#hunk is about to get his shit kicked in but w/e
fureliselost · 2 years
vld rewatch: all of season 6
- wow lancey's jelly
- space nanny lol
- lotor says "so, to what do i owe the honor?" what his expression says "what do i do to get you to leave"
- lotor wasted no time in throwing hunk under the bus to the governess
- and lotor's face just.... he fucking knowing what he's throwing hunk into
- allura? hun?
- yay hunk learned the galra ways, i actually love this part of the episode
- "sendak? not again!" lance looks so tired/done. that's the face of someone who got they back blown by sendak and not in the kinky way
- shiro nooo
- ain't no lie lie lie, baby, bi bi bi
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e- lance wtf is that daydream? "we make a great team" do you use that fucking line w everyone?
- Ok, I get that this is a Hunk centric episode, but wtf, they never address the fact that lance fucking died ever again
- uhm, yay honerva?
- keith's like "ur y mom? how?" and krolia's face is like "did no one explain the birds and the bees to this child? am i gonna have to do that?
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- keith: are you sure? | what krolia says: i'm sure, what she means: i pushed you out of my pussy, wtf do you mean 'am i sure'?
- i fucking love krolia
- poor lance
- since this is one episode after lance died and he's distinctly clumsy, so now i'm gonna headcannon that it was a side-effect of dying
- and lance reduces himself to just a third wheel omg nooooo
- I love hunk and pidge, team punk for life
]- go texas koganeeee
- texas kogane/krolia is the only ship that canon did correctly
- keith: you were stuck on earth | krolia: there was no better place i could be | cuts to lance alone in the resting room
- what hearts did you break, lance
- the mice fell asleep, that's rude
- go krolia
ep 3
- space dndddd
- "how come ur not sleeping?" "i'm a dwarf, i don't need it"
- coran..... dfoidshghsdfoihg
- shiro is so edgy
- xjkfgldfglfd kuron is thatdlkiifhçsdbgçfd
- poor coran is only tryna dm
- lonceeeeeee
- tf allura
- omg yes, lance, u knock
- rip in pieces shiro
- wow
- poor lance
- i actually feel really sorry for kuron
ep 4
- i love coran because he does point out when lance has a good point
- omg lance's little "allura" "yes lance?" "get back safe" is so presh
- yes, klance once again!
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(i'm counting this in:)
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- lotor, shut up
- poor romelle
- no, allura, girl, don't do stupid shit
EP 5
- So that's how keith got sepparated, i di not remember how this went down
- dammmmmmm, go pidge, work
- lotor, ur mommy issues are showing
- still dk why the generals went back to him
- annnnnnnd keith found the clone facility
- kuron done fucked shit up
- ok ok ok, are we ever gonna talk about how pidge literally saw there was something not right in the programming of shiro's arm, made a countermeasure for it just in case, but said nothing o fit because she trusted shiro? like, all of the trusted shiro so much and, like it or not, clone or not, that trust was betrayed. And then that's never mentioned again?
- the animation is so goood
EP 6
- Poor allura tbh
- no sleeves turtleneck coran go brrrr
- kl shots yay
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- run keef run
- "hunk: the last time we fought lotor we had five ships and lotor had two and he still kicked our butts. this time, he's gonna have three ships and we're only gonna have four. does anyone see where i'm going with this?"|"lance:zip it, hunk, no one's interested in your math equations right now" once again, lance is taking a page off keith's book (i'm referring to "leave the math to pidge")
- wow, lotor had a bh6 moment there lol
- lotor tf
- lotor: "even my generals betray me" you're the fucking common variable, u stupid fuck
- sincline was, like tf
- shirooooooooo
- go keef
ep 7
- daym voltronvssincline go brrrr
- quintessence field is cray cray
- this fucking fight looks like it was written by someone who's high, i'm not even kidding
- when keith says "voltron is capable of more than we've ever imagined" lazer eyes and flying cat heaf was not what i expected
- lotor tf
- this is such a heavy scene]
- lance taking kaltenecker into the lions mustve been what noah felt like loading up the ark
- omg lance poor lance
- let lance cry
- yay ig
- they just left shito on the ground sçdfuldsbg
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thinkingdoodles · 4 years
(Hoooo boy, this got away from me, but it’s a lot of fun and I couldn’t stop!)
Modern College AU:
Kallus, Zuko, and Catra are friends that are hanging at the local college’s bar. Became friends via a group project in a class and realized they all could be friends that are BAMFs.
How the pairings got together:
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A simple Zuko was the angry loner and Aang tried to friend him at first and lashed out viciously no matter how hard Aang tries to the point Zuko is getting to violently aggressive. After Iroh gets custody of Zuko, since Ozai was declared to be unfit for raising children, the kid ends up doing time out of the toxic idea of what honor is. Gets out and gets himself a good therapist to help him heal from fucked up bullshit that Ozai put him through. Meets Aang again at the university, everything is awkward and strained on Zuko’s side, but Aang... he’s patient. Always so patient and forgiving no matter what. Zuko can’t help but fall in love. Thankfully, Aang has more balls than than Zuko and confesses first, much to Zuko’s absolute surprise. (The boy is DENSE, OKAY.) Panic happens, not because he doesn’t reciprocate, but how can AANG like him?! Cue a month or two of Aang patience®️ being stretched THIN, a therapist being exasperated and just wanting this boy to love another boy wholeheartedly, and then... of Zuko quakenly taking Aang’s hand and saying he doesn’t feel like he’s earned it, but he still wants him. SWEET ROMANCE AND COMMUNICATION THROUGH TOUGH TIMES AND INSECURITIES ON BOTH SIDES.
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Catra is 100000% someone who fell in with the wrong crowd (gang??) that Adora was apart of too. (Both grew up in a foster home of some sort) Adora realizes that this group is fucked up even though they’ve been with them for waaaay too long and bounces with the help of Bow and Glimmer. Tries soooo many times to get Catra to believe it too, but shadow weaver/Prime (w/e) have their claws too deep. Adora, With the help of Prime’s twin brother, Hordak, who got out because of his nerdy science geek girlfriend Entrapta, helped her see she’s better than that...better than the end of that bottle she’s desperate to drink enough so Catra can ignore the abandonment and hatred that fills her every day. Adora keeps fighting and says it’s what she has to do, no matter what. Cue a massive Gang fight that they both barely get out of, bodies bloodied and bruised, but they’re ALIVE. Oh my god they’re alive and Catra can’t help but wheeze out an I love you... of which Adora absolutely cries and hugs the life out of Catra shouting that she loves her too!! A loooong battle uphill with recovery (and how Kallus gets to know Catra better) but it’s worth it. Going to college and loving each other and GETTING TO LIVE THEIR LOVE!
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So, Kallus being the biggest dumbass got stupidly drunk and behind the wheel. Actions have consequences, and sadly that means he hit a car dead on, instantly killing the family inside... Zeb’s entire known family. Nooow, Kallus definitely did time for the drunk driving accident, just not as much as Zeb believed he deserved. Somehow they’re going to the same university/college, and no doubt Zeb is ENRAGED. Kallus on the other hand is finally starting to accept his responsibility for the death of Zeb’s family, and is absolutely ashamed of it of course, but he’s not going to kick himself until he’s nothing but a pile of guilt ridden anxiety (his nightmares do that enough). He’s actively trying to become a counselor or advocate for responsible drinking and driving (something like that). He accepts Zeb’s rage, but won’t cower from it.
Only reason Zeb starts to soften is he one finds out Kallus’ intentions annnnd Thrawn was being an absolute dick at a party to Kallus. (Not sure how far I want to take it... maybe trying to slip something into his drink for date rape or beating the shit out of him or SOMETHING, idk.) ANYWHO, Kallus and Zeb start hanging out and once some massive pining over a year happens, Zeb takes Kallus to meet his family (whether it’s his long lost grandmother and uncle or the family grave, something) ZEB ASKS THE GUY OUT WHICH HAS KALLUS A MESS AND HAPPILY SOBBING YES. ROMANCE WITH PLENTY OF MISCOMMUNICATION AND THEN COMMUNICATION, AND POSSIBLY ALCOHOL RELAPSE AND BREAK UP AND THEN A GET BACK TOGETHER THAT’S EVEN BETTER THAN BEFORE.
Bar Buddies!!
Every time they go to hang out at their local bar, Kallus is the designated sober person all the time since he can’t bring himself to ever drink again after the accident and his rehabilitation incident.
Most of the time it’s nothing but laughs and plenty of stories, but once in a while it’s melancholy and full of comfort for any of them who need it. Who need to know that although they walk with demons, they also walk with friends who care. Often they barely get tipsy, all three of them knowing how dark alcohol can make all of them. But a night like tonight, where a nightmare of a project has yielded amazing results... the future looks a fraction brighter than usual. To them, the celebration is absolutely amazing with loud relief and excitement.
Maybe too much excitement in Kallus’ opinion. Especially once Catra loses her shirt and Zuko starts to sing at the top of his lungs... of which Kallus has NO DESIRE to even try and comprehend the drunken slurring. He isn’t as young as the both of them (five years can really make a difference...). Luckily enough, he has both Adora and Aang in a group chat for occasions such as this.
Zuko is really blushy and cuddly and loves that Aang came in his favorite “hole-y” shirt (think skater top with biiiig arm holes that Zuko gets to stare lovingly at Aang’s side abs) to pick up his boyfriend with their their shepherd dog Appa. Aang just sighs fondly and bids everyone a energetic goodbye as Zuko drapes himself over his bald, tattooed lover heading down the sidewalk.
Catra is LOUD. She doesn’t give two fucks about anyone in here... except for the blonde floof of hair that she’s currently messing up while Adora laughs brightly while carrying her crazy girlfriend out of the bar in a fireman’s hold. Adora has guns and is a massive amount of hot lesbian. Catra keeps saying how much she loves the hair poof of her big buff jock girlfriend SO LOUD. YOU HERE THAT ASSHOLES, SHE GOT HER JOCK AND HER JOCK LOVES HER BACK. Adora snickers saying how much she’s gonna hate herself come the morning.
Kallus isn’t expecting Zeb to be waiting outside of the bar, but softly smiles at his big hunk of a ratty boyfriend. Zeb snorts at the display of younger students and their partners while throwing an arm around Kallus’ shoulders. FOREHEAD KISSES ABOUND! One of Kallus’ hands goes in butt pocket and the other interlaces with the dangling hand off of his shoulder. They walk back to their apartment making comments about the youngins’ and how they’re good people etc etc.
KalluZeb have loving tender sex that night, AangZuko cuddle through the night and have sweet morning sex (even though Zuko does wake up with a hangover, but Aang has a special herbal [DISGUSTING] remedy that never fails) and CatraAdora cuddle through the night as well only to have Catra have a massive hangover and puking her guts out most of the morning, but her big jock girlfriend loves on her allllll day. END.
(I ran out of tags!! I’m so sorry if I missed a cw/tw!!)
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thefloralpeach · 5 years
A list of awesome things about Voltron season 8 that has nothing to do with shipping
80s pidge
girl squad anyone?
hunk is best wingman
pidge cares so much about allura!!
coran’s portrait of him and alfor and his undying unconditional love for allura?
lance’s makeshift altean courting armor had a sausage link necklace
baby lotor is pRECIOUS
“depart my presence”
lotor’s original mission and plans were so good yay backstory!
keith has developed into SUCH A GOOD LEADER
voltron’s Extra Large wings
kosmo staring down that galra “warlord” lmao
lance and hunk being “massacred” by food goo 
badass bayard weaponry
throwbacks to hunk and keith’s weblum adventures
pidge’s connection to the olcari  😭
hunk is!! smart!! and useful!! and not just food jokes!!!!
coran’s beautiful smiling face
“I got stuck in a ballpit when I was a kid”
return of the single modulation vs double modulation argument
lance being smart boy!! volcano logic!!
team punk being badass!!
commander shiro joining the action!
veronica to the rescue!!
zethrid and ezor reuniting!!!
alluras speech  👏 👏 👏
return of atlas our thicc queen
zethrid and ezor redemption!!!!!!!!!
allura is a badass mofo
literally everything about “Day Forty-Seven”
Ryan’s development!!! mfe development!!! hunk bringing people together with food!!! DOG!!!!! pidge’s mom and plants!!!
“NO BABY!” (aka hunk yelling at the dog and then apologizing)
“Where am I supposed to be looking?”
clear day!!! 
something sparkly?
whack a coran
“it’s me isn’t it”
pidge and lance winning prizes!!
hunk and keith getting trapped on a ride
pidge and her mom l m a o
coran is so worried about allura aaAAAAA
the altlas crew shit talking shiro’s arm wrestling win
“True unity can only be born of love”
“The green lion could not have found a more perfect paladin”
old paladins fighting alongside the new!!!!!!!!!! wow!!!!
zarkon redemption!! reuniting with his team!!!
allura so kindly reminding him of his crimes
slav and pidge dancing to save reality
“Coran, we’re counting on you to figure something out” 
Shay returning to converge the Balmeras!!! (ngl i cried)
the voltron/atlas combo mech hAS HEELS 
sam, coran, and slav being badass geniuses!!!
mama krolia to save the day!!
shiro being part of the team again!!!!!!!
hunk immediately tried to reach out to honerva
allura getting honerva to see her side!
alluras goodbyes
“and they’ll have you to guide them hunk”
“remain curious and fearless”
“your selflessness taught me that”
“there is greatness in your heart, and in your actions”
allura joining the og paladins and lotor to save every universe!!
keith, krolia, kolivan and kosmo!!! guiding the galra to peace!!!!! the galra ladies are back and ready to help!!!!!
hunk professionally bringing people together with food!!!!! with shay by his side!!! and romelle and vrepit sal!!!!!
coran!!! back with his people!!!!! honoring allura!!!
coran’s final speech  😭 😭
the final picture of them all looks like a promo for dream daddy  😭
feel free to add anything i forgot!!!!
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grumpycakes · 6 years
Lotor: I've waited an eternity for this
Coran: It is hard to argue with math, believe me I have tried
just after Allura and Lotor go into a rift an alarm goes off
me: or shitttt maybe it's Hagaar coming to attack
Voltron: Coran notices it's a really old altean pod!!!!!
Voltron: Shiro asks the pod to identify and KEITH POPS UP ON THE SCREEN
Coran: He went into the quintessence field
Keith: Oh nooo
me: -giggling furiously- BLESS
Krolia: -to shiro- Thank you for raising Keith to be the man he is today
me: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkay mkay.... this would turn me off the ship but mmkay
me: -for lack of any real thoughts on this apart from confusion- mmmkay
me: and now she knows Krolia's an agent so that's..... PEACHY
also me: ... was she watching the DND game then?
Voltron: Altean brother sneaks his sis a communicator he made so he can chat with her on the secrety mission to the """other colony""" Lotor is taking him to
Lomar(sp?): Here's some old altean ships, nobody knows how to fly it tho since none of us have in generations
Keith: -smirks a little- I think I got us covered there
Lance and Pidge voice their horror at how Lotor has been draining the hidden Altean people of their quintessence
Keith: He's a monster
me: OH MOOD, I've missed you
Lotor: -either truly believes the ends justify the "noble" means he's been doing or is putting down some LYING BULLSHIT-
me: I would die for you princess KICK HIS ASS
me: Ah okay second alarm is the charm then
Pidge has a shot to keep Shiro from leaving but can't
me: that's okay bab none of us could, it's shiro
Keith asks lance and hunk if they can pilot on the affirmative he says let's go
Pidge: But who's gonna pilot the black lion???
me: uuuhhhhhhhh the dude??? who piloted it??? for a whole season???? who standing right??? next to you??? cause it trusts him??? cause shiro likes him??? eventholanceisthebetterleader COUGH WAT
Keith: -tries to privately message Shiro in the MIDDLE OF BATTLE-
Shiro: -disconnects call like A BAD BITCH
Keith: -is striken-
me: see this is why ur a shitty leader Keith
me: you cannot stop yourself from PUTTING SHIRO FIRST
me: oh good I need to pee
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dazebrasrecs · 7 years
Fic Recs: Keith Kogane/Lance McClain (Voltron)
All fics are complete.  This list will be updated when the new season comes out.
As If by surveycorpsjean
Length: 7k / Rating: M / Genre:  drama / Warnings: N/A
Summary:  The five times Lance was his impulse control, and the one time he wasn't.
Body Electric by mollykaths
Length: 2k / Rating: E / Genre: PWP / Warnings: BDSM
Summary:   “Alright,” Lance announces, determined, like he’s about to take a dive into frozen waters. “I’m gonna do it now. I’m going to ride you. This is it. The time is now.”
Closer by torbjornkin
Length: 16k / Rating: T / Genre:  romance / Warnings: N/A
Summary:  They start out as rivals, but then Keith figures out he has a big ol’ gay crush on Lance and it only escalates from there.
Doki Doki Romanticon by Methoxyethane
Length: 5k / Rating: E / Genre:  PWP / Warnings: N/A
Summary:  Keith blinked, looking back at Lance with surprise. “W-wait, so you’ve done this before?” “You haven’t?!” Lance asked back stupidly.Or, Lance and Keith's first time goes better than he ever could have hoped, and also holy CRAP how was Keith this cute?!
Fireside by mollykaths
Length: 5k / Rating: E / Genre:  PWP / Warnings: BDSM
Summary:   It’s not the compliments that make Lance’s palms sweaty, his heart thunder wildly against his ribcage, and his face swell with impossible heat: it’s the way Keith has to be such a giant dick about it.
Fruits by the Foot by dragonlandsandyaoihands
Length: 6k / Rating: E / Genre:  PWP / Warnings: N/A
Summary: Lance was willing to do just about anything to please his horny boyfriend. Apparently that included indulging a burgeoning foot fetish.
Have a Taste (I Want More) by songsofthespring
Length: 6k / Rating: E / Genre:  drama / Warnings: N/A
Summary:   Keith has a problem: he's fallen in love with Lance. This is particularly troubling because he and Lance have been messing around in private, but Lance has made it obvious to Keith that this relationship is purely sexual. But Keith may not be able to hide his feelings from Lance for as long as he'd hoped.
I Pray Thee Gentle Mortal Sing Again by Methoxyethane
Length: 3k / Rating: E / Genre:  PWP / Warnings: age difference, alternate time stream infidelity?
Summary:   “This,” as it turned out, was luring Keith to a nice private place to seduce the ever-loving hell out of him. Uhhh… If Keith was gonna be totally honest here, it was not hard. He already had some weird kind of crush on the other paladin - or at least, his version? And this Lance was taller and sexier and more mature and basically just so much extra, like, Lance amplified by… well, ten. Ten years of intergalactic war was, uh… a good look on him.
Ignition by Methoxyethane
Length: 4k / Rating: E / Genre:  PWP / Warnings: N/A
Summary:   Just because it was not the exact intention Keith had had in mind when he bought it didn't mean they couldn't go ahead and have sex on his motorcycle anyway. Like, they hadn't bought the kitchen table to have sex on either but that had hardly stopped them til this point, right?
kicks by godsensei (mydickisthealpha)
Length: 2k / Rating: M / Genre:  PWP / Warnings: voyeurism
Summary: Keith flushes, embarrassed about it. So what? It’s not like there are a lot of people to find attractive in space. (It’s a lie, there are millions of beings to find attractive in space. Lance could tell you that. However, Keith doesn’t want to examine why, out of those millions, Lance is the only one that seems to fluster him the most.)
Or, the one where Keith accidentally hears Lance getting his kicks and becomes very intrigued by it.
Love Bug by Cour104
Length: 10k / Rating: G / Genre:  drama / Warnings: N/A
Summary:   While exploring an alien planet, Lance get's bit by a strange bug whose venom causes him to fall in love with the first person he sees. Of course that person had to be Keith.
Making the Most of the Night by saezutte
Length: 16k / Rating: E / Genre:  drama / Warnings: Dub-con
Summary: Having sex with Keith in order to secure an alliance with an alien species wasn't how Lance expected to lose his virginity, but it wasn't the worst way for it to go.(Until afterwards, of course, when it all goes wrong and Keith won't speak to him. Not that Lance has any idea why. Or why it bothers him so much.)
My Ear Should Catch Your Voice by Methoxyethane 
Length: 4k / Rating: E / Genre: PWP  / Warnings: N/A
Summary: Being away from Keith for so long may have sucked royally, but on the plus side? Lance probably would never have been able to swindle phone sex out of boyfriend, otherwise, so... silver linings, right?
No Room For Secrets by Crawlingthroughashes
Length: 5k / Rating: M / Genre: romance  / Warnings: N/A
Summary:  Keith thought he and Lance had reached a bit of an understanding the night Lance was injured. He should have realized that Lance had a monopoly on being the most obnoxious, petty brat in the galaxy. Or, Shiro forces the two to engage in more team bonding exercises as a means to put an end to their bickering, but a lot more than bonding occurs.
Picture Perfect by Mr_Tom 
Length: 9k / Rating: E / Genre:  romance / Warnings: Sex work
Summary:  Keith has to pay his bills some how. He’s an attractive, newly 18 year old gay boy with a web cam and a stolen internet connection. Lance has been turned down too many times to count. So when he finds one of the hottest guys he’s ever seen doing cam shows he can’t resist joining as a member.
Practice Makes Perfect series by ashinan
Length: 8k / Rating: E / Genre:  PWP, romance / Warnings: N/A
Summary:  The training room was the only place Keith felt fully in control. Until Lance walked in. Then - well, everything tended to get a bit heated when they were together.
Praise Kink Meets Space Assholes by PunandOnly
Length: 7k / Rating: E / Genre:  PWP, romance / Warnings: N/A
Summary:  Lance has a praise kink. Keith finds out.
Rapid Escalation by Lys ap Adin (lysapadin)
Length: 3k / Rating: M / Genre: PWP / Warnings: N/A
Summary:  "What the hell," Keith says in the wake of yet another one of Lance's utterly baffling outbursts. Everything about the mission they'd just finished had gone off without a hitch; the only mistake Keith can see is that he'd told Lance they'd made a good team after the debriefing. "What brought that on?"
The Shape of You by TheQueen
Length: 41k / Rating: M / Genre:  drama / Warnings: injury, alcoholism
Summary: The AU where Lance was actually Keith’s gay awakening and he doesn’t realize it until he sees Lance in that skin tight underarmor and proceeds, without delay, to walk directly into a wall.  Starring: Pining Keith, Oblivious Lance, Best Wingman Hunk, and Big Brother Shiro.
Situational Awareness by Lys ap Adin (lysapadin)
Length: 2k / Rating: E / Genre:  PWP / Warnings: BDSM
Summary:  So the thing Lance has learned about Keith is that he has a long, long memory. It's selective as hell, but if Keith cares enough about something to notice it in the first place, he'll never forget it. And because it's Keith, he'll usually remember whatever it is at the worst possible time.
so why don't we fall by aknightley
Length: 8k / Rating: E / Genre: romance / Warnings: N/A
Summary:  Five times Lance used a pet name for Keith, and one time Keith used one for Lance.
Sprinkle a lil' sugar by Teki
Length: 5k / Rating: T / Genre:  drama / Warnings: N/A
Summary:  Keith is a college student, the extra poor kind, the kind with very little money. Pidge, after hearing him complain one time too much, makes him download an app specifically made for people looking for sugar daddies. Keith sees a familiar face, freaks out, stupidity and awkwardness ensues.
sweet like honeysuckle late at night by starspecters
Length: 5k / Rating: E / Genre: PWP / Warnings: N/A
Summary: Lance would like to blame the heat, but really, he knows where responsibility and blame should be placed -- namely, in the entire food group of alien peaches.
These Little Piggies by Methoxyethane
Length: 8k / Rating: E / Genre: PWP / Warnings: N/A
Summary:  It wasn’t even Lance’s fault he was staring at Keith's bare feet. It was just that Keith kept friggin’ moving them, stretching them and wiggling his little toes, rolling thin ankles like he’d overworked them and was unconsciously trying to ease the pain. Or trying to deliberately kill Lance, more likely.
Unconventional Seating by Talinor 
Length: 5k / Rating: E / Genre: PWP / Warnings: N/A
Summary: "What the fuck are you doing?" Keith hissed.
"You and your fantastic ass got me into this mess," Lance told him. "And you're not moving until the others go."
You Always Say the Stupidest Shit by mischiefmanager
Length: 13k / Rating: M / Genre:  romance, PWP / Warnings: N/A
Summary:  "I know what your problem is," Lance interrupts, pointing a finger at him and smirking as though he's just personally discovered the deepest secret of the universe. 
God only knows why Keith stops talking then, but in hindsight, he wishes he'd have just gotten louder.
"You need to get laid," Lance announces.
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bubblegum-switch · 7 years
Kitziwch – Human Things
Anonymous asked: i've got a request! I honestly just want something with lance getting reCt tbh, so uh. They're in the castle and so, allura and coran are like "lmao whats ticklign" and they want someone to demonstrate it, so they chose keith and lance to do it, first lance is all like scared n, stuff but then keef breaks the awkwardness and just pouncess on lance and coran is there just taking notes with allura And when they're done pidge says something like lmao good blackmail material and they're both SHOOK
Ask and you shall receive, friend :) I hope I did it justice
Title: Kitziwch – Human Things (b/c I can’t title for shit)
Word count: app. 3.6k (Side note: holy shit that’s longer than I anticipated)
Rating: it gets a b i t suggestive at one point but nothing more than like PG-13
Time: Before the end of season 2 I guess maybe, Shiro doesn’t have his Bayard so…
Characters: The main 7 (Keith, Hunk, Lance, Pidge, Shiro, Allura, Coran)
Pairing: pre-Klance
Genre: so fluffy it gave me cavities
Themes: Ticklish!Lance, Pining!Keith, ticklish!Keith, brief ticklish!Shiro to kick off the plot, this scenario is such an oldie but a goodie and I feel honored to write it, f u c k I’m so weak for Lance getting reKt you have no idea, I don’t know what “““correct form””” is but I needed a good opportunity so I could be very wrong but fuck that I don’t really care, it takes like over 1k words to get to the meat of the story I’m so sorry but I needed enough exposition for this prompt, I love using personal experience for help with writing haha…, am I minorly projecting my synesthesia onto fictional characters now is that what is happening, I’m writing this whole thing while over-tired over the course of several late-nights at like 11pm-4am and I think it shows, Ernest Hemingway Mr. Write-Drunk-Edit-Sober would be proud but then again what is editing, my tired ass decided to just fuckin give Lance a special kind of love for it which is why it gets suggestive *winks with both eyes*, fuck I need sleep, I did a surprising amount of research for the title, don’t ask me why Keith is so skilled he just is, Lance is literally a ball of ticklishness help him it’s adorable, I had so many options for endings  I hope I did this one right, there will likely be a part 2 b/c of another prompt I got that this can lead into so…
A/N: Ok so “Kitziwch” [kind of pronounced kitzee-ucx I think] is a word I created to be the Altean word for “tickle” out of the German word “kitzeln” and the Welsh word “Ticiwch” because of reasons you’ll find out at the end of this
At the training deck, Allura was trying to get a better feel for each of the paladin’s combat strengths and weaknesses. She was going to have each one go up and complete a relay of sorts – which was made of an opaque maze (unlike the electrified invisible one), fighting several types of drone-bots, and testing the accuracy of their Bayard. Coran was watching as well, taking notes on each round.
Pidge was up first, and she made it through the maze quickly, but lost time at the flying drones and accuracy due to the short range of her Bayard.
Then it was Lance’s turn. He didn’t get through the maze as fast as Pidge, but more than made up for it with accuracy.
Hunk was about in the middle so far for the maze time-wise, but was able to quickly obliterate the drones. However, his Bayard was not as precise as Pidge’s or Lance’s due to its comparably wide damage-field.
Keith practically danced through the maze, even though he got hung up a few times. He slashed through the drones and had a near-perfect score on accuracy.
Shiro was last to go, and after getting through the maze and the drones he was getting ready for testing the accuracy of his arm.
“Hold it!” Allura rushed to him. “I can’t ignore you Earthlings’ improper form any longer. I have held my tongue but I’ve had enough.”
“Aw, why didn’t you tell us? I would’ve fixed it,” Lance said from the sidelines.
Allura smiled apologetically. “You were all on a roll. I didn’t want to interrupt you, but I just can’t let this finish uncorrected.”
Shiro relaxed his stance. “Sure, Princess how do I stand?”
“Alright Shiro, hold your back in a straight line – don’t hunch over,” she said casually, circling him as he followed her directions. “Hm, good. Now, keep some bounce in your knees – you look too stiff, and if you can’t move freely you can’t evade.”
“Okay,” he replied, trying his best to follow suit. “Am I doing it right?”
She paused behind him. “Here, let me help you angle yourself a bit better.”
She reached forward and put her hands on his sides to adjust him. He jumped a little, but Allura credited it as surprise and shrugged it off. She tilted him to the left a little bit to balance himself, pressing her fingers into his ribs accidentally, and he involuntarily snorted out a surprised laugh.
This time, she quickly retracted her hands. “Everything alright, Shiro? Are you hurt?”
He rolled his eyes good-naturedly and smiled at her. “I’m fine, don’t worry, it didn’t hurt.”
She looked at him quizzically and tilted her head. “Then why did you make that noise? That was a laugh, right?”
“I guess I’m a little ticklish, that’s all,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “That shouldn’t get in your way again, I just didn’t expect it… Allura?”
She looked like she was deep in thought, trying to remember something that was forgotten a while ago. She looked to Coran, who looked back at her, just as confused. “Do you know what he’s talking about, Coran?”
“No, I’ve never heard of that before either. I don’t know what he means.” He turned to the other four paladins. “Can any of you translate? Altean often overlaps with your language, but there’s no word for that.”
“I can try to explain,” Pidge volunteered. “Basically, someone is ticklish, you can tickle someone, and that someone gets tickled. Linguistics aside,” she adjusted her glasses, “basically it’s when someone is touched in a way that makes them laugh. Some people like being tickled, some people hate it, and there are people that are more ticklish than others.” Pidge smirked, “for example, I’m not that ticklish. Shiro, on the other hand… well you’ve seen that he is.”
“Thank you, Pidge,” Allura said, still confused. “I think that helped, but I still don’t really understand it. How can touching someone make them laugh? And can everyone do this?”
“I agree, I’m still confused as well,” Coran piped up. “Can we have a demonstration? I think that might clear it up.”
“Oh yes, I think that would be great, Coran!” Allura agreed. “But how do we get someone to demonstrate it?”
“Well, if you want two people to show you what it is, I recommend some people who you want to see laughing, or to get revenge on. Tickling can be a great form of revenge, sometimes. It can also be a good bonding experience.”
“Alright, Pidge, then I think it should be…” she thought for a moment.
Lance’s eyes were wide, and he was trying to act like he wasn’t affected by this when every iteration of the word made him want to crawl out of his skin. He noticed Keith hiding his face behind his hair a little more than normal. Hunk, however, was completely fine through the whole conversation so far – not even blushing (like Shiro was, oh boy his face was pink).
“Lance and Keith.”
“What?” Lance shrieked, and then cringed at how terrified he sounded. Keith turned his head away so no one could see the grin that was beginning to invade his face, as well as the blush that sat upon his skin.
“Well, I think you two have some differences you need to work out, and Pidge said that tickling can be used as a bonding experience. Plus, Keith never laughs, and maybe I’m considering this revenge for you constantly flirting with me, Lance,” she said brightly, laughing at the end and showing she wasn’t actually upset.
“Yes, I think they would make a good match-up for this ‘tickling’ thing,” Coran agreed. “I can take notes on this to better understand it.”
Allura walked over to where the red and blue paladins were inching away towards the door. “Come on you two,” she chirped, grabbing their wrists and pulling them into the center of the room. She stood them face to face – or as good as she could get them since neither one would meet the other’s eyes – and she retreated back to where she previously stood next to Coran. “Alright… now start… tickling each other?” She glanced at Pidge to see if she had used the word correctly, and was given a thumbs-up in return. She smiled satisfactorily, and waited.
Lance shifted uncomfortably where he stood. Neither paladin moved or looked at the others.
“Why aren’t they doing anything, Number Five?” Coran whispered to Pidge, pen poised above his notepad.
“They must be shy about this, but don’t worry. Maybe they need incentive to get started.” She smirked, before shouting “if neither one of you starts tickling then someone else will tickle both of you!”
She grinned broader when she saw their faces turn redder and Lance nearly squeaked at the threat as Keith huffed through his nose.
Allura whispered to Pidge that she had an idea. “Keith, Lance was complaining about your mullet again yesterday!” she yelled to them in a sing-song.
Keith’s eyes snapped to Lance’s in an instant, biting back a grin. Thank you, Allura, for giving me an opening. “Again with the mullet?” He started inching towards the blue paladin. “When are you gonna let it go?”
Lance began protesting as he inched backwards, hands raised in defense. “No no no she’s lying Keith, I didn’t insult your mullet yesterday… to her anyway!”
“Oh, so you did?” he cracked his knuckles, and Lance squeaked.
“W-well,” Lance’s voice was unnaturally high. He gulped and steeled himself, stopping in place. “It is pretty terrible…”
That was the final straw. Keith yelled “enough with my hair!” and pounced onto Lance, knocking him to the ground.
Keith lay on top of Lance for a moment, blinking down at him and realizing Lance could’ve gotten hurt from that.
“Did that hurt you?” he asked quietly.
Lance fought back a smile, “no.”
Keith’s face finally split into that large grin – one of the first Lance had ever seen on him. “Good, because then this definitely won’t.”
The blue paladin’s eyes grew wide and his face grew pinker as Keith’s words fell from his lips. He didn’t have time to dwell on it much, however, as soon all thoughts were abandoned as he felt hands on his hips and two thumbs brushing over the skin. His breath hitched in his throat as he bit his lip and began to smile.
The pressure from the two digits increased, and he began squirming and laughing in little breathy huffs. “K-Keith come hahahon buhuddy…”
“So you remember me being your ‘buddy’ but not our bonding moment?” he teased, changing to squeezing Lance’s hips causing sharp, shrill laughs and him to buck up and down.
Lance felt what seemed like electricity shoot through his body, and his mind went blank. “NOHOHO KEIHEEHEETH,” he pleaded through laughter.
“If you say so, I’ll stop with your hips…” the red paladin near-growled (which made the boy underneath him blush even harder), and, in keeping with his word, shot his hands to Lance’s stomach. In desperation as his laughter reached a fever pitch, he reached to grab Keith’s hands. Keith was having none of it, grabbed them, and pinned them above his head. Keith held them with just one of his own hands, putting enough weight on them both to not hurt them but keep them in place. He tsked down at Lance before returning one hand to his stomach and scrabbling his fingers wildly, causing the blue paladin to dissolve into hysterics.
Lance couldn’t even protest anymore, for a few reasons (one of which he’d explain to Keith later, much to both of their delights), but mostly because he couldn’t physically form words with Keith’s hands there. However, it became even worse(?) for Lance when the red paladin decided to take it up a notch and stick his hand underneath his shirt to tickle Lance’s bare skin.
Lance’s vision erupted into brightness as his laughter turned silent from the fast, firm fingers digging gently into his stomach.
Keith’s face dusted pinker as he marveled at how soft Lance’s skin was, before realizing that Lance probably needed more air than he was currently getting. He let him laugh silently for a few more moments before letting up.
Lance panted, catching his breath and smiling largely. His relief was short-lived, however, as Keith’s hand crawled up his side, on top of his shirt once again. Lance was back to squirming as he felt his fingers walk slowly up his waist, and ribs, and then finding their target in his left underarm. Lance shrieked as Keith’s fingers danced in the hollow, and skated around the edge.
The red paladin laughed. “You think that’s mean, I’ll show you mean.” Keith let go of Lance’s hands, which instantly shot to grab him again. Keith stopped tickling for a moment to take one wrist in each hand. He maneuvered them under Lance’s back so his own weight was holding them down, allowing Keith to use both hands. He pressed his knees on either side of the blue paladin to keep him in place, and sat on his hips. Keith reached behind him and squeezed Lance’s knees, extracting deep belly laughter and causing his legs to flail around to their maximum allowance.
Keith inched his hands up to Lance’s thighs, and alternated randomly between squeezing and fully tickling and lightly tracing them. Lance dissolved into uncontrollable giggles at the latter two techniques, and let out yelps interspersed with short, barking laughs when he dug his fingers in. The layer of denim was no match for Keith’s teasing touches.
Keith’s fingers drifted from the top of Lance’s thighs to his inner thighs, but due to the quick change in his laughter Keith moved back to save him any embarrassment. Well, any more embarrassment. Keith didn’t fail to notice the… *ahem* lengthening of the individual laughs and how they seemed to become more throaty and less… less like laughs and more like something that under other circumstances he would be thrilled to hear.
Lance didn’t notice.
Keith hoped none of the others did, and he filed it away in his mind for later. He figured it was probably best to move his hands somewhere else.
He brought his hands to Lance’s sides, spidering from his waist to the middle of his ribs as best he could. Lance’s belly laughter returned, but he wouldn’t look at Keith – he kept turning his face away to try to hide – which the red paladin thought was adorable.
Keith laughed along with him. “Alright, I think I can live with that,” he smiled down at him. He wanted to kiss Lance’s blushing cheeks, and he almost did before remembering the other 5 in the room.
He felt Lance’s ribs under his fingertips, and he dug into them a little more, making sure to press in-between the bones. He used both hands to play Lance like a twin piano with keys to the left and right. The blue paladin’s laughter became shrill at his upper ribs, and Keith was a little resentful that he couldn’t really get at Lance’s underarms while he was in this position.
Although, there was a place Keith wanted to try. He moved his hands slowly to Lance’s neck, dragging his fingertips gently the whole way. He began wiggling his digits against the soft skin there, causing Lance to scrunch up and start giggling. He tickled the right side of his neck, and watched Lance try to trap his hand between his head and shoulder. He tickled the left, and Lance did the same. When he tickled both sides of his neck, however, Lance tried to pull his head into his body like a turtle and wrenched his eyes shut.
Keith laughed again. He didn’t think Lance would’ve been able to be taken down by a few light touches on his neck (or his thighs, but that was another matter).
He didn’t want to keep at his neck too long, since that was a dangerous place to linger for a few reasons, but he didn’t want to be done quite yet. He decided to give his neck a break, and figured that it was a gamble for the next spot. Either it wouldn’t be ticklish and he’d have to move fast, or Lance would be even more adorable just by default.
Keith brought his hands to Lance’s ears and lightly brushed his fingers on their undersides on the thin skin and around the outside ridge of each one.
He played his cards right.
Lance’s giggles became effervescent as he scrunched up his face and turned his head from side to side as Keith’s heart melted.
“Nope, you can’t escape it now,” Keith teased quietly.
“Kehehehihith cohohome ohohohon…” Lance whined, but not for him to stop. He just… he couldn’t handle being teased.
Keith stayed tickling his ears for a few moments, before deciding that there wasn’t enough of a canvas to work with. He withdrew his hands, trying to figure out where to strike next. Hm.
“Do you think he’s done?” Keith heard Coran whisper to Hunk.
“He shouldn’t be, he’s forgetting a couple key spots,” he said back.
Keith grinned. Right. He slid off of Lance, who didn’t move right away.
All he did was ask, “are you done?” But not even in a tone conveying annoyance, just simply a question posed as if asking the time.
“Not yet, turn over,” Keith told him, and Lance froze, blush returning to his face.
“Come on, Lance!” Hunk encouraged.
“Yeah, it’s for science!” Pidge supported.
“And inter-cultural studies!” Allura chimed in.
“I’m writing as fast as I can!” Coran yelled in a hurry, apparently marking down everything that occurred.
“Come on, Lance, do it!” even Shiro was getting in on it.
Keith smiled down at him. “Come on, either you turn over or I go back to your stomach…” he raised a claw-shaped hand over him.
Lance groaned and flipped himself over, but Keith caught the smile on his face too. Lance was even biting his lip to keep from grinning more.
Keith sat on Lance’s thighs, facing his feet. He grabbed one of Lance’s legs and pulled his foot back towards him, eventually grabbing onto his left ankle. He pulled off Lance’s sneaker, and held it tighter before descending five wiggling fingers onto his upturned sole.
Lance erupted into laughter the instant Keith made contact.
The red paladin shook his head, chuckling and smiling fondly. He spidered his fingers along Lance’s arch, sliding farther down his legs so he could put more weight on Lance’s calves so he wouldn’t need to hold onto his ankle.
Lance felt fingers dancing as close to the base of his toes as they could get with how tightly they were curled. He shrieked with laughter as he tried to kick his foot out of Keith’s grasp, but it was held tight.
Keith smiled, and laid his leg over Lance’s spare one, holding it down with his weight. He leaned forward, and with the hand that was tickling his foot Keith pulled his toes back and held it in place. He was practically sitting on the back of his knees as he took his now free hand and tickled his stretched-out sole.
Lance continued his high-pitched laughter as he began clawing at the cool tile of the floor. Keith scratched along his cotton-covered arches, and Lance went limp with loud giggles bubbling out of his mouth as if he was a popped bottle of champagne.
Keith could’ve tickled him there forever, if only just to hear him laugh like that until the end of time.
He moved his nimble fingers to his heels and brushed around the edge, and Lance’s laughter became fuller again as he shot up, propped up on his elbows, eyes wrenched shut and face flushed.
Keith snickered at the instant reaction, and he was amazed that Lance hadn’t even said the word “stop” at any point. Keith knew that they were about equal in strength, but Lance never made a move to push him off…
Keith’s thoughts were interrupted as he felt clumsy fingers at his sides. He fought back his own laughter as Lance tried to retaliate. He had managed to bring himself up far enough so he could reach Keith, but he could barely do so.
However, it was enough for Keith’s incredibly sensitive sides. He started losing focus from the light touches, and as he arched his back and removed his hands from Lance’s feet, beginning to laugh himself, the tables were turned. Lance was able to roll out from under him and tackled him, situating himself on top this time.
“Write that down, write that down!” Allura was lightly smacking Coran’s arm out of excitement.
“Is that legal?” Coran asked Pidge and Hunk.
Pidge smiled, “all is fair in love and tickling.”
Coran nodded seriously, and continued jotting it down in his notepad.
Lance smirked down at Keith, who was sprawled out on his back with Lance pinning down his legs with his own. He was panting heavily and his face was deeply colored red, but his eyes were bright and happy.
“You know…” the blue paladin began quietly, and Keith had the impression that the words were not meant for the others to hear. “I could get my revenge right here, right now.”
Keith would’ve been worried, if not for the fact that everything other than Lance’s voice was conveying pure joy.
“Or… we could run back to my room and I could tell you things that would probably be good for both of us.”
Keith nodded quickly. “Yes. Let’s go do that.”
The two jumped up and began running out of the room before they heard—
“Think that’s good blackmail Shiro?”
Lance and Keith froze, and looked back at Pidge with wide eyes.
“I wonder what I can use this for…” she pondered aloud with mock-innocence.
“You were recording that?” both paladins asked simultaneously in embarrassment.
She smirked. “Remember that the next time I ask for the cookie jar,” she laughed. “Because who knows… it might just get broadcast to an entire planet, then they’ll know that the great Blue Paladin of Voltron is incredibly ticklish.”
Lance began walking towards her. “You wouldn’t…”
“Oh, I think we both know I would, and that I’ve had enough of your discrimination against people under 66 inches tall,” she teased in a sing-song voice.
Lance cracked his knuckles, walking closer to her, who didn’t back down. “Keith? Wanna help me here?”
Keith grinned evilly, “it would be my pleasure.”
“Oh my gosh!” Allura cried out, smiling largely and stopping the two in their tracks. “I just remembered something, Coran!”
Her advisor looked at her as well. “Kitziwch, right?”
“Yes!” she smiled, and the paladins could see right through her act. “We do have a word in Altean for that, it’s ‘Kitziwch’.”
Lance and Keith blinked at each other.
“You know, Keith, I think she knew all along. I think she tricked us into this!” The blue paladin said with mock-surprise.
Keith fake-gasped in return. “I think you’re right! But what do we do about Pidge and her blackmail, and Allura?”
“I do not know, there’s only two of us…”
“But there’s also two of them…”
“Fair point, buddy, so what ever shall we do?”
Keith grinned. “I think we have one clear option.”
“Shall we attack to defend our honor?” Lance readied his stance.
Keith followed suit, “absolutely.”
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Can you pretty pretty please do a thing where during mission the team gets separated, and Lance encounters pretty much full force Galra on his own and *wins* but is severely injured? And then the team, realizing something is wrong when Lance won’t answer them, find him almost dead and have to heal him? If nah it’s chill but you have the best writing and I love your blog!
yes, Yes, YEs, YES!!!!!
Violence, Mentions of Death and Blood 
The mission was a simple one, attack the ship, get the prisoners, leave. However just like most plans it only worked on paper. 
Sometime during all the commotion on the ship Lance lost track of where his team was. He couldn’t find them. “Hey guys! Where are you?” Lance attempted to keep his voice from shaking as he held his bayard up carefully checking each corner before he ran. 
“L–ce!? W—e -re –u?” 
Lance couldn’t even tell who was talking. There was too much static. 
“G-t t- -lue and l-ave as s-on as you ca-.” Then static. 
“Guys? Keith? Hunk? Anyone?” Lance stopped running for a second placing all of his focusing on listening to the static that filled his ears. Come on, come on. Lance prayed that someone would reach him but he only heard static. He looked around he was in an intersection. All the hallways looked the same. Lance closed his eyes and reached for Blue’s bond, he felt her. It was weak but he knew where to go. He started running down a hallway his bayard already in gun form. I hope I can get to her without trouble. 
Lance didn’t believe in superstitions or karma or whatever you wanted to call it. He believe that everything happened for a reason however he should start to bite his tongue or knock on wood cause he knew he jinxed his luck. 
Lance rounded a corner and came face to face with roughly 12 Galrans. Lance started to back up but it was already too late, they had already seen  him and they didn’t waste no time running towards him. 
Lance barely got the first shot off before he was sliding across the floor his head in blinding pain. Lance sat up slightly and aimed his gun at the two approaching Galrans. One, two. He watched the bodies fall to the ground as three more replaced them. 
Hijo de puta Lance shot his gun a few more times, his vision fading in and out of focus. He managed to put a few more down before he felt searing pain spread from his right shoulder to his entire body. Lance screamed in pain and placed his left land up to his shoulder, it came back red. Lance try to shoot more but the pain was too bliding, plus he wasn’t as skilled with his left hand as he was with his right. 
Lance barely registered being slamed against the walls, sharp claws digging into arms. Lance tried to kick the Galran off him but that only resulted in his left leg getting grabbed. Before Lance could attempt to shake off the Galrans new grip on his legs he heard a crack, then pain. 
Lance had broken his wrist when he was younger but nothing compared to what just happened to his leg. 
Lance released a scream as tears fell down his face. More Galrans surrounded him and Lance wanted the pain to end. Please, make it stop. 
Lance was pulled off the wall and immediately slammed back into it, his head making contact, cracking his helmet in the process. 
The Galrans seemed to laugh at him and Lance raised his gun again. His left hand shaked but Lance managed to place it against the Galrans chest and fired. The Galan stumbled for a moment before he dropped Lance and fell down. Lance bite back another scream and he landed on his leg. 
He wanted to sleep, he wanted to shut the world out. But he knew he had to keep going, he wasn’t safe yet. Lance aimed his gun and started firing at every Galran in the room. 
The fired right back at it and Lance blacked out when a shot hit his lower abdomen. Lance pulled himself back into reality and shot the last Galran in the room. 
That was all Lance heard. He couldn’t move. He coughed up blood as he watched a pool of blood form around where he was slumped against the wall. 
Bodies littered the room and Lance wanted to puke. He couldn’t focus on anything. He couldn’t even hear what his team was saying. Maybe I can just sleep for a little bit. Lance closed his eyes.  
“Alright we got all the prisoners in the castle we can leave whenever.” Pidge spoke with confidence as she landed the Green lion in her hanger. 
“Okay, everyone start to fall back.” Shiro’s voice was calm as he started to lead the Black lion away from the fight.
“WAIT! Shiro the Blue lion isn’t moving!” Hunks panic voice moved over the coms. The Blue lion was still where Lance left it. 
“We told him to get to Blue.” Keith voice was plagued with confusion and worry. He moved his lion by Black. 
The lions seemed to be having a conversation with Blue but she wouldn’t move. She actually started to claw at the Galran ship. 
Shior thought back to how Red reacted when Keith was in trouble and he knew something was wrong.
“He’s not in Blue. Keith find Lance, Hunk and I will hold any remaining fighter back.” Shiro barked orders and Hunk and Keith copied. 
Lance wasn’t sure how long he was asleep but he heard his name. 
Keith? What is he doing here? Lance attempted to open his eyes and when he did he saw a very scared red paladin. 
“Shit, Lance what happened? Are you okay? God that’s a lot of blood. We need to get you in a pod now!” Keith started relaying what happened to Shiro and the others. 
Lance couldn’t keep track what was happening. He just kept thinking about how cold he was, and how he kept getting colder. 
Lance groaned in pain as Keith lifted him up. He didn’t even try to fight the blood that he spit up, decorating his chest peice. 
“Stay with me Lance. It’s going to be okay.” 
Lance willed all of his energy into lifting his head and looking at the raven haired boy. Lance gave a weak smile and closed his eyes. 
Alternative Ending 1) Lance gets healed and he lives.
Alternative Ending 2) He doesn’t 
You decided! I will write ending that gets the most "votes" I'll check tomorrow evening 💙
Sorry this took so long!
I hope you like it 
Thank you!!! 
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franklyfunghoul · 7 years
my reactions while watching vld s3 ep4-5:
(SPOILERS, PROBABLY) ep4: 🎶keith thinks it's sketch and i agreeeEeEE🎶 hunk is smart fight me ALLURA IM SORRY BUT CAN THIS SERIOUSLU BE GOOD I JUST REALIZED THAY CORAN IS GONNA BE ALL ALONE ON THE SHIP - THE MICE this reminds me of that one episode of doctor who idk i don't really remmeber what happens but like rorys dad? and like a zoo or something? or like a ball? WHAY IS THAT DARK SLAV HELL YEA PIDGE GET IT OHMY GOD I WAS RIGHT WHAY THE FUCK SHIRO WHAY THE FUCK SLAV WHAY THE FUCK WHAY THE FUCCCKKCKCKCK is this some backwards au where the galra are good and alteans r bad and shiros hair looks worse somehow IS KEITH HALF ALTEAN IN THIS AU DO THEY LOOK DIFFERENT WHAT THE FUCK I WANT TO KNOW I WANT TO SEE THEM ALL WHAY THE FUCK QUESTION CAN THEY TAKE AN ALTEAN ARMY BACK TO KICK LOTERDS ASS BC THAY WOULD BE FUCKIN GREAT for some reason i don't trust the au alteans and idk why i probably should i just have trouble trusting AU SHIRO (SVEN?) KEEPS MAKING ME LAUGH ITS PROBABLY GHE HAIR BUT I JUST OKAY I NOW DEF DONT TRUST EM JESUS WHAT THE FUCK THAYS SO WRONG I MEAN WHAYS A LIFE IF U HABE NO CHOICE OR FREE WILL U GUYS ARE DEFINITELY EVIL BEINGS guns of gamara i PINK HAIRED BITCH DONT TALK TO KEITH LIKE THAT JESUS FUCK ID RATHER HAVE LOTOR RULE keith knock her out take her back to the castle and don't let her fuck everything up pls oh great job u broke the reality worm whole thing KEITH SHOOT EM UP (OR DO SOMETHING LET RASH JUST DO SOMETHING) shitty pink lady has keith's eyebrows i am offended I LOVE THE BEYARD (?) SWITCH ITS SO FUCKIN AWESOEM SVEN NOOOOO SOMEBODY GET ME TO SPACE HOSPITAL IM NOT OKAY he's tryna be nice let him be nice jesus ep4: SHIRO SHIR SHIRO SHIROHYMUGOD WHAT THE FUCK WHAY THE FUCK WHAY THE FUCK HE HAIR WHAY TJE FUCK OHMUGOD WHAY TJE FUCK EW EW EW E W E W EW EWREEE WHAY THE FUCK IS HE OKAY HES NOT OKAY WHAY TJE FUCK HE LOOKS LILE THE CRACKHEAD THAG LIVES BY MY GROCERY STORE WHAY THE FUCK IS GOING ON GET HIM TO SPACE HOSPITAL WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON what's worse the mustache, beard, or actual hair WAIR IS HIS HAIR LIKE MORE? GREY??? WHY THE FUCK DOES EVERHONE HAVE SUCH SKINNY LEGS IM MAD hey if this planet can snow does that mean it can rain? where was loterd before THIS EPISODE HAS SUCH A DIFFERENT VIBE GHAN THE OTHER IM SO CONFUSED OH FUCK HE ACTUALLY DID THAT WELL ATEAST HE ACTJALLY DID IT HE CAUTERIZED THE WOUND IM SO IMPRESSED (IS THAG EVEN THE RIHHT WORD) why can't things just be nice and friends and not try and kill people CAN IT BE MATT PLEASE I WANT IT TO BE MATT aw dang it's my matt they're blue who is pink galra boi OH KTS THE PEOPLE HAGGAR TOLD RIGHT yep im dumb it is SHIRO IS SUCH A GOOD DUDE I LOVE shiro says stuff that if keith said I would be screaming about and everyone would be screaming about being impulsive or hot headed but he says it in a way that's super chill then he totally pulls it off so i have a lot of damn respect for him (for reasons other than this as well) tag urself im the space debris they thought shiro was BIYCJ GHEH GONNA SHOOT U IF THEH NOTICE U OHGOD HE GOT LEF TOHMUGOD OH DEAR LORD (the first thing that ran through my mine is "now he knows what keith feels like" but anyways) this just in: loterd has daddy isssues OH SHIT A PILOT LOG U KNOW HES GONNA BE ALONE FOR A WHILE THE MEMORU MONTAGE MAKIN ME CRY YES BLACK LION I LOCE U THANK YOU AWWWWW THE LIL SMILES IM SO HAPPY can there be a scene where they all awkwardly give each other their beyards back THE MUSIC IS DIFFERENT I'm sorry
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hoesidon · 7 years
Just build a robot
Anonymous: “drunk!paladins: pidge giving a step-by-step wikihow tutorial on how to be the only goddamn person in a group with any sense. step 1: get yourself an ally, like Hunk! *camera flips to show a grinning Hunk, who has been filming* pidge: Hunk is my best friend and our resident Lance Tamer. I’d be lost without him, really. step 2: know the players. Allura is never a problem, unless Shiro is involved…etc etc, again sent in the group chat to be dealt with the morning after”
Summary: Pidge’s wikihow tutorial on how to be the only one in your group with any goddamn sense.
Words: 1,315
A/N: Sorry this is shitty anon but oh well. I also didn’t know how to end this sorry about that! But here you go.
2017 13 January 2:50 am
Pidgeon has sent a mov
“Hunk, are you recording?” Pidge asked.
“Yup!” Hunk grinned from behind the camera.
“Great!” Pidge took another shot of vodka before speaking. “Last week Keith showed you asshats how to survive an apocalypse. Today I’m going to tell you how to be the only person in your friend group with any goddamn sense.”
Step 1: Get yourself an ally, like Hunk!
The camera cut to Hunk’s grinning face before switching back to Pidge. “Hunk is my best friend and our resident Lance Tamer. I’d be lost without him, really. It’s also his birthday! Happy Birthday, Hunk!” Pidge cheered before downing another shot.
Step 2: Know the players
“It is very important you know who’s who in the group. For example, Hunk is the resident Lance Tamer. If it’s not for Hunk, Lance would either be in the hospital, dead or in jail thanks to his inability to keep his mouth shut and his terrible ideas we somehow always get dragged into. Keith,” Pidge pointed their thumb in the direction of Keith who looked to be .5 seconds away from tackling Lance to the ground. “Mr. ‘I’m so emo’ Kogane, closet furry, is the reckless idiot with no impulse control. Shiro,” Pidge pointed to Shiro who was standing in a corner of the office having a conversation with Allura and Coran. “The human embodiment of the heart eye emoji, is the reckless idiot’s impulse control. Honestly, he’s more like the embarrassing mom friend. The friend who worries too much and nags you a lot. That’s Shiro.”
“Coran is like our weird group Uncle who uses us as his test guinea pigs and tries to feed us healthy shit.” Pidge made a disgusted face. “Allura is never really a problem unless Shiro is involved…” Pidge trailed off before speaking again. “She’s one of the few people who can put Lance in his place and deflate his ego a couple of notches. Let’s call her the Wine Aunt. The Wine Mom who wants to be the Vodka Aunt. She pretends she doesn’t give shit about us but she cares deeply but she’s not motherly material. So she’s the Wine Aunt. Lance,” Pidge pointed towards Lance who looked to be .5 seconds away from being pummeled to the ground by an annoyed Keith. “furry enthusiast, is the resident flirt with bad pick up lines and even worse jokes and a man of many kinks.” Pidge rolled their eyes at their co-worker and looked deadpan at the camera. “God help me.”
Step 3: Surround yourself with intelligent people
The camera cut to Pidge sitting in their office surrounded by Rover, the robot they built, their laptop, and various other electronic devices and inventions. “If you surround yourself with intelligent people, or in my case, electronics, you’re less likely to be surrounded by pining idiots.”
 Step 4: Don’t catch feelings
“Obviously you’ve done fucked up and failed to do step three otherwise you wouldn’t be here.” Pidge sassed off to the camera and rolled their eyes, taking another shot of vodka. “So now onto step four. Do not catch feelings. Run away from that shit. If you catch feelings then you’re going to get stuck in the insufferable void called pining. Good luck getting out of that shit, fucker.”
 Step 5: Just throw out all your friends and build a robot
“Let’s be real,” Pidge rolled their eyes. “You fucking failed to do step four and now you’ve caught feelings. Why did you catch feelings? 'Cause life is a bitch that’s why. You caught the feelings after I warned you fuckers not to. Your only hope now is to throw out all your friends. Who needs them assholes anyway? Just build a robot. Like Rover!” A smile instantly lit up their face as they hugged their robot Rover. “Everyone needs a robot. Robots won’t get on your nerves. Robots don’t pine after their best friends and expect you to give them advice. Just build yourself a robot. You won’t regret it. And that, you fuckers, is how you become the only person in your group with any goddamn sense. Pidge out.”
 2017 13 January    10:30 a.m.
Uncle Nigel Thornberry: “Coran is like our weird group Uncle who uses us as his test guinea pigs and tries to feed us healthy shit”
Uncle Nigel Thornberry: w o w
Uncle Nigel Thornberry: also Happy Birthday Hunk!
2017 13 January 10: 38 a.m.
Vodka Mom: Happy Birthday Hunk!
Vodka Mom: lmao Coran is sitting at the kitchen table pouting and grumbling under his breath about ungrateful gremlins
2017 13 January 10:45 a.m.
Pidgeon: square up corn i speak nothing but the truth
2017 13 January 10: 50 a.m.
Hunkalove: Thanks guys!
2017 13 January 10: 54 a.m.
Father Dearest: Pidge you shouldn’t be drinking
Father Dearest: also Happy Birthday, Hunk
2017 13 January 11:00 a.m.
Ice Princess: “Mr. 'I’m so emo’ Kogane, closet furry” LMAOOOOOO
Ice Princess: im crying
2017 13 January 11:02 a.m.
Emo Edgelord: stfu i’m not a furry
2017 13 January 11:03 a.m.
Ice Princess: rlly?
Ice Princess: those cat ear headbands i found in ur apartment proves otherwise
2017 13 January 11:04 a.m.
Emo Edgelord: wtf
2017 13 January 11:03 a.m.
Vodka Mom: LMAO
2017 13 January 11:04 a.m.
Pidgeon: lmao k e i t h w h y
2017 13 January 11:05 a.m.
Emo Edgelord: they were a gag gift from Shiro one yr
2017 13 January 11:05 a.m.
Father Dearest: sure they were
Father Dearest: I just heard the front door slam shut
Father Dearest: Keith where are you going?
2017 13 January 11:06 a.m.
Emo Edgelord: lance only lives right down the hall
Emo Edgelord: im going kick his scrawny ass
2017 13 January 11:06 a.m.
Ice Princess: shit shit shit shit shit
Ice Princess sent g2g.jpg.
2017 13 January 11:07 a.m.
Emo Edgelord: open the fuck up lance so i can choke you
2017 13 January 11:07 a.m.
Pidgeon: lmao i bet lance would very much enjoy that
2017 13 January 11:08 a.m.
Ice Princess: honestly choking is pretty much the one kink i dont actually have
Ice Princess: go figure
2017 13 January 11:08 a.m.
Vodka Mom: so you’re not denying that you have a daddy kink
2017 13 January 11:09 a.m.
Ice Princess: i mean…
2017 13 January 11:09 a.m.
Father Dearest: bYE
2017 13 January 11:10 a.m.
Hunkalove: i live with the guy i know nearly all of his kinks unfortunately
2017 13 January 11:10 a.m.
Vodka Mom: spill the tea so we can kinkshame
2017 13 January 11:10 a.m.
Ice Princess: hunk dont you dadkfjdkejvaevnnejaej
2017 13 January 11:11 a.m.
Pidgeon: ???
2017 13 January 11:11 a.m.
Hunkalove: keith just jumped out from behind the sofa and tackled lance to the floor
2017 13 January 11:11 a.m.
Vodka Mom: bless
2017 13 January 11:12 a.m.
Hunkalove: keith is currently trying to drag him across the floor
2017 13 January 11:13 a.m.
Vodka Mom: keith when i say drag him i didn’t mean literally drag him
2017 13 January 11:13 a.m.
Father Dearest: look what you did Pidge
Father Dearest: all because you called Keith a closet furry
Father Dearest: and i don’t “nag”
2017 13 January 11:14 a.m.
Vodka Mom: sure Jan
2017 13 January 11:18 a.m.
2017 13 January 11:18 a.m.
Pidgeon: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
2017 13 January 11:19 a.m.
Emo Edgelord: it was a long time coming
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Crystal Messenger - Zen pt. 3
Summary: Mystic Messenger Fantasy AU. You’re one of the most respected knights in King Han’s kingdom until a horrible incident leaves you with a missing eye, a dead best friend, and a curse on your body that grants you tremendous power while driving you steadily insane. Desperate, distressed, and feeling like a worthless failure, you embark on a suicidal mission of unrestrained heroism, leaving your life behind as you try to make something of yourself before you die.
It doesn’t quite work out like you’d hoped.
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Everyone starts shouting after you punch Zen.
Including Zen, for that matter, although it’s more.. for you than at you as he puts himself between you and a very, very irritable guard with a sword in defense of your honor.
(what is up with this dude???)
You’re quickly approaching your ‘snap-and-freak-out’ point when Jumin – using his royal decree voice – tells everyone to sit down and shut the fuck up. He strides forward, pushing past his guard and as he stares down Zen (who remains directly and stubbornly in his path.)
“I don’t care if you’re a king or a prince or whatever, you’re not hurting her,” Zen glowers at him, and it’s then that you’re completely certain that Zen is insane.
Jumin quirks an eyebrow, and damn that doesn’t mean good things for the man in front of you. “She is my friend, and I would ask that you stand aside and let me speak to her.”
Zen, apparently, has a bone to pick with Jumin as he says he’s not letting this ‘emotionless freak’ anywhere near you. Jumin retorts by saying that, unlike Zen, he actually knows you and is therefore far more trustworthy, and…
“I know her well enough!” Zen shouts, completely and absolutely confusing you.
….???? What??????
he met you, like, once. what is he on about.
You’re distracted by a gentle hand on your arm, and you look over to see a very, very familiar blue head of hair.
V. It’s V. Thank the lord, it’s Jihyun Kim.
[the rest is under the read more!]
Behind him is Yoosung, looking notably distressed, but you’re kind of focusing on V at the moment because you’re going through complete sensory overload. Seeming to understand that, V tugs on your arm, telling you softly to come with him, he and Yoosung will get you out of there.
While everyone is focused on Zen and Jumin’s mounting conflict, you escape.
Your ears are ringing as you’re lead up to the clinic, and Yoosung – bless his soul – asks if you’re okay was you rub at them.
“Oh, yes, just peachy. I made a public embarrassment of myself at Jumin’s coronation and I’m sure at least half of that room wants my head for it, everything’s fine.”
(you kick yourself internally. You didn’t need to say it like that.)
Yoosung flinches, and V carefully explains that because of your, um… condition, your natural sensitivity to noise is even more stressful.
“Yeah,” you grumble. “And all it’s really good for is getting me to flip out and gut people, now.”
(actually, it’s probably for the best if you drive Yoosung off, isn’t it? He doesn’t need to be around you.)
Blessedly, Yoosung waits until after V has gotten you some tea and a nice, quiet room to sit for awhile before he starts ripping him a new one about how could you let this happen and why didn’t you tell me what had happened to her.
You wish they’d go farther than just outside the door, since your naturally good hearing means you can hear their argument about you pretty dang well. (Well. “argument”, it’s more Yoosung yelling at V about things and V trying to say he wanted to respect your privacy and it wasn’t for him to tell anyone.)
You… keep your opinions to yourself, as you’re a useless hunk of meat who hates thinking about stressful things like that.
The rest of the day is spent in that room, alone, and you try not to feel bitter that V takes off and doesn’t stay with you. (Though, to be fair, if you’d had your way you wouldn’t have interacted with him at all.)
You wouldn’t have interacted with anyone.
Jumin comes to visit you in the evening, interrupting you in the middle of one of V’s mystery novels he’d left on the shelf. His manner is cold, abrupt – but you suppose you’re used to that, and you’re glad that he dispenses with pleasantries and gets right to the point.
“Despite what all my advisors would like me to do, I’ve appointed one of the rooms in the guest wing to be yours, and you are my officially under my protection for as long as you want to stay.”
you’re pretty stunned by this act of protective generosity, given that, y’know, you punched one of the musicians at his coronation, but jumin just said that Zen probably deserved it and also w/e, it’s just a ‘for show’ thing, he doesn’t really care.
Wow. Thanks, buddy. Though you weren’t actually planning to stay. Actually maybe you should just go now. You’ve sort of already done enough (and you kinda-sorta-totally don’t want to acknowledge the Incident with Zen. Ever.)
now that jumin can’t do.
“what” you say, staring at him, and he bluntly states that, while he did argue for your interests, those who know of your..... condition now were, uh, displeased by the Public Violence you displayed. The nobility, citing it as an indication of your deteriorating mental state, want you imprisoned and made an example of.
“what,” you say. “so by guest room you meant jail cell?”
“no,” jumin says, flatly like he has no idea why you’d be upset. “by guest room i meant guest room, it’s just one you’re obligated by law to say in”
"how is that in any way ‘for as long as i want to stay,” you reply, desperately wanting to punch Jumin directly in the face for getting your hopes up.
“well, you’re allowed to stay in it as long as you want after you’re allowed to leave.”
He insists that it’s just until he can clear your name. Y’know, show that you’re not going to go eating babies or something. Prove yourself sane and capable of existing in normal society.
Fuck. Fine. Fine, you say, though you’re pretty certain you’re probably going to die here. You haven’t been able to prove you aren’t a slobbering monster to anyone outside the castle, why should a bunch of fancily dressed prima-donnas be any different?
God, this is stupid. God, you hate it! God, why did you have to be so damnably sentimental and come back to this place?
Jumin shows you your room, which you henceforth dub the ‘sulking room’ because that’s all you’re going to do from now on. sulk.
(jumin tells you it’d be more helpful if you did good deeds and showed people you’re Pretty Decent and you tell him to eat a cactus.)
And... you...... shit, you’re staying here, you guess.
The next morning, you arise to a vaguely familiar woman knocking at your door.
Her name is Jaehee, she seems annoyed that you exist, and she’s here to take you to breakfast where you’re obligated to act like a Normal Person.
“Okay,” you say, feeling super weird because Jaehee, Jaehee... Where have you heard that name before??? But you’re distracted from it during your walk down to the dining room by the sound of the reaper himself knocking at your soul.
you can hear Zen singing.
“Zen’s still here?” you blurt out, and Jaehee gives you a weird look, because of course he is, he’s one of the palace musicians. He got hired about a year ago on Jaehee’s recommendation.
She also sees fit to tell you that, while she doesn’t know what’s going on between you and Zen, it would be incredibly damaging to his career should it continue. So if you care about him at all you should -
you huff.
jaehee stares at you.
“good talk,” she says, and tells you that you should probably stay away from the gardens, because that’s where he likes to practice.
“oh, you mean the one with that cute patio? that explains why i can hear him, then.”
“what,” Jaehee says, and the both of you are late to breakfast because she wants to go listen to him.
Apparently, there’s a nice little spot among the rose bushes where you can get pretty close to him without being seen. Briefly, you wonder how she even knows about this, but that fervently adoring expression on her face as the two of you listen to Him is enough to tell you everything you need to know.
...Crimmeny crickets, were you this embarrassing over him back when you were visiting his shows?
You wouldn’t really call what you did bonding with her, per se, but you did... admittedly... enjoy the chance to listen to him sing again. Even if you couldn’t see him, even if he didn’t know you were there...
You felt connected to him again, in a way that should, honestly, make you sick.
What the heck was wrong with you...?
Breakfast goes about as well as you could expect. You’re shocked to see Elizabeth has grown a lot the past two years, and she was weirdly happy to see you. She asks you tons of questions about what you’ve been doing on your sabbatical that you really don’t know how to answer. 
(Jumin distracts her, luckily, about asking her how her studies have been going.)
Other than that... you... mostly just try to avoid people. You hole up in the library to read, you stick to hallways and corridors that are mostly empty. You hear the servants whispering about you, and Jumin tries to convince you to “interact with people” and “make friends”, but you’re not really having any of it.
They’ll get bored and forget about you, right? They’ll see that you’re not ready to snap at a moment’s notice and... let you go back to being a wandering hermit?
Most particularly, though... you avoid Zen.
He seems to be looking for you, or at least, that’s what you overheard as you scampered down a hallway to avoid him. You stay away from places he might be, and when he knocks at your door one night, asking for you, you climb out the window to escape. There are a million reasons you don’t want anything to do with him - the most prominent of which being a thorough desire to forget the Incident with him - and, it’s like Jaehee said. You really shouldn’t associate with him.
You hear people talking about him too, and what happened at the coronation. You don’t want him associated with you at all.
It’s... difficult to totally stay away though. You like his work too much. It’s too familiar, too comforting, like chocolate or a familiar light, and, y’know. Jaehee showed you that handy spot behind the rose bush. It wouldn’t... be too bad to just... listen, right?
There’s no way he can find you if you hide behind the flowers!
Good plan. 
(Occasionally you share the spot with Jaehee and the neither of you acknowledge it.)
About a week after your arrival, the sun is particularly warm, and you slept particularly poorly the night before, and his music is particularly soothing, and you find yourself drifting off to sleep on the grass. 
It’s the best sleep you’ve ever had, you feel like, and you wake up hours later to a blue, cloudy sky...
And Zen watching you sleep.
Operation: Avoid Zen Forever - Failed.
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