#i didn't know who yoy follow influences it SO MUCH?? like I've NEVER interacted with a hs post in my LIFE (i think?? don't quote me on that
angeltism · 10 months
why am I getting media I've never posted about/have barely posted about once or twice sparsely in my "for you" section,, where'd all the pj.sk/mil.gram/etc go..
Tumblr media
#➳ the fool speaks#i mean i know why stsg and. well. that one comic everyone hates except for a single being i follow who isn't even my mutual. are there.#like yeah i follow ppl who post about those things#but so much of it???? tumblr are you trying to get me to keep watching j.jk to see if I'm ge.to#.........it may be working but that js BESIDES THE POINT HERE#i didn't know who yoy follow influences it SO MUCH?? like I've NEVER interacted with a hs post in my LIFE (i think?? don't quote me on that#i probably haven't but also I'm stupid and forgor things a lot) and it's like 60% of my for you tab. and j.jk is like another 20%#and 15% of that j.jk stuff is stsg. and 5% is other stuff#and 10% is pj.sk. oh and 5% is also bs.d despite the fact I've never posted abt it. and the other 5% is like every other fandom i know to#some degree#........is this really that normal. how do i stop seeing so much stuff for a fandom i am nawt even in TwT#i find it funny i can pinpoint exactly where this is coming from. like the specific beings i follow.#i could name names but i think if the beings I'm referring to see this they'll know who they are IFHWJFHAJRHEJR#rhis is all silly akd lighthearted tho i find this entertaining that what other beings like has seeped into my account. and being able to go#''haha this is so funny. the totally normal sane feelings somebun i like has for this has made tumblr start suggesting it to me too''#also that one post that goes ''tumblr i think this was meant for the next door over'' or whatever is it#anyways I'm gonna shut up nyeow JFJSJFHWJRNEJS
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