#i assume this is dc having learned its lesson from doomsday clock and the various 'metal' events
forevercloudnine · 2 years
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lmao yeah so I did NOT understand it going in, but the reason why Bruce canonically died in Death of the Justice League and is currently still dead in Dark Crisis while obviously canonically still being alive in Chip Zdarsky's Batman run (which started this month with Batman #125) is because DC split the timeline. So chronologically Batman and basically all of DC's other titles are all happening BEFORE Dark Crisis, even though from our perspective they're being published at the same time. This is so DC can have its cake (most popular characters die dramatically and they can write stories about other characters reacting to that) and eat it too (they can still regularly publish comics starring said popular characters). Presumably when Dark Crisis wraps up and the Justice League is inevitably resurrected through space magic, the timelines will merge back together and the popular characters will remain at the front of their titles with a brief nod to the fact that they died and came back to life. Except for Green Arrow, who I think might be "permanently" dead now. "Permanently" in air quotes because he is, you know. A comic book character.
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