#i also really love ryan and johnny's formal clothes so i might make another post talking about them
hoperays-song · 10 months
Favourite Outfits Made For Fics PT.1
Original Post:
Ok! So, I made a post awhile back talking about how I have folders of costume design for characters and if anyone wants to see anything in particular to let me know, and someone asked for any outfits that I'm particularly proud of that I've made for my fics!
I've really been looking forward to this so, I'm gonna show off a few of my favourites in terms of pure design here! These were the ones that were the most fun to design in my opinion, aka, Nooshy's interview outfit and Porsha's new casual clothes!
*Reminder that all of my stuff for fics is placed in the human au so the clothes fit into that too*
Nooshy's Interview Outfit:
So one of my favourite headcanons of Nooshy is that she loves bright colours and contrasting patterns and will dress deliberately very mismatched. This causes her clothes to be pretty memorable a lot of the time, even when she's just wearing borrowed clothes from her brother or friends. However, her interview outfit is a time where I really let this shine.
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Ok so:
The main attention draw of Nooshy's outfit is a very shiny silver jacket with fringe that matches silver boots that they wear as well.
As for her shirt, it looks like just a purple button up but is actually iridescent fabric, so it looks more magenta-ish in certain lighting and with movement.
The only seemingly plain things of the outfit are black shorts and a plain black choker but the rest of her accessories are neon green and magenta, including their earrings, bracelets, and they changed her laces to be neon green too.
I really like this one because I think it shows Nooshy's very out there and bold personality as well as being one of the most unique, in terms of style, outfits I've ever made.
Porsha's New Casual Clothes:
So Porsha's original outfit was very much like her dad's in terms of color scheme and I really wanted to make an outfit that was a bit more colourful like her personality was. I kept a bit of designer clothes in there but I really wanted it to showcase the fact that I headcanon her to be living with Buster and Eddie now, so she's probably not going to be decked head to toe in it anymore.
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Ok so:
I am a firm believer in giving these kids jewelry so Porsha is decked out in a gold anklet, chokers, and moon earrings (to honour her connection to Moon Theatre now).
The same is with her sunglasses, I switched the from something very crystal-like to a sun and moon design to show her affiliation with New Moon Theatre.
I wanted to add a jean jacket like she had before but made it much simpler with just a yellow stripe instead of the fancy sleeves of before. The yellow also represents cheerfulness and I wanted to keep that running as a good descriptor of Porsha's character.
The jeans are just plain white because of the tons of detail elsewhere on the outfit, like the desert on the shirt representing Redshore and the stars on her shoes alluding to her role in Out Of This World.
I like this version of Porsha's outfit as it's a lot more colourful yet still more toned down than her original. I think this would be a good way of showing her leaving a life of luxury and showing the importance the show and troupe have come to have for her.
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