#hopefully i'm not coming off as harsh ówo''
wolftails-funkin-arts · 3 months
So... Uh-
Not naming any names because I don't want any witch hunting or harrassment, but let's just say.. Hmm...
Back in January, a possible fan (probably an old time fan that liked some of my old content before I came to FNF) DMed me on my other blog that I should draw a future design of an old fanbapie I have from a fandom I used to be in
I politely said that I lost interest and left that community and will not draw any character(s) relating to said fandom anymore, same goes to my old fanbapies from there- They kind of had a disappointed reaction to my response, but hey, I said what I said- Ehehe ÓwÒ"
Everything was okay after that- Well, they would comment on my posts sometimes, but I didn't really mind them (cuz I think they're not always active on Tumblr)
But right now, logging into here (my main blog), they made a reblog and a comment (now deleted) on my blog introduction saying they're disappointed, calling me a "traitor", I "brought sadness" to them.. Not to mention that they literally misgendered me.. -_-
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After seeing that, I kind of have the urge to block them here and my other blog.
Or... is it too harsh? Suggestions? I know the block button is free, but, uh.. asking for a friend-
Again, I don't want anyone to hunt who I'm talking about, let alone harrass them even if you do- I'm just making this now because what I saw really annoyed me-
As for the old fanbapies I mentioned, I might seperate them from the fandoms they were from and maybe change their designs and make them to be their own characters, so... that's that- Also, I don't want anyone to force me to go back to the old fandoms I was in before, if I left them, I left them, okay? I want to stick to the interests I have now- 👉👈
Even if I do block this person, hopefully they'll take it well and not do a tantrum or something Ó~O"
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