#i swear i didn't mean for all of these to be Freelancer and Shaw Pack
starlitangels · 2 years
A Bunch of Redacted Incorrect Quotes
Asher: Apparently, ending every conversation with my alpha with, "Yes, my liege," and a deep bow followed by respectful backwards shuffling while avoiding eye contact is considered sarcastic
Quinn: I've brought you here because I crave the deadliest game
Angel: *nodding sagely* Knife Monopoly
Quinn: Okay, I was going to hunt you for sport but now I'm really interested in whatever Knife Monopoly is.
Cole: I asked Marie to share her queen-sized blanket, to which she replied that she was a queen and therefore the blanket was already at max capacity
Milo: Just found out that the grey cat I see all the time in our neighborhood is actually at least 4 separate identical cats. Went outside and they were all just vibin' together. I'm f*^&in losin it.
Huxley: Q is too high up in the alphabet. I respect it, but it has no place between P and R. Should be at the end with the weirdo goth letters.
Lasko: Skyrim is a bad game because I can't hug my friends or my spouse. Maybe I want to let the people in my life know I appreciate them dearly even if they just have three lines of base dialogue
Lasko: And before one of you says something like, "Oh why don't you just play Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing or some other game where you get to be nice to people?" please understand that I enjoy hunting the city guards for sport but that doesn't mean that I'm not full of love.
Angel: Marry someone you want to annoy for the rest of your life.
Davey: -_-
Sam: Remember what I told you, darlin'. The quickest way to a man's heart is...?
Darlin': Through the third and fourth rib!
Sam: no
Amanda: Would you punch David in the face for 10 dollars?
Asher: no
Milo: Absolutely not
Ardyn: No. He's my alpha
Christian: All right, yeah, sure, why not?
Angel, fed up with his attitude: I will pay you 10 dollars to let me punch David in the face
David: I assume you realize I won't tolerate this kind of idiocy
Milo and Asher: Is there another kind of idiocy you would be more comfortable with?
Freelancer: Huxley, you're a genius!
Huxley: Yeah, I get called that a lot
Damien, disbelieving: What, a genius?
Huxley: No. Huxley.
David: We need to have a talk about your professionalism.
Asher, standing on a table: Those are some mighty brave words coming from a guy standing in lava.
Freelancer: We need to talk about—
Damien: The building was already on fire when I got there
Freelancer: What?
Damien: What?
Babe: It's beautiful out here
Sweetheart: And quiet
Babe: Too quiet
Sweetheart: Did we lose someone?
*cut to Asher and Milo trying to befriend a bear in their wolf forms*
Asher: David! What are you doing tomorrow?
David: Having my day ruined by whatever you're about to ask me to do
Asher: We need to get help from adults!
Milo: We are—
Asher: Real adults!
Milo: Understood.
Freelancer, after messing up an assignment: I am the world's most horrible person. Ever.
Lasko: Don't say that.
Lasko: My mother will be offended.
David: Who drank all the milk?
Asher, at the kitchen counter, halfway through a second jug: I did!
David: You drank... a gallon and a half of milk? Why?
Asher: To prepare my bones for the skeleton war!
David: Why do I even expect normal answers anymore?
Lasko: Damien is choking I need to call 911 but the 9 button isn't working!
Gavin: Turn it upside down and use the 6!
Huxley: Genius!
Damien: *stops choking momentarily* Guys what the f—
Huxley: You're smiling, did something good happen?
Damien: Can't I just smile because I feel like it?
Lasko: Kody fell down the stairs.
Freelancer: *walks into class a bit late* Sorry I'm late, I was doin' stuff.
Kody, rushing in, noticeably disheveled: They pushed me down the f*&^ing stairs!
Avior: You're mad
Starlight, sticking their arm up to their elbow into the Meridian Void™: Thank goodness for that because if I wasn't this would probably never work
Lovely: I've been eating peanut M&Ms in hope that if a cannibal eats me and is allergic to peanuts I can get my revenge
Vincent: What bothers me most is there is an actual chance that would work
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