#i think i can handle regular idol handshake/polaroid but i'd otherwise be very content just seeing them afar
mofffun · 1 year
I was so wrapped up in the excitement of meeting Kingohgers that I forgot, I'd be meeting the Kingohgers
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ahhhh absolutely screaming that for most official events the cast would be appearing in costume??? Cool as it is I can't take a flight just to see Yuzuki's one eye right? right? I can still hope for maybe some buttai aisatsu or chou eiyuu sai but I want to go to FLT!! She might have some photobook event towards the end of of Kingoh's run but I don't want to appear that bad of a simp yet 😭😭 (or a birthday event on 27 Oct that coincides with NOTHING but hehe i can see Ginkgo bloom a la Blade finale)
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