#i did some ruminating on this on twitter a bit ago but having tumblr's longform is helpful for elaborating my thought process + hcs
didsomeonesayventus · 4 months
Ruminating about Engage and Sovereign Blood below
I wonder if the direct JPN translation is more clear about what entails sovereign blood but going off of the localized text + circumstances I can understand, I can think of a few qualifying definitions:
Only the current ruler qualifies. Strictly the blood of the current presiding leader and does not include close relatives and/or spouse. Forget anyone else. The magic somehow knows who's in charge. (i.e. Morion was kidnapped because only Morion would have worked)
The strictest definition of the words Sovereign Blood. I find it perhaps overly picky tbh, which is probably partly the point (a rare resource compared to the options below) but it is the bare minimum confirmed by the text. Blood. Ruler. Bingo.
Leader + close relatives and/or spouse qualify. If you have a blood relation or married reasonably close into the ruling family. Anyone else is ineffective. The magic is purely based on bloodline/relation. (i.e. Any member of Brodia's royal family would have worked, Morion was kidnapped because he was the easiest target)
Falls more in line with blood pacts and such as previously established in FE on a series whole, like Judgral's crusader bloodlines, the Mark of the Exalt in Awakening, the royal families of Fates. Sovereign blood is important because there was a prior relation to an important historical figure or dragon that can be reasonably tied to lineage that distinguishes individuals from the rest of the people.
Any blood will work, actually, but it's on a scale: the most potent + effective is the blood of the current ruler. The magic is in offering the blood and whose blood is used determines potency. (i.e. They could have kidnapped and rounded up villagers to offer to Sombron but kidnapping Morion was easier + a more effective use of resources because he could be easily trapped and be just as effective as sacrificing a village or two, which would require more time + effort to target and round up said villagers on top of the time it would take for Sombron to gobble them up)
A much more broad take and going off of a general concept that offering blood alone is the source of the magic and that Sovereign just happens to be The Good Shit (a matter of quality, like a crystal versus a diamond), perhaps because of the points above. Maybe too broad, but feasible.
Personally I enjoy at minimum definition 2, as it means we can drag our royal besties into being potential targets for further dramatic plot purposes in fic (this is foreshadowing btw)
but I also enjoy the idea of definition 3 if only because it means I can think about the possibility of past Alear reaching such a point of starvation and malnourishment they resort to slurping the blood of fallen opponents to keep themselves going because Despite The Horrors I Gotta Live. Could also potentially explain how they became so strong by simply micro dosing on lesser blood to the point it built up a lasting power boost over time?
so, in essence. my conclusion is alear can pop open a vein in their besties if they are truly that desperate for nourishment/healing and they probably would hate it.
Apparently definition #3 is correct because I was rewatching cutscenes and forgot that Roy post chapter 19 literally states in the text that Sombron has resorted to kidnapping Elusians to chomp on for blood sustenance and turning them into Coerupted as he does so YAHOO
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