#i am not a weed strain connoisseur so i have zero clue what you're talking about jfdghjkfy
ialwaysknewyouwerepunk ยท 1 year
i was listening to watermelon sugar (random choice) and it's 100% about weed (sol berries he's been singing for months now live and even in the video he mouths that instead of strawberries plus you can hear it in the og recording if you isolate his vocals, which is a strain of weed, not strawberries, plus the high he keeps repeating, breathe me in/out could ref that too ~or the gay sex~, i know he said weed makes him tired but he isn't necessarily the one partaking it could be in ref to his partner indulging in it bc we know /he/ likes weed) and gay sex ("baby you're the END OF JUNE" > stonewall riots ๐ŸŒˆ, getting washed away in YOU (*cough*), i just wanna taste it could be a sex ref too & not a weed ref but either work etc), idk why H keeps saying it's about female orgasm when it's fruity afffff ๐Ÿ˜‚ thanks for hearing my lil ramble
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me drinking some of your kool-aid so i can continue to ignore my current dash and ascend to the next level
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