#i need to streamline my tags so bad pained smile
hummingbird-games · 2 years
Dev Blog # 24
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Hey party people, I think I’m ready to update y’all on what’s going on. Health tings, physical/mental/emotional lol, have made it difficult to stick to my personal schedule and I admit I’ve been getting super frustrated. Which as made me more tired and less able to concentrate. It’s a cycle and I need to break it. 
Sleep helps a bit! Keeping a bedtime also helps. Work stresses do not help.
Key art/game cover is still in progress, whoooo! It’s hilarious how busy me and my artist have both been so it’s like a game of message-tag 🤣 being an adult is something else. 
Beta testing is underway (and WOW am I learning a lot about how to better streamline the process for maximum benefits and the least amount of stress ☠️ *cues Live and Learn by Crush 40*). I knew going in that people were going to drop out, but I didn’t realize the sheer amount of people who could one day be game and the next be M.I.A. It’s terrifying. That being said, to the chosen few who have been active in helping me (special thanks to Wudge!! @herotome​) I’m simultaneously mad at you for making me do (simple) coding above my pay grade and eternally grateful that I have your assistance. This stage is a necessary step and I’m glad I’m taking it even if it’s painful AF and my brain is trying to tap out early.
...Future Gem, if you’re reading this, hire a damn programmer/coder. Put whatever money aside you need because if we have to do this again, you might not be making games no mo’...
Epilogues are being written and I’m being reminded that the writing is the most fun part for me, but not liking that I’ll have to edit...edit again...edit one more time???...code... and test the shits if I want y’all to play it after the events of the main game 🙃. At the time of this post, I have not touched the draft document in almost two weeks, half due to aforementioned busyness, and the other half is because Lydia’s section is giving me the most issues?? But I can’t jump to April (the only other unfinished part) until Lydia’s is done??? The issue is Lyd needs a new outline because personality and plot reasons, the current one I’ve been using as a template isn’t right.
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In case you’re wondering, everyone is color coded in my document!. Ryan is blue, friendship is pinkish, Lydia’s green, Florence is red, April is orange, and Langston is purple!
My knee-jerk reaction is to put this under a read more, but we’re gonna ignore that. Deadlines where I don’t feel prepared make me anxious. The way I work, I need a completed script so I can start deciding what important things like 1) team solo?? or 2) recruit help?? and if so 3) can we slap together a budget (because ya girl has nothing to offer skill wise).
I want to share something tangible with y’all SO bad but all I have are like eight or nine outlines and their unfinished prologues. Fantasy, contemporary, HSDJY related, and so on. I haven’t settled on the idea that I want to see to completion and for once I don’t think it’s the perfectionist in me. Its the tired adult 
Anywho, I’m super stubborn when I want to be and a game jam is still on my 2022 goals list so I’m not giving up just yet. Will keep y’all posted. When there’s something to be posted on LOL
- Gemini 💛
P.S. to those who celebrate, Happy Father’s Day!! and to those who this time of year is super rough, I hope you have some comfort and peace today.
P.P.S. HAPPY JUNETEENTH!!! I personally will be celebrating by staying my butt at home and smiling at all the Black authored YA books I own at my big age 😊
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colpograzia · 2 years
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ANIMAL: cat, raccoon. FLOWER: classic roses, forget-me-nots. SCENT: gunpowder, tobacco, leather, fresh sheets & homemade food. COFFEE: drinks it in pretty much any form from black coffee to cappuccino to the occasional latte. his secret sweet tooth is urging him to try one of those new, trendy flavored coffee drinks but he’s got a reputation to maintain ... TEA: mulled wine is sort of a tea ... ? DRINK: SEE BELOW but also ginger ale & other types of soda. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE: dry manhattan, REGULAR wine (he WILL drink the cheap shit too), beer & a variety of hard liquor.  FOOD: burgers & fries, (ITALIAN!) pizza, steak & other meat dishes. DESSERT: gelato, panna cotta. ARTICLE OF CLOTHING: tailored suit, felt hat, leather shoes. CANDY: chocolates and hard candy (although he prefers pastry and proper desserts for sweet treats). LEFT OR RIGHT-HANDED?: right-handed. he can shoot with either hand, though. the left one is just a bit slower. SLOPPY OR NEAT WRITING?: semi-cursive & quite messy. but it’s still readable and that’s what counts. CLEAN OR MESSY HOME?: ALSO messy; particularly with cigarette butts, empty bottles and dishes lying around. on the other hand, when he lives on his own, his space gets a bit more minimalistic. SHOWER IN MORNING OR NIGHT?: evening since he likes to sleep in. if a heist ends late at night/early-morning though, he’ll go to bed filthy and shower later. TASKS DONE EARLY OR LAST MINUTE?: so-so. he DOES procrastinate on bland tasks/chores but he’s quite punctual and thorough when it comes to preparing for heists. LOVE LANGUAGE?: quality time, acts of service, words of affirmation. BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT?: experience tells him no. it’d be nice, though.
tagged by: stole it 3: tagging: @ishikcwc, @felicicus, @ryuseito & @tenheads​.
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atpk · 3 years
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Mermay (Convin)
There are two types of merfolk: one that lives in the warm clear blue of the carol reefs and the other that lives in the colder darker depths. The ones that live in the warm waters look closer to human, apart from their tails; the ones that live in the cold waters have evolved to have webbed hands and scales on their torsos to help them swim faster. Connor is one of the warm water merfolk. Gavin is one of the cold water merfolk. They don’t mix. Cold water merfolk think the warm water dwellers are weak and soft and way too full of themselves. Warm water merfolk tell stories to their children at night that if they’re very bad the cold water dwellers will come and drag them down into the depths never to be seen again.
So ...
Gavin is out hunting for lunch, and he spots a particularly tasty looking red snapper so takes chase, his perfectly streamlined body torpedoing through the dim cold water; he snags his tail on yet another sharp rock outcrop, potentially adding to the numerous scars he already had along his tail and torso, but doesn’t stop until — he realises the water around him has got warmer, instantly making him uncomfortable. He looks up and realises that he’s closer to the surface than he should be and very far out of his own territory. The red snapper has gone and he’s surrounded by fish he doesn’t immediately recognise.
Needing to get his bearings he carefully climbs the nearest rock formation, his webbed fingers perfect for adhering to the craggy surface. The sun is hot and he closes his eyes and turns his head away from the blinding bright light. He shouldn’t have come up here. It wasn’t safe. He was too close to the land. Shielding his eyes from the sunlight he moved higher up out of the water and stopped, his heart beating a scared rhythm. There on a sandy rock, basking himself in the suns rays, was not only a warm water dwellers, but also the most breathtakingly beautiful mer he’d ever seen. Gavin could only stare, lifting himself higher on the rocks to see better. The mer was oblivious, enjoying the sea spray crashing on his tail and body.
Gavin caught sight of his webbed hands splayed on the rocks in front of him and shook his head, angry at himself for wasting his time daydreaming about this pretty poser. The twofers (this is what Gavin calls humans bc they have two legs) hunted in this area and if that dumb mer wasn’t careful he’d find his tail on the end of a hook, and himself carted off to some aquarium or other.
Gavin slunk back across the rocks and dove back into the too warm water. He was still hungry and the fish swimming around him were too small to do anything but dull the ache in his stomach. Damn that red snapper for getting away and leading him so far away from home. Gavin dove deeper, leaving the surface far below.
Several weeks later, Gavin’d almost completely forgotten about the pretty posing mer, with his perfect tail glinting into the sunlight, and his perfect smooth torso unmarked by a single scale, and his perfect hair swept back from his face — and then Gavin spotted a flash of movement above him, and it was him. The same mer he’d seen sunbathing beautifully on the sand, and he was swimming against the current, struggling to put distance between himself and the dark shadow of the twofer hunting vessel above. Gavin had seen this too many times not to know what was going to happen next. The twofers had obviously tagged the mer while he was on the surface and now they could pinpoint him with almost perfect accuracy. The harpoon came out of nowhere and pierced straight through the soft flesh of the mer’s tail, the hook catching and starting to drag him back and up. Gavin took chase, gaining speed, but the mechanism dragging the mer out of the ocean was faster. And then the mer grabbed onto a nearby rock outcrop and held on for dear life, the only problem being his stupid unwebbed fingers were useless at gripping and holding firm and soon he was only stopping his ascent by the skin of his finger tips.
Gavin saw the moment the mer saw him, he saw the instant flash of fear, but that didn’t stop him from pulling out his blade and hacking at the metal coil attached to the harpoon. The mer screamed in pain as the harpoon ripped deeper into his flesh but Gavin was intent only on getting him free. The metal quickly dulled his blade and Gavin threw it aside using his razor sharp teeth to bite through the last the few strands
The mer was free but had passed out due to the pain and Gavin did the only thing he knew to do and wrapped his arm around the mer’s waist speeding them away from the surface and down into the safety of the dark. Gavin couldn’t bring the top dweller home, he couldn’t be seen fraternising with their sort, so instead he took him to his private hideout.
The cave was small but they were still able to fit at a squeeze. Up close, this mer was even more beautiful than Gavin had thought, but he was bleeding out and Gavin went to work cleaning and disinfecting the wound, and he continued to keep the wound clean for the next day, only leaving to catch food, until the mer finally woke up.
Again Gavin saw that fear flash in his eyes, and his anger spiked.
“Don’t worry, I’m not gonna eat you.”
The mer looked around them, taking in the cave, the supplies, his bandaged tail and finally looked back at Gavin.
“Thank you for saving me.”
“Whatever,” Gavin snapped and went out to catch some fish.
Connor, that was the pretty mer’s name. A pretty name for a pretty mer, and he liked to talk. He found everything of interest. All the unfamiliar fish that swam by, and their unfamiliar tastes. He marvelled at the lichen on the rocks and almost got his fingers caught in a few oyster shells as he reached in to get the pearl and they clamped shut. In the end, Gavin got him a pearl and Connor beamed at him so happily, it made Gavin’s stomach do funny little backflips. Connor almost died with happiness when Gigi, Gavin’s catfish, turned up to say hello.
“You’re not what I expected from, well, from a cold water dwellers.”
“You were going to say ‘webber’, weren’t you?’
Connor looked chastised.
“I’m sorry, it’s just, I’ve been told my whole life that your kind are dangerous. I was told your webbed hands were slimy. But they’re not. They feel so nice on my tail.”
Connor blushed and then so did Gavin.
“You shouldn’t believe everything you’re told.”
Connor was able to swim a little now without too much pain, his tail was healing nicely, and they’d swim together, their tails sometimes touching, Gavin showing Connor all his favourite places; but oddly enough, whenever Gavin brought up the idea that Connor could probably go home soon, a subject both of them had been avoiding, Connor’s wound would suddenly feel much worse and he’d go back to hiding in the cave.
“We both know you’re fine now.” Gavin bit out reluctantly.
“No, it still hurts.”
Gavin levelled a look at him.
“I don’t want to go.” Connor admitted. “I like it here, with you.”
“You can’t stay here, Connor.” Gavin muttered. “You don’t belong here.”
They both fell silent.
It was true.
Their kinds didn’t mix.
This was just a fluke.
An accident.
It was never supposed to happen.
But it had happened.
“We can carry on seeing each other.” Connor says hopefully. “I can come down, you can come up, and we’ll meet somewhere in the middle.”
Gavin did want that. He really did. But if his kind found out, he’d be ostracised. They already lived in a delicate balance and it wouldn’t take much to tip things over into the worse.
“It’s dangerous.”
“I like you.”
“We shouldn’t.”
“I want to keep seeing you.”
“I’m sorry.”
Connor looked heartbroken but nodded, accepting Gavin’s decision.
“If you change your mind, I’ll be waiting.”
Gavin couldn’t take the risk despite how much he still wanted to see Connor, and he endured the next few angst filled weeks mourning his loss until he couldn’t take it anymore.
Going against his better judgement he swam as fast as possible to the rendezvous point Connor had given him, convinced that Connor wouldn’t be there, and his heart leapt when he saw that he was wrong. Connor was there, just as he’d promised to be, waiting patiently for Gavin. Gavin stopping, and did nothing more than float for the next few moments, just staring at his pretty mer, with his perfect tail and perfect torso and perfect hair that swept back from his face, and was just thankful that Connor hadn’t given up on him.
Gavin uncertainly approached and Connor turned slowly towards him and the smile that lit Connor’s face told him he’d made the right decision. Whatever came next, they’d face it, together.
And so they enter into a secret relationship, where they both have to be careful not to let anyone else know. Like Romeo and Juliet only in this one nobody dies and they all live happily ever after in the end.
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
Armageddon Chapter 7 (Dean x Reader)
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Title: Armageddon Chapter 7
Summary:  Space. The Final Frontier. But for Dean Winchester, space was the last place he thought he would ever go. His family life isn’t perfect, his job isn’t ideal, but he has (Y/n), the woman he loves. Sam Winchester never thought his life would turn out the way it did. He is divorced, alone, and his brother most likely hates him. Working for NASA was not going to be easy. But, when a threat to the earth has him calling on his family for help, what can he do? can Sam and Dean push past his family issues to keep the Earth spinning another day? Based on the movie of the same name.
Pairings: Dean x Reader; Sam x Jessica
Warnings For this Chapter: Mainly language with some fluff and some injuries.
Check out my Patreon to read ahead and find other cool things!
The song for this chapter is Tubthumping by Chumbawamba
Dean couldn’t sleep that night worried about Sam. No matter how hard he tried he tossed and turned. It wasn’t until early in the morning where he could feel (Y/n) rush out of bed to run to the bathroom. This stomach flu was starting to get out of hand. Dean got up and rubbed her back and held her hair back until she was done.
“Are you okay?” Dean asked softly. There was some sadness in his voice that (Y/n) picked up on.
“Yeah,” She gave him a soft smile, “Whatever this is, i’ll pull through.” She walked to the sink and washed her face. “The better question is, are you ok?”
“Uh, yeah. Just a bad dream. I’m okay.” Dean helped her clean up and yawned. “I need to head to the complex.”
“Want me to tag along?” She whispered. “I know I’m not much help… I’ll probably just get in the way.”
“Of course you can honey.” Dean smiled.
(Y/n) gave him a gentle kiss before walking back to the room to get dressed. She closed her eyes to try and fight the wave of nausea that hit her. Whatever this was, she had to find a way to get better and fast.
“You okay?” Dean asked. “Why don’t you stay here and rest?”
“I’m ok,” She nodded, “I promise.”
“Let’s go then.” He smiled at her. As they left, (Y/n) noticed Dean froze for a second, looking at a photo of him and Sam that was hanging on the wall.
“Dean?” (Y/n) called, “Babe you ok?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah I’m fine.” Dean smiled at her. “Come on. I bet Sam’s waiting for us.”
NASA Complex
Dean left (Y/n) in the waiting Area as he went to put on his gear for training. She watched from the window as they were setting up the area for the first simulation. She didn’t hear the door open as John came in.  
“Morning.” John grumbled, standing at the window by (Y/n).
(Y/n) stayed silent as she looked out the window. The last thing she needed was any type of conversation with him. She focused on watching Dean as they fitted him for the outfit. Michael kept glaring over at Dean. He was ready to prove himself. John looked over at (Y/n), his heart dropped a bit at the fact that she wasn’t speaking to him. He wanted things to go back to normal. Maybe he had been a little too out of line… John was about to talk to (Y/n) when they began submerging the crew into the water to work the drill.
Dean looked at the gauges, as they began to work the drill under water. “Michael you’re taking her in to hot and heavy slow down.”
“I got this!” Michael said. That’s when the drill got away from him and an all too familiar crack could be heard followed by Michael yelling.
“ASH CUT IT!” Dean yelled as he began to stop the gauges from his side.
(Y/n) and John leaned up against the window. John ran out of the room and towards the exit followed by (Y/n). But when she reached the hallway she was hit with a sudden wave of dizziness before everything went black.
“Shit!” Jo said, going to (Y/n). “(Y/n), you okay?” John went to help the guys with Michael.
John rushed in as the crew were having their suits removed. Michaels painful moans echoed inside the training room. John saw the look on Dean’s face, the guilt.
“What in the hell happened?” Director Rufus Turner’s voice boomed as he walked in. “For fucks sake we don’t have time for this.” He ran his hand across his face. “Someone get Michael to medical and assess his hand, I want to know what our options are yesterday!”
“I told him not to go in to fast, that was the first thing I said before we dove in.” Dean shook his head. “I should have been the one controlling the damn drill.”
“I know Brother, we all heard you over the com,” Benny placed his hand on Dean’s shoulder to calm him down.  
Dean and the others were ushered into the conference room as the medics were assessing Michael. Dean was already bracing himself for the pitfall. He was bracing himself for John’s words and for the Directors to pull him out of the crew. He looked around and didn’t see (Y/n) anywhere. It only solidified that fact that, in his mind, she always saw him as someone just there. He began replaying the scene from the rig. John grabbing the shotgun, maybe his dad was right, maybe he wasn’t good enough for (Y/n).
“Hey, it’s okay.” Sam said, coming into the room. “Uh, Michael’s hand is broken though…” Sam tapped his hand on the table. “So we’re down an astronaut…”
“Do we call in Raphael?” Bobby looked to Rufus.  
“No. He’s in Korea. Mr. Big Time got himself promoted.” Rufus told him. “What we have is about all we’ve got right now.”
“I’ll do it.” Sam said suddenly, before his brain even acknowledged what he had said.
“Sam, no!” John spoke up, “Your brother is already on it we need you here.”
“I mean, Sam aced our astronaut training,” Bobby told them. “The only reason he didn’t go on the last mission was because the Department of Defense wanted him here.”
“I can do it.” Sam said. “I know how to run a drill and I’ve done the astronaut stuff.”
“Sam,” Dean took Sam aside, “You can’t go up there, I need you here incase… In case something happens.” Dean crossed his arms.
“Nothing’s going to happen to you Dean.” Sam told him. He looked at Bobby. “I’ll do it. Let’s go.”
“Sam…” Dean was about to argue when Bobby ushered Sam out of the room to get him suited for his gear.
Dean looked at Johns face, he knew his dad was pissed. He only wondered if he had shown any concern for Dean going up as he showed for Sam.  
“Damn it!” John stormed out of the room.
Meanwhile, (Y/n) was laying in the medical room, having tests run on her.
“They just want to make sure you’re not sick,” Jo explained. “Because we can’t risk the guys getting sick.”
“I understand,” (Y/n) breathed, “Why didn’t I stay back at the house?”
“Maybe it’s a good thing…” Jo told her. The sweet nurse who had taken her vitals came over to (Y/n).
“Everything seems good.” She told her. “You and the baby are just fine. No illness, just morning sickness it seems.”
“Wait. Did you say, Baby?” (Y/n) croaked, “I can’t be pregnant I mean I’m on…” then it his her like a ton of bricks. She had forgotten to refill her prescription. She never noticed she missed her period because of everything going on, both at the rig and currently.
Michael was brought in then and (Y/n) heard that his hand was broken. Without him, how would the mission go on. Jo rubbed her back as she started to cry heavily.
“Do you want me to go get Dean?” Jo asked.
(Y/n) shook her head, “NO. no, just tell him I passed out from heat exhaustion. I’ll tell him after the mission is over, he should focus on that.” She muttered. “This mission is important, we can’t afford distractions right now.” She knew that this was important for Dean. He wanted to help Sam anyway he could.  
“Let’s go get you some healthy food.” Jo said. As they were getting ready to leave, Sam came in.
“(Y/n)?” Sam asked. “What are you doing here?” Bobby was over talking to the doctor that was there. They needed to get Sam’s measurements.
“OH! Silly me I didn’t drink enough water and I just fainted from the heat,” (Y/n) brushed him off. “Right Jo?”
“Yeah, right.” Jo said. Sam nodded.
“Well, I gotta get measured.” Sam told her, heading with Bobby. It registered then what Sam was saying to her.
“Wait. You’re going up there?” She gave him a worried look.
“Uh yeah. I know all about drilling and I’ve done astronaut stuff. I’m good.” He gave her a smile. “You should let Dean know you’re okay though. He looked worried.” He knew that the worried look couldn’t be for him. Dean wouldn’t be that worried about him. (Y/n) made her way out of the medical room to find Dean.
Dean had found himself outside the complex. His fists clenching at the event. He looked at the door and gave it on good punch making a dent. This was not what he wanted to happen. Sam was supposed to stay safe. If anything happened to him, Sam was supposed to be there for (Y/n). He went to punch at the door again but a strong hand grabbed his wrist.
“Whoa, there brother,” Benny rasped. “We don’t need anyone else breaking their hand today.”
“Let me go Benny.” Dean growled. “I can’t believe that kid! I can’t believe him! How could he do this?!”
“Because you would do the same if you were in his shoes,” Benny chuckled. “The kid idolizes you.”
“But he’s so….you think he wants to be like me?” Dean asked. “But he’s a genius. I mean, the kid was able to graduate high school at 15…”
“Who says you aren’t a genius to?” Benny looked him in the eye. “Who created  the new drill we get to use? Who helped streamline most of the pressure gauges in the rig?”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say.” Dean sighed. (Y/n) came over then. “Babe? Where’ve you been? You missed all the excitement.”
“Sorry, I fainted… I was in the medical bay when I saw them bring in Michael,” she held his face in her hands before noticing his red knuckles. “Did you get hurt too?”
“I might have fought a wall but I’m okay.” Dean said. “No broken bones. Are you feeling okay though?” He cupped her face in his hands.
“Yeah, I’m fine just forgot to drink plenty of water. The heat got to me,” She leaned into his touch. “I’m hungry let’s get some food, huh?”
Dean and (Y/n) headed to the cafeteria in the complex. On their way they had run into John.
“I heard you fainted, are you ok?” John asked as he saw them. (Y/n) spun around and glared at him. “Uh, what’s wrong?”
“It is none of your business how I am. the minute you decided that I wasn’t good enough for Dean, was the day I said screw you. So leave me alone, leave us alone,” (Y/n) turned back around and stormed off. Dean had a smirk on his face as he followed her towards the cafeteria, leaving John behind with a hurt look on his face.
“That was hot.” Dean whispered to her. “I’m proud of you.”
“And I’m proud of you,” She held his face in her hands staring into his green eyes. “I saw the look on your face.” She used her thumbs to caress his cheeks. “What’s wrong?”
“Just thinking about everything.” Dean sighed. “We’ve only got a couple days until the launch and Sam…” He closed his eyes. “Let’s just eat. I’m starving. And you need water.” He led her over to get some food. As they set down, Dean saw Sam walking through the cafeteria with Bobby. John looked up from his own seat and Dean saw him watching Sam too.
“Hey,” (Y/n) took his hand in hers. “I know when you think you aren’t good enough Winchester.” She scolded him. “You are good enough for me, got it?”
“I know baby. I’m trying.” He smiled at her a little. “I just can’t believe he’s going too.”
“Yeah, well if that Michael guy wasn’t such a douche...” (Y/n) began.
“Can I sit with you guys?” Sam asked. “Or are you still mad at me?” He stood there with a tray. Bobby had went off to talk with Rufus.
“Come on Sammy, you can sit with the cool kids!” (Y/n) smiled at him.
“I’m not mad Sam,” Dean breathed. “I just…” Dean wanted to argue that John would be throwing a hissy fit and blaming Dean, but stopped himself. “What about Jessica?” Dean asked.
“What about her?” Sam asked. “She has her own life with Ashton and that new guy. She doesn’t need me around to mess that up.” He picked at his food, his shoulders slumped.
“How about you and I go see her soon?” (Y/n) suggested, “you can spend time with Ashton? I’m sure he misses you.”
“We’ll see.” Sam sighed. “I won’t be leaving here tonight, so you guys have full run of the house.”
(Y/n) looked at the two brothers. She could see the pain in their eyes. They each thought the other had the better life. What they didn’t realize was that their father had inadvertently planted that seed of doubt in both of them. She could feel a pair of eyes watching them, she scanned to room to find John staring at them.
“Excuse me,” (Y/n) got up and marched towards him slamming her palms in front of where he was sitting. “I am only going to tell you this once John… My father would be punching the living shit out of you for how you are treating Dean. you have no idea what you are doing to him, or Sam! You better fix it or you are going to regret it!”
Without looking back, she stormed out of the cafeteria. She was too angry to eat, too stressed to care. She had only made it a few steps out before she braced the wall for support.
“(Y/n)!” Dean said, running towards her. “Baby, are you okay?” He rubbed her back. “Let’s get you home. I’ve done all I can do for the day. There’s not too much to train me on.”
“Can we stop by a burger place?” she muttered, “ I need a double bacon cheeseburger, I can’t stand  this rabbit food.”
“Yeah, let’s go. I think there’s a Whataburger around here somewhere.” He smiled at her. They left Sam sitting there at the table, all alone.
John approached his son, “is this seat taken?”
“Uh, no.” Sam said, trying to hold back everything. “Go ahead.”
“Sam, I think you should have someone else take you place,” John told him. “Let Dean handle the drill, and have another astronaut take you spot.”
“There is no one else right here.” Sam said. “Everyone is assigned to other projects in other states and even countries. I’m all that’s left.”
“Then me, I don’t care if I’m too old, I’ll take that spot.” John shook his head. “Hell, I’ll call Gordon if I have to, you know I hate the guy.”
“Dad, I can do this.” Sam said. “I know what I’m doing. Do you not believe in me or something?”
“NO! Of course not, I just… This is a dangerous mission son… I can’t lose you.” John sighed.
“But what about Dean?” Sam asked.
John stayed silent for a moment, “He’s going to be fine.”
“He’s going into the same situation as me though.” Sam sighed.
“Ok, let’s just drop it for now,” John gave up the fight for now. “Come on, I want to see how you handle the drill.” he gave him a soft smile, “Haven’t seen you handle one in years.”  
“I’ll show you how to handle it.” Sam smiled and finished up his food before leading John to the practice drill.
“God, these are so good.” Dean grumbled as they sat on the hood of Baby at a park between Sam’s house and the NASA complex. There was a bag of burgers by them and Dean had already eaten two.
(Y/n) closed her eyes and gave a content sigh, “This hits the spot!” she had ordered the jalapeño and cheese whataburger. Something she never really did. She noticed Dean staring at her. She swallowed her food. “What?”
“I didn’t think you liked jalapeños.” Dean said with a shrug.
“Well… I just felt like eating something spicy today.” She covered. “OK, so this is the best lunch date ever. Good food, sexy car, and a hot date.” She put her Burger down and leaned towards him. “A very sexy, hot date,”  Dean leaned towards her and kissed her gently. As they broke apart, Dean slid off the hood.
“(Y/n)?” Dean asked. “I, uh, I have something very important to ask you.”
“You know you can ask me anything hun. No secrets, remember?” She gave him a smile, “What’s on your mind?” Dean went to the passenger side of the car, opened the glove compartment, and pulled out a small box.
“I…” He sighed. “I don’t want to spend anymore time without you.” He showed her the box. “I want to be with you for all the rest of time.” He opened it, showing the engagement ring John had given to Mary many years ago.
(Y/n) placed her hand over mouth as her eyes filled with tears, “Dean are you….” she stopped when he took her hand in his.
“Will you marry me?” Dean asked, a soft whisper. “Will you make me the happiest man in the world?”
(Y/n) slip off the hood and wrapped her arms around him kissing him deeply. Breaking the kiss she looked into his green eyes with her tear filled ones. “Yes,” she smiled. “Yes, I want to marry you and make you the happiest man in the world.” He kissed her deeply, all his worry about Sam and his anger towards his dad disappearing for that moment.
He had (Y/n) in his arms, and even the impending disaster overhead couldn’t take away from his happiness.
Forever Tags:  @anathewierdo @dekahg @marvel-af-imagines @feelmyroarrrr @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogaruke @xxwarhawk @sandlee44 @shatteredabby @caswinchester2000 @supernaturalwincestsblog @lauravic @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk
Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles Tags: @queenslandlover-93 @screechingartisancashbailiff @strab0 @maaryisafangirl @deathofmissjackson @hellabrothers @fandom-princess-forevermore @x-waywardaf-x @webcraft4eveh @luciathewinchestergirl @sheris532 @bobasheebaby @bella-ca @akshi8278
Supernatural Tags:  @bandobsession98 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @fangirlsencyclopaediaofweirdness @ilovetardis @missihart23 @cloudyskylines @flamencodiva @sams-serialkiller-fetish @theas-bedtime-stories @huntingfreewill @ocholove @princessofthefandomrealm
Armageddon  Tags: @thefaithfulwriter
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