#i can't write anything serious without immense fear so i'm taking it out on everyone browsing these tags
toothzome · 2 years
Adding on to the Berdly and Swatch parallels, I would like to point out another darkner Berdly shares traits with.
As we know Berdly right now, he:
*Is skilled at a close-corners weapon. *Is a perfectionist. *Incorporates letters in his boss fight. *Is blue. (this may change in later chapters.) Why am I pointing this out? Well, that is due to one other darkner who shares these four traits: Tasque Manager. Where am I going with this?--besides as another device to analyze both characters, even though they've scarcely interacted.
It's because Berdly is a Swatchmanager kid. (mic drops as I am taken away for my psychological health)
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