#i am someone who believes buggy is 100% allowed to leave shanks' side if it doesn't feel right for him
beanghostprincess · 2 months
how do you feel about the shanks being pretty much clueless on why buggy holds such a strong grudge against him? i feel him their marineford reunion would give him hope for a reconciliation
The thought of Shanks not knowing exactly why Buggy holds a grudge and resents him haunts me every day, thank you very much. Because we talk a lot about Buggy dealing with the inferiority complex and even though I support and understand everything he does,,, Shanks being left alone right after their captain dies without any explanation,,, It kills me. Especially after everything he has done for Buggy. Shanks cares for him deeply and he saw him run away suddenly and,,, It makes me sob.
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