#i toally don't give a single fuck how much hate i might get for this post
castielearmy · 4 years
Okay, this article really pissed me off, so allow me to let it all out here.
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"deeply hurt" ? Oh, you're probably "deeply" hurt because you just found out your chance with him is non-existant. 😱
"caused chaos" ? Who? Chen? I think it's the other way around. Delusional fans caused chaos, not him.
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"selfish choices" ? I think the selfish ones are you for thinking you own him and his life. Wake up honey and live your own life. You👏do👏NOT👏OWN👏him and he👏does👏NOT👏OWE👏you👏ANYTHING! You are a nobody to him.
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Yeah it is, and because of who? Chen again? No, no sweety, you're wrong 🚫 again. It's because you are a delusional piece of trash. 🗑 As an international fan I respect my idol's private life... unlike some people. 😑
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"unreasonably irresponsible actions" ? The only unreasonably irresponsible here are the ones who are asking him to leave EXO. Did your mom teach you to hate on people that are better than you? 🤔
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"fandom members who paid money to join the fandom" ? So you were never here for the music and the talent of the group in the first place? Proves just how rotten you are as a person. 🤮
Now onto comments, my favourite part 😊
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"We're not doing this just because you're getting married", then tell me why the fuck are y'all doing this? For fun? Because last time I checked the drama started when he announced that he was getting married. 🤨
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"I've been an EXO-L for 8 years. Please make Kim Jong Dae leave the group". You've been a piece of trash for far more than that sweety. 🙄
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I'm dissapointed with your existence. 😓
We're in fucking 2020. When are people going to realise that you have only one life to live and that is yours. Not anybody else's. People that actually want to live can't, and what do y'all do? Try to get Chen a death sentence? Where the fuck do you think that trying to get someone a fucking death sentence for wanting to be happy is okay? What are you stuck in the middle age for fucks sake? How does your brain work? Wake up! The world doesn't revolve around you. When are you going to realise that you can't control someone's life? Let's not spread hate.
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