#i think it's interesting because i know there's been comparisons to irl religious sects/cults with aziraphale
decepti-geek · 10 months
the thing I keep thinking about really intensely is that yes, for like 99% of their acquaintance, Crowley was the one who had more understanding of the way heaven and hell really work. but for that brief moment in their first meeting, he genuinely was more naive and idealistic than Aziraphale. like, Aziraphale was scared, even back then, at the thought of questioning god; even right back before the beginning, some part of him knew that he was fearful and unsafe, and he realised that before Crowley ever did. 
it’s honestly almost like some kind of, Aziraphale fell first, Crowley Fell harder - he never completed the realisation the same way Crowley managed to, but he arrived there earlier. And I wonder so much what exact kind of effects witnessing the demons’ fall had on him, given that he’d already obtained some of that awareness that he perhaps was not in a very good place to be. but the only alternative of places to go, as far as he knew, was at the very least just as bad, and in some ways legitimately worse.
#good omens spoilers#good omens#aziraphale#crowley#i think it's interesting because i know there's been comparisons to irl religious sects/cults with aziraphale#but i feel like the idea of the alternative to your current bad place being somewhere Worse works in like#a metaphorical sense but less so in a literal one#because i think that the thing with irl conditioning is the Worse Place is generally just anywhere outside of the community#which is made to appear as somewhere hostile and unwelcoming as part of the conditioning#and like sure earth is not actually that#and in that way does represent the not-so-bad and potentially good place that the real world actually is#in comparison to the community that wants to keep him#but equally in aziraphale's case#hell is not a tool for fearmongering or a thing you can like#eventually discover not to be an Absolute Belief the way it's presented#Aziraphale's situation in comparison to irl religious indoctrination is really weird because hell is REAL#and genuinely is awful#there's a terrible place beyond the neutral real world where he could actually end up#and we know it was awful for Crowley being there#and heaven is awful too but they are both notably distinct from the kind of potentially awful which earth can be#and i do this with pretty much Every fantasy/scifi heightened version of irl phenomena which i encounter#but it's gotta have a different impact on your brain right#getting out from under your conditioning somewhat because you've found the neutral real world#and you're experiencing stuff that challenges your beliefs and shows you that there's more than you realised#but at the same time that moment of realising that you don't have to believe in the terrible consequences you were raised to fear#never comes#because you KNOW that place exists#and you know somebody who went there and despises it#who in fact actively works to prevent you from having to go there too
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