#i am probably gonna repost this series or something all properly put together i don't know.
elvisabutler · 2 years
welp i’m back. becuase apparently we have no self restraint and need some fluff
how about we switch up the vibes…
let’s consider
“pinky promise?” with austin. 🥹🥹
consider that i blame you for the birthday angst (seriously did oh that's a new one re: the line) and the second part clearly your fluff prompt means you get blamed for the whole thing including the end. also! put the reader in a suit to keep myself in line with general gender neutral thing i had going on. also because personally i kind of wish i went for a suit instead of my poofy white dress. tw: anxiety, tooth aching fluff.
two in love can make it pt. 3
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you and austin had made an agreement that your wedding would be a small affair. truth be told you had told him that you were quite content to just get married at a courthouse with no fuss and no mess just have it over and done with so that you could call him your husband as quickly as you could. he knew you'd regret doing that though when the rush of everything had faded and you weren't able to have a sea of pictures taken by everyone including him.
it take a lot of planning, working around your job and his filming schedule and- all of both of your friends' schedules but the two of you make it work with only a few panic attacks here and there- mostly coming from him in the middle of the night halfway across the world from you with phone calls and soft words murmured by him in your ears. "you're a godsend, babe, you're gonna have this all planned out and it's gonna be wonderful. text me the number for the venue, i know you said they were booked but maybe i can do something. pull a string for us."
the string he pulls is an hour long conversation with the owner, florence pugh and zendaya. sometimes it pays to be an actor even if he sometimes detests the amount of fame and lack of privacy that it comes with. but if it gets you to smile as much as you do when he tells you over facetime about the problem being fixed? oh, he'll be an actor until he drops dead.
the big day finally arrives and you're fiddling with your suit. it looks fine, your hair looks fine and everything is perfect. you've triple checked everything yourself. the one thing you haven't check on is austin but you might be using ashley as your covert operative- as if she wasn't austin's best woman and considered it her job to make sure her best friend became your husband. he's anxious to the point where ashley has informed you that if she didn't know him- she'd think he was going to bolt. you both do actually know him and know he won't but knowing that he's that anxious has your own anxiety going through the roof.
however, you are a stickler for tradition and won't go see your future husband, which is why it startles you when you hear the door to the room you're in open to reveal austin.
"aus! what are you doing here?" you whisper harshly, as if you speaking any louder will invite all the bad luck in the world to fall on you right in that second. a silly notion, yes, but one that your anxiety latches onto almost immediately.
"i-" he pauses, his eyes looking you up and down before gulping and letting out a small sigh. "y/n, i had to see you. you look- phenomenal." he starts to move toward you. "seriously that suit cuts in all the right-"
you start to back away because it is bad enough that austin has seen you in your outfit before the wedding but now he's looking like he wants to touch you and you will not stand for that. "oh no you don't austin- you- you are already breaking a rule just being here, you are just bringing bad luck looking at me like you are right now."
that makes him stop far too quickly and you raise an eyebrow. you were being serious, yes, but it's austin, you know very well that he'd still be trying to move closer to you regardless. his face- you can see how he's biting his lower lip like its his only lifeline, like it's stopping him from blurting out something he shouldn't or maybe it's just keeping him centered and in the moment. you don't know for sure. your eyes drift over the rest of his frame, taking him in, seeing his tightened shoulders and the way that despite him playing with every single ring on his fingers his hands are still shaking like leaves about to fall off their branch.
oh. he's- really that nervous and you just told him that he's bringing bad luck to the ceremony. that couldn't have been good for the problem. austin finally speaks right about the time you come to this realization and stops fiddling with his hands as he does. "you- i'm nervous. i know you said yes and we've spent this money and everything. i know we've talked about spending the rest of our lives together but i'm- ashley has had to sit me down multiple times with just a glass of water. i'm- i should probably take a xanax or something but i- don't want to. because i'll probably be fine once this- once we say i do."
you listen and you know austin isn't properly paying attention to you because he doesn't notice how you've moved closer to him as he talked and you don't really announce that you're coming any closer until you're right there in front of him and grabbing at his hands and trying your best to envelop them with your own.
"are you scared i'm going to run?" you ask quietly as you bring his hands up to your lips to give them a soft kiss as he nods slowly. "austin, i wouldn't dream of it. you're- remember what you said, you're my solid ground. we're the foundation of everything for each other. leaving you would be like leaving half of myself behind."
if austin shudders a little when you kiss his hands, you both don't comment on it. you know how he can get when he's feeling anxious. he takes a deep breath and sniffles just a tad before he speaks again, shaking his head as he does. "pinky promise."
your eyebrow shoots up momentarily before you recover still a little flummoxed and it shows in your response. "i beg your pardon?"
he holds out his pinky finger as if it is the most normal thing on the planet and like he's not 31 years old. "pinky promise that you're gonna stay with me. that you actually want to be stuck by my side through all the- everything that life is going to throw at us. that you want to grow old together and see my hair turn grey. and that you'll still find me this pretty attractive man when i'm old and you're old. i don't want to be without you. i don't even want to be without you for the time until the ceremony right now."
you can't help the laugh that bubbles up as yuo shake your head, marveling at how much of a sap you find austin to be and how adorable you find that entire spiel he just gave you. it's not you saying no in the slightest, but you need a minute to control your laughter. once you're a little calmer you wrap your pinky finger around his. "pinky promise, babe. i will find you attractive until you're dead and gone. i want to be stuck with you forever because who else would put up with the things i do. i want to cook with you, i want to have you cook grilled peaches for dessert. i want- i want everything with you. always."
his lips upturn into a grin before he pulls his hands away from your and uses them to pull your face to his for a kiss. it's chaste, a simple peck while also having every bit of love poured into it he can muster. when he pulls away his eyes are shining with what you think are unshed happy tears. you're pretty sure yours are the same way. "i'm staying in here until the ceremony, you know that right?"
"you already broke the rule. what's the worst it's going to do?" you respond, nuzzling at his nose and giving him another kiss.
"probably nothing." he shrugs before pulling out his phone. "i'll text ashley and my sister. so they know where to find us."
you nod and for the next hour you two just sit on the couch, breathing in and out together in the most calming way you both can manage. when it comes time for you to walk down the aisle austin acts like it's the first time he's ever seen you and you're struck by how much you adore him. that feeling is what you'll forever blame for your actions at the altar when you step close to him and hold out your pinky finger before anything else his said.
he sighs sounding so blissful it makes you want to cry and then he wraps his own finger around yours without a second thought.
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