#i see a ship war and i go ''oh. some things never change 🥲''
quackle · 4 months
I mean it’s tiktok, that place is pretty awful. But I do learn that total drama fans on different social media are pretty different.
So far fans on Tumblr is very peaceful where everyone just enjoying their own ship without judging others. (Reddit on the hand is a place I will never go to check again.)
Ship war is stupid, good thing some people knew that and decide to change it.
There’s people who enjoy both Mkulia and Juliayne and they don’t want to fight about which one is better. So they invent Mkuliayne. It did bring some peace which is good.
tiktok can be soooo awful with ship wars, reddit is filled with quite possibly some of the worst, most meaningless arguments ever, and even pinterest is a horror show, believe it or not! (the racism there... yikes)
i find that the fandom here on tumblr to be the most ok, which is why i'm here most of the time. it has its problems cause yeah, every site does, but i'm managing. twt isn't so bad either as long as you're in a good circle aha.
i think i was deep in ship wars back with gen 1 (i fought soooo hard for duncney at age 11/12 lol), but now that i'm 24, i don't really care to do that anymore. idk i just find it pointless 😭 i'll be enjoying certain ships on the sidelines while everyone else at war dukes it out
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