#i hope this came out right lol i didn't wanna get toooo in depth but
irxnmaiden · 1 year
[ cherry ]  what is one thing you love about yourself? (hi ivy!!)
🐝—colourful interview || munday [✉️]
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[ cherry ]  what is one thing you love about yourself?
just ONE i'm joking this is me kidding!?!
honestly? the way that i've grown to process my emotions, namely things like anger or fear. for most of my life, i'd really cling to wrongs done unto me, and internalize them in a way that was always detrimental—as if my reactions to the actions of others wasn't justifiable, or that the reason i would be feeling the way i did was entirely my fault.
now, i'm able to remove myself from allowing that to consume me. i no longer hate those who've done me wrong, i merely accept that perhaps sometimes i let my guard down with the wrong people and suffered the consequences. i view those now as learning experiences, not as me lacking anything or being deserving of the abuse or toxicity. and no longer does that carry on with me, bc fundamentally i know i'm a great person who never has the intentions of hurting others or making them feel less than. stepping outside of myself and being objective and internalizing only the lessons learned—it's helped me to remain focused on life's positives, and not bog myself down with spite or with grudges. and i'm honestly all the happier for it :>
i go into everything now w an open heart and good intentions, and knowing that i am enough. and i'm better today at perceiving early on if that's something that won't be reciprocated, which then informs the direction of the energy i'd plan on investing. saves so much heartache and disappointment by being diplomatic with how i process my feelings, and really viewing them for what they are, as they are. and it's wild, bc me even 3 years ago wouldn't have been able to say that much.
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