#i could've done under the cut but it's been glitchy again so i didn't
decembermoonskz · 2 years
izzy ive a pokemon update: i found toxtricity,, both amped and lowkey form and i was like aRGHhH im trying so hard to evolve this toxel i have but hey no harm in catching these toxtricity now anyways--- only there was harm done and i had to flee the battle before i got sent off to some random pokecenter/shop/tm thing 🤡 (im the type that cbf using revives unless i need to HAHA)
but also!! im having so much fun just exploring paldea and seeing pokemon old and new (but especially the old!! when i saw phanpy,,, when i saw luvdisc,,,, oh my hecks) but also it means i get distracted w exploring and i dont do much levelling up or battles at all, which lead to stumps when pokemon i wanna catch are too high level or smth :(
anyways thats all!! the toxtricity envounter just reminded me of u ehehe (also side note regarding ur recent otome game post/s: that was such a throwback for me to see omg,, and norn9?? i remember watching it and being obsessed but especially w the opening 😭😭) hope ur doing well!! sorry for the long ask ehe
🥺🥺🥺 first off I wanna say ty for coming to me pokemon updates 💜💜💜 love you this made my day!
but !!!! you found my boys 🥺💜 I name my lowkey ones dewy and my amped ones rumble. I just recently got my boys too bc I caught some toxels and I’m super happy about it! i’m happy you were able to get my boys too!
i haven’t really played much pokemon in a bit but the last thing i was doing was searching for gible (shocker), i need to go back and play more tbh. i totally get what you mean about being underleveled tho bc of getting distracted, i honestly haven’t been up to level bc i’m so busy exploring LOL i only have two gym badges but i have three titan badges and one star badge so hey, progress! 😤
i’m happy toxtricity reminds you of me, i like that being a part of my brand LOL and don’t apologize about the long ask you can send any length of ask to me idm <33
also yessss norn9 was my obsession way back when! i loved it so much but i the game was only on ps vita and i never had that, so i stuck to watching the anime (which was fantastic). now tho it’s supposed to be coming out in march (and the sequel will be some time in 2023) so i’m sooooo happy i can finally play that game 😭😭😭😭
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