#i don't have either d+ or hulu so I'm not certain on how the advertising works on there
They really should put “Fox’s Peter Pan and the Pirates” on Disney+ or Hulu. I imagine Disney would be “No Other Peter Pans Before Ours” but I feel like people should be exposed to the greater jerkitude of Fox’s version.
Every time I forget Disney now owns three different versions of Peter Pan, I'm suddenly reminded again.
Fox's Peter Pan definitely does deserve the exposure but it's whether Disney will give it to him is a whole different chapter. I can also imagine Disney doing the "No other Peter Pans Before Ours" thing and the thing is:
They're already doing a shit job with their own Peter.
So the odds of Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates seeing the light of day on either streaming platform is very low. I'd bet my left hand it won't appear at all. If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong and I will admit so.
But the stars are really not in favour for Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates. Which is really sad.
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