#i don't celebrate christmas or any holiday related to the 25th of december
chaoffee · 6 months
Venti was a free spirit, for him; freedom was one of the most important things - if not, then the most important one. Of course, being in a relationship takes some of your freedom away but Venti didn't mind it one bit - since it was you he is together with.
For you, he would give everything without hesitation and still be happy, because you are by his side.
He is always very open about his feelings - be it by his mimic, his actions or even his words. You always feel loved, every second - and Venti made sure of it.
He loves gliding over to you just to put a Cecilia into your hair, saying; “There you go! A pretty flower for the prettiest flower I've ever laid my eyes upon~”, with a cheeky smirk.
The Archon then plants a kiss on your cheek, whispering; “I love you, Orion.. very much so.”
~ 💐 (you opened the 20th door of my advent calendar <3)
Hello??? Please this has me weak, I was not expecting this at all and just the amount of overflowing joy that took over lmfao my hands actually started cramping from the sudden joy 💀
Please, this is such a gift to me ; - ; thank you so much for this little treat 💐 anon. You have no idea how much it means or how happy you just made me. May you blessed with everything you ever desire and may happiness be with you always <3
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jadeile-writes · 5 months
Fanfic Progress Update 157
It's Saturday, so you get updated on the fic writing. Happy Holidays, btw; over here we celebrate it tomorrow rather than on 25th, so I'm almost free from this hassle. Stay tuned for a sneak-peek for A Sign that you're important at the bottom of this post!
Current WIPs:
A Sign that you're important (previously named I'm Signing in the Drain)
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog, movieverse
Summary: One month upon his assigment as Doctor Robotnik's assitant, Agent Stone is told to learn sign language. He doesn't know why, and isn't suicidal enough to ask, so he simply rolls with it. Turns out, it's not just a whimsy of the eccentric doctor, even though that doesn't stop the doctor from utilizing it like one.
Progress: The first chapter was posted on 21st of December. The second chapter will be posted on 28th of December aka next Thursday. Chapter 3 is finished. Chapter 4 has been started. This fic will most likely have five chapters, maybe six if I get epilogue-happy or smth.
Let's hope I can get an adequate amount of writing for this one done despite the Christmas hassle, cause I really don't want to panic-write the last two chapters on the week of posting them. ...I say, like I don't have three weeks to write chapter 4 at this point. But listen, I'm also making eyes at a next idea I have in a little list of ideas, like juggling two fics isn't enough. Tho in my defense, Lab Life is quietly writing itself in the background and doesn't count, especially if I can manage to queue up another fic after this one (I'd really prefer if Lab Life was fully written before I post any of it, because then I'd have lots of time to get started on the sequel while it keeps the readers fed). I'm gonna be so fucked when Hazbin Hotel airs and I might end up double-fandoming :D
Life at the laboratory (previously known as SBLF, which, btw, was actually just short of StoBotnik LongFic, lol)
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog, movieverse
Summary (temporary):
Wanted: a yesman who is capable of operating an espresso machine, has at least a higher IQ than your average amoeba, and is willing to put work before having a personal life, or indeed a life, period. The extra in your pathetic paycheck is good, but the strain in your psyche will make up for the positives. Forfeit your basic human rights and apply today if this sounds like you. 
Maybe it said something about Agent Stone - and probably not good things - that the poster in the cafeteria's pin board piqued his interest more than any of his official assignments had for a good long while. 
Dr. Robotnik, huh?
Progress: This one will be part one of a two-parter longfic, the first part probably... 10-ish chapters? It's a bit hard to estimate at this point, so the number is subject to change - will probably end up increased tbh. My weekly writing hour (as in, a specific hour when I sit down and write, no excuses [other than not being home]) is devoted to this fic.
I have the first four chapters completely written now. Chapter 5 is halfway done. I also have two halfway written chapters that don't yet know their exact placement within the fic (they're scenes that will be slotted in to wherever they feel natural, once we get Stone settled in.)
Other WIPs I’m not currently working on but intend to get back to Someday™:
PoE Drabbles (Pillars of Eternity)
DC Drabbles (Justice League)
Diaphanous Relations (Forgotten Realms, R.A. Salvatore’s books)
Rolling with it (Zelda: BotW)
Hah, our afterlife is the most hilarious bushwa, dearest! (Hazbin Hotel)
That’s it for the WIPs! Here’s the promised sneak-peek into A Sign that you're important (Note: the text may end up slightly different in the fic itself due to more editing happening before publishing). Enjoy!
As far as meetings went, Stone was usually patient and attentive. This time, however, he was certainly in agreement with the doctor that this particular meeting was honestly boring and pointless, and it wasn’t just Robotnik’s “hating meetings” -thing. The only reason the two of them had to be attending at all was because Robotnik had a presentation of his own to add to the collection that was happening right then, which meant that nothing the other people said was actually relevant to their jobs or worth listening to – they were just waiting for their turn. There was nothing interesting going on, and it was made worse by the people presenting their points doing it in the least interesting way they could and droning on and on and on about their projects.
Stone was, quite frankly, contemplating the merits of pretending to get a phone call and leaving the room to take it and then simply not coming back after. The only reason he didn’t was because the doctor would murder him for leaving him to suffer alone. The torture that came first would make this bore of a gathering seem like a cakewalk in comparison, and then end with his mother grieving for her dead son. It was probably better for his career prospects to stay. Or he could take the window instead, this was the seventh floor, it’d be a swift end and he’d avoid the torture part…
His morbid ways of self-amusement were interrupted when the doctor – sitting on his right – suddenly moved. More precisely, his hands un-steepled themselves from the table and started forming words.
That’s it this time. See you next Saturday!
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sunbeams-and-honey · 3 years
Astrology for the UK and Christmas 2020
Just to prewarn you, this might not be coherent in places but I need to get this out. I also waffle quite a bit in some places because I have Feelings when it comes to the government.
Okay so those of you who, like me, live in the UK will probably know about the current plans for relaxation of the restrictions for Christmas next week. While there is a lot of speculation as to whether or not this is still going to go ahead considering how many places have just been put into Tier 3 last night, as of 16.12.20, and the press conference that was held by the government an hour ago, the plan is to have 5 days of relaxation of the rules. If you want to know more about that then do your own research on it, I'm here to talk about the transits for the country as a whole during this time. I wanted to do this because I already had a bad feeling about Christmas, and I can't just leave you guys in the dark if I found anything, and I did.
Also, disclaimer: unlike our government, I'm aware and completely respect that Christmas is not the only holiday around now. Hanukkah, for example, is currently being celebrated right now. However, I only refer to Christmas in this post because I used the 25th December for the date of these transits, which is the date most commonly, but not always, used for Christmas Day. Also, the government only seems to acknowledge this particular festival as this is the only one that has received special treatment this year, or any year if we're completely honest. It's because of the government's attitude towards Christmas that I'm making this post, so that is the only celebration I refer to.
So on Christmas Day itself, there is so much emphasis on family, as you would expect for Christmas. This can be seen especially with the fact that we have 3 planets transiting the 4th house of family. First of all we have, Jupiter, which represents abundance and harmony. This is a likely indicator that the current relaxation plans are going to go ahead, and even if they don't, so many people are going to break the rules anyway and see their loved ones over Christmas. People in the UK are going to be spending time with the people they love and it's generally going to be a happy few days.
However it's not all fun and games, because the other two planets crossing the 4th house are Saturn, which represents responsibility and learning lessons, and Pluto, which represents problems and death. When I tell you my stomach literally dropped when I noticed Pluto here. You might be starting to see why I'm worried. These two planets being related to family over Christmas is a huge indicator that something is going to go very wrong. We're going to be learning some tough lessons, perhaps learning that we shouldn't have relaxed the rules. I mean we've literally got the planet of loss and endings crossing family. I'm pretty sure you can put the pieces together. Saturn's placement in this house indicates problems with health which makes me very scared for the near future. There is also the idea that responsibility is going to be taken, so maybe the government is going to start acknowledging where they've gone wrong for once, but that might be a stretch considering the government we have.
There are a couple of other things that I noticed too. The Sun is transiting the 3rd house of communication. This could symbolise a lot of things, but it definitely puts an emphasis on relationships with extended family, which makes sense. It also shows that this time is going to be very busy for us all, which again was to be expected. However, it is also symbolic of us as a nation of becoming distracted and losing sight of what is important. This could mean us getting carried away and forgetting about the consequences of our actions in terms of how quickly the virus will later spread and kill.
The more I look at this chart, the more I see an emphasis on the 3rd house. I was mainly focused on the 4th house as it's all about family and that's where Pluto is going to be, but the 3rd house also has 3 planets transiting it: Sun, Mercury and Venus. There might be some issues with travel or technology across the country but I'm unsure how this is going to manifest itself. This is generally going to be a positive time which is good but there is without a doubt a cloud looming once the effects of this relaxation make themselves apparent.
Mars is transiting the 7th house which is curious because that's all about compromise? Perhaps the current plans will have changed slightly by the time they come into effect.
Uranus in the 8th house is a symbol of financial instability, which is naturally concerning. I wonder how long this will take to materialise. Maybe new data about how badly the economy has been impacted will come out?
Now I didn't know whether or not to put this in, but Neptune in the 6th house does suggest that we will be experiencing the negative effects of medicine. This is really bad timing considering the vaccine has only just come out, but it could be related to something else in medicine. (No, I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I'm not an idiot, but some people are and I don't want any of you taking this the wrong way or using this as a reason to not get the vaccine. Don't be a twat, okay?).
Speaking of anti-vaxxers, I'm really quite worried about the misinformation that could be getting spread around during this time, as Neptune will be squaring Mercury. People will be more prone to believing in lies and conspiracies so if you find yourself doing the same, try to stay logical. This whole thing is going to be fuelled by fear, as you would expect, and also by misunderstandings and confusion.
Sun will be squaring Uranus, which could unfortunately mean that the government is going to act illogically, which never ends well. This transit also foretells of surprises and changes that we didn't see coming.
Moon conjunction Mars shows people taking risks and making stupid decisions, so please make sure you think carefully before you act.
Jupiter opposing Saturn suggests that a decision made by government in the future in regards to the country's way ahead will receive some backlash from the more conservative people in our society? Maybe another tory rebellion like we saw recently. However Saturn trine Uranus shows that we will be more open to change. Perhaps the way we're dealing with certain things will change but not without struggle and opposition. I have a feeling this may have more to do with social justice in this country rather than our dealing with the pandemic, but I could be wrong. 
I've added the chart I used below. Feel free to add on anything else you find.
So to sum up, the Christmas period itself will be rather joyful. We'll be able to have some fun with our loved ones for those of us who are fortunate enough to do so. However, there is a cloud looming ahead, I do believe. I'll do more research on the aftermath of this and I'll make another post about it soon. Please be sensible and please stay safe. Love you all.
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madamlaydebug · 5 years
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In a speech of 1882, Frederick Douglas relates his experiences as a slave during the Christmas season.
"The days between Christmas Day and New Year's were allowed the slaves as holidays. During these days all regular work was suspended, and there was nothing to do but keep fires and look after stock. We regarded this time as our own by the grace of our masters, and we, therefore, used it or abused it as we pleased. The holidays were variously spent. The sober, industrious ones employ themselves in manufacturing cornbrooms, mats, horse collars and baskets, and some of these were very well made. Another class spent their time in hunting oppossums, coons, rabbits, and other game. But the majority spent the holidays in sport, ball-playing, wrestling, boxing, running, foot-races, dancing and drinking whiskey, and the latter mode was generally most agreeable to their masters. A slave who would work during the holidays were thought by their master undeserving of holidays. There was in this simple act of continued work an accusation against slaves, and a slave could not help thinking that if he made three dollars during the holidays he might make three hundred during the year. "Not to be drunk during the holidays was disgraceful. "
We were induced to drink, I among the rest, and when the holidays were over we all staggered up from our filth and wallowing, took a long breath and went away to our various fields of work, feeling upon the whole, rather glad to go from that which our masters had artfully deceived us into the belief was freedom, back again to the arms of slavery. It was not what we had taken it to be, nor what it would have been, had it not been abused by us. It was about as well to be a slave to master, as to be a slave to whiskey and rum. When the slave was drunk the slave holder had no fear that he would escape to the North. It was the sober, thoughtful slave who was dangerous and needed the vigilance of his master to keep him a slave."
☆☆☆Excerpts from Afrikan People and European Holidays: A Mental Genocide Book One☆☆☆
In the spirit of Black Unity and love and with all due respect to my race I submit that it is absolutely amazing how so many of my people can gullibly accept something simply because it exists. Unfortunately a large segment of Black People will embrace and put their energy into a thing, without ever really analyzing the impact, for better or for worse, it may have upon them and their posterity for generations to come. This is the case with Afrikan People and European holidays, especially the most European of all holidays, Christmas.
There are even those among us who will look upon you as though you have the plague when you inform them you do not indulge in the celebration of the European fantasy commonly called Christmas. This attitude on the part of some Blacks exhibits their ignorance and lack of understanding of world history, without which one cannot understand the present or the future.
The main purpose of this chapter is to appeal to the common-sense and superior intelligence which lays dormant in so many of us, by introducing some very basic historical facts about Christmas. Because of the production limitations on the size of Book I, we are unable to give a full treatment of this subject in this chapter; however, we will devote more time and space to the study of Christmas, its origins and the deep dark secrets behind its true significance in Book IV of this series under the heading, "Xmas Madness: An In Depth Study of the Christmas Fantasy." Nevertheless, as you study the present chapter you find the information of the origins and purposes of Christmas as set forth here, reveal that the celebration and significance of this European holiday is indeed foreign to the nature of Afrikan people. As the facts unfold it will become clear to you that Christmas is not a part of us as a people, for it is certainly not a real part of our history.
The question may arise as to why we refer to Christmas as the most European of all holidays? The answer is in two parts, firstly, the practice of Christmas observance is the essence of ancient customs and beliefs of the Greeks, Romans, Celts, Teutons, Nordics, Germans, Slavs, and other come-lately-European-people. Although some vague remnants of Afrikan and Asian customs are still remotely present in its celebration and despite the claim of its exponents that Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ (which we shall shortly see that it is not), this celebration is a direct extension of European customs and practices (many of which are shockingly eerie and disgusting as well) which took place during the coldest and darkest part of the year. Secondly, Christmas supports the existing economic power of Euro-America and European countries. What it does is bring up the slack in the gross national product at the end of the year. Any and everything is put on the market for the consumer, that is we produce less than 1 percent of the goods in this country, in the world as a matter of fact. This means, in essence, that as a people we help keep the economy of the United States of America and the western world in motion.
In 1978, as a race, we spent over 70 billion dollars in America alone, and that's not taking into account the expenditures and transactions that could not be statically recorded, which would probably push the figure to over 100 billion dollars. Where did all that money go? Why do we not see the benefits of same in our communities? Why are we still in the impotent position of seeking from others, that which we should be providing for ourselves? It is truly fantastic when you consider the fact that we have very little control over the tens of billions of dollars that come and go out of Black settlements each year. Why is that? The answers to these questions are too involved to be discussed here, but needless to say one of the key factors of our role as "vehicles of purchase" is the enormous amount of money Black People spend on Christmas each year.
Not only do you have a tendency to buy the most expensive gifts, but feel you are compelled to do so. Madison Avenue has so thoroughly taken over your mind that you fear the scorn and disapproval of your friends and loved ones if you don't spend that money on Christmas. This is why we refer to Christmas as the "Merry Mess", because it is one of those European instruments of mind torture that gets you in a mess and keeps you there.
Again, the main purpose of the information in this chapter is to help you liberate yourself from this madness which has imprisoned you and keeps you groveling at the feet of your natural enemy.
The Roman festival of Saturnalia was celebrated December 17th trough December 23rd. Later intron history it was extended until December 24th - 25th. December 25th being observed as the birthplace of Saturn by his devotees and Mithra by the followers of Zoroastrianism. Essentially Saturnalia was the feast of the winter solstice when the days began to lengthen and the sun starts its journey back towards the earth. This celebration was especially significant to Europeans because of the harsh and cold climate in most of their countries which left the land barren and non-productive. In a place where there was little summer it can be readily seen how this festival would have such great importance. On the second day of the Bacchanalian celebration of Saturnalia young pigs were offered on the altar and blood pudding was made. This disgusting dish was a primary delicacy of the European, a people who wants painted themselves blue (This is where the term blue blood comes from) and ran naked from cave to cave, busting each other in the head with clubs and engaging in combat over a piece of raw meat. When Afrikans were building the pyramids and wooing their ebony queens with incense and live poems, many Europeans were making overtures to their women by grunting Ugh!, smacking them upside their heads with a club and dragging them off by the hair to copulate. This is why rape is such a sensationalized phenomenon in European culture today.
During the six day festival of Saturnalia, slaves were temporarily freed to attend the festival. It is said that during this season, the slave holder would grant the slave any request except his freedom. Also during this period, the roles were supposedly reversed and the slave vicariously walked in the shoes of the master, who would serve him his breakfast in bed and many other ammenities which custom obliged, but when the festival was over a slave in the Roman Empire was still a slave. The Saturnalia which later became known as Christmas was one time referred to in Europe as the "Festival of Fools."
Christmas Lights
Lights were extremely valuable in ancient Europe because of its inclimate and foggy weather. Every since the post ice age Europe has been known for its cold and dreary climate, in ancient times, it was considered by most of the Sarah's inhabitants as a most undesirable place to live. Over the millenia, these harsh conditions gradually subsided in the southern portions of the continent until by the time of the Grimaldi invasions (called the Mesolithic Age) it was somewhat inhabitable. During the age of the Afrikan circumnavigation of the world it was a long time before they ventured to go into Europe again. Often as the ships manned by ebony crews sailed along the Mediterranean Sea, through the gloomy fog and must off the coast of Europe they could hear the eerie moanings, strange groanings and barking sounds of its inhabitants. In antiquity the continent of Europe was considered by many people of color to be a bottomless pit filled with unimaginable horrors, a forbidden land inhabited by hellish demons. Some have said that the word Europe means "you're roped in."
Another significant fact which deals with the importance of lights to the European experience took place during the Puritan prohibition of the celebration of Christmas, at which time the common folks would put lighted candles in the windows to let the Catholic priests know that the yuletide was being celebrated in that home.
Santa Claus
The designation Santa Claus comes from "Sinter Klaas" the Dutch name for St. Nicholas (referred to by some thinking people as St. Capitalist), a 4th Century bishop of Asia Minor who became the Russian patron saint of children, bankers, pawn brokers and thieves.
The origins of the Santa Claus hoax goes back to the time when in many northern European countries ghosts, witches, trolls, vampires and other demonic creatures were thought to stir aboard on Christmas Eve. It was on this night that Satan or Santa, the demon/saint (for there was little differentiation between saints and demons in Europe at that time) riding on a jackass or goat would lead the demons in a marry rivalry as he shared with them the intoxicating substance from his wassahl bowl.
According to German mythology Santa/Satan first appeared as a hairy imp named Pelz Nichol. In Holland and other European countries the original "old Nick" another terminology for "the devil" was depicted as a very stern person who rode across the frozen wastes on the satan's goat and left a whip instead of toys for naughty children. With the coming of European Christianity to the north the demon/saint "old Nick" evolved into St. Nicholas a bishop of Myra in Turkey, who lived sometime around 300 C.E. he is said to have transported himself on a grey horse or white jackass, an ancient Egyptian symbol of Typhon, the devil.
Tradition says that St. Nicholas restored to life three slain children who had been hacked to pieces and stored in brine by a wicked innkeeper. He is reportedly to have saved three young maidens from being sold into slavery as prostitutes by their father, through secretly providingthree bags of gold for their marriage dowries. This, the three balled or three belled emblem of pawnbrokers became one of St. Nicholas' sacred symbols. This dubious 4th Century bishop of Myra eventually became the patron saint of Russia. He was also designated the patron of children, pawnbrokers and theives. As a matter of fact during the middle ages in Europe thieves were called "clerks of St. Nicholas."
In reference to St. Nicholas and his criminal affiliationsthe Ansaru Allah Community News statss:
"He is really the patron saint of thieves and gangsters, who were tagged the "Knights of St. Nicholas." He is the patron saint of the pawnbrokers and their emblem is traced to him. Pirates emblazoned his likeness on their flags. Other wards of St. Nicholas are spinsters, sailors, etc."
St. Nicholas' increased prominence in Western Europe was a result of Italian merchants who were reputed to have stolen his bones from Myra and brought them to Bari, on the southeastern coast of Italy, May 9, 1807. The celebration of St. Nicholas' festival which took place December 6, the supposed date of his death was banned by Henry VIII when he founded the Church of England. Later in English history the festival was resumed when Queen Victoria married the German Prince Albert at which time St. Nicholas became Father Christmas. After the Protestant Reformation St. Nicholas was replaced by Christ child called Christ Kindl or Christ Kindli in parts of Germany and Switzerland. From this name came the character Kris Kringle, the "jolly old elf" figure who brings gifts at Christmas time sometimes accompanied by Pelz Nichol.
According to this particular tradition Pelz Nichol sometimes called Jan was a little black elf who Santa appointed the traditional H.N.I.C. to keep the elves in the factory busy making things. From this story we can see that St. Nicholas was indeed a cold blooded capitalist. You never hear of the elves in the shop getting any compensation or fringe benefits for their work. In fact St. Nicholas hardly ever went into the shop, the brother was in there taking care of the business. The legend says that St. Nicholas gave the toys and gifts away for free, well if this be the case, how come people are still paying money for them every year?
In 1822, Clement C. Moore, an American minister and poet, first described Santa's fur-trimmed suit and his sleigh pulled by reindeers. The description appears in Moore's famous poem called "T'was the Night Before Christmas." This poem firmly established Santa Claus on the American scene. The idea of his sled being drawn by eight reindeer comes from the Norse legend of Odin's white horse Sleipnir, who had eight legs and was according to this tale the fastest horse in the world. All in all the concept of the modern Santa Claus is a symbol of the poverty and selfishness of Europeans who only shared gifts with one another once a year at Christmas. In sharp contrast to this is the traditional system of Afrikan Ujamaa which encourages sharing with your neighbor on a day-to-day basis. How ridiculous is the idea of sharing things once a year when people have need of things every day.
One of the traumas of the Santa Claus myth is the fantasy that people tell there children about them. Imagine after you have worked hard to buy toys and gifts for your children, then turn around and lie to them by giving credit to some big fat white man named Santa Claus. When the children reach the age where they begin to question this madness, you wring your hands in frustration trying to figure out how you are going to tell them there is no Santa Claus. Do you know what you are doing when you do this? Do you? You are running risk of planting deep within the child's subconscious mind, the seeds of distrust for you as a parent. And for what? To what purpose? Don't you know that at the very same time you are unwrapping the gifts on Christmas morning, greedy white capitalists are at home setting around the tables with their families and counting your money. The next time you are tempted to go sneaking around on Christmas Eve after the children are asleep, stop and ask yourself why am I doing this? What is the meaning of this insanity? Even though like the rest of us you have been brainwashed by the economic powers that be, you are still supposed to be an intelligent accountable adult. So shake yourself of this foolishness and put aside these childish things. It is not too late for you, there is a better way.
Christmas on the Old Plantation
As regards Christmas and antebellum slavery, Mother Jenny Proctor, born a slave in Alabama in 1850, was eighty-seven years old when interviewed, but recalled: "Old master would kill a hog and give us a piece if pork. We thought that was something, and the way Christmas lasted was according to the big sweet-gum back log what the slaves would cut and put in the fireplace. When that burned out, the Christmas was over."
In a speech of 1882, Frederick Douglas relates his experiences as a slave during the Christmas season.
"The days between Christmas Day and New Year's were allowed the slaves as holidays. During these days all regular work was suspended, and there was nothing to do but keep fires and look after stock. We regarded this time as our own by the grace of our masters, and we, therefore, used it or abused it as we pleased. The holidays were variously spent. The sober, industrious ones employ themselves in manufacturing cornbrooms, mats, horse collars and baskets, and some of these were very well made. Another class spent their time in hunting oppossums, coons, rabbits, and other game. But the majority spent the holidays in sport, ball-playing, wrestling, boxing, running, foot-races, dancing and drinking whiskey, and the latter mode was generally most agreeable to their masters. A slave who would work during the holidays were thought by their master undeserving of holidays. There was in this simple act of continued work an accusation against slaves, and a slave could not help thinking that if he made three dollars during the holidays he might make three hundred during the year. "Not to be drunk during the holidays was disgraceful. "
We were induced to drink, I among the rest, and when the holidays were over we all staggered up from our filth and wallowing, took a long breath and went away to our various fields of work, feeling upon the whole, rather glad to go from that which our masters had artfully deceived us into the belief was freedom, back again to the arms of slavery. It was not what we had taken it to be, nor what it would have been, had it not been abused by us. It was about as well to be a slave to master, as to be a slave to whiskey and rum. When the slave was drunk the slave holder had no fear that he would escape to the North. It was the sober, thoughtful slave who was dangerous and needed the vigilance of his master to keep him a slave."
Finally, Christmas, historically, has no real religious significance except to the European world, as such it has no real meaning to us as a people for if does not culturally project us in a positive light. Therefore, its failure to meet this need means that it can only be working against our best interest. Understanding that there are still some immature members of our race who feel they couldn't live without Christmas, we appeal to them to stop the wild spending and acting so foolishly during the Christmas season and divest themselves of this mania. This supposed happiness obtained from the MERRY Mess is too brief to pay such a physical, mental, spiritual and economic price for.
Now we invite you to examine the next two chapters of this book which demonstrate and explore the historical roots and meaning of the Seven Black Holy Days of Kwanzaa, a holiday of freed Black people.
~ Rev. Dr Ishakamusa Barashango
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