#i was debating whether or not to post about semantic error here again
panlyv · 2 years
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blushing sang woo in chapter 56 🥰
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anti-fem-baby · 7 years
1) “So… you concede the debate and admit that your arguments are contradictory. Great!So why are you even still arguing? Why not just say “sorry I was wrong, thanks for pointing out the correct facts” and move the hell on? Or say nothing and simply stop harassing Christians?”
1-Your taking that out of context, you know i meant what happened in a previous post about correlation and causation. At what point did i start harassing Christians i was tagged in this thread by @dropslikerain and i didn’t even respond to you, you started responding to me that’s not harassment that’s called a debate. And why do you want me to move on so badly?
2)”yes i am the “animeblog” i mistakenly made my response under the wrong blog that’s my fault i reposted it on this blog Stop that. It’s annoying.”
2-Didn’t this really needed a response but cool.
4)”Once again, you seem to be completely missing the point. Lets actually go through this entire thread, post by post, and see what actually happened.Original Post; A conservative blog posts an image of Muslims holding up violent signs. First response; Another conservative blog agrees. Second response; An SJW immediately attempts to change the subject to attack Christians, before “Atheists” were even mentioned. Third response; @sophisticatesophia​ defends Christianity and explains the reason why Islam is different. Fourth response; A blog with the URL “atheist ideas” and the Title “Forgetting Fairytales” launches into an attack on Sophia telling her that all the “Abrahamic Faiths” are equally bad and do “putrid things” which justify why people hate them. ”
4-Now look at atheists ideas response( The sheer oblivious nature of your argument is wild. I despise all the wrong done over history in the name of both religions, however you’re giving christian history a complete pass for when it was doing exactly like islam by murdering & destroying other cultures the world over. Abrahamic religions & those who adhere to them have done & will continue to do putrid things in the name of their god & religion…. It’s a disgrace that people can find any “holy scripture” to subjugate or inflict violence on others but it’s happened the world over for millennia. Maybe one-day we’ll pull our collective heads out of our asses & be loving & seek to look out for one another instead of want to kill each other. ) Now where in that entire response do they mention atheists or saying in anyway shape or form that atheists are better or that all religions should be destroyed seriously where. it’s still a red herring you can’t prove it at all that atheism was ever brought up your just attacking the person based on there name derailing the conversation from one thing to  another everyone can see it. and in the “sjws” argument what part of this is “Sjw”? ( This is a photo of a handful of extremist assholes. Would you judge all Christians based on, say, the crap people at a white pride rally are spewing? This is an appeal to emotion not based in reason. ) the entire point of there argument is you shouldn’t judge a entire group of people based the actions of a few.
5)”all i have is a cellphone and minimal time to respond Then just drop it. If you already conceded that you were wrong and you have “minimal time” to respond, why are you still trying to drag this out?”
5-and here you are misquoting me and being intellectually here is what i actually said.( I apologize that when all i have is a cellphone and minimal time to respond that I did not revise my my post at the time. but to attack someone based on there grammar and spelling is childish at best. ) If you actually understood the context you’d know that at the time of some of my responses that all i had was a phone and minimal time to revise at the time.
6)”the KKK ya know one of if not the most well know christian terrorist group Debunked HERE. A blog on another website (run by an an atheist no less) also rejects the claim that the KKK is Christian. And my “Christian Terrorism” Master Post also debunks this. And the key point is that the FBI statistics inherently disprove any “Christian terrorism” claims. ”
6-https://thelightnc.com/9460202/kkk-leader-members-are-christians-who-are-not-about-hate/ And here is a link that directly refutes that with a quote from the klans leader Ancona contends, ”We don’t hate people because of their race. We are a Christian organization. Because of the acts of a few rogue Klansmen, all are supposed to be murderers and wanting to lynch Black people and we’re supposed to be terrorists. That’s a complete falsehood.” And here are multiple links to newspaper articles of there actual terrorist acts threw the years to  debunk what he said in the second part of his quote.
As you can see just from these few links it wasn’t just  a few bad eggs it was the whole KKK.
7)A-I have already admitted i was wrong about Hitler but he wasn’t a atheist I never said he was an atheist. You want to whine about “strawman” arguments then accuse me of something like this? Once again you have made an ironic argument that disproves your own point.
Once again you prove your misunderstanding of fallacies and how they work what i said was not a fallacy nor ironic, i said i was wrong and also mentioned he wasn't atheist i never claimed you said he was, him being atheist was brought up earlier in the debate with Sophia so i added that,re reading it now it was unnecessary to add in hind sight.
B-Really your gonna argue that Catholics are not christian last time i checked to be a christian you needed to A) believe in god and that Jesus died for your sins B)Use the bible for teachings of the lord
Great job once again demonstrating that you don’t understand Christianity.One of the key beliefs which makes up the foundation of the Biblical Christian Worldview is that there is no interposition between man and God. Catholics inherently violate this through their dogmas which insist that the Pope is infallible and that you cannot receive salvation unless you have received communion administered by a Catholic priest. These beliefs represent a form of Ecclesiastical Absolutism that creates an unnecessary interposition between man and God, which means that Catholicism cannot be considered a version of Christianity. This is (one of the many) reasons that Protestant Christians rejected the Catholic church and came to America. Source: Prevailing Worldviews of Western Society Since 1500
And here once again your arguing semantics we can be here all day arguing this alone but the fact of the matter is Catholics are a form of Christianity http://www.ncregister.com/blog/longenecker/are-you-christian-or-catholic And here is a article of a person who has been protestant and Catholic.And a added not your link sends me to amazon to buy a book, you do realize theirs not much i can do with that i can’t afford nor do i have the time to  read this book having my busy schedule and knowing how impatient you are if i don’t respond immediately in a more former debate i could but this is not that.
3,8-11)”All minor points, most of which are wrong, and mostly complaining about sources. Essentially, since you already conceded that your original argument was wrong and that you also have been proven wrong on many of your other claims (such as “mixed fibers”and “Hitler” claims), it is pretty obvious that the only reason you continue to respond to this thread is to utilize a nitpick strategy of whining about as many minor points as you can think of. This is a great example;you didn’t even check your source it’s one of the most buzzfeed-esk pages with pseudo science websites possible It’s an academic study published by the University of Oxford and authored by two PhD holders. And it can be cited from plenty of other websites as well. If this source isn’t good enough for you, then nothing which is publicly available on the internet ever will be.And meanwhile you are citing sources like Wikipedia and Quora, even though these sites are known to have a strong anti-Christian bias. This is again an incredibly ironic and hypocritical stance for you to take.Lastly, you still failed to respond to where I called you out on the “mixed fibers” fallacy. You claimed that you “understand” the Bible “completely” but as that screw up (plus the numerous other screw ups in this thread) prove, your knowledge of the Bible is extremely poor to say the least. ”
3,8-11-So what your saying is you refuse to go through each of my points, and you continue to misrepresent my argument saying i conceded to the whole thing, no i conceded to one point and that was about Hitler as previously stated if you understood context at all. and the problem with your source to the study is, the study doesn't exist i looked for it so i could read it and understand what was being said in the whole source but you refuse to acknowledge that either because your a liar or your lazy. and i haven’t been nit picking i have done my best to respond to each point you make as one does in any style of debate whether that be formal or informal like this which you have failed to do here grouping everything together and toss it to the side like you don’t care also your a Hypocrite you have nit picked me for minor grammar and spelling errors that i explained that i didn’t have the time to fix because of time constraints and that at the time i was on my cellphone not my computer. Wikipedia and quora aren’t “anti christian” Wikipedia is a encyclopedia on line i used purely for a list of christian denominations and quora allows people of any faith to make articles on it’s not anti christian. and your mixed fibers argument is i wasn't specific enough that its wool and linen mix and that it doesn't exist anymore, well you lied here’s a link of where to buy some https://modesens.com/product/ISABEL-MARANT-Cashlin-wool-and-linen-blend-skirt-684364/?refinfo=gShopping&gclid=CjwKCAjwranNBRBhEiwASu908AqIeq1VjRRcVSlyCMz0U6ITLu-sC9gxTmHIZdo5xc8gi9mqwSd2ghoCLBUQAvD_BwE&utm_expid=92191193-7.DbaAdSZ_Q2yEW3wTXxQWMw.0&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F
Closing statement- Again the entire point of my argument for this thread is you shouldn’t blame the majority for the faults of the few which you continue to ignore. This will be my last response to you i have admitted to my faults and wrongs in my arguments and you sit there and lie and refuse to listen i went through and read your links and your evidence but you failed to do so and you didn’t even check to see if the study was there and read it you just checked the article and linked me more where i still can’t get the study. your a intellectually dishonest and that’s the truth you brush off me showing you blatant fallacies in your arguments even when i show you the definitions and half of your links are to tumblr blogs that most of the time don’t site sources either. so yes this is the last response i have a life that i can’t continue to spend 3-4 hours researching and responding to you. so good luck have a good  life and if we talk again hopefully it’s under better circumstances where we can talk like normal people and about something like sports or video games. I do apologize that this post was 30 minutes late.and also sorry for re blogging it to the wrong blog. -sincerely anti-fembaby
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