#i kept this tied to 5e bc that's what i assumed you were asking about
dearsheroozle · 4 months
can you share a little bit about how you started playing dnd? i really want to find people to start playing a campaign with but i’m not sure where to begin.
so what happened was a friend asked me if i would want to watch some critical role with her because campaign 2 had just started, and i knew how much she loved it so i agreed. i really enjoyed it, and had a pretty good time, and not too long after that my other friend asked me if i wanted to join her dnd game that she was running. and i agreed because i thought it might be fun to try because critical role made it look pretty fun. and i wanted to roll dice.
it's been about 6 years since i officially joined that campaign. and we're still going! just played a session yesterday.
the way i joined dnd was really just sheer happenstance, because i had friends who wanted to play and i love being convinced to do things with people that don't involve me leaving my house.
i think roll20 had a thing where DMs would go searching for people to join their campaigns? not entirely sure how that works but i think you can try it out with a free account iirc. i think also adventuring leagues in game stores welcome new players too.
it's probably tough, i'm not gna lie. i got really lucky that i found a group who was willing to stick it out for this long. scheduling can definitely be tough sometimes (holidays are a nightmare. sometimes we go so long without playing!), and it definitely got harder the busier (older) we all got. but we've somehow made it work with 3 different time zones in 3 different countries.
i have also played in a couple other groups, though life has been getting in the way of them, so i really only have one dnd 5e campaign right now. here's hoping the other ones can return soon.
i think if you're not sure where to begin, maybe start by asking some friends who you think might be interested if they would want to play with you? this does mean you might have to DM. that's really what tends to happen. otherwise, maybe trying out some online games and meeting new people could work too! that's worked for some friends of mine. there are def a lot of videos i've watched that talk about this if you're curious too. like how to get started, and where to start, etc.
good luck!
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