#i feel like my creative soul has been contaminated and my heart's literally gone missing
mccoys-killer-queen · 9 months
Seeing Kix's last ever live show Part 2- the show
So yes, I drove 3 hours to Columbia, MD just to get my heart brutally torn to pieces and left in the rain. By the time Kix actually came on the alcohol i chugged started to hit (it took like an HOUR) and it made me wanna scream at all the photographers to go fuck themselves
TL;DR- it was underwhelming?
they opened with Atomic Bombs- which was bittersweet I guess but I love it when they open with Hot Wire the most
seeing Ronnie made me so happy
since my seat was literally as far to stage left as you could go, the concrete steps were right next to me, as was a rail, and i could stand on the concrete and hold onto the rail and go nuts
that is until a security person told me to stop fgeoirngerngfdnd
in the moment i had fun but as soon as the moment was over it was back to heartache
Steve never opened up his shirt which was disappointing
when they did Midnite Dynamite there were BIG COLUMNS OF FIRE ??? SHOOTING OUT FROM THE HUGE HIGH UP PLATFORM THEY HAD ?? I was at least 30-40 feet away from it and i could FEEL THE HEAT
same thing goes for huge spark fountains (except for the heat part)
they did three medleys of obscure songs (but I'm gonna be honest I didn't recognize most of them)
the first medley, they did Body Talk and as soon as they started playing it, Steve stuck his finger down his throat like he was trying to make himself puke from hearing it rtgnnsadiofifearf
every medley was basically Steve judging the songs on whether he likes them or not it was funny
seeing the girl money glasses for the last time ugh concerts will never be the same if they're not kix
Steve always leads up to Scarlet Fever with "this song is about dirty diseases" or something like that, and he said something about "you gotta wear a condom to not get those diseases but condoms are no fun right they're just not fun"
the Itch and the crowd singalong and Steve always picking on people never ever fails to crack me up
when they played For Shame, Steve walked into the crowd and walked around and shook people's hands and gave hugs and stuff and the second he started singing while doing this i fucking lost it and tears were running down my face it was so bittersweet it was like he was trying to thank every individual person
idk why I always forget about Cold Shower when it's like the sluttiest of all slut songs
Ronnie did the guitar solo leading up to Cold Blood and I'm sorry Ronnie but I'm used to Bob and I like Bob's solo better but seeing Ronnie finally in the place where he was supposed to be this whole time was bittersweet
big balloons falling from the ceiling
confetti cannons and one not going off until the next song
Steve doing more jumping than normal during Blow My Fuse
i wish Steve did the full feature length Yeah Yeah Yeah monologue
^^that was their last song
i always forget how much steve says "aiight"
when their set was done, Steve introduced some people in their crew and management
when everyone walked offstage, and really only steve was left, he imitated Porky Pig and went "t-tha-th-that's all, folks!" and left the stage.
imo the setlist could've been a lot better bc a lot of their hard-hitters were cut (like Hot Wire, Same Jane, Kix Are For Kids, Sex, etc) but i guess the medleys were more important. The show also felt really short? It was under 2 hours and imo the whole thing felt really underwhelming, like I was expecting a huge extra long super exciting show but this was like... below average? Like yeah there were more stage effects and two guest members and three medleys but- it just didn't make it feel any more special than a normal Kix show, yknow? It almost felt like they were in a hurry to finish (the set feeling quick made it feel like this, not their actual performance. In fact- this entire rushed retirement seemed like they were in a hurry to retire...).
I don't know if it's because I wasn't at the barrier like I always am for Kix or the fact I had my heartbreak on pause or what, but to me it just felt really underwhelming? I went back to my hotel afterwards feeling similar to how i felt in my hotel after the last night of M3; dumped.
I'm still in shock that it's all over, and that it ended this way- with absolute silence and a soul-crushing shame. I can't ever forget the fun I've had with Kix over the past year, though. I just wish to god it had ended differently.
EDIT: I was trying to kill Mark with my mind last night. Tried to shoot lasers from my eyes. When he walked offstage he walked in my direction and I glared at him as hard as I could. I knew he couldn't see me, let alone recognize me, but he was looking in my direction.
EDIT #2: after steve walked through the crowd and went back on the stage, he said "that was fun. i hope none of yall have herpes *wipes hand on his shirt* I got that when it first came out!!"
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