#i haven't even drawn much outside of magitober this month either
raposarealm · 2 years
Magitober 2022 Catch-up #2
Look, I’m doing my best here, it’s not my fault psych meds knock you out cold better than an old grandmother with a rolling pin.
Anyways, I scanned these as well, and tried to crop them best I could. A number of these are just concept sketches, ‘cause if I actually tried give them justice, we’d be here until next year.
I’m skipping past Day 6, because I didn’t even finish the concepts for these. I’ll be posting the finished items in December instead, to coincide with a different celebration. If I can get them done in time, that is. Moving on!
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Day 7 - Favourite event
So, my favorite event is actually Beachside Bonds, but since it seems like a number of other folks also chose that event, I went with my second favorite event instead: Otsukimi is After an Elegant Tea Party. This is only the rough scene layout, showing the track behind Mizuna Girl’s School, with the figure in the foreground standing in for Yukika, the event’s main character. Eventually I’ll get around to drawing the scene in its entirety, but not today.
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Day 8 - Historical magical girl
I double-checked earlier that historically-themed magical girls could be used for this prompt, ‘cause a) I didn’t want to draw Tart characters twice, and b) I didn’t want to draw Tsuyu or Chizuru, their designs are so damned complex. I do love the Tokime, though, so I picked one of the units I don’t actually have, Ryoko. She doesn’t look feisty enough here, though, I feel. Whoops.
(Skipping Day 9, ‘Create a Doppel’, because I don’t have the slightest clue how to go about doing that.)
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Day 10 - Oriko Magica
Oriko’s hat looks like a bucket to me, so have Oriko’s true final form: Oribucket! Yes, I’m very funny. 
Fun fact! That’s the first time I’ve drawn Oriko.
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Day 11 - Favourite non-magical girl
Yes, it’s Tasuke, big surprise. I guess I’m fond of that exact brand of very tired dad who ends up involved with a larger cause that their kid also ends up a part of. (Points if you can guess any other characters that fall into that description!)
Anywho, earlier I joked in the Discord about a playable unit, except it’s just Tasuke throwing something ‘cause he doesn’t have a weapon exactly. I wanna do an actual fake card art at some point for this, because it’s too funny to me. So have these sketches in the meantime.
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Day 12 - Create an Alt
Another one I mentioned (and actually uploaded) on Discord, but here we have Seika, Sailor version! There’s lots of small notes on this one explaining the specific details, but in a broader sense, I modeled her altered design here off of old-time sailors, specifically those found around the Aran Islands, which are shown with the cabled sweater mostly hidden beneath the overcoat (whoops!), and the scarf in aptly named “fisherman’s rib”. Her weapon is a modified belaying pin, which are used to hold down rigging to the ship’s sides. I’ll have to work on its design a bit, but I do plan once again to do a better drawing of this at some point, ‘cause a number of y’all in the Discord seemed to like it.
That’s all I’ve got strictly finished for now. I’m going to keep chugging away at the prompts, but I’ve got the feeling that my entries are going to extend well into November. 
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