#i also think 👁 marshall could be on the spectrum‚ but i'm still trying to figure out if that's self-projection or not‚ because i want to be
mp3minded · 4 months
Marshall: My Analysis.
Arguably the most difficult route on season 6, there's a lot that interests me about his character, and I'mma lay it all out on the table here.
And I'll start off with the very first lie he told MC, which was when they first met, because the greater part of his route is themed around it, even though on the surface it looks to be true, as you get to know him platonically/off-route;
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Because if that were the case, he never would've doubled down on our twin sister (Amelia), for being the safest option on the way back to the villa.
And, whether or not he was looking to fight with Ozzy basically as soon as he got there.. he should've seen it coming with all the smack he was talking 💀 but that's neither here nor there for me, as they were able to start mending their bond again on his 2nd full day in the villa.
The day before, when him and Ozzy were fighting still, is interesting, because it's the first real indication we see, beyond just words, that he really wasn't all that into Amelia after all. He'd hint at MC that he'd still be open to getting to know her before everyone returned to the villa, and Amelia was definitely more into him than he was her, even at the peak of their fling, but nothing concrete until what happened back at the villa.
Grace and Ozzy were fighting over Casa Amor stuff, Marshall butts in just to wind up Ozzy, and Grace told Marshall to "wind his neck in." That's when Amelia stepped in for Marshall, and instead of backing her up when Grace got on her case, he said, in paraphrase, "this is all irrelevant," AND WALKED OUT ON EVERYONE RIGHT THEN! 💀 And it was only downhill for Amelia and Marshall from there, but he didn't really care, because it was MC he wanted to be with, and his regret for how he went about Casa Amor was starting to show then, not when Toby arrived and swept Amelia off her feet, as a lot of people assume.
Oh, and the other obvious time he pied off Amelia, during the heart-rate challenge, was peak Marshall 🤡
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But yeah, in general I'd argue Marshall's pretty introspective about a lot of things, even though he's very much an extrovert. He withdraws whenever he feels unsure about himself;
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1.) Believing he's not good enough for MC (because he knows and admits to being kinda problematic, which I respect), thus defaulting to Amelia, in Casa Amor
2.) Making little effort with Amelia back in the villa, because he was into MC
3.) Not marrying MC back on Snog-Marry-Pie, after snogging Amelia in the game. Which yes, did earn him an extra pie from my MC 🤡
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4.) Shying away from a possible x-rated shower with MC (normally, the other LI's can get in the shower with MC, on that scene) even though he states later on that he wanted to get in with her. He *could* say at one point that he didn't want to crack-on while coupled up with Amelia still, depending on a choice MC can make to say, but I personally don't believe that's why he let the shower moment with MC pass. I think the nerves got the better of him again 🥺
So, with that behavior of his in mind, it meant a lot when he pulled MC for a chat, the night him and MC really started to lock-in on each-other again, when he hadn't pulled Amelia for one chat that day, as by her own words.. and he pulled MC right in front of Amelia. 🤡 I don't care how much Amelia's mugged off, I like to see the commitment.
Which leads me to the last elephant in the room; the heart-rate challenge, and his heart-rate being raised the most by Grace no matter what happens (and vice-versa 💀). The actual result itself comes down to 3 things really—MC's mysterious/jack-of-all-trades vibes working against her for once, compared to Grace who is *known* (that's the keyword) to be a real kinky woman dressed up as like, the queen of hearts, and Marshall can tell MC on the first night of Casa Amor, that he likes women who take charge (in bed).
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So even though it's all surface level stuff, of course it still hurt. I think him being there for MC, and making it clear that he wants to get to know her and not Grace after the challenge, was what helped me get through it though, because he could've easily taken that as another out from MC on impulse, but he wouldn't if they're vibing together on his route. (And he'd be hesitant to go for Grace even off-route, as him and Ozzy were just starting to patch things up—it could only happen if MC ends up coupling with Ozzy at the end.)
And from there, it's a cakewalk 😇 Now, for the other elephant in the room (for myself anyway); Marshall in comparison to Gary, from season 2. Even though I wouldn't consider myself a Gary stan anymore (I got too put off by his antics after awhile), I would call myself a "divorcée" of Gary instead, because I do still understand his character well enough to where I feel like I could really speak on it.
Even though Gary and Marshall have those parallels to one another.. the one thing that really sets them part, that I really like in Marshall, is his independence (in general, and from family life). And yes, I'll be happy to explain because I know that'll look questionable to say without context, from either side of the coin 💀
I love that Gary's nan was there for him, for everything he went through growing up. There's nothing wrong with that.. but, I wasn't crazy on hearing about her a lot, beyond when Gary opened up to MC at the pool. Like yes, family is important of course, but I'd prefer whomever I'm interested in, to not make me feel like I could never measure up to someone like Gary's nan, because that's not a totally improbable outcome, if it were to really come down to it.
And, on the other side of the coin.. no, I don't agree with the way Marshall slagged off Ozzy, without him being able to defend himself in Casa Amor, but I also didn't think it was that big of a deal, because I made it clear with Marshall that I would've reserved judgement until I heard both sides of the story, which he was fine with. Least to say with Marshall, I wouldn't have to worry about the family thing as I did with Gary, which is a big thing for me, and I know it's definitely a preference thing, but that's where I'm honestly at with that.
Marshall can just be so uwu, and I can't get enough of him! He surprised me a lot on season 6, as I thought I wouldn't even come close! 🤏🏽 to feeling anything for another LI like I did Gary, again 🥺
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