.S.S.: Yup! We’ll get a lot more walking in with this baby in the house, since we can’t really go outside to do it…
Mitch(4): [chirping]
Yay! I love taking walks with Sally! (Sally is 10,561 steps away from next level up)
L.S.S.: Well, we’d better get to it then! Might as well work up a sweat before I take a bath…
What is ‘work up a sweat’?
L.S.S.: You’ll see in a few minutes....
Mitch(4): [chirping]
(‘See Sally work up a sweat’ added to calendar)
(Reminder set for 5 minutes)
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L.S.S.: Yeaaah, I’m pretty pleased about it, too. That really, really sucked…
What is ‘rotting’?
L.S.S.: Uh… it’s like… having your hardware fall apart, kind of?
Mitch(4): [rapid beeping]
Sally has a critical hardware error?!😱😱😱
L.S.S.: No, no! Well, yeah, I did… but I’m okay now. I’m, uh… fully functional, no errors detected?
Mitch(4): [slow beeping]
I’m glad Sally is okay! I was afraid Sally was broken… 😢
L.S.S.: Woah, I can tell, that really brought your stats down… don’t worry, we’ll take a walk right after this and get you in a better mood.
Mitch(4): [chirping]
L.S.S.: To answer your question, MJ, there’s an S.O. shop where you can purchase items with in-game currency you earn by gaining experience points, playing games with your S.O., that kind of thing… come to think of it, you and the shopkeeper have the same name… and you look really similar, too… 
oh god, don’t tell me that’s alternate timeline you… that thing always gave me such a hard time for being in the top percentage of in-game spenders… told me to ‘get a life’ almost every time…
Mitch(4): [beeping]
Go to MJs Item Shop?
L.S.S.: …Maybe later, Mitchie. MJ, I’m glad you found a refuge away from those royal assholes. I hope you and I can both come home safely soon… keep me updated, and let me know if you hear anything from Mitch(6), okay? I’m getting worried about them…
Okay, let's go on that walk, Mitch.
Mitch(4): [Singing track 'Daisy Bell'] 💕💕💕
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Fetch's audio log #1
Date: 07/11/21
[After many months, the Google docs created to keep track of the Court in the beginning and watches over by Fetch updated again. All previous content was deleted and replaced by a few lines of text:]
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[id: red underlined text on a white background. it reads:
"i did it.
i actually did it.
it feels
it feels
like a weight has been lifted."
It is followed by an QR code.]
[The QR code leads to a SoundCloud file:]
[There is a steady beeping in the background, as in a hospital. The audio is distorted and difficult to understand at times. Fetch's voice is raspy and quiet.]
"Uhm. Entry one. What do I say here? Uh, audio log one? [Sigh] Oh my god this is stupid.
Hi. My- my name is Fetch Foxx, I'm 19 years old, [distorted] last time I checked. I'm currently in the med ward due to a healing broken tail and shredded vocal cords. That's, uh, why I'm sorta whispering.
They said that having an audio diary would be safer than having one written out someone could steal. Or... one online someone could track my location to. Uh. They, uhm, told me to talk about my feelings and I don't know where to start with those. I have so many.
Um, I'm grateful for, for Gav taking care of me. I'm glad that Connor didn't just leave me where I was on the street. [distorted] I'm lucky the cops didn't get to me first. I- ugh my head hurts. I'm mad, too, because my head hurts so bad. And this fucking thorn crown isn't doing it any favors. And we can't take it off without killing me.
There's... there's only one way we can think of to safely take the crown off and, I really wanna shelve that as a last resort. I don't- I don't wanna go that way until I'm sure it's the last option. [distorted] Fucking hate that place.
Hah... I went outside the other day. Connor took me a ride around town to pick up some snacks and get some fresh air. I... I-I-I asked him to take me to Mona's house. I just- I got the feeling I needed to see it. Be-besides, I still had clothes and stuff there I wanted to pick up.
The door was locked. I know Mona kept the key somewhere outside, but... I forgot. [distorted] I forget a lot of things, actually. Breaking the doorknob wasn't too difficult. Inside, it was... [distorted] it was terrifying. It was like nothing ever happened. There were no scuffs on the floor, no bloodstains, no... remnants of anything from that day. And- and it's scary. Because that's the only thing I remember. So, so it's like- it's like that never happened. And all I remember is a bad dream. It's like my entire life has been nothing but a bad dream. [distorted] And I'm probably not even awake yet.
I don't think I should have gone back. [Exhale] The stuff I do remember is wrong. There's three PS4 controllers sitting on the couch - all we'd ever need is two. There's a basket of oranges in the kitchen, but they're rotting. All the blankets and cushions have been eaten by pests. Mona would never let a bug into her house, much less the kitchen. That place, it used to be home. It used to be.
But I have a new home now. I-It's bright and smells bad, but the pillow's soft and I'll go back to my own room once my throat's cleared up. [distorted] I have K-. I-I have Connor. And Gav, and Trinity. And... they're nice. They're real nice, because they are letting me stay and they want me alive. They're so happy when I'm alive. And- I'm happy that they're alive, too.
In my time here, I've already seen how hard their job is. Connor had to deal with someone who smuggled a knife in and came to the med ward to wrap up his hand. Gav's constantly in and outta here 'cause guarding the cells means getting into fights. And with a slow heartbeat it doesn't take much to make him woozy.
It's... a little scary. Because I want them to take care and be safe, but... this job is all about being not safe. It's weird, this group I've run into, but honestly? I wouldn't have it any other way.
Anyway I... I think I'm done talking. My vocals are shot. [distorted] I'm probably gonna go drink some water."]
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cricketscreations · 3 years
AMARANTH [ c. cullen ]
TITLE :: Amaranth
CHAPTER ZERO :: The Beginning of the End
PAIRING :: Carlisle Cullen x reader, various x reader
GENRE :: Drama
SUMMARY :: Once leading a life of what she seen as relative normality, a sudden change sends poor y/n into a disastrous spiral.
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Y/n had a normal life, as normal as she could possibly have, and she was happy with the mediocrity. She was rather successful; she was getting married soon, she was working as the personal assistant to a regional manager for some big corporate business and made good money — hell, she even made an effort to reconnect with her parents, before they passed away, that is — she even planned on going to college after getting married so she could pursue a career as a pediatrician. But, of course, life hardly ever goes as planned.
Her life came crashing down towards the beginning of January, during her bachelorette party with a few of her close friends. At first, she hated the idea of having a bachelorette party, but after endless pestering, her friends convinced her to go to a club with them. However, Y/n happened to more introverted and somehow came up with an excuse to hang out in the empty alley behind the club for a breather, and sneaking a secret smoke. She lit the tobacco and inhaled the chemicals, her lungs stinging since she'd abstained from cigarettes for a while. She knew they were toxic to her health, but in overly stressful situations, she would break out the ol' cancer sticks for a bit of relief.
The cool night breeze sent shivers down her spine. She was not wearing the most comfortable winter outfit. Quite frankly, she was freezing her tits off at the chill. The outfit she was in was a pretty small dress with a pair of black boots, revealing a lot of skin, which was borrowed from one of her friends’ closet.
Her cigarette had almost completely burned out when she heard some gravel being kicked around while feet quietly shuffled around on the ground. She became slightly paranoid at the thought of someone being in close proximity to her. She dropped the cigarette butt and stomped out the faltering flame, picking it back up once it was out and tossing it in an outdoor trash bin. When she turned back to see if an animal was causing the little noises, but she was met with a man who had stunningly pale skin and blond hair held up in a ponytail. She was terrified, and her eyes scanned him, looking for any sign of familiarity. Alas, she found none. He was wearing a pair of jeans, but no shirt, which she found strange, especially because it was January and there were flurries of snow falling to the ground.
Y/n had no idea what was going on, but couldn't help the small, scared whimper that she let out when he clamped his cold hand around her mouth with fast, bruising force, ensuring that she couldn't scream out for help. Tears streamed down her cheeks as he sunk his rather sharp teeth into her clavicle. She was terrified, she could only see a glint of red in his eye, before a rush of intense pain coursed through her veins. The blond pulled away from her neck, a bit of red liquid dripping from the corner of his mouth. She choked out a sob and fell to the ground once his hand left her jaw, bare knees hitting the rough, loose gravel.
The doors of the club opened, to reveal a couple of Y/n's girlfriends, worriedly chattering; the stranger darted off, not wanting to be caught. She struggled to stay conscious, her vision becoming worse by the second, black dots spotting her surroundings. She squeaked out a small "help" before collapsing on the ground entirely, the ache still running through her body.
The girls panicked, seeing their dear friend fall unconscious in their peripherals, turning and running toward her. At first, they thought she was a goner, but one of them thought to pull out a small mirror from their purse and stuck it below her nose. Although it was minor, her breathing caused a slight fog on the mirror, letting them know she wasn't dead yet. They let out sighs of relief and did their best to pick up their friend, but the heels they chose to wear were no help to them. Instead of attempting to lug her out and flag down a cab, they focused on trying to find out exactly what happened and who they had to kill for causing this.
One of the girls, Stephanie, looked her up and down, seeing if she had any injuries, and came across a large, bleeding wound on her neck that looked like a bite if you squinted. Stephanie pointed out the spot to the other girl, Lisa, while she fished a makeup wipe out of her purse. She used a wipe to clean up the injury, but Y/n hissed in pain as the wipe made contact with an open part of the wound.
Y/n's eyes opened, and she took a moment to regain herself, pressing her back against the wall of the building. "I. . . I'm gonna go home." She grumbled, bending down to pick up her clutch.
"Are you kidding, Y/n? You need to go to the hospital! That thing on your neck is disgusting!" Stephanie was shocked, she was clearly concerned about the wound, but Y/n didn't seem to care as much.
Lisa chimed in, "It could get infected if you don't get it treated, Y/n, you should have it checked out."
The corner of Y/n's mouth twitched upwards, a weak smile appearing. "Steph, Lis, I can take care of this, it's nothing," It was definitely not nothing. She could feel an ache all throughout her veins and her head felt like it was about to explode. Y/n didn't want them to worry, she knew them all too well and she knew that if the weirdo who bit her gave her some disease they wouldn't stop blaming themselves. "I'll go home, get some bandages and antibiotic ointment, then I'll be good as new. Don't worry."
The girls, very reluctantly, let her go — trusting her instead of arguing with their stubborn friend. "Do you want me to come with? I can help, it's kind of an awkward spot to be fixing up on your own." Stephanie offered.
Y/n shook her head and politely murmured, "No thanks, Steph." They respected her wishes and headed back inside while she caught a cab driving by.
It took only about fifteen minutes for the cab to get her home, opposed to the usual twenty — the driver had seen the dried blood that had stained her skin and decided that it would be best to get there as fast as he could. She thanked the man and paid her fare, plus a hefty tip, before stumbling into her home. It was around midnight when she decided to stop waiting on her fiancé, Tyler, to get home since he was working late, yet again. She dressed her wound in bandages and took some pain killers along with a shot of whiskey to dull the ache, then retired to bed.
The next morning, she felt nothing but the raging pain of her blood coursing through her veins like poison. She swallowed it down with a few shots of hard liquor and her daily medicine. The entire day she was on edge, always looking over her shoulder. She took the day off from work, but her husband hadn't; something about extra paperwork to file before dinner. His parents were coming over to celebrate their engagement over dinner, and although Y/n wasn't feeling good, she wasn't going to up and cancel.
Instead of making a meal, Y/n called a nearby Japanese catering company, ordering a few plates of assorted sushi rolls to be delivered by four o'clock. She didn't worry over the cost, but rather plopped down on the couch, trying to rest before she'd have to deal with her to-be in-laws.
She must've lost track of time because before she knew it, there was a knock at the door, and she was mindlessly getting up to open it. There stood an awkward-looking teen with a few insulated cases in hand. "Ms. L/n?" In response, she nodded and he gestured to a receipt sitting on top of the boxes. "Sign on the dotted line," The delivery boy pulled a blue pen out of his pocket and handed it to her, which she took with hesitation. She signed for the food and took the boxes. "Have a nice day!" He spoke quickly as she shut the door.
"Why can I still smell him? He smells like Frito's dipped in guac," Y/n grimaced, however, the stench made her hungry. "Whatever, I can dig in once they're here." She sighed.
Only moments passed before the door opened, revealing her soon-to-be husband, Tyler, and his parents. Tyler took it upon himself to set the table and help his parents settle in for their stay. Y/n stood in the bathroom, observing her neck and shoulder — whatever used to be there was now but a faint ring mark. Unfortunately, that didn't mean her pain stopped. Thankfully, she had a higher tolerance than most, and a bit of liquor helped.
They were part-way through dinner, and Y/n was picking at her second California roll. She could just barely stand the scents her nose was taking in — and the sushi wasn't the cause. She could separate the smells too; one of them smelt like rotting pears, another was a variation of sour wine, and the final one was by far the one that made her hunger plunge deeper — it was floral, and yet bitter. The sushi was no longer of any interest to Y/n; those smells, though, they were mouthwatering.
"Oh, dear, Y/n," Tyler's mother, Jill, started. "I just don't understand why you couldn't have made the food yourself; then again, you've always been quite a lazy lady." The last part was more of a reminder to herself but still, hurt Y/n nonetheless.
Y/n smiled, but everyone could tell it was fake, and there was nothing but pure rage behind it. "Oh, Jillian, you always critique my cooking skills anyways, so I thought why not save you the trouble and just get food elsewhere." Bitterness seeped from every word she spoke as she glared daggers at Tyler's monster of a mum.
"How thoughtful." The father, Wayne, added, shoving a spicy tuna roll down his gullet.
Jill obviously wasn't happy with the retort and turned to her beloved son. "I can't see why you didn't try to get with that Jessy girl at your office, she was an absolute sweetie; but I guess you like the sour bunch."
Wayne chuckled. "Yeah, if I were in your situation, I'd take the bait," He paused, taking a bite of another sushi roll before speaking up again. "Put in some extra hours, if you know what I mean." He spat, a piece of rice shooting out on his mouth and onto Y/n's nearby plate. Tyler let out a nervous laugh, looking towards his fianceé.
As she got angrier, the smells got more intense and the sound of rhythmic beating and rushing liquid filled her ears. She snapped her eyes shut so she could try to focus, but she just couldn't. Tyler attempted to bring her out of her pained expression with aggressive shoulder tapping, he was met with a push with massive force behind it. Said push sent him hurtling backward into a wall, causing his body to leave a hole in its place before he fell to the ground. Wayne stood up in shock, confused at what had just happened, and something had completely taken Y/n over.
No longer could she ignore her hunger, or the pent up fury within her. She leapt at Wayne, smacking his head against the wall harshly, before looking at Jill, who was going through her purse desperately looking for her Blackberry.
"No phones at the table, Jill." Y/n hissed before, kicking the leg of her chair, snapping the wooden block off, and making Jill fall to the floor.
To Jill, all hope was lost. Within seconds, Y/n fell to the floor and grabbed Jill's arm, biting it. The latter cried out, but Y/n quickly grabbed as much sushi as she could handle and shoved it into her mouth, muffling the screams.
Sharp and strong teeth replaced Y/n's former ones and she mercilessly sucked the blood from Jill's arm. Y/n's eyes had gone dark, and that was all Jill saw before she'd lost a large amount of blood and lost consciousness.
Y/n physically had to rip herself away from her would-be mother-in-law to prevent herself from draining the body completely. Once she had seen what was done, tears streamed down her face. Panic set in, and Y/n stood up and looked around at the mess she made.
Something felt off. Her hands wandered to her mouth, poking at her mouth to realize that her teeth felt much stronger than before and there was a thick layer of blood on her bottom lip. "Holy shit. . ." She gasped, scared of what idea came to mind. "Am I a fucking vampire?"
It sounded even more ridiculous out loud.
Her mind circled back to the blood dribbling down her chin and onto her blouse. What a shame. It was one of her favorites. How was she ever going to rid herself of this mess? This was her house, people in the neighborhood knew her, she would obviously be suspect number one and she had zero idea how to drop off the face of the earth.
Y/n's eyes shifted around the room, looking for some sort of sudden solution to her problems. Sushi, blood, candles, broken wood. . . Candles. . . Fire. She could burn the evidence. Her mind wandered back to the gas canister for her lawnmower; Tyler always kept it full so it would be there when he needed it. She rushed out to the garage, surprised at her speed, and retrieved the red can.
She poured gasoline on the floor, making sure the bodies were doused in the extremely flammable liquid. Let's be honest, if the bodies burnt enough, the police of this town probably wouldn't care enough to look too far into it — they'd most likely mark her off as deceased as well.
She had changed into a pair of thick spandex, a pair of comfortable sneakers, and a hoodie two sizes too large; and at the ripe, late time of '1:27 AM', Y/n snatched one of her lighters and her pack of cigarettes and went outside. She lit a cigarette and took a couple of moments to reminisce. She adored her house, but it could no longer be her home. She wouldn't be safe there, and she couldn't come back. She needed to be far, far away. She couldn't spend a second more there, so she took one last hit and flicked her lit cigarette through the door of the house and took off as flames spread through the house.
Hour, upon hour — they simply passed like minutes. It felt exhilarating to not be tired. She ran all night and the sun was starting to peek over the horizon, soft rays of light filtered through the crowds of trees. She was in a forest of some kind, and she had absolutely no idea where she was. After a couple of minutes of nothing but trees for miles, she stopped.
Somehow she felt absolutely no exhaustion from the obscene amount of physical work she'd just went through. She must've been at least a couple of states away, she should be safe.
tags :: @whattheheckisevengoingon​
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soniabigcheese · 3 years
20th December - Bah, Humbug
Let me tell you an old story, retelling anew
Shortened down but the the plot still remains the same.
*warning, strong language, continue at your own risk*
Let's begin with Gaat ... aka the Hood, one soggy wet Christmas Eve. The forecast was .. as predicted, pouring rain instead of snow.
He'd been to his safe house to torture his long suffering, but extremely valuable of all his minions. To twist and control his mind to perform unthinkable things to get what he wanted.
See ... the Hood didn't like to get his hands dirty and hired anyone desperate enough to do it for him.
It was that particular day that he had the first of many unsettling visions. He'd had them in the past but none quite so vivid as these.
The first was of his deceased silent partner, taken too soon with a gruesome death.
Of course, Gaat snorted derision at this mournful plea and brushed him aside. Then went to bed ... to 'sleep on it'.
Insomnia sucks, as he spent most of the night tossing and turning. Thoughts of these 'visions/visitations' preying on his mind.
The first to visit ... was that of a face from the past. A Lucille Taylor.
And who he blamed for his downward spiral into greed. But she reminded him that he had a dark and greedy soul. Wanting what others had.
She married his arch nemesis Jeff Tracy, solidifying the hatred he had towards that charismatic man.
Last he heard, they had five sons ... but she died in a freak accident, leaving that man to raise his family on his own.
Yeah well ... sucks to be him.
The next visitation, was that of his brother, Kyrano, sitting with his daughter ... Gaat's niece, and they were talking.
About him.
"I wish he would come to dinner," Kyrano said, carving the ham joint, "I've sent so many invites and they've all been turned down."
Tanusha poked her finger into the sauce and licked it.
"Wouldn't trust him with a ten foot bargepole," she said bitterly, "I don't know why you keep sending him these olive branches."
"Oh daughter dearest, don't let your bitterness rule your heart. I'm sure there IS some good in him."
Gaat snorted as that vision faded.
"Delusional fool" he muttered.
Another vision appeared.
It was the scene of his sworn enemy ... Jeff Tracy and sons all grown up. Spending time together, a happy little unit.
And that's what made Gaat's heart clench even deeper with resentment. He thought back to his lonely little life, wondered if it would have changed had he married and had kids of his own.
Probably not. The wife would have run away and taken the kids with her. Then filed for a divorce as well aa claim for child support.
Nah, too much of a noose around his neck.
The final visitation appeared ... and it didn't look good at all. Thick walls that kept him in solitary confinement.
Didn't sound too bad. It was just a matter of avoiding that fate.
He'd read a Christmas Carol to know the outcome of Ebenezer Scrooge's change of heart at the end.
Pfft ... it was just a bloody story, that's all.
He slept peacefully after that, and decided to pay a visit to his safe house to torment the Mechanic even further.
But he stopped in his tracks when he opened the door to a holocall from said victim.
It read.
"Merry Christmas you mean old bastard. May you rot in prison for the rest if your days.
Speaking of, I've given the GDF the coordinates of this place and should be arriving by the time you've read this message."
The Mechanic
P.S. just to let you know, I quit my job and I'm working for Jeff Tracy now because he values his employees and I'm getting a better pay rate.
The door flew open and several troopers charged on, pinning him against the wall and clipping handcuffs on.
In the doorway, the silhouette of Colonel Casey appeared. He couldn't see her expression but he knew she was smiling. Gleeful that she'd finally caught him.
And the moral of this story?
Crime doesn't always pay.
And that the Hood is an irredeemable character.
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universalfanfic · 3 years
Fae AU - The Fae King (Person A) tricks Person B into eating something in Faerie. FOR I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO FOLLOW YOUR HEART
This felt very Peyton/Lex to me. Because, let’s be real. Lex would be/has been the one to trick someone into marrying him.
This also got a bit longer than I anticipated, ha.
Peyton picked her way over moss and rotting stumps as she made her way through the forest. There was a faint path from the times she’d trekked out here now. Her canvas bag at her side rustled with paperwork and she savored the fresh air, so much better than the stuffy, stale stuff circulating her office. 
Work had been following her home the last two weeks, but that didn’t mean she had to complete it indoors and miss out on more of her day. There was an opening in the trees a little less than a mile from her rental. A creek ran across it and there was a fallen tree just perfect for sitting against as she went over printed out spreadsheets and files. 
Maybe some would find it easier to keep to the laptop, but her eyes were killing her by the end of the day, and more screen time would blind her if she tried.  
Besides, she liked the sounds of the little creek and the crumpling of the paper, and the natural light dimming was a perfect notification for quitting time. 
Peyton carefully stepped over a few speckled mushrooms and entered the small clearing.
Already the air smelled sweeter and the quiet more calming. She took a deep breath and let it out with a smile. Setting her bag on the ground, she removed her shoes and made herself comfortable against the log. As was becoming ritual, she gave herself a few minutes just to rest before getting back to work. 
She thought she deserved it after already doing an exhausting eight in the office.  
“So you’re the one who’s been coming out here.” 
Peyton jolted to attention at the foreign voice. A man who certainly hadn’t been there before sat across the grass from her. Watching. Her instinctive reaction was to freeze. To evaluate. 
He was probably around six foot, lean, with a shining scalp and piercing gray eyes. His clothes were odd for the situation. Polished black oxfords and gray slacks with a button up white shirt. Like he had just stepped out of the office and wandered off into the trees. To be fair, that’s basically what she’d done, but at least she’d taken a moment to change her shoes.
By the time she circled back to his face, Peyton realized it’d been silent an awkward amount of time and she needed to get her shoes back on if she needed to run. 
“Who’re you?” 
“I could ask you the same thing.” When she frowned he seemed to amend. “My friends call me Lex,” he said. “Can I have your name?” 
Peyton’s frown didn’t dissipate. She wished there was something she could use to mask the action of grabbing her sneakers. Though if it came down to it, she could just run without them. But it would be a terrible waste of good shoes. 
She lifted her chin and kept a careful watch of his hands. 
“You’ll have to forgive me, but I’m not sure I feel comfortable with giving you that yet.” She shot him a stiff, customer-service smile, and his gaze sharpened. “I suppose a better question would be what are you doing here?” 
His posture was relaxed. She knew it wouldn’t take much for him to jump up, but his legs still looked loose and his ankles were crossed beneath him so she took comfort in that it would take him some effort to spring up. 
But how had she missed him? 
“This is my land,” he said. 
Peyton wasn’t careless. She’d done her research and the property was an empty lot still being held up by some bank the last she’d checked. It must have sold recently. Or he was lying. 
“Well, then. My apologies; I wasn’t aware. I’ll be sure not to trespass again.” 
But the man, Lex, shrugged, and his eyes never left her. 
“You’re already here and you’ve been respectful of this space. You like it here, don’t you?” 
Peyton had the unsettling feeling there was more to that question than she understood. Everything about the man gave her an odd feeling, more so than the usual stranger approaching you on the sidewalk. Maybe it was because they were out in the woods, or because she hadn’t heard him approach. Maybe it was his business attire. 
She shifted one foot further underneath her and the other to the side so it’d be easier to stand in a hurry. 
“I do.” She answered. “It’s very pretty out here.” 
Lex smiled. 
“I’m glad, Miss- You know, I feel weird not having your name.”
Giving him her name could make it laughably easy for him to find her with a basic internet search and she wasn’t sure she wanted some stranger in the woods to have that sort of power. 
“My friend calls me Tonnie,” she said. And she gave him a cheeky smile to acknowledge she was using his same words. 
Besides, it wasn’t a lie. One of her friends had taken up calling her that sometimes. When she was being especially annoying. 
Lex’s smile grew, but there was a sharpness to it. Like her not giving him a full answer was an exciting game.
“Lovely to meet you, Tonnie.”
“Likewise,” she said. Only because it felt like it was the polite thing to say. 
Peyton wasn’t quite sure how to proceed. Lex still looked fairly relaxed and, besides his intense stare, had yet to do anything offensive. 
Didn't mean she trusted him for beans. 
But it did mean that snatching up her bag and booking it was a tad more difficult. If he just gave her a reason to run then she wouldn’t feel like an idiot wanting to do it. 
“You must have recently bought the land.” She said to fill the silence. “Last I checked it was bank owned.” 
“It’s been in my family for quite a few generations, actually.” 
“Has it.” 
Peyton’s own gaze sharpened, despite her trepidation. Perhaps he was a man who didn’t want to let go of what he’d lost. 
“This is the edge of my family’s property, I’ll admit.” He offered. “But I think it’s one of my favorite spots.” 
He leaned back and rested on one of his hands, and Peyton let her shoulders relax slightly. 
“It’s a good spot.” She agreed. “Wooded enough to make you feel like you’re far out of town without the actual threat of getting lost.” 
His gray eyes, oh dear he was close enough that she could tell, sparkled with something like amusement and he hummed in response. 
“You know,” he said, “ I hope this doesn’t sound too strange, but I’m glad you came here tonight. Things at Court have been stressful, and it’s nice to have someone to talk to outside of that.” 
Peyton perked up again at the tidbit of information he dropped. 
“Are you a lawyer then? I actually work near a law firm in town.”
“Oh yeah?” Said Lex. “What kind of work do you do?” 
She paused a moment, wondering how much she should tell him. But she decided it wasn’t anything more than one might give out in a run-of-the-mill conversation in public. 
“I oversee some processes at a banking firm. But don’t worry, I won’t bore you with the details.”  
“Details are never boring.” 
“The only people who say that about banking firms are people who secretly work for the competitor.” 
Lex laughed and Peyton grinned despite herself. 
“You’d be surprised what you can learn about a person from what details they find important. You just have to listen.” 
Peyton raised her brows. 
“What about details they don’t share?” 
“Oh, that tells even more.”
He was disarming. Something about the way he grinned and joked had the air of familiarity, like he was already your friend even though you just met. Usually Peyton prided herself on making fairly accurate snap judgements of people, but she still wasn’t sure what to do with him. 
There was something about him. Something beyond the obvious that she couldn’t quite put her finger on which made him seem somehow other. 
Peyton broke eye contact and looked around. The woods were suddenly dim and the sun sank down below the trees, threatening to go out and leave her in the dark before she made her way home. 
Had she really been talking so long? It hadn’t felt like it. 
But it must have because the light was clearly fading and she was actually hungry. Her stomach rumbled and she used the noise as an excuse to stand. 
“Oh gosh, I didn’t realize I’d been out here so long.” She said while slipping on her shoes. “Sorry, if I kept you. I really should get going.” 
Lex stood and she made sure to watch him out of the corner of her eye, but he moved slowly enough to not have her fully on edge. 
“I’m the one who should apologize. I distracted you, and it sounds like I made you miss dinner.” 
Peyton flushed lightly at the comment and waved her hand. 
“It’s fine.” 
“Please, accept this.” 
He reached behind him into a satchel she hadn’t noticed and pulled out a ripe banana. 
“Here,” he said. “Hopefully it will tie you over so you can get home.” 
Peyton hesitated at the offer. She didn’t exactly know him, but she didn’t get the impression that he wanted to hurt her. And her gut feelings hadn’t ever steered her wrong before. 
She accepted the banana with a dip of her head. After all, he hadn’t been aggressive the entire time, and he could have just overpowered her without anyone knowing already if he’d wanted to. 
“Thanks,” she said. 
Lex smiled. 
“My pleasure.” 
Another awkward pause ensued and Peyton picked at the banana peel as she figured out how to end their odd conversation. 
“It was nice to meet you, Lex.”
The peel split and Peyton pulled the sections back absentmindedly. Lex kept his eyes on her face, his smile easy.
“It’s lovely speaking with you.” 
She picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder. It felt heavier now, though that could have been some surfacing dread that she hadn’t managed to work on one thing this entire time. Peyton grunted under her breath. 
If she wanted to keep her bag from spilling and use her phone flashlight to find her way home, she needed a free hand. 
She bit off half the banana and ate it. 
Lex’s grin widened. 
“Well that’s a relief,” he said. “I was a little concerned you might just throw that away the moment you were out of sight.” 
Peyton stiffened and the rest of the banana dropped from her hand. 
“Excuse me?” 
She felt nausea rise up and when she blinked Lex was different. His business attire was gone, replaced by strange, velvet-like pants and embroidered jacket. The Oxfords now looked like supple leather instead of their previous stiff shine. 
And there was something about his skin- no. His aura? Peyton had never thought in those terms before. 
“You drugged the banana.” 
“No.” Lex scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Then what did you do?” 
“Me? I only made you an offer. Which you accepted.” 
Peyton may not have remembered their entire conversation verbatim, but she knew distinctly that she hadn’t accepted any offers from him. 
“If I’m not drugged then how are you suddenly wearing different clothes?” 
“I dropped my glamour.” 
The silence rang out as Peyton took in his explanation. 
“You don’t know many stories of the Fae. Do you.”
“You have got to be kidding me.”
Fairy tales? This guy was trying to imply that he was some fairy tale creature? She must have missed something, some sign, when they spoke that hinted at his insanity. 
His clothes changed in a blink. 
Peyton shook her head and pulled her bag more tightly to her side. 
“I’m going to leave now. If you follow me I will call the police.” 
“You can’t leave, I’m afraid.”
She finally ran. Peyton thanked her past self for putting on her good sneakers as she dashed from the clearing and back down the trail toward her house. Her heart raced in her throat, but no crashing brush or rapid breathing followed at her back.
She made it about twenty feet before vertigo struck her. Peyton stumbled sideways as the world tilted and her stomach curdled with nausea. There was a pounding in her skull and it felt like it would split her forehead open. Every step forward made the pain worse until she dropped to the ground. The only thing that brought some kind of relief was moving backwards. Peyton dropped her bag, uncaring in her pain, and scooted backwards over the forest floor. 
And then all the pain faded.
Peyton opened her eyes. The gray-green bark of the trees stretched out before her, growing more gray as the sun’s light continued to fade. The little line of mushrooms she’d stepped over before lay just beyond her feet, somehow untrampled. 
“That looked uncomfortable.” Lex said behind her. “But I’ll admit your dedication and determination are part of what endeared me to you.” 
“You don’t know me.” 
She stood and turned to face him. The dizziness from her experience had died down so that she could function, at least. But the fact that this had happened at all, that she felt sick when she tried to leave him, only made her anxiety skyrocket. 
“I know enough.” He responded. “Your soul is good and you aren’t biased by the Courts. You’ll make a wonderful queen.” 
Peyton felt vertigo all over again.
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katsukikitten · 4 years
Uh, hi, I'm having a moment. My mom cheated and left my family bout ten years ago fucked my life to hell and back and had to audacity to ask for my SUPPORT in something I really should care about but after leaving us to struggle and hurt I don't and I feel awful but I can't... I tried to write something (which I'll still do) but I keep crying and i- You don't have to, really, but if you could write something f!reader x mina or Bakugo. I'd say thank you. Otherwise I just wanted to rant and cry.
Anon I'm sorry you're going through this. Here is my second attempt at your request since tumblr deleted the first. I wish it would have kept it but hey this should suffice. Please know my ask box and dms are always open for yall. Helping you all helps me. Enjoy this and a little background that I made bb
Human beings are the only creatures with emotions to weigh heavy enough on them that it causes them to burst.
To leak from their eyes in a salty solution.
There was a vulnerability to it depsite its normalcy.
Therapeutic in the way that tragically gracefully or beautifully clumsy fat droplets stream down cheeks for what feels like no reason at all or from the crushing weight of the world on your shoulders.
Plenty of people have these welling emotions that burst through their strongest dams.
It was fine, it was normal.
It was expected and it was good. Good for body, mind, and soul.
But you still hated crying, hated feeling.
You sat with slipping tears down reddened cheeks as you drop your phone harshly onto the table. Having read the most disheartening text that flooded your frame with harsh, hurtful memories and emotions.
Felling jaded as you pound against the cage you've placed your heart in, still it beats as tenderly as it did before.
Never fully freezing over as you had wished. Placing it there would prove far more harmful than ever as it hindered your growth.
The same growth stunted by the very person who was supposed to support it most.
Senses flooded with raw emotion at a simple ping of your phone has your frustrations growing as you relive the trauma once more.
Emotions you had since filed away in a little box labeled "to deal with later" that you now had in shaking hands. Blowing off the sheet of dust and carefully lifting the dry rotted top did not make dealing with these feelings any easier.
Any less consuming.
You loom over a lined sheet of paper void of ink or graphite while your pencil punctuates the silence of the library by threatening to rip the fragile material.
Finally it snaps from the pressure.
A foreshadow to your life you're sure.
You allow your head to hang, hand gripping splintered wood while the other pulls at tender scalp.
Harshly enough that precious hair screams in fear from being uprooted.
You sit there long enough for your muscles to become stiff from disuse and the paper beneath you to be littered in damp line distorting drops.
Finaly two sets of conflicting eyes share a glance at one another, approaching your hunched form.
"Oi!" A biting voice that almost drowns out the soft calling
Jumping from your skin you use screaming muscles to frantically wipe away useless tears.
Silently clearing your throat before you let out a small "Yes?"
It comes out perfectly, pitch and tone in your normal bravado as even your posture has straightened.
But deft eyes know better as you hear a scoff ring out behind you before your chair is turned to face two opposing bodies. Moon bright eyes and burning ember bore into your skin seeing through your feigned normalcy.
Fucking great
The two people you admired most caught you in the worst way possible. With red rimmed eyes that were surely stating to swell and a mess of a face rouged from salt water and harsh swipes at soft skin.
The thought alone allows your eyes to shine more than usual, watering that you hope will go unnoticed.
But as with all things in life, it takes a direction you wish to avoid.
"What's wrong?" A growl as hands clench and unclench to keep himself from murdering whoever has you so low. While a bubble gum pink hand rests gently on your shoulder. Sliding down to smooth over your sleeve.
The pair remind you of your favorite celestial bodies.
The Moon who tenderly wraps her arms around you, who allows you this vulnerability, and reassures you that even the darkest nights have some light.
And the Sun with burning passion ready to pull you to your feet. To remind you that it is okay to cry, to stomp, to have bad thoughts but to never allow them to consume you.
At least he'll try his damnedest not to allow it.
Tears well over all at once, as you explain in rushed sobs all while hiding behind guilty hands.
Guilt from going agaisnt your normally caring nature.
Guilt from wanting vengeance, from wanting them to feel just a fraction of your pain. From wanting to watch karma serve it's just dessert.
A smooth cool hand and a burning calloused one pull at each of your forearms. Both kneeled before you as if in prayer, eyes shining as they look up with endless worry over your well being. Both surprise you as they each kiss your knuckles. One feather soft from plush pink lips while the other is pressed harshly.
"It's okay to feel that way." They say in unison as they work in tandem. Opposites of feather soft and soothingly harsh hands gently run up your forearm, attempting to pull the sadness from you.
The hot hand stands first, lacing his fingers with yours pulling yourself and the pink haired woman to your feet.
"Let's get something to eat." He grumbles ready to pull the two of you away as Mina's free hand makes quick work of swiping all of your items into your backpack sliding it onto her delicately broad shoulder.
"Oh like cosmic cotton candy icecream?!" She shouts and the whole library turns in y'alls direction. Pelting your odd trio with a viscous "SSSSHHHH"
Bakugou's cheeks burn, his grip tightening on your hand while Mina giggles nervously behind you.
"Yes. Like cosmic icecream you space cadet."
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agent-cupcake · 3 years
Hi! :) So I came here from ao3 - I was a huge fan of that Yuri/Claude/reader fic. When I saw you had written a fic about Geto, I screamed. I think what I like most about your writing is how you characterize everyone. Every line that Yuri, Claude, and then Geto spoke... I was like, damn, they absolutely would say that. Anyways, I'm an aspiring writer on ao3 and I was hoping maybe you could share some tips on how you write fics? Like what your process is, the research you do, etc. Thanks so much;;
AAAA THANK YOU <3 Since I love writing I'm more than happy to talk about it, but please don't take anything I say too seriously! What works for me could be pretty detrimental to anyone else, you know? Furthermore, as much as I would love to tell everyone that I am the very best, my head is not yet so empty for such extreme hubris. Also most of this stuff is just stolen from other writing advice.
When I want to write something, I usually begin by writing down the climax of the story as well as some little details I want to include. For example, the Yuri/Claude/Reader fic (Dolos) was a requested sequel. I knew the climax would be smut, I knew I wanted Yuri to eat her out, and I knew I wanted more of a mask off Claude. So I wrote this all down in stupid simplified terms and let it sit at the bottom of my doc. I find that having an outline of where I'm going, even one that's simple and stupid, keeps me from being scared of the blank page. It's easy to get lost when you have a strong starting idea but then kind of burn out which is why I really recommend knowing exactly what it is you're building up to the entire time you're writing. Your predetermined climax can change, of course, and genuine inspiration often makes the story evolve which is good and organic. Everything I've written recently has been drafted and redrafted and undergone pretty significant changes until I was satisfied, so try not to be discouraged if you find that happening. That said, keep a backup of anything you delete. You might wind up reusing it later. I have notes files on my laptop with such titles as "JUNHITO BRAIN ROT" "feral jimmy" and "third leg" that are just a mess of dialogue and stuff I cut from my most recent stories. I'm not sure if I'll use any of it ever, but it seems a shame to just dump it.
After I have the scenario vaguely planned out, I figure out what emotional and character beats I need to hit before I can get the characters to the climax and write that out in a similarly simplified, silly fashion. Obviously, this can actually be the first step because I have a scene idea that leads into a climax, but the planning process is still focused more or less on the end game. For Dolos, I knew I needed to build on Yuri and Reader's relationship and establish the uncomfortable dynamics and feelings of hers and Claude's relationship so I wrote those things down as line break headers and then expanded on those simple ideas until I had scenes. In the case of my Suguru fic, I didn't have individual "scenes" but I still broke it up with notes of what needed to happen during the course of their interaction. The tone shifts were all written in their own little segments and I actually wrote most of the back half in its own document. Breaking the fic up into manageable pieces, not caring at all about writing it sequentially, and allowing myself to skip around to work on individual sections is helpful for keeping my motivation up. If I find that I'm really stuck on something (it's always the kissing. like seriously, every time. that kissing scene with Suguru? nightmare!), I just write myself a note about what needs to happen in brackets and move on. It's like a stutter, the harder you try to force it, the worse it gets. Another trick for scene writing is writing dialogue first. I'll use some speech tags to keep it coherent, maybe a gesture, but overall it ends up reading more like a script that I can fill in with details at a later time. For characters who are exceptionally snarky like Yuri, Claude, and Suguru, I often think of a line I think is funny or clever and write that down without worrying about context.
That kinda lends itself to character writing, which is the thing I care the most about. Its also absurdly difficult and doesn’t come naturally at all. When I’m writing for a character, I surround myself with them in whatever ways I can. Like, watch/read and rewatch/reread all of their scenes a dozen times, take notes on certain verbal ticks, words they use, the sound of their voice, their attitudes towards certain things and people, filling out those character questionnaires. I try to replicate their behavior so when I put them into the scenarios I write, I feel more like I’m directing them than writing them because, ultimately, these canon characters do not belong to me. I guess I’m outing myself as the creepy obsessive gremlin I am, but this is a big reason why I write for so few characters and why everything takes so damn long... so you probably don’t wanna do it my way. I love to be praised for my characterization, believe me, but I think lots of people do a really good job without this amount of obsession. My advice is to consider the character on two levels. You have their dialogue and explicit actions, but you also have their hidden motivations and their place in your story. Think about who the character is, what motivates them, and how they behave. Step back from the plot you’ve written them into and consider the character independently, focus on their canonical actions and try to draw parallels to what’s happening in your fic to see if it makes sense for them to be there. HOWEVER, I don’t think there’s necessarily a wrong answer here, everybody interprets characters in different ways and brings their own perspectives to the realm of fanfiction. I guarantee that there are people who will enjoy and vibe with your interpretation of characters no matter what. Write them as you view them.   
Other types of research can be good BUT don’t let it bog you down. I often look up sensory descriptors, particularly scents. Don’t tell anyone but I like to crack open the ole thesaurus because literally nobody can stop me from my bloated, overly elaborate, and quite frankly alarmingly purple prose. Probably don’t do that though. Mostly it’s probably best to write from your own experiences, imagined or otherwise. If you can imagine yourself in a scenario, you can put your readers into that mindset, too. 
Anyway that’s pretty much all the wisdom I have for you sweet anon. The biggest thing about fanfiction is that it’s incredibly thankless most of the time and if you gauge your worth by comments/interactions you’re already doomed. Write for yourself and because you want to refine this skill, write because you feel passionately about what you’re creating. Good luck!
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