#hunter panics bc he's into willow and nooo this is against the titan's will he's only supposed to like boys like a Normal guy!!!
thenugking · 1 year
Look i'm not saying Belos the puritan witch hunter isn't homophobic but i feel like the headcanons that he tells Hunter he's not allowed to like boys have it wrong.
I don't think it even occurs to this crusty old puritan that the kid he's raising might not be straight. being Gay is a weird witch thing!! hunter's human, that means he's normal!!!
What he does teach hunter though is that he's not allowed to kiss girls. Like, kissing girls is the Thing That Killed Caleb. Can't have his nephew going the same way!! Stay away from those evil witch temptresses!!!! being with them is a Sin and god the titan will be Mad At You!!!!
hunter nods and thinks "okay, kiss boys only, got it" and accidentally grows up heterophobic.
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