#i assume it's to like save time and get a general vibe but girl cmon what is this
mwagneto · 1 year
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theprodigypenguin · 7 months
Thank you @mugiwara-rosewolf for this question omg I'm almost certainly going to rant so I hope you're alright with that! I'd like to preface this by saying the only Pokémon game I've played through is Legends Arceus, and it's been ages since I watched the show, and the only card I have is Piplup cuz it's Piplup, so I am by no means an expert. Anyway let's goooooo!
I'm only gonna do one Pokémon for each character rather than an entire team! Many of these I chose after training them in game, watching YouTube videos about them, or purposely looking up their pokedex entries and lore. Some of these were chosen purely on vibes. Note: you can generally have a team of up to six, so these are only ONE of these characters Pokémon from their teams.
Lets start with Babo!
Sabo: Umbreon
So imma be real I gave him an Eevee because I Love Eevee. And because I wanted to give him a familiar Pokémon. The real decision was what his Eevee would evolve into. I decided on Umbreon because they evolve from high friendship, and friendship/family is insanely important to Sabo, so it made sense to me that his Eevee would evolve from that. Plus I really like Sabo having a dark type.
Koala: Swampert
Koala meets her Swampert when she's still pretty young, probably soon after returning to her home island. She's sitting at a stream when she hears crying and follows the sound to a trap where a Mudkip is stuck. She frees him, of course, feeling a strong understanding because she too had been trapped until recently. She names him Fish (after fisher tiger, duh) and they grow up together. She makes the decision to join the revolutionary army when he evolves the first time into Marshtomp. Swampert fucking adores Koala, that is his girl. He has a thin scar going around his back foot from the wire trap she saved him from.
Hack: Gyarados
Hack met his Gyarados by pure chance during a mission. He was traveling back to Baltigo under the water since he was alone, swimming to avoid marines or pirates. At one point he stops to enjoy his lunch, and notices that there's a weird looking fish floating nearby just staring at him. He doesn't realize the fish is a Magikarp, and when he greets it he gets no response (because it's a Pokémon, not a fish), so he just assumes it's shy and offers it part of his lunch (cuz Hack is a good guy). After finishing his lunch he starts swimming again, not realizing or maybe not caring that the Magikarp had taken a liking to him and was following him eagerly. At some point he crosses paths with a Sea King, but before he's able to get into a fighting stance, Magikarp swims in front of him, willing itself to evolve into Gyarados to protect Hack. That's when he realizes it's a Pokémon. Gyarados follows him back to Baltigo, and he just ends up with it as his Pokémon partner.
Betty: Espurr
So my thought process for Betty’s partner was that I really wanted her to have a psychic type, because I thought it matched beautifully with her Devil’s Fruit ability to encourage and pump people up simply by speaking. That's kinda psychic, right? What made me settle on Espurr was the lore that it's a Pokémon who struggles deeply with controlling its powers, is rather lonely and oftentimes on its own. It made me think of what Betty said about the revs being there for people willing to stand up for themselves. Espurr is trying super hard to control itself, and Betty sees that, so she's happy to encourage it and help it become stronger and more capable of controlling its powers. I think they'd mesh really well as partners. Plus, cmon, look at that face. There's something endearing about an adorable lil guy being able to fucking YEET your ass.
Morley: Sableye
Reason one why I chose Sableye: he's fucking adorable. I think they must have met when Morley was imprisoned in Impel Down and digging the tunnels that eventually became level 5.5. Sableye had gotten stuck there somehow, but when it noticed Morley digging it decided to follow. Sableye would pick through the dirt and rocks that Morley pushed aside, and when Morley realized it was scavenging, she started to purposely look for tasty looking rocks and would hand them back to Sableye, who followed her through the entire process of tunnel digging. When Morley finally escaped, she brought Sableye with her. They've been friends for a VERY long time. Sableye likes to just sit on Morley's shoulder, but will hop down if Morley is digging/pushing the ground around, because that means TREATS!
Lindbergh: Heatmor
Heatmor is a fucking vibe, okay. The blend of organic and mechanical really made sense for Lindbergh, because I see Heatmor using its fire to help him when he's making one of his gadgets. Oh, you need to melt some metal? No problem Lind, Heatmor is here! I was torn between giving Lindbergh a fire type or a steel type and Heatmor's appearance really won me over for this one. The vibes are simply perfect. Here's a bonus fact, Heatmor is 4'7" and Lindbergh is 4'11" 🤣 I just love that they're basically the same height. Heatmor is Lindbergh's partner as well as his assistant when preparing gadgets. They have a really good dynamic I think.
Karasu: Corviknight
I mean *waves* duh. I wanted Karasu to have a flying type because I thought it would be sweet of them to fly together. Then I realized Corviknight existed. Initially I thought it was a little TOO on the nose, but Corviknight is literally perfect for Karasu both aesthetically and lore-based. Karasu met his Corviknight when he was just a tiny Rookidee. He raised the little guy by hand and even taught him how to fly. Corviknight is more like Karasu's child than his Pokémon partner tbfh. He enjoys perching on Karasu's shoulder and will nest in the feathers of his cloak when it's tired. He gets along with most of the other Pokémon as he's quite friendly, but he's got beef with Inazuma's Tinkaton.
Ivankov: Ditto
I dare you to tell me this isn't perfect. Genderless and able to perfectly change into a duplicate of its enemy, its ability to transform itself parallels unbelievably well with Iva's devil fruit ability. I think they met when Ditto chose to reveal itself to Iva voluntarily after seeing Iva transform. Maybe it thought Iva was also a Ditto, who knows? Either way it liked Iva's company and chose to travel with her, happily working alongside her. Iva of course has other Pokémon on her team, but Ditto refuses to be confined to a pokeball and Iva respects that, so just let's it follow her around freely.
Dragon: Smolive
"Prodi why did you give Dragon a smolive?" This is why ->
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Anyway, they met one day when a lonely Smolive crawled onto Dragon's plate following the scent of food, and Dragon, not realizing, picked him up thinking he was part of the meal. It begins shrieking, alerting Dragon that this is a Pokémon, so he sets it back down while apologizing for almost eating it. After that Smolive decides to dedicate it's very tiny life to Dragon and they become friends. I genuinely believe Dragon gets along really well with grass types. Idk why, the vibes just fit. He has other partners more suited for battle, but the image of Smolive on his shoulders helps to trick unsuspecting enemies into thinking it'll be an easy fight. Meanwhile he's got a legendary on his team or something, idk, Dragon exists to surprise us.
Kuma: Blissey
I wanted Kuma to have a Pokémon with the same gentle, no nonsense personality. Something healing but willing to beat your ass, basically the exact same as Kuma. Blissey is literally perfect for him. Compassionate, hard working, gentle. Genuinely do I have to say anything else? Blissey was the one who was first drawn to a young Kuma back when she was just a Happiny because she could sense his good nature and quickly became attached to him. When Kuma leaves to join the warlords he leaves Blissey at Baltigo, much to Blissey's distress. She hates being apart from her partner, but Kuma knew from the beginning that this mission probably wouldn't end well and didn't want his beloved Pokémon to get caught up in it, so he entrusts her to Dragon and the other revs. She misses him very much and is often sad, but will brighten up when given the opportunity to take care of someone. Her full attention is on Sabo after he gets his memories back, because she can sense how distressed he is. She'll offer him her egg to try and help, but he swears he's okay. He does hug her a lot, though, because they both miss Kuma.
Ahiru: Bronzor
Another choice made by vibes. First of all I love that both Ahiru and Betty have psychic types, and I wanted Ahiru to have a partner that matched her aesthetic and her mechanical arm. I also think the legend its inspired by is incredibly powerful and fits with the overall theme of the Revolutionary Army. Bronzor will allow Ahiru to polish it, but only for a little bit, and won't let anyone else touch it.
Inazuma: Tinkaton
I really wanted Inazuma to have a steel type, and I loved Tinkaton for them but wasn't sure about the clashing colors. Then I read further on her lore. So yeah Inazuma has a Tinkaton. She's got mad beef with Karasu's Corviknight, but Inazuma is pretty good at keeping her from doing something murderous. Tinkaton doesn't like disappointing Inazuma and will droop her head when Inazuma scolds her for trying to commit homicide against the poor Corviknight who is just minding his own damn business. In a fight, Inazuma and Tinkaton are fucking TERRIFYING together. She gets along insanely well with Sabo, who can lift her ridiculously heavy hammer and is about as crazy as she it.
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