#hormone replacement treatment
zerosuitsammi3 · 2 months
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Messy fuck
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aroaceconfessions · 1 year
In my transition research I found that some people experienced their sexuality changing after they started testosterone. I’m kind of really scared of this, as I have only just become comfortable calling myself ace. I just don’t want to have to figure it out all over again
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queeryouthassemble · 10 months
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[ID: Light yellow square post with a lighter yellow, rounded-corner box at the bottom. In the box, all caps, blue text with a black outline reads “gender affirming care saves lives.” Below that, smaller black text reads “let’s talk about it…” Above the box are four illustrated people, drawn from the waist up. They are of diverse appearances and outfits. One waves a trans flag, another holds a sign that says “protect trans kids.” There are pink, blue, and white dots decorating the page.]
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[ID: Light yellow square post with a lighter yellow, rounded-corner box at the top, with all-caps blue text with a black outline that reads "why do people transition?*" Smaller black text below reads "Gender dysphoria is the feeling of discomfort or distress that may occur in people whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth. This can get severe to the point of affecting functionality throughout daily activities. Gender dysphoria is a clinically significant distress and is treated by affirming gender identity, not rejecting it. The distress and a person's identity are not the same. Being transgender is NOT a mental illness. Like any other form of healthcare, gender affirming care helps transgender & nonbinary people live safe and healthy lives. *Not all gender non-conforming folks experience gender dysphoria or transition! Transitioning is an individualized experience- while there can be similarities, not one is the same. Some people who do not experience gender dysphoria medically transition, and some do not." Blue, pink, and white dots decorate the page.]
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[ID: Light yellow square post with a lighter yellow, rounded-corner box at the top, with all-caps blue text with a black outline that reads "what is gender affirming care?" Below that, smaller black text reads Gender dysphoria is treated with care such as puberty blockers, Hormone Replacement Therapy (using Estrogen or Testosterone), and gender affirming surgery. Gender affirming care has been found to dramatically improve depression & anxiety in transgender patients. Those with access to such treatments were found to be over 70% less likely to contemplate self harm or suicide. Collectively more than 1.3 million doctors* across the United States affirm age appropriate gender affirming care as medical best practice. *Every credible medical and mental health organization including (but not limited to) the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Endocrine Society, the World Medical Association, and the American Psychological Association." Blue, pink, and white dots decorate the page.]
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[ID: Light yellow square post with a lighter yellow, rounded-corner box at the top, with all-caps blue text with a black outline that reads "what does this mean for kids?" Below that, smaller black text reads "Gender affirming care is always delivered in age-appropriate, evidence based ways. Decisions to provide care are made in consultation with doctors and in the cases of minors, their parents. No permanent medical interventions are prescribed to trans kids without significant consideration, time, and informed consent from both patient and parents. This is done with the oversight of numerous doctors and mental health professionals.* Research shows that trans youth with supportive families experience over a 50% decrease in recent suicidal thoughts. Yet, only 27% of trans youth say that their families are. *In younger children, this care can be entire social. This can mean a new name, hair style, clothing, etc. The vast majority of gender affirming care offered to children is reversible, adjustable, and administered at a pace suited for the child and their family." Blue, pink, and white dots decorate the page.]
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[ID: Light yellow square post with a lighter yellow, rounded-corner box at the top, with all-caps blue text with a black outline that reads "is all this a trend?" Below, smaller black text reads "Being transgender is not new! Transgender people have always existed and will continue to exist regardless of the political and societal landscape. Public support & acceptance of LGBTQ+ rights alongside increased visibility, language & resources have allowed more people to live openly as their authentic selves. De-transitioning is rare with studies finding levels of regret as low as 1-2%. In one study following over 300 transgender youth (after first socially transitioning), it was found that over 92% remained consistent in their gender identity 5 years later. Evidence shows that many detransitioners do so due to inaccess to medical care, lack of familial and social support, or other reasons not relating to desistance in trans identity." Blue, pink, and white dots decorate the page.]
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[ID: Light yellow square post with a lighter yellow, rounded-corner box at the top, with all-caps blue text with a black outline that reads "sources." Below the box is small black text oriented to the left of the page, which reads "Olson, KR, et al. "Gender Identity 5 years after Social Transition." Bustos, VP, el al. "Regret after Gender-Affirmation Surgery: A systemic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prevalence." Perzanowski, ES, et al. "Pediatric Gender Identity: Gender-affirming Care for Transgender & Gender Diverse Youth." Tordoff DM, et al. "Mental Health Outcomes in Transgender and Nonbinary Youths Receiving Gender-Affirming Care." TLDEF's Trans Health Project "Medical Organization Statements" https://transhealthproject.org/resources/medical-organization-statements/. The Trevor Project "2022 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health"." At the bottom of the page are seven illustrated people, drawn from the waist up. They are of diverse appearances, and some hold signs with pro-trans messaging. End ID.]
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ducktalk · 7 months
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apricotbuncakes · 7 months
Testosterone gave me confidence, and that confidence allowed me to put my audacity to good use.
I’ve been joking with my friends that “I now have the audacity of an army of cis men”. Some other symptoms of testosterone include:
“Brave stupidity” such as knowing I will not be able to tolerate Carolina Reaper hot sauce and still eating it anyway (and somehow roping in another [cis] guy into doing it without making fun of his masculinity)
“Cut off all the sleeves of my t-shirts” to show off my nonexistent arm muscles
“H o r n y” That is amusing as it is annoying considering I am asexual and have no desire to fuck anyone regardless of how much I love them romantically
And last but not least: Actually having a semblance of energy to get up and be happy about my life (amazing what gender affirming care will do).
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aerisfelidae · 1 year
Would anyone who has been on T at a low dose, started on T as a non-binary person, or de-transitioned after T be willing to offer me some perspective or experience?
I'm non-binary, and considering HRT - trying to be as informed as I can before deciding but have some questions that I'm struggling to find resources for - would appreciate signposting if you know any!
I am aware that you can't pick and choose the effects of T. I'm at a point where I feel it could be affirming to me, and I'm aware that it could potentially go the opposite direction and just give me different dysphoria. (Clarifying info below the cut if you feel it's necessary)
Ideally I would be proceeding slowly and on a low dose - but if I find it is going in a non-affirming direction, what would stopping it do? Do you return to baseline or does it just stop you from continuing further?
I've been told that a low dose doesn't mean LESS change, it just means the change happens slower. If I reach my ideal presentation, do I just maintain that or would it be a lifelong balancing act to maintain?
I've seen people talk about being on T "long enough to have permanent changes" but am struggling to find clarification on this and the main resources I'm turning up aren't answering that question, and I'm struggling to find resources for nonbinary hrt at all, even if anyone can point me in the right direction I would be grateful
I can manage at baseline, I've been able to take baseline in the direction I want to go. I would be happier if I was more masc, but also I worry that pushing that too far would just give me a different flavour of dysphoria. And in that case I would rather return to baseline and do my best with that. I hope that makes sense, open to clarifying further
Ultimately I know I'll have to talk to a doctor about it, but the waiting lists are long and I want to try and be as informed as possible until I get that opportunity
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badger-with-a-boa · 10 months
Not me making a meme in celebration of my girlfriend telling me she'll most likely be able to start taking Estrogen soon
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smalllonelyegg · 1 year
Yo! Kinda curious! If any of yall are transfem, on hrt and started experiencing period symptoms from it, when did they start?
I can't find much about it online and I don't think I've had them so far so wanted to ask here!
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springblossum · 1 year
Hey girlies, I'm considering getting on progesterone, could anyone tell me about their experiences taking it?
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To any trans people out there who don’t want surgery or hormones or any form of medical transition.
Your body is your body.
If all you change is your pronouns OR your name OR your presentation OR how you fill out a form.
You are still valid if you are trans.
And if you’re a cis person who does any of these things YOU ARE ALSO VALID.
Labels are a tool we use to make sense of things, they are not boxes to put ourselves.
Experiment, let other people experiment. Don’t judge someone for changing their labels or any way the express themselves at any time because ultimately it’s all made up ways humans be humaning.
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zerosuitsammi3 · 3 months
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Its been awhile since I had the free time or energy to participate in a tummy Tuesday 🥰🥰🥰
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ademafraid · 7 months
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jackmfvegas777 · 1 year
How is hormone therapy going? I've considered it myself but I'm nervous about it. Can you tell me a little about what its like? :)
Ah, thank you so much for asking!! I appreciate it!!
Well, the experience is really quite vastly different for every person on HRT.
For me, it was one of the best choices I have ever made in my life. I was hopelessly and horribly dysphoric for my whole life to the point of nearly not being able to function (dysphoria coupled with severe mental illnesses is for sure A Bad Time) and I was lucky enough to be able to get on it fairly early, thank God because I probably would not have lasted longer-apologies for that dark subject but it is necessary to mention for how much it turned my life around entirely.
I am still not fully transitioned to my liking per sé, as the full range of Testosterone's complete effects is a maximum of 5 years according to my research. I have been on it for nearly 2 years now. I plan to be on it for the rest of my life if possible, as I'd like all effects to stay forever-- I fucking ADORE every second of it, honestly I'm not afraid of needles either like most are so I literally get ecstatic & excited every time it's time to inject LOL!! Probably a weird reaction but--it legit makes me wanna throw a party every time those 2 weeks pass & it is time to.
(Not all forms of HRT have to be injected however, though it is the "strongest, most evenly distributed form" especially if done every 2 weeks instead of every 1 week,
as my doctor described it, which made me choose it--and coupled w my lack of giving a shit about injecting lmaoo)
I have had a lot of effects, I am also finally growing actual facial hair which is nice-though I learned I prefer my face clean-shaven or at least mostly, which is a hilarious twist tbh as I thought I'd want a full beard. I'm cool with both but I definitely prefer how I look without, so I shave every now & then currently.
My body looks entirely different, at least my shoulders and arms HELLA, I've had strong asf cis men say I'm built better than them which gives me giggle-fits of pridefulness LMAO--im petty ig--
but anyway to get to the true point--I would not be where I am today or perhaps here at all, myself, if I didn't go on it and exactly when I did. I am so extremely grateful for it occurring and that I have access to it at all--I am honestly hardly feeling dysphoria except on Really Bad days when it still hits me. Even things I should be dysphoric about and was in the past, idgaf about now. My chest barely bothers me now, and used to be my personal Hell. I have even decided to not do top surgery in the future which is... really bizarre as I was DESPERATE for it before (however this most-dysphoria-removal effect seems to be rare, so don't expect it to "cure" dysphoria, it didn't for me either but I'd say reduced it by like 90% or something lol. But most don't have that strong of a reaction)
My advice for you and every trans person on the fence about it, would be do a CRAP TON of research, on its every effect, type, etc. and talk to or read about/etc. as many people you can find who can give their opinions on their own experiences-as everyone has a different story!
If it is a "HELL YES" after that, then definitely go through with it. If there is still doubt, I'd wait. There is no rush as you can always decide to begin in the future
Know though, that if you do start it, but wish to stop later,
in some ways there's a "reset button",
but in some ways there is not.
Some effects will reverse if you stop taking T, like the fat & muscle redistribution, etc.
however some will stay, for example any body or facial hair that develops will then grow forever as the follicle is "activated" (male hair is a different subtype of hair, so once it's made it can't be reversed) and etc.
Be aware of which effects do this, and just in general, get as much information you can gather.
This info-gathering also has the added bonus, of impressing TF out of your endocrinologist if you do happen to choose to go the route of beginning taking it--
During the consultation, they'll ask if you know about it well, and for me, I began on a spiel of the things I knew & how much I researched because I was so excited to begin and how much it would help me.
By my Dr's reaction she was blown away by my very informed decision, that I had thought about it VERY hard, & I think that is what assisted me greatly in acquiring the prescription for it so fast.
Basically, if they either know or just think you are going into this without much context or don't seek it passionately, they think you may change your mind and that you're "going through a phase" or that you can't consent due to not enough information that you know on it for such a majour medical decision.
If you come in confident asf that this is what you need, and you're like "Yeah I know this, I got this shit locked down" they know they're dealing with someone who is very damn sure this is the path they need, and thus the doctor doesn't have to worry nor explain more, which speeds everything up.
Overall, I will end this by saying I wish you the utmost good luck, and that whatever path you choose, you feel happy and gender-euphoric!! Thank you for asking my advice & I hope I helped in any way!! 👍👍💜🏳️‍⚧️
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still down with this fucking illness, but at least I’ve gotten to let my facial hair grow more than ever before🙃 dare I say that I feel…attractive?
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ducktalk · 4 months
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apricotbuncakes · 7 months
Trans friends going on HRT: Make sure your pharmacy of choice has the most up to date insurance (if you have any). I’ve been waiting an extra couple of weeks to even come close to getting my first testosterone dose because I never updated my insurance info and they tried to bill the wrong insurance (which obviously denied all the requests because I’m not covered by them).
It’s so much easier to update it early than to find out afterwards that ‘your’ insurance has denied the requests. A lot less emotional stress.
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