#i dont trust my gut when it come's to yana so all this pondering could be for nothing
anewp0tat0 · 2 years
Chapter 184
wow looks like things are about to get real sucky, anyway, what's going on rn-
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I'm disappointed I can't see the names in the book, but I guess that would be too obvious heh. well, as long as yana doesn't pull us around the block, I'm pretty sure the direct message is that something is going to happen to Bard or (most likely) Ada, like in the next couple of minutes.
though it's also possible that Ronald isn't looking for Ada or Bard in his list, but rather listening into their conversation to see if they mention any aurora members or possible bizarre dolls that he may note. that's the optimistic option atleast.
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I tried looking at the cover image to see if there was any common time being displayed on the watches, but they all seem to be random and artsy so no help. I can't even see the time on ronald's watch in the panel because the image is too blurry for me. but welp, the hour glass that's visable in the cover is about to run out so if that's any indication ig, nothing we don't already know.
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I also tried to zoom into this person's face, all I can kinda make out is a possible blond beard? that's nothing though, so I assume it's just some random member.
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this is some good character work in only short chapters that we have (and probably will :[ ) know her. Ada is just like Ryan really, too blind sighted by her desire and good will that she'll willingly be oblivious to the underlying harm and corruption. kinda reminds me of how I wondered if Ada had met Ryan since she used the Phoenix pose. but I doubt it, or doubt we'll ever know.
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2 things:
1. what did he just do? at first I thought he was holding a gun, but it aggravated me that I can't see his hand. maybe it's either a surprise for the next chapter or yana just really wanted to zoom in on that sweet smexy visage. but now, especially looking at his posture, I'm thinking that he just threw something, a couple of small sharp and projectile objects. unfortunately, I have no idea what they might be. could be something for the facility or something he smuggled in.
2. what's he planning to do here exactly? not only am I a little confused about his motive(it's been too long, I can't remember why he can't just wait another day), but I'm also confused about what he's doing right now. my biggest bet is that he's already set *something*(explosion most likely, whatever kills most and efficiently) up where Ada and the rest are while bard was having his sob story, and now he's just stalling bard until the timer goes off. cause unless he has some secret martial arts skills, I don't think he's gonna best Bard in a fight. I always see him as the sly type rather than physical.
anyway, point blank, things are about to get really bad, I don't know why Lau is so eager to leave, some character traits I don't remember I guess, but I'm certain Ada and a bunch others are gonna die. dang...
I also can't imagine bard would ever agree to work with Lau again if they both come away unharmed. that would then mess up the whole phantomhive mission rn. oh god this is messy.
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