#i just wanna watch mal eat random stuff
epiphyllous · 2 years
(romanticizes everything) drabble series
[Malleus Draconia x Reader]
word count: ~500 prompt: sneaking out to make late night cup ramen notes: second pov "you," gn!reader; Malleus x Reader
For someone who has lived quite a sheltered life like Malleus, you would figure he would perk up at the thought of sneaking out of his room together to do something. It’s the novelty of the shared rebellion that compels him as well as the thought that he is doing what is typical of a student, eager as he is to experience Night Raven College to its fullest. 
You personally think that Malleus disappearing on his guards at night and leaving them to scramble to find him is quite the act of truancy on its own, but you digress. The level of rebellion you’re initiating tonight is nothing so grand; you’re only a stairway away from his room when you sneak into the kitchen to make instant ramen with him. 
“How long-” Malleus abruptly stops himself when you press a finger to your lips and begins to whisper at your bequest. (If Sebek were here, he would strangle you for daring to shush his young master. But then again, if Sebek were here, he would be appalled that you are up so late with the young master alone, not to mention teaching him how to cook the most unbalanced meal Malleus will ever see in his long, long life.) “How long does this ‘cup ramen’ take to cook?” 
“Like, two minutes,” you reply, watching the water boil despite your better judgment. You tear your eyes away from it to smile at Malleus reading the cup noodle label with rapt attention. “Depends on how soft you want your noodles to be.” 
“I see,” Malleus says thoughtfully, and it will never stop endearing you the way the simplest of human concepts interests Malleus so. “And this cup ramen is to your taste?”
“It’s nice to indulge in something a little unhealthy sometimes.” You vaguely wonder if you are also talking about your (harmless) bad influence on Malleus. “It’s nice to eat some soup at night, and it’s easy to make.” You watch curiously as Malleus opens the lid of the cup noodle all the way and tentatively take a bit of the noodles. (You would describe it as ‘slurping’ but you think Sebek might toss and turn in his sleep as a result.) 
“...It’s strangely good,” Malleus says, setting his verdict. You muffle your laughter at the wonder in his voice. 
“The sodium is great,” you respond laughingly. You watch Malleus with a wide smile as he continues to chow down, uncaring of the way he is most definitely slurping up his noodles (there is no other way to eat it). In the quiet kitchen of Diasominia, you absently wonder how you are privileged enough to be with Malleus in a way that he cares to show you.
Neither of you think to sit down to eat, instead preferring to stand side-by-side next to the stove. You glance over at Malleus and share a mischievous look. You wonder if the warmth in your chest is because of the soup or something else.
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Multipart commission - Harry Hook x reader - A Prince Behind the Pirate - part 7 - its going down
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In the night and most of the day you had been locked in the brig, you were surprisingly….not treated like dirt? You honestly had expected mals little stories of Uma to be true, treating her prisoners as if the weren’t even worth the bottom of her shoe, letting her crew torture them.
But the entire time you had been there, nothing really happened, they gave you back your bag and all its stuff inside (with one or two granola bars missing, courtesy of Gil) and had tossed you a pillow and blanket.
All in all, it wasn’t a horrible experience that Mal had foretold, actually, Uma was being….accommodating? and you had to say, Gil was a very entertaining guard.
You laid on your back as you watch Gil deal the Uno cards, his tongue sticking out of his mouth slightly. “okay there, now, 7 each right?”
You nodded and watched as he tossed cards through the bars to you. “what are yeh gilly weeds doin’?” a confused Harry said from the top of the brig stairs, he….looked like a normal teen, his large red jacket was missing from his shoulders, he was now wearing a plain white t-shirt and black-grey sweatpants with some old repaired converse.
“uno! It’s a card game from Auradon, wanna play?” Harry sighed and looked to the ceiling, before shrugging. “sure im bored and can’t sleep”
He slid down on the wall next to Gil, holding out his hands for cards. Gil dealt him out the 7 and then turned to you. “what were the rules again?”
“match the color or number, 7s you can switch cards with whoever you want and 0’s are everyone switches hands, you can stack plus twos and fours, and you can jump in if you have the exact same card”
You flipped the first card down, Gil going next and Harry following.
It was a while before the chaos started.
But booooy Harry was funny when he was mad.
“HOW FEKIN DARE YEH GIL!! I ONLY HAD ONE CARD LEFT AND YEH BETRAY MEH LIKE THA’?” you were laughing your ass off as gil just smiled smugly as Harry screamed at him.
“it's just part of the game Harry!” Gil laughed, leaning back and grinning like the Cheshire cat. Harry pouted and crossed his arms, glaring at him, eyes drifting to you, who was still giggling.
“i-I cant breathheheh!” you cackled, feeling tears run down your cheeks, you cracked open your eyes, seeing Gil beaming down at you while Harry had his….look on his face “s-sorry” you breathed deep, trying to calm down before bursting into another fit of giggles.
“you-you good lass?” Harry had opened the door to your cell awhile ago, so he leaned over and rubbed your shoulder, you nodded and stopped laughing for a moment, staring into Harry's blue eyes….before bursting into ANOTHER fit of laughter. “yer very giggly aren’t yeh” he chuckled
“i-im so-sorry” you cried, your stomach was starting to hurt “Its-its always hard for me to stop laughing” Gil let his own set of laughter lose, sitting up from his spot on the floor and helping you sit up.
“I've learned laying down doesn’t help stop the laughter” he offered, holding you in place as you finally gained control of your breathing.
“t-thanks” you sighed, waving your hands in your face to cool yourself down.
“you’re welcome” Gil chirped, picking his cards back up and nodding to you “your turn right?”
“y-yeah” you picked your cards up and tossed down a +4, jumping in on your own card. “plus-four Gil” Harry cackled
“haha! Revenge yeh gakit!” Gil rolled his eyes and took his cards. Harry smirked at you, slamming down a + 4 and cackling. You just mock laughed and smacked down your OWN +4.
“hahahaha ha~” Gil laughed, putting down ANOTHER + 4 “take 12 Harry!” Harry just stared down at the card, he dropped his cards and stood, giving you and Gil the middle finger and stomping back upstairs and to his cabin.
You and Gil glanced at each other and burst out into laughter.
Uma and you just kinda….stared at each other as noon rolled around “what the hell happened last night?” uma cocked her hip and raised her brow.
“We played Uno and Gil plus twelved harry” you shrugged, Uma just looked more confused.
“uh…okay whatever” Uma muttered, scratching her neck “Let's hope your little friends come for you huh?” you nodded, pursing your lips and looking around.
“so what do really want with the wand?” Uma sighed, deciding to just lay it all out.
“be free? That’s it mostly, it sucks here, rotten food, I have to sew all my clothes an-“
“hold the fu*k up” you stopped her, staring at her with wide eyes “ROTTEN FOOD!??!?!”
Uma just stared at you confused “uh yeah? The barge just sends all your leftovers? You didn’t-“
“w-what scandal?” Uma muttered. You blew your hair out of your face more dramatically than you usually would have.
“a lot of people found out that the isle wasn’t getting ANY good food so they got mad and made him start sending fresh food and assuming you're not lying, he just dropped it as soon as everyone stopped paying attention!!!”
Uma groaned and face planted “I think I remember the small time of fresh food….i think it was like half a year and that was it.” Uma was genuinely surprised at your anger “so you really didn’t know about the whole rotten food thing?”
“i-I don’t think even Ben knows! King asshole is still in charge of the isle…stuff so hes been hiding it from Ben! Im sure if Ben knew, you all would have been eating actual food as soon as he became king”
Uma sighed and rubbed her forehead “This is just one big ol’ mess” she looked over your shoulder and yelled out to Harry “get her to the plank, im sure they’re almost here” she looked back at you for a moment.
“….you won't be going over don’t worry about it” she muttered, sighing loudly as she walked to the gangplank.
Harry walked over and untied you, looking from Uma to you “what did yeh tell ‘er?”
You didn’t answer, looking down at Harry's arms, realizing that he was much…smaller that you thought he would be.
As if he never got enough to eat, you knew if you grabbed his wrist your fingers would touch. Harry frowned as you looked at his arms, forcing you to turn around and push you towards the plank.
“jus’ walk lass” you obeyed and simply walked to the plank.
As the vks arrived, including Ben and Lonnie, Uma got excited, bouncing around and jeering at Mal.
“Finally~! Let's get this started shall we?”
A few minutes of negotiations went by, most of which you stood on the plank, Harry's hand gripping your shoulder to keep you from losing your balance.
“now why would you give me a phony wand?” huh? How did Uma-
Mals jaw dropped and she looked over to you with betrayal in her eyes “you-you told her!?!” Uma let out a cackled, grinning like the cat who caught the canary.
“nope~ you just did~” she nodded her head at Harry, who stared to guide you backward and back to the brig.
“hey- what!?”
“you didn’t go through with your half Malsy, why would I go through with mine?” Uma laughed, gesturing for her crew to advance on Mals, driving them back to the garage.
“we’ll be sending our demands later beasty boy~” Uma cooed, giving him a sharp grin as he looked to you desperately, you sighed and started to head back to your cell. Harry was just behind you, making it seem like he was forcing you back down to the brig.
Something bugged at the back of your mind….maybe you being stuck here would shed light on the isle and in the end, Uma would get what she wanted in a way without the wand or destroying Auradon in the process.
--end of part 7--
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britishchick09 · 3 years
1984 livewatch
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the time has finally come to watch the full movie! it’ll be sad, it’ll be disturbing, it’ll possibly be cringy, but it’ll be a lot of fun! :D
we start out with the mgm lion! noice ;)
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epic quote B)
wait why is opera music playing i thought we’d start at the 2 minutes hate
OMG what if they’re gonna hate on opera
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this looks like a drive-in movie tbh
narrator: “this is a land of peace and hope, a land of plenty...” OH SHUT UP YOU
they’re showing wheat like it’s little house on the prairie BOI YOU’RE IN LONDON
this is epic propaganda B)
what if the war footage was taken from ww2 and thus... isn’t real :o
HOLD UP is the eurasian war racist?
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oh no it be u (his face is like ‘WHAT IS GOING ON’ and it’s very lol)
julia’s so into this! :o
o’brien’s like ‘ohhh!!!’
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look who decided to SHOW UP FINALLY
he pauses a bit before reluctantly joining in yas ♥
good they stopped!
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this IS a school assembly they’re going back to work!
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winston in glasses *chef’s kiss*
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ooh a rotary dial! great use of tech from when the book was written :D
winston’s looking over at syme WITH SO MUCH JEALOUSY lol
what if the words they speak are just random stuff with no meaning
OMG confession!!!!!
poor winnie with his cough :(
this confession sounds JUST LIKE WINSTON’S OMG!!!!
winston: “bugger!” he’s a brit lol :D
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epic B)
OMG this guy read goldstein’s book SO DID WINSTON!!!!
i love how the diary is in a brick hole that’s so cool :D
the diary scene was filmed on april 4th just like in the movie so that’s way rad man :D
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i want you valley!!! :D
ooh they’re put a smol scene of his childhood in there coolio! :D
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he  s l e e p
this violin squeak tho :o
it’s not but i can easily imagine it lol :D
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he’s a stick omg ;o
when the lady talks to him you know it’s not a recording ;)
lady: “anyone under 45 is perfectly capable of touching his toes” BOI
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parsons: “choco rations are going up” c h o c o
parsons: “i seem to have run out of razor blades for some reason’ yeah,,, for some reason... ;)
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this is so a cafeteria scene at school
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♫ i suddenly see him standing there, a beautiful stranger tall and fair, i wanna stuff this weird food in my faaaace! ♫ :D
me: “this is so romantic!” winston’s thoughts: “lemme smash HER WITH A ROCK”
wait did the lady say pineapple grenade???
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syme rip boi
the 11th edition isn’t thicc :/
aww winston’s smol nod ♥
parsons: “by 2050 we won’t have conversations like this!” yeah because of screens lol
OMG the food looks and taste like meat but isn’t IT’S PLANT BASED MEAT!!!! :o
parsons just pulled a ‘hey need help with that?’ and put winston’s food on his plate EPIC
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julia’s lookin’ at u ;)
he liked the ‘bright red lips’ yet...
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poor baby desperate for money :(
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hand on cheek = doublepluscute ^_^
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epic foreshadowing B)
OMG a couple is making out in the bar EPIC
winston’s just like ‘nnope’
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he’s at an antique store in prescott bless his heart ♥
mr. charrington sounds so kind WHYYYY
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mr. charrington says ‘4 dollars’ but they’re in london??
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winston: “what was that?” mr. charrington: “something old.” no DUH
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they see each other againnn!!!!! :D
winston writes that he hates her SAME WITH A LOOK LIKE THAT
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his mom is lying dead in the field like the erza kid in ‘kirsten’s promise’ :(
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he’s just... staring
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that ‘ow!’ was so fake jules!
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this is like anna and hans but not as bad underneath!
julia: “it’s nothing!” but this is turning out to be something... ;)
we’re half an hour in and wowza it’s gone by so fast! :D
winston: *gets a cute love note from julia* YEET!
THE HELICOPTER IS BACC!!!!! they’re really not making the spying subtle
winston is the best plummer confirmed
kid: “you’re a thought criminal!” winston: *gives a slight ‘wha’ face and smiles* ICONIC
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the crowd is clapping and cheering over the war yet winston’s not doing anything SAME
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jules is just scooching by lol
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the sky does exist! :o
the telescreen has some great music :D
winston’s joining the ‘big man’s hiking group’ suure you are... ;)
the train is going to the beat of the kids’ singing coolio! :D
big brother is called ‘bb’ yas bby!
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the lq audio made the twig crack and the leave brushing really weird lol
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winston: “i want you.” I-CON-IC!!!! :D
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winston: “i want everyone corrupt.” julia: “i’ll suit you, then. i’m corrupt to the core.” *mal screech*
she really went commando huh
the sex looks like it hurts NO WAY MAN NOT FOR ME NNNNOPE
i’m glad it was only a part you couldn’t really see and not a full on thing I DON’T NEED THAT
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awww she’s so peaceful after big naughty :)
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this is vaguely gay...
aww winston’s hair ruffling in the wind ♥
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c r o n c h
also did he just cronch into a potato???
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teacher: “when the orgasm is finally eradicated...” totally julia: “NOT ON MY WATCH”
winston is the kid who smokes in glass while julia is the one kid who Just Doesn’t Care lol :D
thoughtcrime THIS IS THOTCRIME
wow syme is still alive?
julia: “you dropped your ink pencil” you mean pen?
winnie’s back in prescott! :D
the room is 4 bucks a night noice B)
the modern say 2 minutes hate is probably just a livestream with kids texting ‘h8 xd’ in the chat lol :D
winston’s thoughts: “she who is so careful...” boi she threw a dictionary at the telescreen in the book THAT’S SO NOT CAREFUL
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she has so many smiles YAS!!!!
she’s so eager with showing him I LOVE YOU SO MUCH JULES ♥♥♥
she says ‘real sugar, real bread’ and... jam
winston: “how did you manage to get all this?” jules has her ways... ;)
winston: “i want you” julia: “i want you too” YAS :D ♥♥
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the thiccc singer is here!! :D
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she’s so pretty! ♥
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aww the stroke ♥
his hands are shaking as he touches her :(
winston: “freedom is the freedom to say two plus two equals four. if that is granted, all else follows” iconic!
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it be gin time ;)
he scratches the face off the gin bottle woah :o
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winston’s little ‘yes!’ at getting the 10th newspeak dictionary ♥
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that’s a look of longing my friends! :o
winston: “the call has come. all my life i’ve been waiting for it...” and now he’ll go into the unknown... ;)
AAND we cut to naked julia eating an apple! slight bi panic
she’s touching the paperweight queen love it ♥
julia: “i just know it!” BOI YOUR G-PA HELPED OUT
winston: “the only thing to do is to walk out of here before it’s too late” thus my ‘julia lives’ au comes in! :D
winston: “never seen one another again” ...oh he was talking about that NOT IN MY AU SON
julia: “you do, i do.” omg marriage :o
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fluffy! ♥
julia: “i love you.” awww :)
winston: “julia. do you think the resistance is real?” julia: “none of it’s real.” STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER!
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work is scrambling like eggs!
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poor headache bby! :(
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epic B)
winston’s dreaming of his bishy selfish chocolate mom adventure!
the rats were there when his mom and sister were vaporized! :o
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she’s in the dress! ♥
they’re talking about betrayal and julia’s like ‘they can’t do that!” OH BOI BUT THEY CAN!!!!
julia: “they can’t get to your heart” aww :)
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winston sees o’brien WITHOUT JULIA THE F????
this feels like the principal’s office lol :D
o’brien’s voice is so deep and british ♥
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the way he clutches the newspeak dictionary is so cute! :D
aww he’s stroking the pages as he reads :)
the oceania anthem sounds russian :o
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so soft ♥♥
winston: “julia, my love.” MY LOVE MY LOVE AHHH!!!! :D
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she’s hungry... she wants coffee... who’s gonna tell her coffee isn’t food?
omg i saw winston butt :o
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winston: “she’s beautiful.” julia: “she’s a meter around the hips easily” winston: “that’s her standard of beauty.” YAAAS!!! :D
winston: “the future is ours.” YAS
mr. charington is loud compared to how i thought in the book
his ‘you are the dead’ should’ve been quieter like winston and julia’s then he could be loud!
charrington: “here comes a candle to guide you to bed, here comes a chopper to chop off your head!” OHHHH NICE ONE MR C!!!!!! :D
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i should be a bit more heartbroken BUT THAT MR C RHYME MAN
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why does he look old
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awww :(
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delete the drunk old lady BUT GIVE US PARSONS SUUURE
i dread the scene to come...
parsons didn’t say that he said ‘down with big brother’ so that’s a bummer :/
aww poor parsons he’s crying! :(
oh SNAP room 101!!!! :o
poor parsons but at least that scene wasn’t a thing!
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is this leading into the bloody mouth scene? I STILL NEED TO KNOW WHAT THAT IS
winston doesn’t know where he is IT’S THE I WANT YOU VALLEY!!!
hold up this is just a vision ok BUT WHERE’S THE BLOODY MOUTH SCENE
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frankenstein and spirit halloween called!
also o’brien flipped the switch without warning BISH
o’brien: “you suffer from a defective memory” and you suffer from a BISH MEMORY SIR
remember winston it’s all in the mind... ;)
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'how many fingers’ is a trick question because winston sees four YET WE SEE FIVE OHHH
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mother gothel vibes...
awww winston’s little scared squeak :(
winston: “i don’t know... i don’t know!” SAY FIVE WINSTON SAY FIVEEEEE
o’brien’s voice is so calming yet it spouts evil words...
julia immediately betrayed winston BECAUSE SHE HAD A ROSEMARY KENNEDY yet she’s somehow still alive without damage by the end???
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ooh a new shot! :D
they just faded to black and showed a new angle which is a bit weird...
o’brien: “you’re thinking that my face is old and tired...” because it belongs to poor richard burton!
o’brien just yoinked winston’s tooth out tho :o
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mother gothel strikes again!
winston to o’brien: “i love you.” you don’t say that back to jules YET YOU SAY IT TO O’BRIEN BOIIIII
o’brien: “you’re one of us. one of the chosen.” one of us gooble gobble! also ANAKIN IS THAT YOU????
winston just said ‘i love you’ oMG OMG OM WAIT WWAIIITIT
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
seconds after she says ‘i love you too’ SHE’S FREAKING SHOT DAAANG NO PUNCHES PULLED BACK!!!!!
aww he called her ‘my love’ even in a dream
so that was the infamous bloody mouth scene and it was quicker than i thought it would be? at least i have a bright julia smile! ♥
OMG winston’s calling for her yet it sounds so weird WHYYY
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he’s much improved!
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they’re skyping lol
after all he’s been through he still hates bb! :o
ROOM 101 :o
room 101 is a personalized experience just for you! :D
omg the rats are GOING AT EACH OTHER GEEZ
winston’s squeak at the rats no!!! :(
‘do it to julia’ sounds a bit selfish but it’s the betrayal we’ve been waiting for!
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uh oh here comes the awkward reunion...
they should’ve said “...sup.” to each other
the bartender saying “on the house!’ tiredly each time is great :D
winston: “thank you for coming.” julia in her thoughts: “yeah whateves bro.” :/
at least they can still bond over something :)
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jules gin time ;)
they ratted out on each other true love???
julia: “we must meet again.” winston: “yes, we must meet again.” ...they never met again
but if they did it would be a bro time!
winston: “i have seduced party members of both sexes” BI NANI???? :o
since his crimes are like the guy’s from earlier... what if he didn’t do them and was convinced that he did? :o
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in the book he says i love you to bb, but here he turns away and says it... what if he still loves julia? :o
and with that question, the movie has come to a close! it’s a fantastic little film that closely follows the book. while i would’ve liked to see julia with winston at o’brien’s and the drunk jail lady, the cutting of the gross parsons scene, the addtion of the bloody mouth scene and the possibly hopeful ending make up for it. overall, this is an amazing adaptation of such a great book! :D
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dipplie · 4 years
For anyone who doesn’t know me
I stole this and filled it out, don’t COME FOR me
The Basics: Full Name: Jasmine Elizabeth Degler Birth Date: February 15th, 2002 Birth Place: Denver, CO Gender: Female Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Blonde Currently living: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Height: Like 5′3″? Weight: NOT ENOUGH AAAAAAAA Righty or Lefty: Right hand Right Wing or Left Wing: I think a plane needs both wings pal Zodiac: Aquarius-Pisces Cusp. Aka I’m so xd quirky but I also cry a lot because I’m baby Favorites: Band/Singer: I like... Owl City... Blame my partner~ Song: Apple.com Movie: Saw 2 or Cube? Color: Yellow Animal: Bunny Smell: Vanilla Boy Name: Theodore Girl Name: Penelope Month: May Swear Word: F̵̗̯͇͙͔̟̰̯͎̃U̴̡̠͕̱̻̽͂̿͜ͅC̶̪͇̗͍̱̩̻͊K̷̲̫͕̖̼̺̜̻͌̒͊̋͑̅̆̚͜ Grade: Kindergarten. It’s all downhill from there kid drinks wine Least Favorite Grade: I think Freshmen Year 
Preferences: Anime or Disney?: Disney Guys or Girls: SCREAMS Lips or Eyes?: Eyes Kisses or Hugs?: Snugs Eating or Drinking?: CRUNCHITY MUNCHITy OVER SLORPS Summer or Winter?: Summer Outdoors or Indoors?: Outdoors Personal: Why did you choose your username?: My partners screen name is NightlyOver! What is your favorite piece of your own work?: This one is nice I guess
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Look to your left, what’s the first thing you see?: Graduation cap and gown I probably won’t get to wear :’^) Now your right: My cat sleeping on my bed Something you can't live without: I like... Partner... He’s... Perfect... GPA: I think like 3.5...??? Maybe it was 3.2 I honestly have no idea. Between those. The Last... Person you hugged: My friend Jordan Movie you watched: I think it was Moana? Song You Listened To: I think it was that one Echo vocaloid song? But a chorus. Thing you ate/drank: Pretzels with peanut butter in them. My favorite drink :) Time you cried and why: Probably a couple days ago. Time you laughed and why: Probably earlier
The First... Person you kissed: Haven’t kissed anyone baby! Crush you had: My boyfriend Thing you think about when you wake up: My boyfriend Longest friend you ever had: My boyfriend Person you talk to each day: My boyfrie School you went to: Grand Junction High School Big holiday you went on: Once for Christmas my dad took me and my brother on a cruise to Mexico. It was ok. REALLY HOT. IN WINTER? Award you got: Some art stuff in Elementary and early Middle School. Have you ever... Broken the law?: Smoked weed a few times B) Been arrested?: Nope Had a hangover?: Nope I can’t drink and don’t plan on it Been in a hospital?: Ya but I was like 2 and broke my arm so I don’t remember Been in a car crash?: Notttt yeeet Flown on a plane?: Ya Been on a boat?: Ya Traveled overseas?: Kinda? Does the Gulf of Mexico count. It’s 1 sea. I traveled over A sea. Had sex?: Nope Been to a concert?: Once Ya Pretended to be sick to avoid doing something?: Ya Skipped school / work?: Sadly Ya Broken a bone: Ya when I was 2 Personal Again: Who is your closest friend on Tumblr?: I guess @drinksss​ ;^) What is your favorite post by them?: Snake... Your Religion?: Dunno and don’t care too much, I just wanna turn into a tree when I die bro... Social Class?: Upper Middle? Ethnicity: I’m W H I T E Languages you speak?: English et en petite eu (mal) francais. Scar (s) you have?: Arm burns from a straightener, Couple years ago my mom yelled at me and told me all I was good as was crying! I got really upset and did them all! Sad. Orientation?: I like... Everything... Girls pretty... Guys handsome... Totally Random~ Where is your dream holiday location?: Mm, I’ve always wanted to go to Canada. What are you wearing right now?: Gray PJ’s What is the last thing you bought?: I think Olive Garden When did you join Tumblr?: Like 10 minutes ago Why did you join?: I can’t escape so I’m back here again Are you a member of any other websites?: I have a YouTube but I don’t upload anymore, I have a Pintrest now though! -This Board: https://www.pinterest.com/dippydaily/cabbages-and-cottages/ -And my Art Board!: https://www.pinterest.com/dippydaily/dailys-art/
Are You... Shy: Ya Loud: Ya Nice: I try to be Outgoing: Ya Quiet: I try not to be Mean: I try not to be :( Emotional: VERY Sensitive: Very... Strong: UHUH NO? Caring: I am if you are Dangerous: Naw Crazy: xd Spontaneous: Ya, me’s got OCD :’^) Funny: Hey, u know who’s funny? Ready the first word... Wai Sweet: Eh Sharing: Ya Responsible: NAW Trustworthy: I don’t even trust myself so like Open-minded: Ya Creative: Ya Cute: GOD I wish Slick: Slick as the way your words make my heart beat~ (I WANT TO DIE) Smart: Yeah I guess Dumb: Yeah I guess Evil: >:3c Photogenic: Nooooooo... Greedy: I try not to be Ugly: Oh hunti right now? don’t @ me like this Messy: Naw Neat: Ya Perverted: uwu Silly: OWO A B****: A butch? No I’m a fem.  A Good Listener: When it’s important yes A Fighter: Naw I’m just gonna lie down
Yes or No Are you a vegetarian: Ya Are you a carnivore: IMPLYING I’D ONLY EAT MEAT AND NOTHING ELSE KSHFDJSHFKJDSNKJFGDSJ Are you heterosexual: No  Do you like penguins: They’re cute, my partner ADORES them and pandas tho Do you write poetry: Sometimes! Do you sleep with stuffed animals on your bed: I do! Are you a zombie: Hey that’s extremely RUDE to people with depression ok, watch your LANGUAGE  Do you bite your nails: Sadly Can you cross your eyes: Yeah Do you make your bed in the morning: No Have you touched someone's private part: PRIVATE PATRTDGUFDSN ITS CALLED THE NONO SQUARE OUTOUOGUHOUG
Opinions What do you think about classical music: It’s ok About boy bands: Sometimes they’re nice but typically all the songs are just for moneyyyy sooooo not really sexy now huh About suicide: 0/10 Would not recommend (Okay but on a serious note, don’t do it :^( It does get better. You’re not okay, but you’re alive, and that’s the first step to getting better. Don’t end on the low note, keep going till you can end on the high note :^) ) About people who try to force their opinions on you: UghhhhHHHHNNNNN About teen pregnancy: TEENAGERS SHOULDN’T BE HAVING SEX. STOP! STOP THAT! OH MY GOD! YOU’RE CHILDREN OH MY GOD!  Where do you think you'll be in 10 years: Stress Who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: Stresses haRDER About gay men: Nice
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jane headcanons (+ others, because this girls relationship to other people is important to me)
ben can turn into a beast. like an actual beast. but he has full control over it, and he never ever does it unless he thinks he's in a life-or-death situation. jane knows about it and doesn't tell anyone cuz its none of their business but it does lead to weird looks when jane gives him something humans can't eat/drink and everyones like wait a sec
because ben can change and by definition he is Not Human but everyone forgets that (they also forget janes fae a lot too)
jane and ben are actually really good friends because Introverts™ need to stick together.
bens really protective of her but he'll never admit it unless someone asks (brother/sister but no one else has context for it so they come across as two random people that know weird amounts about each other). Do Not Hurt Jane Where Ben Can See It.
janes kinda like sherlock holmes, running experiments and doing stuff that looks really bizarre without context (and she rarely gives it because people don't ask and having a reputation as a weirdo lets her get away with doing stuff other people would DEFINITELY get in trouble for) (ben lonnie doug and sometimes chad know what the context is. they let her do it, because the bafflement on peoples faces is always funny)
she and her mother have a relationship kinda like gina and holt on brooklyn nine-nine: ones more of an authority figure, but have a rock-solid friendship (this does cause trouble when jane needs her to be a parent) because parental authority doesn't quite stick after the fortieth year of a humans life and that authority doesn't stick around anywhere near as long for fae.
you're equals in physical power and there isn't a full chance one will outlive the other why deal with that?? fae run on a different morality than humans okay, parental authority isn't gonna be a thing that transgresses species. (also FG has been more on the neglectful side when it comes to raising jane (not fully her fault she's a busy lady) and as jane ages she's lost the desire to have FGs attention. they are friends tho
like "mom i need your permission to do this thing" 
"you've never asked my permission to do this thing before?? why now??"
"because if i screw it up i don't wanna be the only one blamed for it"
(jane and ben have had this conversation too btw)
if jane and FG are gina and holt then jane and chad are gina and jake: they've influenced each other since childhood (jane on chad more than the other way around) but most people don't know they known each other that long so when the two do something weirdly in sync everyone not in the know is just???
but they love each other but jane thinks chad a douche now and is going to be forever Not Impressed™ until he cuts it out
she knows where all the clubs and bars for fae are and she drinks there once or twice a month. she keeps getting into arguments with other magic peoples, mostly over magic theory. it never really escalates except in volume because turns out janes really easy to rile up when she's drunk?? jordan has to drag her away
everything jane knows about magic is almost entirely self taught. FG won't teach her but she can cajole info out of other faeries when she plays her cards right & jane totally knows where EVERY store in the city that sells magic shit is. every. single. one. she's a regular at all of them
really hates that when audrey left she was put in charge of cotillion planning?? she's an introvert whats she doing this for. its her own personal hell.
Queen of Odd Friendships. well not really Odd Friendships, its just that she gives off the air of someone without many (any) friends, so when it turns out she's low-key friends with half the fae community in Auradon City (and some in Cinderella's kingdom) its jarring. the girl ignored in Auradon Prep is on first name basis' with a five hundred year old gargoyle and a vampire? when did this happen everyone asks. fours years ago, jane answers with a straight face. janes telling the truth
top student (doesn't need to sleep). refuses to compete or even let people know that she's a high-achieving student because she knows her classmates will go nuts trying to figure how she's so good (she hasn't slept in months. she does homework to fill in the hours to dawn. you cant beat her)
doug knows this, doesn't even try to top her in class. its not "be the best in class" its "be the next person after jane to be best in class". he's dealing w it. other people aren't.
when she's grateful to people she kisses her fingertips and then presses them against the persons forehead. its super cute and always (ALWAYS) leaves the other person blushing to their ears because who expects that from her??
loves scary movies. watched silence of the lambs when she was like. nine. whenever she's rewatching it she laughs at the most inappropriate moments. laughed when the dinosaurs ate people in jurassic park
she speaks a bunch of languages with varying fluency including the native fae language (which she and her mother use solely whenever they're alone. keep that heritage up ladies). can read about a dozen more languages (magic books are old a lot of the time and you need to be able to read them properly otherwise you mess up)
is a good bit stronger than anyone knows. like. she could flick a person across a room if she's angry enough. can totally cave someones skull in if she's got enough adrenaline in her. doesn't like that about herself and tries to hide it. because faery
(but she and jay spar all the time when jaynelos are in the flirting stage/awkward trying to figure out emotions stage and have no-holds-barred fist fights. janes SUPER brutal when she fights even when she's holding back. one time she kicks jay in the head and he's all Heart Eyes™)
anyone who knows takes bets whenever/if-ever she gets attacked on just how trashed the other person is gonna be. anyone who doesn't is freaking out because jane looks like Jane. she's tiny. why are you so calm about someone trying to kill her. (get to her and the attacker is moaning in pain on the floor. not-knowers are ????)
brenna d'amico is a really good singer and so jane is too. one of the tie-in books says janes in the acapella group and is an alto. she can play guitar and piano. also did ballet when she was younger and hated it - was forced basically at knifepoint. you Don't want her to kick you.
she does pole-dancing now. less for the 'sexiness', more for the cardio. pole dancing is exhausting.
she and her mother have a deal: jane wears the light blue shit during school hours/days and at formal events. on weekends, jane gets to wear whatever she wants. leads to weird looks when people need to talk to her and she's dressed like someone else. she refuses to explain herself.
blushes whenever someone complements her because people don't complement her much. is even cuter when she does it. complementer is blushing too. she's cute. its a loop of blushes. (she deserves all the complements. come on guys. be nice to her)
sweaters and knitwear everywhere. all winter she can wear a sweater every day and never repeat and outfit (she makes them)
has tattoos. will never tell, and they're really little and she can hide them under her clothes, but she has them. she's got freckles on her back that have been joined into constellations and a couple runes on her skin for protection (she was visiting her dad in starlight valley and he held her hand when she got them done) she loves them.
also has blue freckles and pointed ears. if mal gets to have magic green eyes and purple hair then jane gets to have magic identifiers too. (she covers the freckles up w makeup tho, it weirds people out)
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All of them then thank
YAAAAS, thanks, friend. :D
1. Have guitar lessons with John or have drum lessons with Ringo
I feel like Ringo would be the better teacher though quite honestly I’d prefer to learn how to play guitar than drums, but I’ma go with Ringo. (And no other biases there, wow! ...okay maybe a little.)
2. Date John, Paul, George, or Ringo
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Okay wait, here’s a simple solution: I’ll tell you who I WON’T date, and that’s John or Paul. :)
3. Take LSD with George or smoke weed with John
Sorry but both. I feel like smoking weed with John would be fun and taking acid with George would be really...is meaningful too weird to say? I mean, god damn, just listen to “It’s All Too Much” and tell me you don’t wanna take acid with George Harrison.
4. Attend the Shea Stadium concert or watch the Rooftop concert
5. Meditate with George or spread peace and love with Ringo
Spread peace and love with Ringo. ♥ No offense to George, but it’s just that, for one thing, how useful is it to meditate with other people around? Would that not be slightly counterproductive to the whole point of meditation? I mean...I dunno, I just think it might be kind of a distraction. Also hi I can’t meditate, myself, or really know how, so there’s that, too. :)
6. Early 60s, mid 60s, or late 60s
I’m gonna believe this is music-wise in which case I’d say late ‘60s hell yeah.
7. Go to the hair salon with Maureen or get your nails done with Cynthia
I don’t even really like doing stuff like getting hair/makeup/nails done in the first place, but I’d go to a hair salon just to hang out with Mo. Fuck yeah I would. I love her. ♥
8. Eat dinner with Brian Epstein or eat dinner with Mal Evans
Oh, man...I wanna say both so bad! I appreciate both of them a lot and I find both of them to be so endearing, but maybe...for this I guess I’ll say eat dinner with Brian.
9. Listen to Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band or listen to the White Album
Um................................................I guess the White Album...as long as it’s not on vinyl so I can skip a bunch of songs. LOL I’m the worst kind of Beatles fan in that am I really a Beatles fan if I don’t like all their songs? Haha, fuck you, that’s the answer. Anyway. If you’re gonna be up their ass at least make sure you can still see the sun-OKAY I’LL STOP
10. Spend your birthday with Paul or spend your Christmas with Ringo
Even though I don’t really celebrate Christmas I’LL SPEND IT WITH RINGO ARE YOU KIDDING ME OMG.
11. Go to Japan with Yoko or go to India with Pattie
JAPAN WITH YOKO, FUCK YEAH. I’d totally love to hang out with Yoko, anyway. Imagine hanging out with such an influential artist, singer-songwriter and feminist? BRO, I thought being in the same room as Angela Davis was cool as fuck, but YOKO ONO?!?!?! MY MIND IS NOT BREATHING
12. Read a McLennon fanfic or a Starrison fanfic
*COUGHS* I was gonna make that all I said about this but then I changed my mind. :) Starrison. Everything. Even the McLennon/Starrison ones but I skip the McLennon because I Really Don’t Care About McLennon. NOBODY KNOWS WHO I AM ANYWAY HAHAHA GOOD
13. McLennon or nah
Nah, man....nah..........okay how old am I who’s going to understand that one
14. Wear John’s iconic round glasses or wear Ringo’s St. Christopher Medal
Ringo’s medal or anything that Ringo wears wait what but especially a necklace WAIT WHAT or his rings okay yeah I can see that
15. Save John from dying or save George from dying
I hate this question and my immediate answer was just gonna be “FUCK THIS QUESTION” but suddenly I’m starting to feel coherent, so try...John. Because I desperately think that if John were still alive, or if he’d at least lived longer than he did, he could’ve done more. The idealist in me, somewhere, believes that really hard. Plus, George was able to live a longer life than John, so I’m just suggesting, George did what he wanted to (presumably) and was able to with the time he had, whereas I think John didn’t have that luxury (sorry to say that in that way, but if it supports my reasoning...). I’d just definitely save John. (While meaning no ill-will toward George.)
16. Meet old man Paul or old man Ringo
Ringo! Remember that dream I had about him, or did I tell you all about that? It was definitely old Ringo in my dream, though...and it was such a random dream, too. Ringo would probably approve of it and also laugh his ass off about it for fifteen minutes because WHY A GROCERY STORE-anyway...
17. Listen to Revolution 9 on repeat for 30 minutes straight or stare at John and Yoko’s nudes for 15 minutes straight
I don’t really care about either, to be honest. Which is not a neither answer, it’s an either answer. My feelings about either is just kinda “eh.” Wouldn’t really affect me either way. (Staring at people’s nudes would be weird and awkward at first but think about it - the shock would go away soon enough that you’re like ‘kay, when’s the next one coming up’ no pun intended I mean WHAT. I fully admit to being The Worst and that my mind makes its home in the gutter.)
18. Have Ringo’s adorable big nose or have George’s bushy eyebrows
I guess the eyebrows since I have a nice set of eyebrows, myself (or so some people have told me), though I have a really small nose already so maybe that’d be an interesting change? LOL I dunno.
19. Have Paul sing Till There Was You at your wedding or have John sing It’s Only Love at your wedding
I’m not really a fan of either but I guess I’ll go with “It’s Only Love”?
20. Wear Beatle boots or have a moptop
Beatle boots!!
21. Have John’s jawline or Paul’s puppy eyes
Uh...this is a weird question. Paul’s eyes, I guess?
22. Ride in John’s Rolls Royce or ride in George’s Mini Cooper
As long as John is not driving the Rolls Royce. LOL I’m already not the greatest passenger just ‘cause I get anxiety, so between John’s driving because he’s blind and George’s need for speed...
23. Punch Ringo or slap George
I’d slap George. Ringo hasn’t done anything to elicit a punch (as far as I know/am concerned with) so I’d give George an admonishing slap. Although wait I should also say, WE SHOULDN’T SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS WITH VIOLENCE, CHILDREN...maybe I should answer “spread peace and love with Ringo” here now instead. LOL Ya know if this question included John I think my answer would be a lot different.
24. Have Paul write a song about you or have George write a song about you
UM, GEORGE, FOR SURE. “For You Blue” always makes me SWOOOOOOOOOOOOON.
25. Listen to Wings or the Plastic Ono Band
Plastic Ono Band, actually. :)
26. Bungee jump with George Martin or skydive with Neil Aspinall
Egad, neither. LOL How about “hang out with George Martin or Neil Aspinall” in which case I guess George Martin?
27. Have a girl’s night with Cynthia, Olivia, Jane, Maureen, Linda, Yoko, Pattie, or Barbara
Look at me I added one because y’all forgot her. :) Okay I’m choosing three, though, and you can’t tell me otherwise: Olivia, Mo, and Yoko. :D
28. Make mashed potatoes with Paul or do a bit of light gardening with George
LOL “A bit of light gardening,” isn’t that the more proper term for cooking? Or wait...maybe my mind’s mixed up. Anyway, if Paul is gonna make mashed potatoes then I’ll go with Paul.
29. Be a vegetarian like Paul, George, and Ringo or still eat meat like John
I’m not currently a vegetarian and don’t really have plans to become one sorry so I’LL JUST HANG OUT AND EAT BACON WITH JOHN sorry if that was a cringe-worthy cliché like the only reason people aren’t vegetarians is because of bacon except
30. Sing with the Beatles or play an instrument with the Beatles
Oh my jesus, neither. ONE CANNOT DO THAT. ONE DOES NOT DO THAT...unless you’re Eric Clapton or Billy Preston. BUT SINCE I’M NEITHER, NO. Although in less seriousness (or is that more?) I can’t really play an instrument so I’d have to go with singing but I’d be way too fucking intimidated to sing with them so YEP.
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keyofshadows · 7 years
Mostly out of context and in no particular order.
Someone tell Henry to stop turning into Sora. Also Wendy is making me think of Namine. So who does that make Pan? Wait, Marluxia!
I keep wanting to cry happy tears and hug chibi Sora into little bits and this has Maya and Kai all upset- well, Maya's squeaking at Sora's cuteness and kinda spazzing over 'Can you imagine if Kai HAD been Riku's son' and we're not getting into that mess and Kai's just mostly upset because he misses his family damn it, even if he has friends where he is and a kid brother.
And hi, rambling because FEELS.
I've gone weird again.
Ahahaha, and the bad ideas keep coming. I wrote out a thing for the mods seeking permission for Heartless-related stuff. Haven't sent it yet 'cause I might be sane come morning. That and Kai's borderline freaking out. Something about not wanting his mother's past to be his future. Maybe I really just want an excuse to have a weird AU KH/WR crossover where Ray kicks his ass for training Shadows as minions.
Meanwhile Eli and Fen just sit on the sidelines and snicker.
I wanna go home and laugh at the trouble Kai's gotten into. Or not. I giggled earlier and was exhausted for 20 mins. But still, Kai just found out he's fucking with a 3,000 yr old spirit born of darkness. Somehow this is not phasing him as much as it should. He's either very much his mother's son (with all the issues that entails) or Riku and Sora rubbed off on him. Or he really IS Riku's, but Maya can dream. It's better than the truth, anyway.
Random 1 am thought: Eli as a kid, boasting to all his friends that he was kidnapped by an evil faerie before he was a year old and turned into a kitten.
"And she replaced me with a fake baby that turned inta sticks when my mama blew out my birthday candle! Isn't that NEAT?"
Amy: /facepalm Lanie: /jealous
"How come Eli gets ta do all the fun things?"
Eli: /smiiiirk
So I got this started during a low-pain point in my migraine, and Eli can't stop snickering. Despite the migraine Kai's post got me thinking. 'The last time...' in reference to wishing his dad was there. 'The last time he'd built a snow fort like this, it'd been in Christmas Town. His uncle had taken him and his dad to see Santa, when Kai was on the edge of not believing anymore. He was, after all, seven. His mom had stayed home, insisting she'd not only get a stocking full of coal, but would probably find herself buried under it.'
And she would've, too.
When someone introduces themselves as serving under a king, it's appropriate to use 'Keyblade wielder' after your own name, yes? Yes. Inwardly Kai's just like '.....fuuuuuck.' This was not how he wanted to become known to Henry. 'Yeah, I kinda adopted your adopted son as my kid brother, I swear I'm not a bad influence on him and I'm so sorry I attacked your knight unprovoked. Please don't have me executed.'
Newsflash: Kai doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut.
'They're kind of cute when they're not trying to eat your face.' - Best description of Shadows ever.
OMG it's so cold in this house why do I not know Firaga. Or where my gloves are. Or my scarf. Or hat. Assuming there's any money left next month I'm buying socks. I have...five pairs of socks? That don't have holes. And I'm not sure where three of them are. I'm wearing one and the other is...in my dresser. I think. Lol I'm totally on top of where my stuff is. This is why cleaning my room is bad. I can find my floor but nothing else. Ever. This'll be Eli someday. Only able to find things when they're strewn across his room. And he'll like it that way! "But mom, all great warriors have messy rooms! Uncle Sora told me so!" And you KNOW Larkin'll be the only one that can make him clean it properly. Threats and bribes. Though both may be the same thing.
Right in the middle of one of Xehanort's speeches and I got a migraine. I'm kinda disappointed.
Re: OUAT and hearts - DUDE HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK and Hello WR flashbacks. Also re: next week's ep and swords being present at a baby's birth - Yes, I imagine Jalen was armed when Eli was born.
That random idea I had a few days ago involves what Awiergan's supposed to be doing, you know, hunting down Mal's nobody and knifing her. She's certainly had prime opportunities to do it, what with her current masquerade. Amy and Jalen's wedding anniversary is the 5th this month, and I wanted Amy to be back to herself by then, however temporary. THEN I thought, hey, what if Awiergan went out, found the nobody, brutally killed her, and let Amy watch? The shock of that would be enough to let Amy push the Brat back under, and she could come home covered in blood freaking out. To who, I dunno yet. But hey, happy anniversary!
Um, what was the original plan for the Cornerstone of Darkness? And I vote we destroy Disney Castle. As in the whole world. Dunno what exactly that'd mean for the Cornerstone of Light, but hey. The one place everyone trusts to always be a refuge against the Darkness going bye-bye? Always a good time! *whacks Awiergan*
Eli insists on a new tradition = New Year's Day Bug Hunts. Every New Year starting from age 8, he's gonna spend the day looking for the weirdest, most colorful bugs he can find. He demands that Larkin accompany him and carry his jars. >>; I do not see that ending well for him. "I only asked her to carry seven jars! An' then she dropped 'em! Down a hill! WITH MY BUGS IN 'EM. THEY ROLLED INTO THE POND AND 'MOST DROWNED!"
...The last time I had a *really* awesome and entertaining idea, it was a plague that wiped out two-thirds of Hogwarts.
This kid is gonna be in so much trouble. Eli: "....Aunt Song, Larkin won't stop followin' me! She says she's gotta protect me from Heartless!" Amy: *snickers forever* "Good luck with that. This is why we don't pretend that Igor is real sweetie~"
I decided Lanie gets to learn magic from Ray too, because she'll need to help keep her brother in line. God forbid her best spell turns out to be Thunder.
Yay babies. Oh god, a three year old and a newborn why did I do this to Amy oh wait. *cackle*
I had this cute little dream where Auryn wakes up crying (He's like a week old) and Eli gets to him first, and is trying to calm him down so he doesn't wake Larkin 'cause she needs her rest, and god forbid his mom, 'cause he'll never get to hold his son again. *snicker* He finally gets the kid to pass out by putting Igor in the crib by Auryn's feet, then makes the comment, "Yeah, he was my favorite too."
Hahaha so adorable and sappy and damn it, men should not be attractive when wounded. (And this is where Jalen's eyebrows go into his hair because what conversations has he been missing)
And then there was that time that healing magic was backfiring and Jalen was stupid and fell off the bailey wall and broke his wrist, and instead of his wife going 'Oh, my Jale!' and cuddling him silly, she whacked him upside the head, gave him a lecture, and teased him for a week. *snort* But then, they have an weird relationship that'll be sure to amuse their children for years to come. Hell, it's amusing FEN.
Ahahaha. I love how Kai is all '.....How do I explain this?' Because apparently he was taught the honor thing but not exactly the why of it? Or he's just a dork. Let's go with that. Eli says that girls can take care of themselves, but you should at least make the attempt unless you want to get beat up. Speaking from eventual experience, no doubt. Also I love how that last sentence makes no and yet all the sense.
I've always sympathized with the villains. Maleficent was the first. I was four. *shifty eyes* I was a weird kid.
The game I've got Kai in is getting an expansion. The school's going to be revealed to be on an island. I'm happy. Kai on the other hand, not so much. Reminders of not-home and places he'd been with 'Jem, which are probably gonna lead to him hitting things with his Keyblade. Especially once he finds his Corridors STILL can't get him away from the damn place.
Suppose Kai could always just try and use his Keyblade to chop 'em up...and this is for a bonfire, actually, though I did think him trying to make a raft in an attempt to leave the island would be all sorts of funny and history sorta/not really repeating itself, but I gotta get mod permission for that first and I'll just shut up now.
Yay, they have access to the beach now. And someone else decided to try a raft, which I'm actually glad about. >_> Kai will instead make an idiot of himself trying to catch fish. And the 'here fishy fishy' is a ridiculous inside joke from the old game that I couldn't resist using even though no one will get it. Riku had a net and was out tromping through the shallow water on Destiny Islands, trying to catch dinner for himself, Sora, and Kairi. He finally managed, but he burned dinner afterward. *snerk*
Oops. Kai wants to know what the fuck I just got him into. *cackles madly* Hell if I know. I've got Eli on the sidelines lecturing him on Darkness. And Fen pointing out he should consider himself lucky he's never met Ray. *facepalm*
Yeah, so if the wyvern doesn't kill Kai, he's gonna take Eli's advice and call him Yen Sid. ...My muses should not be allowed to interact sometimes. Also now I've got Jalen snickering because hmm, who did he know that had problems with a wyvern? *facepalms forever*
Re: 'Driel - And why doesn't this kid have fear? She's a nine year old on her own in a strange place, and they had a 3-4 day blackout already, but she's just...peachy. Lonely for her family, sure, but she's met a 700 year old faerie that shifts into a wolf, a boy that's possessed by a 3,000 yr old malevolent spirit, a king from the 15th century, and now friggin' Death, and she's just hunky dory. This IS a good thing, yes?
IT'S LARKIN AND ELI LMAO Today, I was hanging out with a guy I like. We climbed a tree to watch the sunset, and as the sun went down, I kissed him. He fell out of the tree. FML
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Multipart Commission work - Harry Hook x Reader - part 8 - Cotillion night
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You had been dragged into the chip shop to watch the cotillion with the crew, seated between Harry and Gil. the red carpet moment was playing, the press asking a billion questions. Jane appeared on screen, dressed in a chiffon periwinkle blue dress with a pink bow on her hip, her loosely curled dark hair cascading around her shoulders.
“Jane where Is miss (y/n)?!”
“We haven’t seen her tonight do you know where she is!?!”
Somehow Jane lied smoothly, though you could tell she was nervous.
“she came down with a cold and decided to stay back in the dorms for tonight, sorry!”
You winced in sympathy for Jane, not knowing if mal and ben had lied to her or not, but she continued onto the ship, Lonnie appearing just after her.
As the night went on, Mal finally appeared, Ben soon after. You could feel how tense they were through the tv screen. But soon Ben revealed the stain-glass window for Mal.
She gasped in awe, and moments later she and Ben shared their first kiss believe it or not.
The crew around you yelled and taunted at the tv Mal and Ben.
“ugg” you saw a random patty be thrown at the screen “prissy traitor” you heard harry mutter from beside you, you took the chance to glance at him. He sipped on his flat soda, glaring at the screen.
So in their eyes, Mal was a traitor….with what you’ve seen of the isle and how she hadn’t tried to get anymore vks off (which you admit wasn’t her job but Bens. but with her being a vk and knowing the struggle of her fellow vks you’d think she'd try to get the program moving) their viewing of her made sense.
You hadn’t noticed you were zoning out, staring at Harry's face. He looked at you with the corner of his eye, his brow raising as he saw you staring at him. “yeh good lass?” you blinked and shook your head, looking at him confused for a moment.
“um-yeah sorry, zoned out” harry hummed and popped a fry in his mouth.
“did you have a dress all ready to go (y/n)?” Gil asked, slurping up some eggs.
“Yeah, unfortunately, I won't get to wear it” you murmured, starting to eat the tray that Uma had tossed in front of you. The fries and the fish sticks weren't that bad honestly, which is probably why Ursulas chip shop was pretty popular.
“surprised your not gagging princess” Bonnie taunted, stealing one of your fish sticks. You shrugged, popping another fry in your mouth.
“im not picky, I used to eat dirt when I was a kid so” Bonnie eyebrows shot up.
“you ate dirt?” she laughed, looking kind’ve impressed.
“well, ya know! You’re a kid, your curious, it looks like crushed up oreos so…you just kinda…ate it? And then your mom would sprint over and make you spit it out” harry snorted on his drink, the soda going down the wrong way.
He let out a wheezing cough, you winched and watched as the tall teen with the braids punched his back “sh*t lass, don’t just say stuff like tha’” he chuckled, hitting his chest a couple of times.
“But I really didn’t say anything funny?” you were kinda confused. What was funny about that?
“it was just the way yeh said lass” he snorted, patting your head and going back to his food.
“UMA!” you jumped in fright, gasping as you saw Uma step out from the kitchen, her entire body was tense. Harry picked up his hook and looked toward the back room, halfway out of his chair. “COME HERE YOU TWERP” Uma let out a shuddered sigh and walked into the back room with her head held high.
“the hell” you muttered, yelping as Harry grabbed you and started to rush out of the shop “what's goin-“
“yeh don’t wanna know lass, EVERYONE OUT!” the pirates around scattered, the crew following behind Harry's lead, knowing uma wouldn’t want them around.
You gasped as you heard a crash from the inside, and an older woman screaming. You wanted to rush back in but Harry completely grabbed you and lead you away and onto the ship.
Later, Uma appeared in front of you in the brig, she had a growing black eye, a limp and a couple of bruises scattered around her body, you leaped up and dug into our bag, reaching through the bars to her.
she looked down at your hands confused, her eyes widening as she spotted the medical supplies.
“what are you-”
“take them” you urged, pressing yourself against the bars to inch closer to her “please” she glared at you.
“I don’t want your help” you huffed, glaring back, surprising Uma.
“but you need it!” you yelled, “you’ve been hurt by someone whos supposed to protect you, this is something that shouldn’t happen and I want to help you….please” Uma stared at you for a moment before reaching out and unlocking your cell.
You took the chance and ran out, stopping in front of Uma and cupping her face gently, she flinched slightly and leaned back, her breathing stopping as you gently turned her face to get a closer look.
“tch,” you grabbed your bag and grabbed some Neosporin, uncapping it and squirting some on your finger, reaching up to Umas face and spreading it on a large sucker looking bruise.
You and Uma sat in silence as you treated her wounds, grabbing some bandages you wrapped her heavily bruised thigh that was beginning to bleed.
“…Mal lied to me about you” you muttered, Uma snorted and rolled her eyes, leaning back on her palms.
“of course she did….what did she say exactly”
“that you were after the wand for wold domination, that you were your mother's puppet, that you didn’t care about anyone but your self. But with everything I've seen, everything you’ve done, Mal was lying” Uma looked down at you as you stared down at the ground.
“you want the wand to free all the kids who've done nothing wrong except be born to people who have done wrong, as soon as I learned that the people here had kids I knew that you guys did not deserve to be here, hell, Im the one who convinced Ben to finally use it as his first proclamation!” Uma just stared at you as you ranted, before humming.
“what will you do then?” you looked up at her in confusion “what will you do to help”
You went silent, continuing to stare into Umas golden flecked eyes.
“….ill write your demands” Uma didn’t expect that her jaw-dropping open slightly “you don’t know exactly what you need, you only know the basics, you may ask for food, medicine and clothes, but with the jerks on the council they would go behind Ben's back and send expired medication, just past the expiration date food, and fabric that could hardly be worn for this type of weather on the isle.
I know names, brand names, I can make sure you get the good things, actual clothes, if needed good fabric, and real medicine and supplies, let me help you”
Uma smiled, a real one, she stood, holding out her hand for you to take “it’s a deal princess, and in return, you'll be under our protection, and part of the crew”
You grinned and took her hand, standing with her, and nodded.
“I won't let you down Uma, I will make the isle a little more bearable until Ben gets things moving, I promise”
--end of part 8--
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