#i am an angel indeed
m1kyweeds · 3 months
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lesbianaelwen · 2 months
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shallowrambles · 5 months
So I've been thinking. It's funny how enjoying meta is somewhat embedded with trust.
Like, if you're "friends" and have followed a person for a long time, you have more a sense of their values, and it's easier to read their difficult meta because you trust more that they're being charitable/nuanced.
If you don't know them, it's harder to trust that they're not funneling difficult topics into rationalization of liking/supporting gross shit.
#meta thoughts#case in point - so much of the wincest community still comes off super classist to me and it sorts of...leaks into their meta#you'll be going alone with an interesting character study and then you read stuff that just BOOM classism about family ties#then you go to their page and you find that yes they're into that shit and there's typically a desert of thoughtful cas military angels etc#they tend to like benny cause benny is an idealized brother substitute / sam parallel and it's given the most uncharitable reading#just because you choose a partner than is familiar and like your fam members does not mean you're into your family members oh my god#and sure there's tons of visual and overt racism in SPN in general but to me that at least gets discussed#the classism inherent to narrative fangirl obsessions with incest? not as dissected#familism and community are seen as Weird (TM) to them and they kind of tell on themselves with that imho#and like with racism there are just some things you can't overlook to enjoy a series if you're black because that's your day to day life an#with classism it's hard too bc sometimes you can't escape the reminders of day to day life#and when ppl in the fandom see the villain's monologues as TRUTH you just wanna shake your head but know it's not worth arguing#communal living is more normal than america wants you to think...rich folks want it labelled *weird* bc they want you separated and drained#i am begging us to deconstruct suburbia instead of defaulting to TEEHEE incest bc shitting on pooled resources is paramount in a rigged gam#I find the inherent isolation of american living-to-work without any time to visit each other VERY isolating indeed...also...#like how did we get here#where we're so afraid of labels like*cults* and *helicopter parenting* and *enmeshment* than we isolate as a form of hallowed independence#american success culture has a dark side too#and separating low class families is the aim#get them to spend more $$$ and go for lofty ideals in pursuit of american dream instead of pooling their resources and meeting their needs#meanwhile rich folks do so much respectable nepotism and pretend they're *self-made*#to me that's what the symbol of zachariah is ALLLL about#and if you're blind to what his taunts ACTUALLY mean...i'm very suspicious of your worldview#if resource sharing and co-living becomes shameful and *incestuous* for lower classes then they won't pool their power at all#american exceptionalism#spn + class#class#class warfare#giving up college dreams to be a caretaker seems way more common in poor families too#i suspect we see the incest reading less from brown families / hispanic fams...cause familism is more common
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thisbluespirit · 1 day
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James Maxwell in the BBC's First Night play anthology installment "How Many Angels," courtesy of the BNA & Hartlepool Northern Daily Mail 18 April 1964. The play was shown on BBC1 at 9.40pm that day.
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smowkie · 2 months
lmaooo, i just got another boop ask from a blog i didn't immediately recognize, but i didn't have time to reply right away, so after checking my email (to see what the ask was) i finished what i was doing, and then like 2 minutes later i was gonna reply to the ask. except it wasn't there??? so i went to their blog via the email, and in their pinned post they have a DNI. yeah, i fit that one, i'm a proshipper.
hilarious to me tbh.
someone: oh, i love this boop game! *boops random ppl*
someone: oh shit that's an icky person *blocks and whistles while walking away*
like, idk, i'm just terribly amused by this. sorry to that person, i didn't mean to exist so you'd accidentally interact with people you don't want interacting with you.
i'm at least glad they blocked me before i had a chance to answer, because le sigh
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yakny · 9 months
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"the morally ambiguous man before him, encompassing the blurry line between coercion and persuasion"
I present to you: The Handler
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saltyground · 8 months
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"Neil Murray’s songs and writings speak to me about Australia, in a way that few other artists can. The loss and longing, the need for those of us, as migrant Australians, to understand this Aboriginal Country and create a new way to belong here. Neil’s never opted for the easy road. The hard edged reality of life on the fringes as well as the poetic grandeur of the landscape are all there in his powerful body of work."
Shane Howard on Neil Murray
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astrxealis · 11 months
a part of me is glad barely anyone has ever asked me about ffxiv bcs if you did i will... i am so insane.....
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thedeadthree · 1 year
for the couple’s & their kids asks, how about 5, 8 and 11 for una and aegon? <3
NICO DEAR ! hi ty ty so much and i hope ur doing well! theyve been on the brain again &lt;3
5. how did they feel when they met their child for the first time?  
una was caught off guard at first? as she was not aware until VERY VERY late that she was with child? and twins for that matter? i do think it is a moment for her where she realizes that in all she has sacrificed and will that it will all be worthwhile for them. and now the stakes are much higher now for her? she'll tear the world down for them! and her dragon the cannibal is right there with her! i think that surprisingly enough to her she falls in love with them at first sight!
8. are there any interests that they share with their kids? if not, how do they nurture their kids’ interests? 
vaelor and helaenya (named after his best friend baelor iovannas son and his first wife and una's closest friend!) both shared una's love for dragonriding! as the twins had twin dragons of their own! the twins naslaarum and vaslaarum ! the dragons, a gift from vilemyr as una's mother being a scion of house maedhros. though vaelor was a more solitary child and preferred to take to the skies on his own, hela and una would fly together! hela also had a fascination with the arcane much like her grandmother (and totally not her mother hehe) and that was something they shared! vaelor, much like the namesake that inspired his, aspired and became a knight and was actually a member of aegon iii's kingsguard for a brief period, and though una was hesitant given his parentage she would offer wisdom on what knighthood meant and required!
11. how do they celebrate their kids birthdays? who goes overboard with the gift giving?
i would say that i think aeggy would be the most likely to gift the most? like anything they had their eyes on and took interest in that he could recall he would send to be found and gift them to the twins! she wanted to offer them a bit of normalcy in the midst of the dance and after the dance so a soiree or two would be something I could see her having for them! <3
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2-wuv · 2 years
ok OC character building/rambling time under the cut
(before I start I just wanna say that we are collectively psychotic and that's the end of that sentence do not @ me for any tropes/negative psychosis stereotypes talked about here. thanks.)
Ok so Nestle, right. The dude kills his SO. we've got that figured out for the Plot™. But like… what's his Motive behind it, y'know?
And… We have… About 4 angel characters in the story. All fill the role of guardian angel in some way. All know each other. Soooooooo.…
What if,,, Be it Before or After the Murdering, the Angel Council (a placeholder name) starts talking 2 him. Now the four of em have different ideas in mind for him and it is A Mess and they don't Get Along and Nestle's like, "this is fine :)" and moves on with his life and continues to commit crimes and generally being an Overall Nuisance to people around him Oh also did I mention that these 4 angels are supposed to make sure he doesn't get into any more trouble. they don't do that. they're too busy arguing abt what path they should put Nestle on.
So while they're arguing Nestle's out doing Whatever the fuck. Probably not murder. Probably. Most likely vandalism and theft and also physical assault but not MURDER, no, that was a one time thing it's fine he's fine! Meanwhile In Heaven everything's going to shit because the four fuckos cannot come 2 an agreement thus meaning they can't make sure Nestle acts nice and not violent thus meaning he is still Out Here. Committing Crimes. </3 Rip
But eVERY NOW AND THEN. They Do collectively decide on shit to tell him and they're all like "HI HEY HELLO. WE'RE YOUR GUARDIAN ANGELS. DON'T DO X THING OK BYEEEEEEeeeee" and Nestle's like "Huh. ok! :)" and stops doing X thing midway through and like ups and leaves. His friends r like "hey what" and he's like "yeah the angels told me not to, ciao" and they're like "ok go off. not the weirdest shit that's happened this week"
Just a Small Idea rn in general. We need some way to connect Thee Angels to Thee OG Crew in the story so,,, we'll ofc still keep thinking of ideas this isn't finalized at all but the idea of "one guy with multiple guardian angels who are all shit at their job" is. so funny 2 us HFJDJjajdjf
#talky#oc talk#yes i am purposefully playing around w the 'InSaNe MuRdErEr HeArS vOiCeS oOoOoH!!' stereotype but listen 2 me right now.#***I*** am the psycho clown-ass motherfucker and ***THIS*** is my goddamn circus. If i wanna fuck around w stereotypes related#to my brain bs i damn well will. and i will write it in a way that's funny to us as a whole#bc at the end of the day no one aside us and like 2 friends will read totchb tbh#I think all this would happen After Allan gets yote tho#thus meaning we still need a motive for the murder.#amd other things ofc. like i said it's all small ideas n tidbits I'm brainstorming here#so in short:#Nestle does a Violence. Allan Dies. Angels get a Notif™ thts like#'hey this guy needs guardian angels 2 keep him from being more damned. y'all r in charge.'#the angels have 2 figure out how 2 work together to keep this one guy alive#unrelated I'm feeling deja vu shit rn. the fuck.#anyways meanwhile Nestle's like 'well this is weird. go off tho.#Uhhhh anyways my life is in shambles suddenly I'm gonna go swing my bat at things bc of it. ciao.'#will also probably Indeed give him (and others in the story.) My Symptoms of Unreality Brain Disorder#Hmmmb and actually thinking abt it more. He has friends outside of Allan#(in theory. i haven't Put Characterization into any of em yet but Eventually i will)#what if They egged him on and pushed him over the edge to kill Allan..... Hmmmmb 🤔🤔🤔 perhaps.#i am falling down the characterization brainstorming rabbit hole I'm gonna stop now ajdjsjdj#ask to tag#totchb
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suzannahnatters · 1 year
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all RIGHT:
Why You're Writing Medieval (and Medieval-Coded) Women Wrong: A RANT
(Or, For the Love of God, People, Stop Pretending Victorian Style Gender Roles Applied to All of History)
This is a problem I see alllll over the place - I'll be reading a medieval-coded book and the women will be told they aren't allowed to fight or learn or work, that they are only supposed to get married, keep house and have babies, &c &c.
If I point this out ppl will be like "yes but there was misogyny back then! women were treated terribly!" and OK. Stop right there.
By & large, what we as a culture think of as misogyny & patriarchy is the expression prevalent in Victorian times - not medieval. (And NO, this is not me blaming Victorians for their theme park version of "medieval history". This is me blaming 21st century people for being ignorant & refusing to do their homework).
Yes, there was misogyny in medieval times, but 1) in many ways it was actually markedly less severe than Victorian misogyny, tyvm - and 2) it was of a quite different type. (Disclaimer: I am speaking specifically of Frankish, Western European medieval women rather than those in other parts of the world. This applies to a lesser extent in Byzantium and I am still learning about women in the medieval Islamic world.)
So, here are the 2 vital things to remember about women when writing medieval or medieval-coded societies
FIRST. Where in Victorian times the primary axes of prejudice were gender and race - so that a male labourer had more rights than a female of the higher classes, and a middle class white man would be treated with more respect than an African or Indian dignitary - In medieval times, the primary axis of prejudice was, overwhelmingly, class. Thus, Frankish crusader knights arguably felt more solidarity with their Muslim opponents of knightly status, than they did their own peasants. Faith and age were also medieval axes of prejudice - children and young people were exploited ruthlessly, sent into war or marriage at 15 (boys) or 12 (girls). Gender was less important.
What this meant was that a medieval woman could expect - indeed demand - to be treated more or less the same way the men of her class were. Where no ancient legal obstacle existed, such as Salic law, a king's daughter could and did expect to rule, even after marriage.
Women of the knightly class could & did arm & fight - something that required a MASSIVE outlay of money, which was obviously at their discretion & disposal. See: Sichelgaita, Isabel de Conches, the unnamed women fighting in armour as knights during the Third Crusade, as recorded by Muslim chroniclers.
Tolkien's Eowyn is a great example of this medieval attitude to class trumping race: complaining that she's being told not to fight, she stresses her class: "I am of the house of Eorl & not a serving woman". She claims her rights, not as a woman, but as a member of the warrior class and the ruling family. Similarly in Renaissance Venice a doge protested the practice which saw 80% of noble women locked into convents for life: if these had been men they would have been "born to command & govern the world". Their class ought to have exempted them from discrimination on the basis of sex.
So, tip #1 for writing medieval women: remember that their class always outweighed their gender. They might be subordinate to the men within their own class, but not to those below.
SECOND. Whereas Victorians saw women's highest calling as marriage & children - the "angel in the house" ennobling & improving their men on a spiritual but rarely practical level - Medievals by contrast prized virginity/celibacy above marriage, seeing it as a way for women to transcend their sex. Often as nuns, saints, mystics; sometimes as warriors, queens, & ladies; always as businesswomen & merchants, women could & did forge their own paths in life
When Elizabeth I claimed to have "the heart & stomach of a king" & adopted the persona of the virgin queen, this was the norm she appealed to. Women could do things; they just had to prove they were Not Like Other Girls. By Elizabeth's time things were already changing: it was the Reformation that switched the ideal to marriage, & the Enlightenment that divorced femininity from reason, aggression & public life.
For more on this topic, read Katherine Hager's article "Endowed With Manly Courage: Medieval Perceptions of Women in Combat" on women who transcended gender to occupy a liminal space as warrior/virgin/saint.
So, tip #2: remember that for medieval women, wife and mother wasn't the ideal, virgin saint was the ideal. By proving yourself "not like other girls" you could gain significant autonomy & freedom.
Finally a bonus tip: if writing about medieval women, be sure to read writing on women's issues from the time so as to understand the terms in which these women spoke about & defended their ambitions. Start with Christine de Pisan.
I learned all this doing the reading for WATCHERS OF OUTREMER, my series of historical fantasy novels set in the medieval crusader states, which were dominated by strong medieval women! Book 5, THE HOUSE OF MOURNING (forthcoming 2023) will focus, to a greater extent than any other novel I've ever yet read or written, on the experience of women during the crusades - as warriors, captives, and political leaders. I can't wait to share it with you all!
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misserabella · 8 months
you love it when i play with you
ellie williams x fem! reader
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summary; you play with your gf, who needs you. a couple of texts would have her on your bed, and you, a mess.
cw; +18 content! minors dni!, sexting, teasing, strap on usage (r receiving), strap sucking, throat fucking, mentions of smoking (ellie’s high), choking, hair pulling, so much tension, dirty talking, reader being a tease, ellie showing her her place, tit and nipple play, multiple positions (one of them being riding), multiple orgasms, begging, praise kink, praising, no use of y/n…
a/n; i reached the 10 picture maximum so sorry for the messages change :(🎀
it was a calm saturday afternoon, rain pouring down in mid october as you sat on your bed, a book in between your hands as you read, listening to the soft music blasting through your speakers.
though your attention quickly drifted at the sound of a new notification coming from your phone. it was a message. from your girlfriend.
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you smiled, leaving your book aside to take your phone in between your hands and unlock it to read it.
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you bit down on your lip, your eyebrows rising at the message. you quickly typed an answer.
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you patiently waited as you saw the bubble of writing appear, the phone in between your hands buzzing with the entry of a new message.
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you felt your belly warm up, your pussy throb. even more when she attached a image to this messages.
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you flushed, thighs pushing together. you knew what she was doing. and you knew how to play this game.
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you smirked. ellie’s reddish eyes were feeling heavier at the sight of your beautiful tits. you were wearing her favorite camisole.
she sighed, lips wetting her lips. she wanted them on her mouth.
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ellie groaned, her hand cupping her clothed cunt, which was tingling and throbbing, starting to soak up her boxers.
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ellie swore her heart must have stopped. her hand pushing inside her boxers, fingers diving in between her slick folds, sighing at the feeling. she was indeed so wet.
you noticed the message had been read but she wasn’t answering, so you decided to push on her buttons just a little bit more.
are you wet, ellie?
ellie bit down on her lip, her fingers drawing soft circles on her clit.
you know i am, baby
now, why don’t you let me see you, hm?
you blushed, biting down on your lip before pulling down on your camisole to free your breasts and snap a picture, your hardened pretty nipples showing for your girlfriend.
new photo attached
ellie was getting dressed as soon as she opened it, getting ready as quickly as possible to pull up her legs her jeans and put on her old dirty black converse. she squirmed at the feeling of the wet patch in between her thighs as she walked towards the door.
she typed with one hand as she grabbed the keys of her car.
you shook your head, slightly giggling as you got up from your bed, going towards your vanity to put on some lipgloss and perfume. you looked at yourself on the reflection and smiled. ellie didn’t live very far, so by the time you were done she was pulling at your door, using the key you had gifted her to get inside, running upstairs to your room, where you awaited her on your knees, sitting in the bed.
she groaned when she saw you, feeling dizzy. “you look like a fucking angel.” your doe pretty eyes looked up at her as she approached you, breathing heavy and pupils dilated. you could tell she had been smoking, maybe that’s why she’d gotten so horny. ellie always got horny while high. her cold hand took a grip of your chin, leaning down, her lips brushing your shiny ones. the same lips that had kissed every single crevice of your body. “i wanna ruin you.” you smiled against her lips, that angelical smile that couldn’t deceive her anymore.
“yeah?” you inquired her, and she chuckled, the hand on your chin coming down onto your neck, squeezing. she loved it when you’d taunt her. it only made her hungrier. you left a soft breath against her mouth, a silent moan at the feeling of her hand slightly cutting off your blood flow, making you feel dizzy. the tension could be cut with a knife. it only made you wetter.
“you have a lot to say today, don’t you?” she inquired. “teasing me through texts…, teasing me with a hand around your neck... you make it seem as if i couldn’t fuck the attitude right outta you, baby. is that what you want? want me to fuck some sense into that pretty little head of yours, hm? want me to help you remember your place?” she squeezed tighter, and this time, you whimpered. “i think you do.” she muttered, right against your ear, shivers running down your spine and goosebumps rising on your skin. her lips slightly traced your cheek, all the way back to your lips. “now say please.”
“please.” you breathed out, feeling your cunt throb under her green eyes.
“good girl.” she smirked, pulling away from you, making you whimper. she hushed you. “shh, it’s okay baby. i’m just gonna give that pretty little mouth of yours something to be busy with.” your eyes fell to her hands, which were unzipping her jeans. you hadn’t noticed the bulge underneath the denim, underneath her boxers. your mouth watered. you watched as she got rid of her clothes, leaving herself on just her white wife-beater, perky nipples showing and poking through. her strap was laying low on her hips, 7 inches of silicone, detailed with veins. you were drooling. she noticed. “open.” she ordered, the tip against your lips, and you followed, parting them not before leaving a kitten lick to the tip, making her grunt. “fucking tease.” you smirked, although you were gagging soon enough for it to disappear. “just needed to get that smirk fucked out of your face, hm?” one of her hands laced on your hair, and you moaned around the strap, taking it as deep as you could. “that’s it. take that cock.” she sighed, watching as your pretty eyes looked up at her, springing with tears, your lips around her dick as you bobbed your head. she swore she could feel it. “let me see your boobs, baby.” she said, and you pulled down your camisole, letting your tits show. she groaned. “that’s it. go ahead and touch them for me. give me a show, doll.” your hands cupped them, fingers pinching your nipples for them to swell. you moaned, and ellie’s hips thrusted in your mouth, making you gag. you tried to breath through your nose, closing your eyes as you relaxed your throat for her to fuck. “that’s it baby, open up for me.” she then slowly started to go deeper, until your lips were hitting the base of the strap and drool was trailing down your chin and neck. “look at you. so fucking messy… atta girl. deep and sloppy. just how i like it.” you whimpered, her thrusts getting harsher. you were sure your voice would be fucked up tomorrow morning. “fuck.” you gasped for air when she pulled back, cock plopping out of your lips, spit connecting you to the silicone. her thumb caressed your bottom lip, pulling from it to push inside your mouth. you suckled on it, your tongue playing with it. she bit down on her own, and before you knew it she was on top of you, and her tongue was inside your mouth. you moaned, thighs spreading open for her to get in between them, your hands on her hair. tugging and making her groan. “i’m so fucking horny right now, you have no idea. you drive me fucking crazy.” your back arched as her hands cupped your breasts. “best fucking tits ever. can’t wait to see them bouncing as you ride my dick, baby. you’re gonna look so pretty dicked down, all full of me.” you whined, her lips on your nipples, sucking and kissing, and bruising your skin.
“ellie…” you moaned her name.
“get this off.” she groaned, pulling from your camisole up your body, throwing it aside to find you completely bare underneath her. “fuck, baby.” her eyes fell to your soaked cunt.
“they’d just get on the way.” you muttered, cheeks flushed and lips swollen. your hair was a mess, and your eyes were glazed over. you looked like a fucking wet dream.
“so fucking needy…” you screamed when her fingers dived in between your slick folds, fingertips soaking wet. “look at her, she’s so ready for me…” she smirked, circling your clit before pushing one of her fingers inside, letting out lewd squelches every time she’d push it in and out of your cunt. “you hear that? she’s begging for it.”
“fuck.” you moaned as she added her ring finger, curling them to hit your g spot.
“right there, huh?“
“ellie please, need your cock…”
“be patient baby, gotta open you up on my fingers first, don’t want it to hurt.”
“i do. i want it to hurt.” you whispered against her lips, and something crossed through her eyes.
“yeah? want it to hurt baby? want me to split you open with my cock?” you nodded, your back arching as she fucked you with her fingers harder, deeper. “of course you do. you want nothing more than to be a little fuck doll, don’t you? wanna go dumb on my dick. want me to fuck you stupid, hm?”
“yes please ellie, please…” she groaned, pulling her fingers out of you to grab the strap and dip it’s tip in between your folds. it was already lubed up with your spit. you shivered, whimpering as your hips pushed against it, needing more.
“what a good girl. asking for it so nicely. i might as well just give it to you, huh?” your eyes rolled to the back of your head when she suddenly trusted inside, stretching you out ‘till you felt her in your gut. you were breathless… it hurt, but it hurt so good. “thaat’s it. nice and deep.” she swore she could feel it, the way you were clenching around the silicone as she slowly pulled back, watching your lips engulfing the strap. “fuck baby, so tight…” it was as if you didn’t want to let her go, swallowing her inside. “you’re gonna milk my cock dry.” you moaned when she pushed back inside, the tip hitting your g spot.
your legs surrounded her waist, nails digging on her back, pulling at her shirt to completely undress her. you two were now a tangled naked mess, hips thrusting against the other, moans and grunts filling the room. you two were needy for each other, desperate. she was fucking into you faster now, lips on your neck, on your chest, hands playing with your nipples, fondling your breasts. you were a disaster of moans and ‘more, ellie more’s.
“so good, oh fuck baby. so good for me.” she groaned, the back of the strap rubbing her clit in just the perfect way. “my pretty girl just needed me to fuck her dumh, huh? i can do that. gonna make this pussy feel so good it’ll cry for me.” you whimpered, feeling your orgasm approaching with each harsh thrust, they reached and hit your g spot perfectly. she always fucked you so good.
“ellie, fuck, just like that, shit!” you were a babbling mess, tripping over your words as your back arched.
the room was filling up with the lewd sounds your pussy made fitting her cock inside you. you were so wet it was pooling and making a mess of your sheets.
“just take it baby. be a good girl and take my cock.” she grunted.
“i’m cumming. i’m gonna cum!” you cried out, and her fingers moved to rub on your clit fast and harsh circles to push you closer to your release.
“that’s it. cum for me.” you screamed as it hit you, ellie desperately fucking you to extend it. your moans being cut off by each harsh thrust. “fuck yeah. scream for me doll.”
“ellie!” your back arched, your thighs shaking.
“atta girl. cream my cock baby. give it to me.”
once you came down from it, she was kissing your neck, sucking bruises that you’d proudly wear tomorrow. you moaned, hands on her hair as she slowly stopped her thrusts, groaning. oh fuck she had been so close… her clit was throbbing.
you tugged from her hair when you felt her rock against you, the tip of the strap kissing your g spot, making you whimper.
“give me one more.” she begged. “just one more, baby.” you moaned, nodding, and before you knew it she was back at fucking you.
but you wanted to please her. “let me…” you breathed out, and soon enough ellie was on her back, you straddling her with her cock deep inside your cunt. she watched as you begun to rock her hips, the back of the strap bumping against her clit, easily sliding in between her beyond soaked folds.
“oh fuck.” she moaned, her hands finding your ass to guide your movements. “just like that. fuck me. fuck my cock.” you whined, hands on her abdomen to brace yourself.
“so deep… you’re so deep.” you whimpered. her eyes were on your tits, how they bounced with every roll of your hips, with every jump. she groaned. you looked like a fucking angel, and she was so close… you could feel it too, the high of another orgasm approaching, still sensitive due to your first one.
“pussy so good… she’s swallowing me right up, huh? she loves it. loves my cock.” she babbled, far too gone to think straight.
“ellie, i’m gonna cum…” you moaned, and her hands came up to your breasts, pinching your nipples. your clit was rubbing against the base of her strap.
“yeah? gonna cum again, doll? gonna give me another one?” you nodded. “of course you are, such a good girl for me. come on honey. let me see you fall apart.” it didn’t take long before you were screaming, creaming all over her cock. your cum was in a white ring on its base. at the sight ellie couldn’t help but follow, moaning and whimpering as she came, guiding your hips once again to fuck the two of you through it. “fuckfuckfuck…”
after that ellie had you suck clean her cock.
and maybe her pussy too.
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antihcroes · 1 year
i might've done something impulsive and you can follow it if you want ...
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astrxealis · 5 months
on a whim and in spite of my responsibilities i have started on making a whole 9 chapter self-indulgent fic for mr. grim reaper from the hit game 'a date with death'
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#haha... so quickly did i finish the game and all endings and achievements.....#started at 3 am on a school day :)) damn.#so i have a lot of thoughts and things to say but writing is tiring so i will just say. fuck me. fuck hell. fuck all. oh god.#...so i have a big thing for white-haired fictional guys w/ red hair. at the top of my head i can think of two vampires and one grim reaper!#haha. oops.#then there is an angel... a ghoul... and idk what the fuck to call him but he isn't a normal guy.#and there's more. but. i cannot recall at the moment. uh. anyway!#wowed tbh bcs this game got me my inspiration to write for myself back....... and also to write for others. and also to write in general.#even as i yet procrastinate on something i am actually required to write! two of those#actually so uhm haha rip!!!!! but it's fun at least. writing :3#i like having a sense of dread creeping up on me bcs when i have nothing needed to do i feel empty... gotta improve that.....#idk what game to play now tho. sigh. haven't played undertale in a bit even as i am trying to finish it and idk where i left off <//3#omori... i am just Scared..... but will finish that alongside undertale!#currently playing persona 4 golden actually but bit tiring going through my routine of having to use my dad's laptop bcs i own a macbook he#owns a whole ass gaming windows laptop so. yeah. uhh genshin is on to grinding again so i'm sick of that. uhhh.#ffxiv..!!! i am avoiding it rn for the sake of my sanity bcs i love that game too much. in a good healthy way but also it takes up#everything i have in me so i have to. prepare for it. oops.#the recent news tho... i am trying not to perceive so i don't go insane.....#oh. i could read books. but i want to make a bunch of notes and uh that is Something indeed! bcs i am currently reading classics +#nonfiction ... science or philosophical books..... and there's rereading pjo. :)) fun
0 notes
shlonguru · 5 months
Alastor x Fem!Reader x Vox
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Summary : You're enjoying your evening at a party when Vox and Alastor take an interest in you and you become the subject of their unspoken challenge.
Warning : 18+, smut, edging, dirty talking, fingering, oral, creampie, oral creampie, cum swallowing, praise kink (kinda), teasing, overstimulation, edging (sort of).
Word Count : 4389 words (take that as you will)
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Your friend Charlie said she needed moral support at this event meant to advertise the Hotel and Vaggie was too sick to participate so you offered thinking it was a nice occasion to go out and just look pretty while looking after your friend. This event was very formal and everyone was dressed up, you wore a very elegant black silk dress that was hugging your curves perfectly while still feeling like nothing, the dress' waist is narrow, but it's a comfortable fit, you wore matching black high heels with straps covered in diamond-like stones, the heels were somehow not uncomfortable at all which you felt very surprised by considering you didn’t usually wear any because of how uncomfortable they felt, you had your hair in a fancy updo which again wasn’t something you commonly wore but you felt expensive. You were ready to enjoyyour evening, though you hadn’t met her whole team before and when you were introduced you were either pleasantly surprised or just…surprised.
The party was huge, held in one of the biggest fancy buildings of the city and when you arrived most of the 200 guests had already arrived, Charlie insisted on introducing you to everyone in her team. Angel Dust was the first one she pointed at, he was at the bar and looked already drunk, it seemed like he was hitting on someone who looked like they were too tired for this.
“This is Angel Dust and this is Husk” Charlie said excitingly.
“Nice to meet you.” You smiled at them.
“Hi! Would you tell him that he should always try a blowjob at least once before turning it down!” said Angel Dust in a very serious yet somehow nonchalant tone.
“Hmm, sure…” You said looking at Charlie who was forcing a smile.
“Alright Husk please keep him under control will ya ?” She asked the demon that just stared at her then turned around and asked the bar for another whiskey with a resigned look on his face.
“Alright who’s next?” said Charlie walking around as she searched for someone to introduce you to.
“Well hello there.” You heard a charismatic voice say behind you surprising you as you turned around to be faced with an indeed very charismatic and tall man, you had to look higher than you thought you’d have to to meet his gaze. He looked down at you with an almost arrogant look yet somehow taunting smile.
“Oh hi Alastor! That’s y/n, she’s my friend and she’s come for emotional support!” exclaimed Charlie proud to introduce you. “Y/n, that’s Alastor my…business partner. He’s the radio demon and he’s very reliable!” She said turning to you and smiling.
“Nice to meet you.” You bowed slightly before being surprised as he grabbed your hand and bent to kiss it then looked you straight in the eyes as his eyes were now at the level of yours.
“The pleasure is all mine.” he declared smoothly, making you unconsciously blush as you weren’t expecting that, and he noticed as his grin got slightly wider. He then let go of your hand going back to his original stance.
You were still staring at him when Charlie interrupts the silence to announce “Where is Niffty, she’s the only one I haven’t introduced you to.” She scanned the rooms without any luck.
“She’s probably cleaning somewhere.” Exclaimed Alastor nonchalantly.
“I’ll go look for her, I’ll be right back y/n, you guys can get a drink or chat in the meantime.” Announced Charlie already walking away.
“Wait-“ You didn’t have time to say anything before she disappeared in the crowd.
“Why not both? Let’s get you a drink darling.” Declared Alastor extending his arm for you to grab onto.
‘Shit why am I feeling like this, it’s like my fight of flight is activated but it somehow feels good?’
“Sure…” You replied uncertain as you did just that and realized this man was making you warm, too warm, you were not sure if it was his general demeanor and charisma or the way he talked but there was something about him that made you feel flushed and unable to be your usual comfortable self.
You arrived at the bar and he ordered you a drink that you surprisingly enjoyed considering you had never heard of it before.  You both sat down on stools by the bar as you sipped on your drink.
“Easy dear, this drink is stronger than it looks, you don’t want to end up like my tragic fellow.” He said pointing at Angel Dust not too far that looked like he was now trying to kiss Husk who was easily holding him at arm’s length.
You looked at Angel Dust then your drink and started sipping is slower, making the demon chuckle.
Somehow it was very hard for you to maintain eye contact with him, maybe it was because of his piercing and insistent gaze, either way you didn’t have a choice and didn’t want to seem rude.
“So, how long have you known Charlie?” You said, trying to initiate casual conversation.
“Longer than I care to remember.” He replied casually looking away then gazing back at you. “Now more interestingly how did Charlie get acquainted to such a lovely creature?” He exclaimed calmly yet looking like he was devouring you with his eyes.
“We met a long time ago in boarding school and I moved back not too long ago.” You answered realizing you had already finished your drink in spite of your best efforts, though you weren’t too worried and were confident in your ability to hold your alcohol.
“Oh well I guess I’ll get another drink.” You said grabbing the bar menu.
“What is a Demon Roulette…?” You read out loud.
“You’ve never had one? It’s a cocktail made from a very rare liquor that causes different effects on anyone who tries it, it makes some people cry, some people angry and some people suicidal even. It’s a 50/50 on if you’re going to regret its effect really.”
“So…alcohol?” You replied sarcastically.
The radio demon chuckles then pauses. “I guess you should give it a try and you’ll see what I mean dear.”
“I will if you join me?” You smiled noticing a little pause as if you had surprised him with your answer, but the expression of surprise was quickly replaced by a smirk.
“You are bolder than you look, yes, I shall indulge with you, this drink tends to make me…how should I put this…competitive? But I’m sure it won’t be an issue tonight. Two Demon Roulettes sir.” He asks the bartender who puts down your two cocktails in less than a minute.
‘Damn I hope this makes me relax, I want to really enjoy this evening.’ You told yourself hoping the drink will help. Little did you know it was exactly what would happen and more.
You took a sip of the new drink and instantly felt warm, your face flushed and your breath got a little heavier as you gulped.
“Interesting…” You felt Alastor’s gaze on you scanning your body for your reaction to the mysterious liquor and speak as if he’d already figured it out, before yourself even. He sipped on his own cocktail and before any of you could add anything you were interrupted.
“I didn’t know they let anyone in here?” You heard a smirking voice say. You looked for it only to meet the red eyes of another tall man, this time with a TV screen for a head. He wasn’t looking at you though, he was looking at the man by your side who looked his way unimpressed.
“Oh, what an unpleasant surprise.” Alastor replied before looking back at you.
“Where were we dear?” He said ignoring the other man, but before you could say anything the man walked up to the two of you putting himself literally in between you two, leaning over the counter and ordering a drink. You saw Alastor roll his eyes. The man then turned to you, still leaning against the bar, effectively blocking Alastor from your vision field.
“Hello, I’m Vox by the way, the greatest Overlord that hell has ever known, would you like me to rid you of this old timey prick?” He said confidently.
“Hi…” You hesitated, processing the info he just gave you as you kept mindlessly sipping on your drink.
“What’s your name sweetheart?” He continued, scanning your body and clearly enjoying what his eyes met.
“Hmm, I’m y/n.” You said trying to see if you could see Alastor behind him.
“I’m sorry you have to be in the presence of such a rude individual.” You heard from behind only to turn your head and find Alastor resting his hands on your shoulders staring sternly at Vox but still smiling.
His touch sent jolts down your body making you unintentionally tense up. To your surprise you felt his hands tighten as you tensed, as if to intensify the feeling, it almost felt like he knew what he was doing.
“I’m sure she would rather spend the evening with yours truly rather than this Overlord wannabe.” Said Vox looking at you waiting for your response.
You looked at him puzzled and with cheeks now flushed. You realized you weren’t truly paying attention to what he was saying but you had pieced together that he couldn’t stand Alastor. You took a second to look at all of him and realized he was fine. He realized what you were doing and smirked.
“Like what you see?” He grinned.
“Sorry, what did you say?” You questioned, snapping out of your daze and making Alastor share a laugh he tried to hide.
“Don’t push yourself Darling.” The radio demon laughed, letting go of your shoulders.
“I said you can get to know me without this disturbance of a demon around, and let’s just say that whatever you have going on with this hazbin individual, I can give you better.” Insisted Vox looking into your eyes and sipping from his drink. “You don’t deserve the company of such a beautiful creature anyways.” He adds looking at Alastor.
“This isn’t a competition.” Said Alastor, this time addressing the TV Overlord. “But I wouldn’t pass an opportunity to put you back in your place and remind you who’s in charge.” He said in a menacing tone you heard for the first time that sent shivers down your spine and to other areas you weren’t acknowledging yet. “You see this little darling just tried Demon Roulette for the first time and it seemed to have made her more…sensitive shall we say.” He said resting his hands on your shoulders once more, this time earning a quiet moan from you as you jolted and pressed your thighs together. No one seemed to have heard it, that is, besides the two demons by your side.
Vox looked dumbfounded for a second before a vicious smirk appeared on his face. You realized with him that you were hornier than you had ever been in your life, and you were longing for any touch at this point, which was a delicate situation, but the two attractive men being already your type made you feel incredibly lucky.
“Alright you’re on, you stupid old-fashioned bastard. I would love to make sure this beauty spends a night she won’t forget, though she might forget you if I’m being honest.”
“Now y/n, I know we met not too long ago but would you be interested in being the subject of a little experiment?” Alastor declared looking down at you.
‘I guess I won the roulette’ you thought to yourself, you blushed realizing how much you were enjoying the situation and how lewd your mind was.
“Hmm, what kind of experiment?” You asked turning your chair to face Alastor and finishing your cocktail. You felt the chair you were sitting on turn quickly around only to face Vox, his face dangerously close to yours, reinforcing your dirty thoughts.
“Why don’t you leave that up to us sweetheart?” He said, a devilish smile forming on his screen. “But let’s just say it is the type you will definitely enjoy.” He says inches from your face this time resting his hands on your thighs, making you squirm.
“Yup, I’m down.” You exclaim putting down your drink and looking at the two demons.
They both grabbed you by the hands and softly lead the way.
“Were you down when you got here or only after the cocktail kicked in?” Whispers Alastor in your ear.
“Let’s just say the cocktail only reinforced already existing matters.” You wink making the demon grin wickedly.
Vox opened the door to a room that looked like a boudoir, very elegant with red velvet curtains against the walls with gold lining, fancy red velvet couches and little tables. As you scanned the room you felt the hand which Alastor was holding pull you swiftly only for your body to be pressed against his. The blush didn’t have time to reach your cheeks that you felt his lips press against yours for what felt like the softest yet most decisive kiss. You couldn’t help but moan in the kiss.
“Hey! You can’t get a head start!” You heard Vox exclaim annoyingly as he closed the door behind the three of you.
“Says who?” Smirked the radio demon, after slowly pulling away from the kiss leaving a string of saliva between the two of you. “You couldn’t even kiss her even if you wanted to.” He said taunting the TV demon.
You noticed Vox not responding but walking up to you instead and grabbing your hand, pulling you with him as he sat on a couch sitting you in between his spread legs. You rested your back against his large chest and realized just how tall he really was compared to you. He dragged his hands over your thighs caressing them softly causing your oversensitive body to react, making you yelp and grab his thighs reflexively.
“Maybe not, but I can do this.” He says looking straight at Alastor as he continues tracing your body up to your chest, cupping your breast softly yet firmly. You felt electricity run through your body.
“Indeed, you can.” Said Alastor walking up to the two of you and kneeling only to grab the back of your neck and kiss you deeper this time, making your head spin as you felt his tongue enter your mouth and play with yours. The surprise caused such pleasure you ended up arching your back, driving your ass into Vox’s crotch, causing him to groan.
“That’s it I’m not playing anymore.” Vox exclaimed pulling down the two straps of your dress revealing your plump breasts for all to see and with that he started playing with your nipples, making you moan louder into the kiss. He then sunk one of his hands down your body, reaching in between your legs teasing you lightly and feeling your nether region.
“Wow, you’re so wet you might make me short-circuit.” He whispered in your ear. He sent a jolt of electricity through your lingerie directly on your clit making you essentially roll your eyes back as you realized just how all your sensitivity stemmed from that region.
Alastor pulled away from the kiss to look into your dazed lidded eyes, drowning in pleasure.
“Enjoying ourselves, aren’t we?” He sarcastically asked kissing down your neck. “But don’t get too lost as you will have to decide whom has performed best.” He said smiling before reaching your nipples which is started to lick and suck on, driving away the hand of Vox that was left on your breast which he intuitively laid on your hip. He immediately proceeded to grab it firmly, pulling you tightly against his own crotch so that you could clearly feel his very hard member now resting between your ass cheeks. You moaned louder still with a hint of timidness.
“Moan as loud as you please sweetheart, this room is soundproof.” Said Vox confidently. And with that you felt his fingers entering your pussy not realizing your panties had been pushed to the side, making you moan very loudly and grab tightly onto the jacket of his suit.
“Getting close already, I barely touched you.” He teasingly exclaimed.
Not liking that you were enjoying his rival a little too much but only admitting it through actions Alastor stopped sucking on your nipples only to lick up your chest then gaze into your eyes before kissing you deeply and cupping both of your breasts firmly, pinching your nipples at the same time. Coincidentally it’s the time Vox chose to press hard against your G-Spot, sending you over the edge and making you moan loudly into the kiss and sinking into Vox.
“Oh yeah that’s right, good girl.” He exclaimed proudly as he continued fingering you through your orgasm.
“You see that dumbfuck? I win, she came thanks to me!” proclaimed Vox. Though it felt like the other demon hadn’t even heard him.
Alastor pulled away from the kiss to look at your current state. You gazed at him still twitching from your orgasm and noticed a serious look on his face you weren’t familiar with, you looked down and noticed a bulge pulsating in his pants. You blushed at that sight and Alastor grabbed your hips promptly pulling you towards him and turning you around, your knees on the floor but the top of your body resting on the couch, being faced with Vox’s crotch, looking just as strained as Alastor’s. You felt your panties being ripped then tossed away and your dress being lifted above your ass.
You heard the noise of Alastor undoing his pants and bending over you, his mouth next to your ear.
“Now you’ve done it darling, this isn’t just about the bet anymore.”
And with that you felt the tip of his cock press against your wet entrance, only to be pressed further and further, it felt so good, as though you were coming all over again just from feeling him entering you and you unwittingly pressed your hips against him helping him penetrate you feeling his grip tighten around your hips as you did so.
“Someone’s getting greedy I see.” Declared Vox trying to mock Alastor while trying to look as composed as he could.
Feeling like nothing was holding you back anymore you grabbed Vox’s crotch softly rubbing against the shape of his member and immediately getting his attention back.
“Oh, he’s not the only one I see.” He smirked looking at you and placing a hand on your cheek, his thumb rubbing your lip then entering your mouth. “What do you want sweetheart?” He asked teasingly.
It’s with flushed cheeks that you answered shyly. “You cock, please.”
“Sorry, what was that? I couldn’t quite hear you.” He pushed, knowing he had you cornered.
“Can I please suck your cock, Sir?” You pleaded looking up at him with a completely flushed face and doe eyes that drove him crazy.
“Fuck you’re so hot, of course you can.” He replied then hastily unzipped his pants, revealing his hard shaft ready to be savored, and that’s what you did. You grabbed his member but before you could wrap your mouth around it you heard Alastor talk.
“Alright my dear I’m sure you’re ready now.” And before you could process what he said he started thrusting hard, pounding into your hole, making you moan loudly but you couldn’t drown in the pleasure because you felt Vox’s fingers pull your chin up and look at you with anticipation. “Come on now don’t get distracted.” He expressed as you kept moaning but took his manhood in the mouth nonetheless and started sucking on it with gratification. His hips instinctively started thrusting into your mouth as you sucked. He threw his head back as you sucked and sunk his fingers in your hair.
“Fuck you feel so good.” He moaned resting back as you worked your magic.
You heard Alastor breathe heavily and this immediately made your walls tighten around his cock, making him groan in return, fucking you harder and putting more pressure on your breasts as he did so. You felt the tension building back up in your stomach.
“You’re going come for me like a good girl?” He muttered in your ear before grabbing your hips and pounding you even harder. Making you lose it a second time, he felt you coming around his cock, fucking you good as you did so.
Hearing you moan louder through sucking him off brought Vox’s attention back and witness your orgasm, which would’ve made him jealous he wasn’t the one making you come if the feeling wasn’t drowned in an irrepressible need to fuck you as well.
“Alright my turn, you’ve done enough.” He exclaimed pulling you off Alastor’s cock as if you weighted nothing and grabbing your ass firmly placing you on top of his cock and lowering you making you feel full again. You threw your head back in pleasure, to his delight. He groaned deeply realizing how good he felt at that moment.
“You’re so fucking tight.” He expressed still sinking both of his hands into your ass cheeks rocking you on his cock. You rested your hands on his chest and noticed his nipples were rock hard, you teased them instinctively and noticed his groans getting rougher, but before you could play more you felt a hand cup your face only to turn it to the side and feel a cock slide into your mouth. Without you having to do anything Alastor started thrusting in and out of your mouth rather roughly, holding your head between both of his hands and very much enjoying himself, you would never admit it but so were you, the rough and deep thrusts kept you for getting deep breaths, which made your pussy tighten and made Vox moan feeling you around him. You looked up at Alastor only to be met with a look of pure lust, perfectly suiting him.
“Don’t look at me like that…” teased the radio demon, smiling evilly and throwing his head back as he kept thrusting. Everything felt so good you kept tightening around Vox.
“Fuck are you trying to make me come?” Vox declared now rocking you with one hand and fondling your breast with the other and before you could think you were coming again, melting on Vox’s cock this time, your mouth might have been busy but they both felt you coming, and both enjoyed it thoroughly.
“Good girl !” Said Vox spanking your ass in a congratulating manner, still teasing your nipple.
You looked back up at Alastor and noticed an evil grin on his face as he pulled out of your mouth.
“Pardon me but I’ll take that.” He exclaimed calmly pulling you just as easily as Vox had and positioned you on all fours on the couch, entering your already overstimulated pussy once more, making you feel as if you were gonna lose your mind. He started thrusting immediately this time, making you realize he wasn’t actually going nearly as hard as he could the first time. He grabbed your breasts and teased your nipples as he thrusted harder and harder.
“Open up sweetheart.” You instinctively opened your mouth and felt Vox’s member enter it once again, this time propping himself on his knees facing you and thrusting himself. They were both going at it much rougher than before, and you could feel their thrusts become more intense. Somehow you felt the tension rise once again and your eyes started rolling back as you felt yourself get closer and closer to the release. Vox noticed that and looked at you as he thrusted.
“You’re gonna come again? You little minx I told you you’d spend a night you wouldn’t forget.” He said moaning and somehow thrusting even harder.
“You’re going to come again darling we’re counting on you.” Said Alastor as calmly as he could be in that moment though you could hear him panting despite his best effort to conceal it. You felt Alastor’s hands squeeze your ass before settling back on your hips, which he grabbed firmly as he immediately started fucking you harder than you had ever been, somehow hitting your G-sport every single time. It didn’t take long for you to reach your release finally, tensing up all over, Vox feeling your throat tighten around his cock, making him moan loudly as you felt his cock explode in your mouth. Simultaneously, your pussy coming was tightening around Alastor who gripped you tightly pulling you fully onto his cock. “Fuck…” You were sure you heard him mumble under his breath as you realized he was coming as well, you felt cum filling both of your holes as you all finished coming.
Vox was the first one to pull his cock out of you and saw his cum in your mouth before you looked him in the eyes and closed your mouth, swallowing it before opening your mouth again, showing him what you did.
“You’re so naughty I love it.” He smiled clearly out of breath.
Alastor slowly pulled out, leaving you to collapse on the couch.
“I may have gone slightly overboard dear, my apologies.” He said slowly gaining back control over his mind.
“Fuck that was so good though.” Exclaimed Vox resting back and still catching his breath.
Alastor pulled out some tissue which he used to clean you up and Vox pulled the straps of your dress back on your shoulder. You then propped yourself up after you had time to calm down from the overstimulation. The two gentlemen (not so gentle) sat in front of you, looking at you expectantly.
“So?” Asked Vox.
“Which one was best?” They both asked simultaneously.
You looked at them thinking for a second. How were you gonna get the most out of this situation? (not that you hadn't already?)
“I’m not sure…” You replied playing coy.
They both instantly noticed what you are doing and smirked.
“I guess we fucked the poor thing silly.” Exclaimed Alastor playfully.
“Damn, we need a rematch.” Said Vox, more serious than Alastor.
“I’m sure we can arrange that. Right?” Declared Alastor smiling at you.
You nodded celebrating in your head.
To be continued...
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hazelfoureyes · 4 months
Hello! Not sure if you're taking requests, so do ignore this if you feel like it.
I adore your work sm!! Rewatching the Stayed Gone mv, Vox had a picture of a bootleg Alastor and pointing to his microphone were the words "dildo?"
Do you think you could write an Alastor x Reader, or just Alastor pleasuring himself with the microphone? (That sounds weird now-)
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
Good Vibrations
the way I immediately knew what to do is proof of my depravity. I know it isn’t exactly what you meant but this is what I’m comfortable with writing. This was a quick little 30 minute write, I hope it still brings you joy 🎙️
After you make an offhand comment about doubting if his microphone actually works, Alastor finds a creative way to convince you while at dinner with the group.
tags/warnings/promises: Alastor x Reader, erotic but not smut?, smut is explicit, this is just horny, the microphone does in fact work, vibrator
Rarely was Alastor without his microphone. Even Vox made note of it. But, his voice sounded like it came from his mouth. Sure there was a radio affect to it, but he was a demon after all. You couldn’t figure out how it worked. Or rather, if it worked.
As you all waited to take your seats for dinner, Niffty having turned out to be a surprisingly good cook, you were caught staring.
“Is there something I can do for you?”, Alastor leaned down to meet your eyeline.
You blinked, “Oh, sorry. Just wondering if that even works.”
“If what works?”
“Your microphone.”
He knew it worked, of course. But your question felt… offensive. “Do you think I’d carry a functionless microphone around?”
Without hesitation you replied, “I do, yes.”
“Oh absolutely!” Angel pushed between you two.
“You do have a flare for the dramatic, boss.” Husk took his seat beside Angel.
Charlie nervously scratched her cheek, “I always wondered that too! But it worked in Cannibal Town, so I’m a believer now.”
“But wait-,” Vaggie looked to Charlie, “If it worked when you put it to your mouth why doesn’t he have to? It’s literally everywhere but his mouth.”
Alastor’s forced grin strained against this cheeks, black gums showing. You gave him a shrug and joined the group. He took his seat opposite you, pulling his chair in all the way.
You’d already forgotten the conversation when you felt something graze across your lap. Before you could investigate, Alastor spoke, “Why don’t we all say what we did today! I’ll go first!” Your knees shot up, knocking the table as a strong vibration lit up your crotch.
Vaggie leaned in, “You good?”
Slowly, eyes wide, you looked up to meet Alastor’s wicked smile.
“I went downtown to grab a fresh cut of venison. Niffty makes the best venison roast this side of Pentagram City.” You white knuckled the edge of the table, glancing down to see the microphone resting between your thighs. The top was nestled firmly above your mound.
“Hmmm what else? Oh! I got some deviled eggs. My, what a treat. My mother made the best deviled eggs. You know-,” as he droned on, you tried to push your chair away from the table. “Ah ah! It’s so rude to leave while someone is speaking.” He leaned back, foot reaching under the table to hook around your chair’s leg and pull you forward.
“Aww Al, you never talk so much! This is great. What else did you do today?” Charlie rested her cheek on her hand, eyes sparkling at Alastor.
“I am so glad you asked! Let me think, hmmmmm” He drew out the consonant, the sound making a rougher vibration than others. You were hunched over the table, biting your bottom lip to keep quiet. “Oh I went to— what is it called again? Ummmmm,” Your leg shot up again, the silverware clanking against your plate.
“Will you just fucking say it?!” You spit it out louder than you meant.
“Woah! That’s not very nice.” Charlie gave you a disappointed look, pulling a groan from you, “What’s gotten into you?”
Angel looked over to you, “You doin’ alright? You’re like… sweatin’.”
“What indeed, Charlie. Well, anyway! I think I’ve made my point!” You felt the weight of the microphone slide down your thighs and past your knees. You took in a deep breath, finally able to relax your body.
“You’re pretty pale…”, Husk commented, “You sick or something?”
Angel pushed your hair from your forehead, “That face looks so familiar.”
Before you could answer, Alastor opened his mouth, “I think she should lie down. Allow me to escort you to bed, my dear.”
“You are so sweet today! I love it! Fuck yeah!” Charlie punched the air. Alastor came behind you and pulled your chair back for you. “Take your time, if she’s sick maybe she shouldn’t be alone.”
“If you say so!” Alastor practically sang the words. With both hands on your shoulders, he guided you out of the room.
“He’s the best.” Charlie beamed, “Alright whose next?”
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