#i promise im not mad at anyone who's made like ''rb this if the person u rb'd from deserves to have a good day'' although
amethyst-halo · 1 year
btw fuck the tiktok trend of “ohh this sound will get u money dont even dare skip this” “ohhh use this sound for your dream life DONT skip it or it’s over” etc etc it’s so fucking infuriating because it’s bullshit i KNOW it’s bullshit but i can’t get around it because my ocd rips me in half over them
it’s literally just the new version of those facebook “send this to five people or you’ll die” things do u know how distressed those made little undiagnosed me? i fucking hate them because they prey on people like me who have ocd or paranoia or something and sometimes Can’t NOT interact with them or else they’ll have a panic attack At Best. “oh just skip them ignore them they’re dumb” i KNOW they’re dumb but i WILL have an episode if i so much as consider skipping them sometimes it’s not that simple
i think the trend of interaction baiting posts- ESPECIALLY ones that threaten bad things if you skip them- should burn in hell. it’s one thing if it’s something soft like “rb this to give the person u rb’d from some soup” or “rb and tell me what ur favorite candy is” that’s ok interaction bait it’s a fucking whole other ball park if it’s “rb this or this creature will be at the foot of your bed tonight” it’s so fucking awful and i hate it stop making them it’s not funny it never was funny
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