#i am still blown away that anyone thinks Louis's somehow in germany
jlf23tumble · 1 year
I love the H German boy story bc it’s his way of saying shit without saying anything, ya know? Which is pretty much his public default. All performers have their stage bits but he coulda let that one go or just change it into amorphous holiday talk but NO! He’s going to name check his German summer boo in 2023!
[if asks had tags / does this story still piss L off lol - I love a petty moment / why would L be in Germany anyway - shouldn’t he be prepping for US tour? I can’t wait to see the big bowl of nothing L serves larries, he’s so done y’all - I do enjoy all the fan pics of him surrounded by men and hope he’s enjoying himself - he does seem to be in his Ariana revenge dress/thirst trap moment on IG, spicy]
For real, it's the EXACT same stage patter, same story, go on, girl, give us nothing cloaked in something that seems major but only has a dash something because you're in your script era! I love the concept of asks having tags, THIS would be something I'd be way more into vs. badges, I'll just answer in REAL tags lol
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