#i feel like the eldraine in kellan really jumps out when people reveal their true colors. that's fairy tale logic right there
starlit-mansion ยท 15 days
Ideal post-otj story father-son dynamic between kellan and oko for me is
they do run into each other occasionally, never on purpose
kellan is completely inoculated against oko's bullshit and IMMEDIATELY hears kill bill sirens in his head upon seeing him and does his damnedest to fuck up whatever scheme oko is on
objectively, if it was happening to someone else, oko would think it is both ironic and hilarious for someone to have accidentally created their perfect polar-opposite enemy through their own hubris
subjectively, that would require him admitting that he's ever done anything wrong ever, so he will not do this. even in his heart of hearts
oko will however make snide little comments about their family connection (e.g. 'you must get this from your mothers side') during their various conflicts, which only makes the enmity in kellan's soul burn brighter
unclear if he realizes that and is doing it on purpose, or they are just fated to completely misunderstand each other (while being very convinced they understand each other) for all of eternity
however occasionally oko will be reading the newspaper and have to see an article about some dumb hero shit his failson did. and he will roll his eyes. then read the whole article
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