#i haven't worked a lot on her backstory but i associate her with the spring season so id imagine a lot of her best memories are during that!
stereolovers · 4 years
4 & 9, for celia?
04:  A memory that your character cherishes
probably the first spring in the backstory section i’ve written (there’s no year so that may sound confusing oops)... it’s when she met montgomery + a few very minor characters at the first masquerade
09:  Something that frightens your character
lightning storms & electricity.. she also has a general fear of being assassinated but like. who doesn’t
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ophanim-vesper · 3 years
Cookie Run character design analysis pt. 2!
This time I just want to talk about the individual characters and the inspiration behind their designs! Pictures will just point out details in their design but the post text will go into the inspiration and lore behind why they're the cookies they are!
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Gingerbrave is obviously based off the classic 'Gingerbread Man' story, where a gingerbread cookie suddenly comes to life and runs away causing mischief for it's maker. This is what likely inspired Cookie Run overall, with cookies defying their bakers and running for their freedom.
Though by the end of the fairytale, the gingerbread man gets tricked and is eaten by a fox. I haven't completed any CR games so I'm not sure how that relates to Gingerbrave (yet), but we'll see... (I'm looking at you Kumiho Cookie).
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For Strawberry Cookie, I couldn't really find anything about that directly relates to her design or character. Her design, backstory and personality are very simple so it's hard to pinpoint her inspirations.
Strawberries are often associated with love and relationships, the fruit is even seen as an aphrodisiac. That seems a bit mature for Strawberry Cookie, especially since she's very reclusive and shy
Though she isn't actually made out of any real strawberries, just strawberry extract. Maybe because she isn't actually made of strawberry it makes her personality the opposite of what the fruit represents? IDK, if anyone can tell me more, please do.
[also jam (presumably strawberry jam) is blood in the cookie world, which is probably why Strawberry is ashamed of her flavor, so that means something I guess]
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Beet Cookie was also a bit tough to research on. I couldn't find much about Beets that relate to her archery class, mostly just stuff on love and aphrodisiacs again... and dyes...
Beets can also regulate blood pressure and boost stamina, so that's maybe something considering she's an archer. However, her bio always talks about how she can survive anywhere.
Beets grow well in cold weather during spring and fall (which explains her warm attire), fall is usually the season when most plants die. It's also a tuber vegetable which means it grows underground, which keeps it protected from most hazards above like heavy rain. Beets are also kinda hard, so that's one thing.
That's pretty much all I could find, also she's friends with Carrot Cookie which is also a tuber vegetable.
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IBlackberry is pretty interesting. Blackberries in Christian belief are said to represent spiritual neglect or ignorace, it's ironic for Blackberry but it's specifically ignorance and defiance of God and christianity. Stuff like psychic abilities, necromancy and anything involving ghosts is viewed as satanic or evil and is seen as an act against God, so that may explain her flavor.
In Celtic beliefs, however, blackberries represent tenacity, fierceness, beauty and reward for hard work. Blackberry is quite beautiful and she is a maid so she works quite hard, which fits the origin (even though her ghosts basically do everything but whatever).
Anyways that's all I have to say! I don't want this post to get too long 😅. It took a lot of time to research this stuff and come up with the connections, Devsisters is much more clever at character design than we thought!
If y'all want a part 3 please let me know! These are honestly fun to make :)
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