#i get it i GET IT we're not allowed to talk about skinny shaming.
lesenbyan · 26 days
you know, I might be Stepping In It, but I really hate people's tendency to "you're lucky" when finding out someone's naturally skinny really piss me off.
I'm not saying there's not privilege to being skinny, there absolutely is in this fatphobic world. But as someone who has spent literally over half my life wishing I could gain any fucking weight ever it makes me so fucking mad. I've tried working out, I've had physically demanding jobs, I've tried, back when i could afford it, eating as much as I could handle. I have literal dysphoria about being skinny.
and then when I Go Off at a coworker for being the second person in a week to tell me I'm lucky- while wearing braces digging into my joints bc I am physically too small to wear them right but they don't get smaller- I'm told "oh but you have to realize we never considered the other side" sure! but I'm still allowed to get pissed! you would be too!
#personal;#i get it i GET IT we're not allowed to talk about skinny shaming.#I know this is nothing compared to what fat people have to go through#I know. I get it. I know.#but it's also so fucking invalidating to have to caveat my every complaint with 'other people have it worse'#like fuck maybe no one should be shamed for their bodies#maybe no one should be making off hand comments and assumptions about weight high OR low#like yeah the movement's not about me and i hate when ableds point out how accessibility can help THEM TOO so like#i get what I sound like#but I'm SO tired. I'm 29 and I've been trying to gain weight since i was like 13-15#I've never even managed to hit 130#I got close and then all my disabilities kept getting worse so then i couldn't work as much#and thus I can't afford food#so what i had built has been burnt#and I'm back to 120 and clinging with both hands to the hope I don't end up back at /115/ (I am 5'7". you can see my ribs)#like. I am NOT lucky. I can't sit or lay on a hard surface bc it hurts my bones#I can't cuddle well when I DO want to bc i'm just sharp bits#my proportions are so fucked that it's hard to find clothes that actually fit#like#I get it#I get what you're trying to say#but it hits trauma (ignored (JOKED ABOUT) eating disorder bc I'm skinny so it's Fine; repeated skinny shaming; etc)#and it's so exhausting not being allowed to be mad about it#If i had three wishes with no downsides the first would be to gain 50-100lbs and i've been saying that for over a decade#I'll probably regret posting this#ask to tag;
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panelshowsource · 8 months
If you had to pick a top three favorite episodes of any panel shows EVER, which would you choose? One of mine would have to be Terry Wogan guest hosting old NMTB, which I am dying to watch again in my lifetime. Your old-NMTB-posting reminded me just how amazing and formative those old episodes were for me. Anyway, it got me thinking… I would love to hear yours!
as long as i'm allowed to answer this totally subjectively...! because the objectively most iconic panel show episodes are probably quite different to the ones i gravitate to especially for rewatching — and especially in this difficult recent climate 🫥
this choice is almost bizarre knowing me, a huge huge huge sean lock fan, but this episode of cats does countdown — without sean! and not even golden era, probably, whatever that is in my mind — is so ridiculous and chaotic and stupid that i've watched it about 1000 times. there's something very specific about the dynamic between jimmy, jon, roisin, and joe without sean; those four have been in quite a few episodes without sean and they're like actual children without an adult in the room: jon is goofier and completely lets go of the game, jimmy throws even more to roisin (we do not talk enough about what a fucking kick jimmy gets out of her), roisin and joe's insane sibling dynamic becomes next level. anyways—this episode, which includes rly funny mascots, glory hole, the fucking hoop game and joe eating an onion and jon eating peppers???, THE UNICORN, its sheer childishness just cracks me up every time :') (if we're gonna mention the golden age, 2.02 is very iconic — from rhod killin it and always arguing with jimmy to claude to nick x susie hahaha but i have sooooo many catsdown episodes i love love love)
i really love the episode of 8 out of 10 cats following jimmy's tax scandal. it's not one of my favourite panel shows in general, but the circumstances of the news and the discussion epitomised what the show was meant to be: panel show meets reality tv meets a comedy central roast. watching that live, as the news was running it so heavily that even the prime minister mentioned it, as the press and twitter were reacting to it... wild times. it holds up incredibly well — it's hilarious watching them rip him to shreds, because he deserves every word and they're having a ball doing it to him, and i really appreciate jon grounding the conversation in just how tax avoidance hurts their country and some of its hardest workers — a really interesting, engaging mix of comedy and anger and wit and disappointment and political commentary that is not only funny but strikingly relevant no matter how much time passes. like so, so many people who were so, so disappointed in jimmy, this was the foundation of his carrying the responsibility, shame, reflection, and growth that people wanted to see — and that he truly needed to. since then he's talked a lot about not only righting the wrong (in paying back what he owed in avoidance) but just how the system is so broken — and taking the least complicated, most honest road forward since.
now i want to pick 1000 different things this is why i don't make lists or rank things!!!!! while my instinct is to pick a big fat quiz, i'm actually gonna go top-level nostalgia and say this episode of buzzcocks when stephen fry was a guest. what can i say — simon, stephen, it was two intellectual, mildly bitchy homosexuals on a stacked panel including josie long, dominic cooper, and yet another skinny white rock man for simon to pretend he's not trying to flirt with. stephen saying "there is a history, in pop music, of recto-veginal insertion" and denouncing god, like, in the first 5 minutes? stephen doing the intros round?? did i mention history boys-era dominic cooper??? such a throwback!!! (not to cheat but this ep with josh groban & martin freeman is my runner up)
i want to apologise to big fat quiz, taskmaster, wilty... THE WHOLE HISTORY OF PANEL SHOWS... I WISH I COULD CHOOSE YOU ALL
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Ok, this has nothing to deal with you, but i need someone who understands 😭
... what if I tell that I may be changing txt biases very soon?? And it feels so weird cause my choice of bias tend to be set in stone! I've had the same bias in shinee for 10 years, I had the same celebrity crush for about 8 years. I am not the type to switch up like that.
But like, beomgyu is not hitting the same as he used to before. Maybe it has been downhill since the red hair that looked too similar to my mom's hair. Or maybe as he shows more and more of his personality it is starting to feel so similar to mine that it has become uncomfortable (we seen to have many flaws behavioral patterns in common). Or maybe I got so used to his face that it doesn't have the same effect anymore. Idk. I hope he manages to wow me back this comeback.
And then on the other side... I saw a little while ago some images of yeonjun in his latest live (I guess two days ago?) and it did something to me. I used to be somewhat interested in him back during puma and blue hour eras - the contrast between his extra fluffy cheeks and slightly more robust upper body muscles was quite charming to me. And then after that both his cheeks and muscles deflated, and so did my interest. But then I saw those images today and it caught my eyes like he hadn't in so long, so I decided to watch a part of the live (in the car so I have an excuse to avoid talking to my bigoted driver) and I am certain that something in his face changed. His cheeks suddenly look a little more sculpted, his lips are looking lightly very lightly bruised and swollen, and maybe I'm tripping about this one but something about the way he is interacting with his own nose makes me think that it's part of the package too... AND I LIKE IT! Suddenly he looked so much more attractive to me 😭 SOMETHING CHANGED AND I AM ALL FOR IT.
God, I feel a bit pathetic for even caring about these things. I am literally engaged and still here I am thinking about pretty kpop boys being pretty lol
Nooo I will never understand not biasing gyu 😭😭😭
Jk i change bias all the time yeonjun was actually my first bias and I wrote my first txt fic for him but then long haired gyu happened and it was over for me
But I actually also lost a bit of interest in him during this cb because 1) i dislikes the song so didn't watch his fancams, 2) i really disliked the red hair and thought it washed out his features + i think he got too skinny so i was overall not vibing with his look but thankfully he's gone back to brown/black and will hopefully bulk a bit more
But if I was gonna shift biases it would be to Taehyun not yeonjun. I'm sad to say but i'm not a fan of what they're done to his face. It was too excessive to the point that whenever I see him I just notice his nose/eyes etc. It's a shame because I really really loved his looks in the past but he's getting more attention than ever so good for him.
But anyway i get you about feeling pathetic about it lol but men too have crushes on actresses/singers etc so we're allowed to like kpop boys lmao
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I literally do not care if this is long. Read it.
Alright so hey we're going to talk about fatphobia because I'm not gonna pretend that issues such as this do not exist in the fandom. Because they do, and not being vocally against it contributes to it.
So Bess Marvin.
She's plus size, she's chubby, she's a big girl, she's fat. We know that and we shouldn't deny that
She's also beautiful, charismatic, compassionate, and a "fraidy cat'
We all know that the books have a history of fat-shaming. Mostly coming from George, who constantly ridiculed her cousin for simply existing. The main target is her weight. I've always said that the rewrites could use another round of rewrites to get rid of the fat-shaming, the rest of the racism, and honestly fix the mysteries a bit. But, you know, the first two are more important.
Something that does stand out about Bess is the way that she really isn't treated like a lot of other plus-size characters. If you compare her directly to Chet Morton, who was fat-shamed way worse and purely existed for comedic relief. Bess is different. How many fat characters can you name that are like Bess? How many are seen as attractive? How many don't exist purely to make fun of their weight? How many constantly stuff their face with food as if it's the only action they're capable of? Compare that with skinny characters.
Bess was allowed to be more complex. She was allowed to be seen as attractive. I remember when y'all practically bullied that person who pointed out that it's actually iconic for Bess to be the one with a more active love life while not exactly fitting the beauty standard. Y'all called them sexist for "putting a women's worth on how men find them attractive" that's not what they meant. You know sometimes when you point out that someone is attractive, you talk about the people that find them attractive.
Which reminds me, the Originals and the Rewrites weren't the only ones that were guilty.
Girl Detective
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"She definitely isn't fat. In fact, Bess is totally gorgeous"
Because the two can't exist at the same time?
Bess is the pretty one and she has always been the pretty one, so even with the fat-shaming the originals and rewrites still were able to acknowledge that you can be plus-size and pretty.
But yeah other things go along the "fat can't also mean pretty" line. Files is the literary candidate who made Bess' "weight problem" basically something that she is exaggerating. That she was constantly "ten pounds from being perfect." She was never described as being chubby or plus-size. She actually was canonically thin here. According to them, she just didn't realize it.
Obviously this “making Bess skinny” thing isn't stuck to Files. In fact, there is no live-action Bess Marvin played by a plus-size actress. That is fatphobic. That is just pure fat-phobia and I don't care if you like any of the actresses or not. It is still just fatphobia
It's fatphobic for casting to consider them. It's fatphobic for the creators of any live-action to portray Bess as thin. It's honestly also fatphobic for the thin actress to go for this role. I'm not excluding them because you can fucking research a character from a property that already exists. Especially in modern times with the internet. There is no fucking excuse to not know anything about a character that's existed for 90 FUCKING YEARS.
Even with the swearing, I'm not saying this to be mean towards anyone in particular. I'm being harsh. And there's a difference. All you guys preach positivity and yet you contribute to fatphobia. Think of your fellow fans. You are not only being harmful towards a fictional character, you're harming real people.
Real people are like Bess Marvin or even Chet Morton.
You should be angry at fatphobia.
You should be done with it
You should acknowledge that a character with a far more complex personality than some tropey chubby one-dimensional fuck exists. And you shouldn't take that away.
Acknowledge Bess' weight when you write fanfiction. Acknowledge when you draw fanart. Acknowledge it when you fancast.
Bess Marvin is plus-size. That's it.
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dukereviewsmovies · 5 years
Duke Reviews: Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer
Hi Everyone, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Where We Are Continuing Duke's Yultide Reviews...
Well, With Christmas Movies Behind Us For The Year, It's Time To Move Into Christmas Specials And What Better Way To Start Then To Look At The Original Christmas Special, Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer...
Now, Unlike Some Of The Movies I Went Over In November, I Feel That I Really Don't Have To Go Over The Plot Of This Special As Everyone Knows It By Now And Anyone Who Doesn't Probably Lives Under A Rock...
So, Without Further Ado, This Is Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer...
The Special Starts With Newspaper Pages And Snowflakes Before We're Introduced To Our Narrator, Sam The Snowman, Played By Burl Ives...
Who Talks With Us About Christmas Town...
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No, It's Not That Christmas Town...
But The Christmas Town That Sam Is Talking About Is At The North Pole Where The #1 Citizens Are The Clauses Who Live On The First Castle On The Left, Matter Of Fact The Only Castle On The Left..,
Cutting To Inside The Castle We See Mrs Claus Telling Santa To Eat Up As The Kids Expect A Fat Santa For Christmas Eve....
Some People Might See This As Skinny Shaming But Me I See This As Sending A Good Message Saying That Says After The Holidays, Santa Loses Weight In An Effort To Not Get Diabetes...
Telling Us About How Much He Loves Christmas, Sam Tells Us About The Year Of The Big Snowstorm And How They Couldn't Have Done It Without Rudolph, Which Leads Sam To Tell Us Our Story But Not Before Giving Us An Intro And A Title Card...
Starting A Few Years Before The Big Snowstorm, In Spring No Less, We See The Donners Give Birth To A Little Buck Named Rudolph Who Is Born With A Red Glowing Nose...
However, In The Movie Rudolph And Frosty's Christmas In July, It Was Revealed That Rudolph Wasn't Born With The Nose But Was Given It By The Spirit Of The North Pole Known As Lady Boreal In An Effort To Protect Santa From The Evil Wizard Winterbolt Who Had Just Woken Up When Lady Boreal's Powers Started To Wane And Weaken After Being In Her Human Form For Too Long...
But Getting Back To Our Story, Santa Arrives To Meet Rudolph Only To Discover His Powers For Himself...
Coming Up With An Idea To Hide Rudolph's Nose, Donner Teaches Rudolph How To Be A Reindeer, While Teaching His Son To Beware Of The Abominable Snowmonster Of The North Who's Mean, Nasty And Doesn't Like Christmas..
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But Aside From The Abominable, We Cut To Santa's Workshop Where We Meet Hermey, Who's An Elf Who Wants To Be A Dentist Which Catches The Ire Of The Foreman...
(Start At 1:42, End At 1:56)
Growing Up Over The Years, Rudolph Has Gotten Tired Of Hiding His Nose As The Mud His Parents Place On It Isn't Very Comfortable, But Donner Believes That Self Respect Is More Important Than Comfort...
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I Would Play The Other Part Of The Song But I Couldn't Find It On YouTube, Sorry...
With Christmas Coming And Going As Always, Soon It Is April Which Is When All The Fawns Come Out To Be Inspected By Santa And When The Elf Choir Practices In Front Of Santa...
Whoa!, Whoa!, Whoa!, What Happened To The Elf Foreman?
His Voice Just Went From Gruff To Squeaky In 10 Seconds, Why?, Was The Actor Unavailable? Did They Have Another Actor Originally Do The Voice? Somebody Give Me Answers!
(Start At 0:14, End At 1:49)
With Santa Leaving, The Foreman (Whose Voice Is Gruff Again) Tells Them That The Performance Was Terrible As The Tenor Section Was Weak...
I Don't Know, Foreman Defiantly Sounded Good To Me...
But One Of The Elves Tell The Foreman That Hermey Didn't Show Up...
Working On Dolls Teeth, The Foreman Marches In To Tell Hermey That Despite Trying To Find A Way To Fit In He'll Never Fit In And To Come To Elf Practice Before Slamming The Door Shut...
Believing The Foreman To Be Right, Hermey Runs Away...
Back At The Reindeer Fields, Rudolph Makes A Friend Named Fireball, Who Introduces Rudolph To A Doe Named Clarice...
Walking Over To Her As The Coach Comet, Won't Get To Rudolph And Fireball For A While, Rudolph Talks With Clarice...
(Imitating Hannibal Lecter) Hello, Clarice...
Asking Her To Walk Home With Him, Clarice Tells Rudolph Yes, As She Tells Him That She Thinks That He's Cute...
Leaping Into The Sky 2 Times, Rudolph Butts Heads With Fireball Which Causes Rudolph's Nose To Fall Off...
With His Secret Revealed, The Reindeer Not Only Make Fun Of Rudolph But Santa Gets Mad At Donner As Comet Tells Everyone To Not Let Rudolph Join In Any Reindeer Games...
Followed By Clarice As Rudolph Promised To Take Her Home, She Doesn't Care What Everyone Else Thinks And Says That His Nose Is Better Than That False One He Was Wearing...
(Start At 0:19, End At 2:14)
But When Clarice's Father, ? Enters To Tell Rudolph To Stay Away From Her, Rudolph Finds Himself All Alone Again, That Is Until He Runs Into Hermey Who Tells Rudolph That He Doesn't Need Anyone Because He's Independent Which Leads Rudolph To Declare The Same...
Okay, I Realize Rudolph Is Not A Girl But Since He's Voiced By One I'm Playing This...
Originally This Wasn't The Song For This Scene, Originally It Was This...
Walking For A While, Rudolph And Hermey Hear The Roar Of The Abominable Snowmonster Which Causes Hermey To Have Rudolph Douse His Nose For Now...
Continually Walking Till Morning,They End Up Meeting Yukon Cornelius, Who Is Searching These Areas For Silver And Gold Which Leads Us To Our Next Song...
(Start At 0:08)
With The Abominable Catching Up With Our 3 Friends, Yukon Creates An Iceberg So They Can Get Away From The Abominable But With No Land In Sight Our Friends Have No Idea Where They're Headed...
Eventually Hitting Land, Yukon, Hermey And Rudolph Find Themselves On An Island With Flying Lions And Talking Jack In The Boxes...
Correction Charlie In The Boxes...
(Start At 0:40)
With Rudolph Asking If They Can Stay On The Island With Them, Charlie Takes Them To King Moonracer (Who Is The Flying Lion In Question) Who Unfortunately Tells Them No But Asks Them That Once They Return To Christmas Town To Tell Santa About Their Island Which Rudolph Promises He Will...
For This, King Moonracer Allows Them To Spend The Night...
Oh, How Generous...
With His Friends Deciding To Return To Christmas Town, Rudolph Decides To Strike Out On His Own To Save His Friends From The Abominable Snowmonster...
But As The Years Pass, Rudolph Grows Older And Realizes That You Can't Run Away From Your Troubles Which Leads Him To Decide To Head Home...
But In Returning Home, He Discovers An Empty Cave Which Leads Santa To Point Out That Them And Clarice Have Been Gone For Months Out Looking For Him...
But While Going Out To Find His Parents The Storm Of The Century Hits...
But Again, In Rudolph And Frosty's Christmas In July, It Was Revealed That The Storm Was Created By Winterbolt In An Attempt To Get Rid Of Santa Forever As There Could Only Be One King Of The North....
Searching For His Parents, Rudolph Realized That They Could Only Be One Place, The Cave Of The Abominable Snowmonster...
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Oops, Wrong Cave And Wrong Abominable Snowman...
Anyway, Entering The Cave, Rudolph Attacks The Snowmonster Only To Get Whapped By A Piece Of The Cave...
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Well, Not Exactly As Hermey And Yukon Cornelius Arrive To Rescue Their Friend And His Family With Hermey Distracting The Abominable While Yukon Drops A Big Rock On Him...
Getting Rudolph And His Family Out, They Find Themselves Confronted By The Bumble Again Only To Discover That Hermey Took Out All Of His Teeth...
Pushing The Bumble Back With His Dogs, Yukon Goes Over The Edge Of A Cliff Along With His Dogs And The Bumble...
And This Is Supposed To Be A Kids Special!
With Everyone Going Back To Christmas Town, Santa Apologizes To Rudolph And Tells Him That He'll Find Homes For All Of The Misfit Toys On The Island Of Misfit Toys While The Foreman Apologizes To Hermey Telling Him That He Can Open Up A Office Next Week After Christmas...
Hearing A Knock On The Door, We Discover That Yukon Survived...
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And So Did The Bumble Who Only Did What He Did Because He Wanted A Job...
Wow, I Didn't Know Unemployment Was A Problem At The North Pole...
Asking How They Survived, Yukon Kind Of Gives A Dumb Yet Funny Answer...
While Everyone Gets Ready For Christmas, Santa Gets News From His Eye In The Sky Weather Reporter, Who Tells Him That The Storm Won't Let Up And Christmas Will Have To Be Cancelled, But As Rudolph's Light Shines Santa Decides That Rudolph Is Their Answer...
With Rudolph On-Board For Helping Santa, We Get Our Next Song...
(Start At 0:11)
With Santa Fattened Up And The Sleigh Filled They Take Off With An Up Up And Away...
Okay, Is Santa Superman?
Meanwhile On The Island Of Misfit Toys, Charlie, The Spotted Elephant And The Doll Have All But Given Up This Year But When They See Rudolph's Nose, Everyone Gathers Up So They Can Board The Sleigh...
(End At 1:46)
Fun Fact: When I Was A Kid, I Had A Hard Time With VHS Remotes And Accidentally Taped Over A Little Bit Of The Ending With The End Credits Of A Care Bears Nutcracker And My Mom Still Bugs Me About It To This Day...
But That's Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer And It's A Good Special...
Sure, It Has A Few Things That Show What Time It Came From But It's Still A Good Christmas Special, I Love The Characters, I Love The Story, The Sets Are Well Made And I Just Say See It...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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jdmainman123 · 2 years
Whoever this retard is is a fanatic of jason. And we have a very ugly story report. If you have any white hair white skin boys you want to send them to one of God's 3/4 sites so the black skin man can practice his jerk off for my black skin daughter
Just trying to make a quick Buck is what it seems and when when they took that family instead of insulting this poor girl to her face 24/7 by calling her dead daughter. They said no family and then she points at me she says you're not an accident yacht fish the devil's not an accident evil is not an accident your name's not an accident. But the whole system of God and his son are indeed the accidents
So we have some loser that probably doesn't even know Spanish trying to attack our language not allowing us a dead family to render this girl's poor feelings outside. And then again we're getting a very clear insight what happened to a little innocent goldson and little innocent black hair white son yacht fish and a thousand years would have never predicted this would have happened but it did happen and it's it's a shame that I'm being in here today remember that song by Miley Cyrus angels. It's a shame that I have to meet you on the day that I leave. Although
But for me to see this girl for you guys to bring this girl into court it reminds me of the time where two of my sons brought their their sister into court or their mother into court. For you guys to bring this information into court there's no reason to throw this little girl this little white skin girl? Wait for it this little white skin girl black hair. Into court I think you guys are trying to establishes are already one dead daughter. WELL LAST TIME I COUNTED OVER FIVE DEAD FAMILIES
So maybe it's not yours but we got to check the name on it could be one of the four other families
Yeah you guys got life f***** up to stick me into a c u l t and I asked for you guys to p r e y for the girls because I want to make the pain and suffering over as soon as possible
That's why no one gives a s*** about your sons the reason why you're hiding them is because they're too too skinny we got two references here cerebral palsy and St Jude's hospital and we're looking at direct picture of your son
So you assholes got life f***** up if you think this is what happened they said listen so you're preaching to a bunch of girls who go to church. I knew exactly the kind of girls that I was raised in an all white church. And then thrown into some private Spanish Church in the back. That was all black.
That good thing she's not leaving it's a perfect world for me once this a****** gets on a plane I'm going to say put them on the other plane because he wants to sabotage me and point at me like Keith did the reason why I have to go today kids is cuz that man came in to steal my life
And he said what did you think of him I said he's a f****** a****** for blaming me I wish I never met him
But what if you don't think my NBA which churches don't have my NFL which churches don't have my movies which churches don't have my music with churches don't have if you don't think my boys and men are willing to catch my back and f****** up this c u l t
Then you got power f***** up I know exactly what the churches are about that's why I left them as a boy and a man for me to come here and be stuck into some reform school with every boy brainwashed ready to be blindsided by walking as the voice of God Amen tells them.
I will massacre your whole family
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thequeensofmemes · 6 years
Reign Quotes
I never saw any ghosts.
But what if they saw you?
She had skinny legs, a missing front tooth, and opinions.
My dear, this was not an act of passion. It was treason.
Love is irrelevant to people like us.
I wonder whose face you're imagining in that target.
I would rather have hope with you than certainty with anyone else.
Win or lose, you will answer for it. That's what kings do.
You do have a way of leaving chaos in your wake.
She's not just an alliance. She's a girl.
I'm not sure words mean anything here.
We'll prove to them that our union is strong.
Treat them as friends until they prove themselves foes.
Contrary to public opinion, I do not relish destroying people's homes.
I don't care what you learn, as long as you don't forget.
We have positioned ourselves for the worst kind of pain.
I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that.
I take things sometimes. It makes me feel better.
To see you smile is to feel the sun, your grace.
Do you flirt with everyone?
I'd probably say yes.
Killing isn't supposed to be easy. If your hands weren't shaking, you'd be him.
Close to death, apparently.
I'm glad that my unhappiness gives you so much pleasure.
Don't let fear keep you from greatness.
It could cost you your head.
If servants are gossiping about your unmade bed, it is too late to rectify the situation.
Men must find something to kill from time to time.
Accept that I have lost. I have.
I'm in a nunnery of one.
That's the kind of talk that gets bastards--and mistresses--beheaded.
History is written by the survivors. And I am surely that.
Tell me when you want me to stop.
Happiness is the one thing we queens can never have.
Arming yourself against me? Am I really that frightening?
Am I really stupid enough to find out?
My mother, she was behind this as well?
All her crimes against me were because she loved you.
I grow weary of your threats.
I grew weary of you a decade ago.
That half-blind portrait artist didn't realize I was sitting in a chair while my sister was standing, and now half the kingdom thinks I’m a dwarf.
Love is irrelevant to people like us, a privilege that we do not share.
There are two things I can't abide, betrayal and stupidity.
Next time you see a threat large or small, you cut it down like a weed.
I don't want to do this to you.
Too bad you didn't see this one coming.
When the ax falls on your neck, I will be there.
Off with you child. You've killed me enough for one day.
I don't 'attempt' to do anything--I do it.
Nature is not malignant.
Must I do everything? Shall I catch my head in my own hands, too?
So I sent you here to wed a king and find you engaged to a bastard.
Despite what you may think, I never intended to harm your family.
Sooner or later, blood will be spilled. It's just a matter of whose.
So he is mad...and a mad king incites chaos and rebellion.
I don't make love to you because I want a baby. I want a baby because I love you.
Those who look upon it are taken. And those who are taken die.
We are royals. We have the power to do terrible things. Without trust, we're nothing.
You? What do you have to complain about? You're now married to a beautiful woman of noble birth.
I won't pretend I love you, but we should probably start liking each other, at least.
My first duty is not to my mother.
Don't you think a royal crown suits me?
I'm too rich to care what people say.
Look where our hearts have led us. We've brought you shame.
I suppose innocence is all relative.
I always want to be there for you.
Don't beg. It invites pity and disdain.
Do all married couples have these struggles?
I think you've redefined marital discord.
Nothing bothers me more than problems I've already solved coming back to be problems again.
Am I the only one in this bed with something to forget?
I never dreamt that I'd be wed to a bastard with an imaginary title.
Losing bothers me.
Trust is a luxury I can no longer afford.
You shouldn't have to live like this.
What happens when being a good king means being a bad husband?
I don't need to be part of your schemes.
You no longer have the privilege of obeying your heart!
It isn't fair, the privileges we are given...or the prices we must pay for them.
When you are alone and miserable, remember this was the moment you threw your happiness away.
This marriage is no longer something that happened to me...you are what I want.
Don't get sentimental about a father who was never sentimental about you.
His life was there for the taking. So I took it.
Royals are always at war.
An interesting choice. Assuming you let her know she has one.
All I have to offer you...is me.
I've come to offer you something. The destruction of our mutual enemy.
Common lore is that your teeth are filed into points and your eyes are black with rage.
Ruling requires that your hands be drenched in blood.
What else could I be but a witch?
You are my husband and my king.
You crushed the rebellion by yourself.
If we die, it is at her hands. And if we live I will never forgive her for this.
I'm saying that should anything happen to either of us I hope that you'll remember me not as the man who lied or betrayed you, I hope you'll remember me as the man who would have cherished you if he'd had the chance.
And real love never fades, not truly.
Just know whatever happens, this is not the end I dreamed for us.
I refuse to surrender. My reign will not end without a fight.
Whose blood concerns you more, your husband or your lover's?
All that stands between him and the crown is my head.
Is this how it's going to be from now on? Both of us constantly wondering what the other is up to?
Long live his majesty.
Contempt alone is not enough to condemn a man. Even the contempt of a king.
We're all basically fallen women.
Our love will die here.
It was rather a miracle.
Just don't expect a fond farewell from me. Or my trust. Ever again.
Do not test my power and do not tempt my fury.
If I'm as responsible as you say, I will never forgive myself.
I never imagined you'd kill him by breaking his heart.
The truth of your betrayal was the last thing that he heard before he collapsed.
I will spill blood to defend what's mine.
So you're my new keeper.
You are a necessary evil whose orbit I can't seem to escape.
But you have to know, that no matter your choices, you still have a husband who would do anything to make you happy.
I opened my heart to a liar.
And now I am lying for you, lying even to my brother, protecting you as you take comfort in the arms of another.
Build a future controlled by you, not the changeable heart of a woman.
When you were a child, there were dozens of little girls whose families begged me for that position, but I chose you because you played well together, because you didn't hurt or throw mud at her. But now you have done both.
You are on the cusp of losing your country.
You poisoned a king and a queen and I helped you get away with it. We each hold a noose for the other.
What I meant is your official mourning period is over.
You say that as if I just won a prize. You can't be serious.
Thank you for pointing out the obvious and will you please stop doting on my mother!
Thank you for pointing out the obvious and will you please stop doting on my mother!
Because I love you. And one of us should be happy.
There are those who merely believe they have power, and there are those who actually have it.
Oh, is that caring? It sounds to me like a man trying to tighten his grip on a woman.
Such haste! I haven't properly mocked you for saving the life of your mother's worst enemy.
Congratulations, you've used your knowledge of the heart's noblest emotion to manipulate and destroy someone.
I don't feel strong. I feel like I'm sleepwalking and I don't know how to wake up.
I will be your wife in name only.
Look where that love has brought us.
At least my family will cry at my funeral.
She sent you to woo me, didn't she?
The only alliance I'm interested is temporary, delicious and bad.
Do not seek to take before I can give.
here are some lines I will not cross even to save myself.
I wanted to give you the chance to do the right thing and I still believe you will.
It's a very romantic story, actually. Father threatened to kill them both if they didn't marry.
I need to handle this on my own and to do it my way. What I need from you is to be patient and to believe in me.
My dear, never give up a crown to anybody.
Are you seriously, seriously suggesting that you want to watch me bathe in return for getting my dowry back?
You know that as a Queen, you put on an act. You can't always show what's in your heart. The same is true for being a wife.
We're women. We're not allowed to have things of our own.
Do you worry that I can't bear you a child?
Does it bring us closer for you to know that your failure disappoints me beyond words?
In the name of justice and tolerance you will drive your people to civil war.
My ladies brought this to me months ago. I read it in an hour.
Have you ever been in love?
Don't you turn your back on me. I am more than your friend. I am your Queen!
I can't be ruled by desire. It's nothing to build a life on.
Your figure's gonna go to hell anyway so you might as well eat up. You are feeding the future King.
It's been some weeks now but I wanted to be sure and I am sure. I am with child, our child, at last!
You lie to your guests and then you threaten them with weapons? We will not be treated this way!
Asking you to know your place is like asking the sun not to shine.
It's must be hard. Once a Queen, now the Queen Mother. Decorative, like an expensive vase.
There's a new day coming, and you are on the wrong side.
Are all powerful men so insecure?
Innocent men shouldn't die alone.
You think you're untouchable, that your sins will stay buried, but they don't.
Of all the people you could have slept with, did it have to be one of my ladies? One of my closest friends?
I am your Queen. I command you.
One bedroom for husband and wife. Good luck with that!
Am I really planning a life, a future, without you?
I will not live in fear of her.
Are you trying to blame a woman for a man’s choices?
It was your spies who got that information to me wasn’t it.
I hope your wings are strong you vulture! You will be circling for quite some times.
What’s the cost of a king’s life?
I always knew we would be wed. Even when I first returned.
I see such beauty. Such beauty you have brought me.
You must wed again. You must love again.
I will never love anyone, the way I love you.
I can’t let him go.
Let him go, and hold on to me.
We were suppose to dance under the stars.
I may still a Queen.
Is that it? Our courtship is over. Was I wrong in thinking it was going well?
No matter what you might think, I can’t just force men to fall in love with me.
That is not a strategy.
I am a queen, about to marry a broken Prince for power...
I need proof before the wedding happens.
You two have become thick as thieves.
Do you still hold it agents me that I defended her agents a false accusation of murder?!
It's time to accept my fate
I will not be chased out of my country before I’ve even retuned.
I will fight fire, with fire.
The day may come where we may find ourselves on the battle field. What would you do then?
Impressive. Where did you learn to shoot like that?
Those memories are a part of me.
You love power!
You despise me, yet you expect a free ride!
I think I shall never see you again.
We have to stop them.
Give me your sword.
You took my heart! And now I’ve come to repay you.
I have come for my throne.
Queens do not bow to their subjects. It is in-fact, quite the other way around.
And may God, and your Queen. Have mercy of your soul.
Men don’t like taking orders from woman, they can barely stand speaking to them.
He knows I speak the truth.
Who cares about right or wrong, if you're dead!
I don’t have much to live for these days, but I would still die for my children.
She does have her moments doesn't she.
I’m sorry I wasn’t the mother you wanted me to be. I did my best.
Why would my presence startle you? Oh because you married my lover.
You requested a five course meals, I offer you seven!
Your love, it gave him so much joy, and that's what you must remember.
How can I pray to God, when I am certain he doesn’t not hear me.
My election could mean the end of your nation.
If I cannot disprove these charges I will swing from a rope.
What if he dies?!
We were here! We were playing a game of chess- which I won.
From the moment you were born, our relationship has been complicated.
We live in a word that undervalues woman.
I may be guilty of favouring my sons over my daughters.
And when you are wed, and you leave this home, it will break my heart.
You are offering me a kindness, a consideration I have rarely shown to you over the years.
Is it so unthinkable, a crime might take place in this castle that I had nothing to do with.
The butcher still insists on his innocents.
Just remember. Enjoy him, but never trust him.
I won’t be frightened into your arms by a dead rat, or a dead Cardinal!
If you think you are not going to talk, you are mistaken.
I don’t understand why we have to take time to visit the Generals.
A king should always deliver good news in person. Bad news should be sent by a messenger. Or let them find out on their own.
Go take back your country.
Our union is damaged beyond repair.
That’s the most flattering thing you’ve ever said to me.
Please tell me that wasn't you.
I need you here, too see you, even if I can’t touch you.
I am paying the price. I feel like a prisoner.
I am their Queen. Their whispers are treason.
Your highness, you are a vision.
This thing between us. It must end.
I’m ready to accept his proposal.
If is a fact of our time. A man rules his wife. Even if his wife is a Queen.
And it will be the challenge of my life, not to kill her.
Perhaps I forgot what it means to be a queen.
I shall never name an heir unless it is my own child.
To name a successor is to place a target on one's self.
Perhaps it better to outright refuse him. Be brutal and direct.
Don’t misjudge me. I am my father’s son.
All that’s left now, is for me to enjoy my final hours.
Well, I suppose you’ll have to settle with being the Queen of two nations, not three.
You cannot keep me in a cage. Even one built with love.
We were meant to be happy, and we were. But I have another fate.
Show people you are worthy of the post you hold, and no one will remember how you rose to it.
Love is never simple. Not that I'm any expert.
I was willing to give up so much for you. But now I want you out of my life. Forever.
Why must the fate of nations be decided in a shared bed?
I receive a letter from him nearly everyday. And I haven’t read one.
I can’t image what the night must be without the man you truly love.
Please go. While I still have the courage to say goodbye.
Sons of cobblers, doesn’t get to be with princesses.
I need to believe, that who we are, matters more than our station.
You are who you're born into, and nothing more than people say you are. You can pretend otherwise, but the world won’t pretend with you.
If you go on this mission. I’ll stop loving you!
From now on, you're only allowed to dream about me.
I have many children of my own you know. Some of them turn out quite well.
She is actually dead in’t she?
What is power, without love.
Be grateful for the fun you had, you must have know your time would come.
I expect you’ll be wearing that when we play cards tonight.
She handles tragedy with ruthless clarity.
I will not help you with this
Ask anyone. I’m as fickle as they come.
It's hard for all of us. Being part of this family.
I may be young, and inexperienced, but I promise I’ll give you an heir.
What’s this play about?
It’s a comedy about royals.
I hear the princess is worth looking at.
It's funny isn't in. Both of us here, we already know we've had our one true love.
You must rule your own heart, as firmly as you rule your subjects.
We may be the enemy, but I am not without my manners.
Your light as a feather, I swear!
Would you be interested in anything else? My chambers for example…
There’s the smile I was hoping for.
Allow me to charm you so more, and we’ll work on that next part.
Men forget, that woman have ears.
My child will be heir to her throne, to both Nations.
This is a course you cannot step back from. And if you take it, I fear I am looking at a dead woman.
We all die. The question is what we stood for while we lived.
Have you already named our children? Or did you leave that part for me?
I did not expect to like you. But I do.
Earn my respect then, as I earn the respect of my men. In combat!
Duels only lead to dead men, not respect.
Fists then. A boxing match. If you win, I bend the knee. But if I win, you will withdraw your marriage offer to the Queen.
I let you win that race.
How dare you, didn't you notice that I defied the queen of England for you!?
I’m going to be your husband.
I had a husband! and I loved him and he was murdered in cold blood before my eyes.
Before I met you, I loved someone. In that way that should've lasted a lifetime, but it didn't.
Let the danger come.
You will be my husband in name only. And we will never be happy.
It is my duty, my God-given birthright and my crown. And I will defend it from anyone who attempts to take it.
I had hoped that our marriage would be a partnership in every way. but with your drinking, your cheating, your blind ambition...
I know we hardly know each other, and yet here I am, asking you to risk everything for me.
With or without your crown. I would do anything for you.
I made you King. But we will never be equals.
You can’t expect everyone to be glad you are back at Court, some of us know you.
He will hang. And I will enjoy watching him die.
I didn't kill him, but justice needed to be done.
This vile act will not ease your pain!
Revenge is not meant to ease pain. It is meant to balance the scales.
He was an innocent man!
Men will never willingly bow to the weaker sex.
I put my trust in you, my Lord.
Well surely you don’t blame me.
How nice of you to take time out of your grievance to mock me.
What about the shame you've brought to this family? Not to mention this country and to God himself?!
I've learned never trust the beginning of a book.
I know this isn't what you wanted, but for now, this marriage will protect you.
When the time is right, I can make you a widow.
We need to show them you are not a monster, by showing them what you really are. A King.
Perhaps I shall have your throat slit in your sleep. Or have the villagers do it for me when they come for us to root out the beast we have protected.
I should have your entire family burned at the stake.
He was born first! That's all he has to do.
I have always put my children first. I have done terrible things! I have always done it for their good. But are they worth it?
Tell your son to come to court. Or I will have him dragged here. On his knees.
I will not be remembered as the Queen that drew first blood.
And I can't bear to lose you.
Our affair puts you in danger.
I won't ever tire of you.
He is a long-term confidante. A skilled advisor and diplomat, whose journeys, for the Crown, have met with spectacular success.
I represent something glorious, for everyone. And if you want to banish every person who is dazzled by me, we'll be a nation of mainly women.
You are more precious to me than my nation.
Speak! While there is still mercy in my heart!
I will bow to no man
I will face ever threat to my reign with sword in hand. And any who shall stand in my way shall fall.
I cannot have her blood on my hands. And I cannot let her go.
Look how far you’ve come. Trading your heart to rise in station.
Now that I know how things really work around here. I'm interested in getting to know you better.
Why should I be interested in you?
I was starting to think you didn't have it in you.
But let me offer some advice: next time you threaten someone, make sure you have proof. A theory is nothing more than a feather.
I am on no one's side, but my own.
Get out of my Court!
It’s fine. A daughter joining her mother for an evening stroll is hardly a crime.
The tears might be a bit much.
In a year, everything will be different. I'll have an heir.
I won’t fall in love with him. I promise!! Please have faith in me.
I was almost sent to a nunnery for following my heart!
I lost both the man I love and the man I could have loved.
I'm asking you to marry me. but I’m begging you to save your own life.
Tell me this. Do you think we can be happy together?
Your food is regularity tested for poison.
You're so clever.
Your lies come so easily.
You invited me here because you think of me, as often as I think of you.
He does have his father’s history to overcome.
I am an ambitious man. And if this is my one chance at King, I will take it.
If I am King for only as long as you live, then I say long live the Queen.
I don’t want to find love. I want to be loved.
It wasn’t easy, I paid a fortune.
The inevitable War of Two Queen.
May matrimony set you on a more honorable path.
I am married to the most powerful man in the world.
Stop starting at me witch!
You're a beautiful, ambitious, young woman who's learned to pull the strings of men, and yed can't see when her own strings are being pulled.
Being married to a woman who is in love with another, isn’t exactly the ideal union I dreamed of either.
Bastards and cheaters are not welcome on the Throne.
You will have love or an heir, but not both.
Lie to me again, and I will open you up right here, in your own house.
If you have a baby that isn’t yours, you’ll hang, unless you cooperate.
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