#i post this late bc I'm about to go to night dive 4
linddzz · 9 months
Three night dives in a row and at 7:45 the next morning you overhear the team lead say "-then we'll dive at 9am to scout areas"
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dybdahltravels2022 · 2 years
September 4, 2022
We arrived late last night at our final destination of this trip - ATHENS!. It is HOT today - perhaps the hottest day of the trip. Low 90s at the base of the Acropolis and hotter as we climbed.
For whatever reason many of my photos will not download from the cloud right now. So I have LITTLE faith post will fly - but here is hoping!
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At the beginning of this trip I asked Kepler what he most wanted to see and he said the Acropolis and the Parthenon - BUT he didn't know what he didn't know - just like us. The joy of travel is discovering all the many things you didn't know you didn't know about the world around us. This has been a deep dive into ancient history in a a region renown for its history. It has been an amazing discovery of geography and the ever-changing earth.
So today we saw the Acropolis and the Parthenon and no matter how many times you see it you are awe-struck. - each and every time! Mark and saw it about 6 years ago and the scaffolding was on the opposite end, so slowly but surely it is being restored. I'm guessing that the restoration is never ending.
The Erechtheion is equally impressive and I learned later in the day that all but one of the famous Caryatids have been returned to Greece from England where they lived for more than 200 years.. The Greeks call the missing Caryatid the Lonely Sister. FYI. Mark and I will finish this trip with a week in London and I hope to see that Lonely Sister and tell her that her sisters in Athen are very well indeed and continue to miss her.
A caryatid is the sculpture of a woman that is used as a column. THE Caryatids are the ones on the Acropolis on The Erechtheion, a Temple dedicated to Athena. and Poseidon. These amazing works of art were built/created from 421 BC to 406 BCE.
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FYI - An atlas or telamon is a male version of a caryatid
What you see above are all fakes - FYI - but we did see the real ones in the Museum. Having the real ones in the museum is quite magnificent because it would be impossible to see the detail from so far away. Check this out:
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The grounds surrounding the Acropolis is also fascinating and each time we go we see more items that have been uncovered. The entire city of Athens sit atop another city of Athens and that city sets atop another.
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I spent the afternoon in the Acropolis Museum at the base of the Acropolis and I was struck by the design of the building that was built atop ruins - that allowed people to explore those ruins on foot or from the many glass floors of the museum. BRILLIANT DESIGN!!
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I loved this museum - not only because the artifacts were  phenomenal but because you could get up close to them - like seeing the back of The Caryatids. The entire outside wall of the museum is glass allowing you to see the Acropolis from a different perspective. Check this out - from the 3rd floor. Notice the supports and those are NOT newly added BTW.
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We had our farewell dinner that night and got ready to leave Athens early in the morning. Mark and I left very early to catch a plane that would eventually get us to Scotland and Kepler left much later to board a plane that would take him home. I confess that I was sad to see our trip come to an end. I cannot tell you how much taking this trip with Kepler meant to Mark and me. He is an adult, but he will always be the baby that made us grandparents. He will always be the baby that gave me my name "Damma." Mark and I will NEVER tire of watching him grow, learn and experience new things. We will also never tire of learning things from him. I wouldn't trade this experience for a billion dollars!!!
And that is a wrap. Next stop for us - Scotland and a month of exploring the British Isles. Stay tuned!
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thesquidkid · 3 years
thesquidkid's masterpost
Here you will be able to find all the fics that I've ever poster under this username, whether it's here on tumblr or on my ao3
I mostly write for Roswell, New Mexico, but I also have an ongoing Fast & Furious fic, a post No Way Home fic, and two original works.
I also have some RNM projects which don't really count as fics, but that I am still very proud of: a three part science meta (where I break down the science episode by episode) , and three lego short films (1x01, 3x01, 3x06)
Feel free to sent me a prompt anytime! I'm always happy to write more and procrastinate my wips
All the links will be under the read more, divided by fandoms, with the newer fics on top. I'll also provide a summary to make it easier to navigate (bc rn it's not easy, even for me 😂)
All of my fics are tagged with #thesquidkid writes (the tags under this post are my personal ones in case you wanna see my original content)
Roswell, New Mexico science meta: a project I did (and that I will update for the upcoming season once it's aired), where I tried to break down the science used in the show (please note that I wanted to preserve my sanity and hence only looked at the 'real' science. I am however a huge nerd and will very likely dive into the 'alien' science some day). Here are seasons 1, 2, 3.
Roswell, New Mexico finished fics:
the clock is ticking, the flame approaches the end of your life's wick: angsty malex fic, with major character death (please watch the tags) (ao3)
I don't see us ever being together ever again: malex week 21 day 5, lost decade (ao3, tumblr)
It's where you go when you're alone: malex week 21, home, flashback to 2008 (ao3, tumblr)
My ambition was a vision I had built in my dreams: malex, alex wears nail polish for the first time in years (ao3, tumblr)
Where I follow, you'll go: echo first meeting, they collide into each other (ao3, tumblr)
Burn the world down (keep him warm): Maria talks to Michael about fire and Alex, RNM Week 2021 day 4 (ao3, tumblr)
Different: Max and Michael talk about Jones, RNN Week 2021 day 2 (ao3, tumblr)
Under the stars: malex proposal, with a wedding (6 chapters) (ao3, tumblr)
Save me I become // Pure evil behind the charade: angst, hurt/comfort where Jones manipulates Michael (7 chapters) (tumblr, ao3)
I was the match and you were the rock: the airstream explodes, Michael lost more than just the place where he lived. (ao3, tumblr)
Have you tried knocking: 3 times isobel interrupts her siblings + 1 time she gets interrupted + 1 time she isn't (ao3, tumblr)
Matching: Isobel gets the tattoo, deleted scene from Pause sur mon épaule, tes peines et tes plaies (tumblr)
Together we can quiet all the noises: 3k of pure malex fluff, following 3x09 (ao3, tumblr)
Pose sur mon épaule, tes peines et tes plaies: Isobel reflects on her life and figures out what she likes (ao3, tumblr)
Make it purr: 3x09 missing scene, the conversation between Sanders and Michael (ao3, tumblr)
Crazy life, crazy family: 3x09 missing scene. Kyle wakes up and learns about everything he missed while in a coma (ao3, tumblr)
Through the clouds I see love shine: pre 3x09, malex talks about love and their relationship (ao3, tumblr)
Unnamed delmanes 3x08 coda: Greg calls Maria after she woke up and she invites him over to the pony (tumblr)
Lately I've been feeling so alone: Michael makes gifts out of alien glass for the people he loves (5k of pure fluff) (ao3, tumblr)
I guess it’s been a long way home, trying to face the world alone: coda for 3x07, Alex meets Jones for the first time, who gives Michael a choice he had always dreamt of since he was a kid- his family coming to earth and taking him with them back where they came from. But things are different now, Michael isn't alone on Earth (tumblr)
Remember the time you drove all night: Malex through the years, and their connection to music (ao3, tumblr)
To protect: Max is rethinking the life choices that lead him to being a cop, Forrest helps guide him on the path of books (ao3, tumblr) (part of my friendship series)
Highschool Reminiscents: Maria and Rosa have a chat at the Pony one evening, remembering their high school days (ao3, tumblr) (part of my friendship series)
A new beginning: Alex gets filled in on what he missed during and until 3x05, and that includes Michael's decision to take care of the ones he loves (tumblr)
Unnamed delmanes story: Maria DeLuca is her own saviour, but she lets Gregory Manes in when things get bad (tumblr)
Fight like a girl: Isobel opens a self defense class for young girls and Alex is an instructor there. Michael stumbles upon it (tumblr)
Roswell, New Mexico ongoing fics:
J'avais les yeux occupés à regarder l'passé: Nora (the child of Maria/Michael/Alex) finds herself in 2008, meeting her parents, and living amongst them (ao3) (8/?)
You're gonna be the one that saves me: ongoing coda for 3x08, a look at the different conversations that happened at the Pony that night (ao3) (2/?)
And I, I am feeling a little peculiar: rnm/sense8 au with Max, Isobel, Michael, Alex, Liz, Maria, Forrest and Cam as a cluster and Deep Sky as the enemy organisation (ao3) (5/?)
Marvel fics:
Everything Spider-Man touches, comes to ruin: Spider-Man and Daredevil crossover, post No Way Home (ao3)
Fast and Furious fic:
Agent Pearce and the tiring chase of one Owen Shaw: Roman is an FBI Agent, Owen is a criminal, they end up working together (ao3) (6/?)
Original Works:
The House with Blue Shutters: 10 years ago a little girl disappeared from a mysterious house with blue shutters. 10 years later, the investigation continues (ao3) (5/?)
Pale Death Knocks: Paris is in flammes. But the next day, no one remembers. Ace, a nonbinary young adult finds themselves in the middle of a crisis, with only company Tom, a 5 year old, and two agents from a secret organisation, Arthur and Marceau, working for HATS (ao3) (1/?)
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idlemusician · 4 years
am I a week late to the tag game @babinicz tagged me in??? yes. whoops
rules: list your top 6 favorite musical artists (it can be a musician, a singer, a composer, a band, a conductor, whoever you like) and tell us why you appreciate them! Put some photos as well, if you like and send us your favorite song/piece of them! And of course tag other people to do it!
this is mostly in no particular order bc I'm lazy
1. Miami Horror
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Miami Horror is an Australian electronic pop band. I really love their music, a lot of it is just really fun to listen to which is something I appreciate. It's hard to choose but my favorite song is probably Love Like Mine, off their second album, though I recommend just listening to all of their music bc it's all really good
2. Night Beds
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Night Beds is a project by Winston Yellen, which I thought ended in 2019?? but he's put out new music under the name since that announcement so idek. anyways, his early music, up to his first album, is a lot more acoustic and soft stuff, but for his second album he really dives more into pop/electronic sounds which is really nice. My favorite song is Lorraine off his first EP, but a close second is Corner, a single from his second album.
3. Lorde
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what can I say about Lorde that does her proper justice???? she has written two of what I would consider the best pop albums of the last 20 years, or maybe just ever, but I digress. Her music is incredible, she manages to release absolutely wonderful songs and capture certain emotions in her songs that I never really considered, ones that go beyond just love/heartbreak songs. I personally like Pure Heroine as an album better, but Melodrama has a much more cohesive story/vibe than PH overall. If I absolutely had to choose my favorite songs, I'd choose Ribs and Perfect Places.
4. Tchaikovsky
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okay, for anyone that was following me and saw my posts when I was doing the 30 Days of Classical Music Challenge, you'll remember I love Tchaikovsky. He's absolutely my favorite composer, his pieces manage to just really bring something out in me. He reminds me why I'm majoring in Music Ed in the first place. I particularly like Symphony No. 6 and The Nutcracker.
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do I need to explain this one too much? they are probably one of the most successful pop bands of all time, for good reason. they have their own very successful musical and movie(s) for goodness sakes (okay yes, they had a large hand in the production but w/e). I really love The Visitors and Hole in Your Soul, but Head Over Heels is a tough runner-up.
6. Paramore
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Paramore was one of the first bands I listened to when I really first started to explore music outside of what my parents listened to/what was on the radio. They are, in my opinion, the only popular rock band of the 2000s to successfully transition their genre to pop (sorry P!atD). After Laughter is a great album, however my favorites of theirs lie in their early years. I really love Whoa and Proof, Decide also gets an honorable mention.
I'm gonna take @enthusiasticnaps and @ry-ryan bc I know for sure they haven't been tagged in this and I wanna see their answers
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