#i am seeing a pattern though where trans men of color aren't drawn a lot in fiction either way
mourningmaybells · 6 months
whenever I see posts that are like "dont just headanon characters as transmen because they're younger thin white men" and "you need to draw transmen that aren't just buff roman statues with top surgery scars", I think "they're completely right" but then I realize how differently my online experience is in viewing fan art.
a bunch of trans art and trans headcanons Ive seen this year are [checks notes]
Frankenstein's Creature (book and movie iterations), Kim Kitsuragi, Harry du Bois, a werewolf, another werewolf, Bigby Wolf, older Simon Petrikov, Damien Karras, Columbo, and finally, The entire cast of Seinfeld
also, last year, a lot of trans men I followed got into and headcanoned the slasher from James Wan's Malignant.
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