#honestly writing them together is so fun they're both such hissing cats
noroi1000 · 2 years
„Nyan III” !
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Part two
A/n: This is the part I wanted to write today. After this time, I send the third part... It was supposed to end up with two, but I'm sending you this!
@wake-uptoreality this fluff is for you! Thank you for everything! I dedicate it to you for your help!
Cw: 2,4 k
No warnings! This is fluff. Only Satoru is a bit perverted.
The images used in this belong to their creators. I just remade them and just used them.
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Satoru and Suguru as cats! Only fluff!
You don't know if it's a good thing that instead of leaving the house you spend time with cats.
Or rather, your boys.
Your cats are your boyfriends too...
No matter how weird it may sound.
It is really so, and no one can tell you this is a mistake.
You are not wrong. Don't think you're crazy.
Satoru and Suguru understand you. Even though when they are in the form of cats, things are a bit different.
Then they don't talk to you. But you often see their emotions on their faces.
You know when they are pissed off, annoyed, happy and also sad. 
You don't know by what miracle, but really as cats they can communicate with you somehow.
They will show you something, give you something.
You wish they could stay in their human form any longer.
Once a day for several hours or more often. So you can't complain.
But they are often cats. 
You don't mind the presence of these two purrs, but you prefer your boyfriends.
You don't know why they prefer to be cats.
Honestly, you wish your apartment was a little louder. More conversations. More people.
But you have cats.
And Satoru as a cat is obnoxious anyway.
You often say something or irritate you for fun as a human.
As a cat...
This is different. Meows, purrs... 
He sometimes hisses at Suguru when you give him more attention.
And you have seen more than once how both of them are beating each other with their fluffy paws.
It was sweet for you, so you recorded it.
During their quarrel, they are better as cats. Nobody speaks. There are no screams.
They just meow. 
Most of the time they are very playful cats.
Tails up, mouth with a small smile.
Additionally, they are energetic cats. 
They don't sleep very much.
Not like normal cats that sleep half their lives. They are everywhere. They run and jump.
They are not like normal cats...
After all, they are human.
Plus, they're both your boys.
This may sound very strange. But your boyfriends are cats.
That's why you can't tell anyone.
And you also don't want to say you live with them.
You pay cheaper for an apartment.
You have fewer tenants, and they live with you anyway.
You pay neither more nor less for animals.
You rent an apartment for one person. So having two cats/people you pay nothing.
This is where it comes in handy.
You don't feel lonely, and you don't have to waste anything. The only waste is your body. You have claw scratches on your skin. Especially after Satoru's claws. 
It climbed on you to lie on your shoulders.
You even woke up once with a scratched neck.
Why? Because Satoru is a person who constantly bites you to leave traces. As a human and as a cat. He bit you mostly as a human. 
Only Suguru has any respect for your whole body.
As a cat.
As a human, he becomes more like Satoru. He hugs you, lifts you up and wants to bite you.
You are their girlfriend after all.
That's why you always have marks on both sides of your neck. One for Satoru and one for Suguru. 
You don't like when they fight, so you let them equal.
But sometimes the boundaries go wrong.
And especially the white cat is not interested in sticking to the rules.
That's why they get jealous together. That is your worst problem. 
You treat both of them equally, but they really go overboard sometimes.
If you forbid them something, they will do it anyway. Even if you love them, sometimes it's unbearable. 
When you don't let them lie on you and they don't know enough reason why they can't, they'll just lie down anyway.
When you take offense at them, they turn into people and both hug you in bed at the same time. 
Cats that turn into humans every day.
For you.
Their meowing shows you that you have someone in your life. That someone loves you. 
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You're tired after work... 
Even if you work in a company as a secretary. Even that is not an exact term. You just fill out paperwork all day. You get paid by doing almost nothing. At least that's what others think. This is so tiring. Your back, eyes and head hurt. Almost every day. 
Your position is not important in the company. You just work there and fill out some paperwork. Almost every day. And that's always something to do.
As soon as you came back, you weren't looking at anything else.
You just fell on the bed without looking where your cats are.
They may not even be there. They also go out sometimes. And you just want to rest.
Especially now. You don't care about emails from work anymore. You don't care what else you have to do.
Satoru and Suguru can have their own dinner...
Besides, as cats, they eat no less than humans. And they should eat less because they have smaller stomachs as fluffy animals. But still, appearances are deceptive. They confuse you very much. They eat as much as they eat as humans. So it doesn't mean anything. You can wake up with an empty fridge anyway...
Now, when you think about food, you have gotten hungry.
You don't want to interfere with you to do anything...
You think you'll go to sleep...
You just quickly checked the hour on your phone before putting the touchscreen device down on the bed next to you, and closing your eyes.
It felt so heavy lying on your stomach. But it was comfortable to feel the soft mattress all over my body. At least your poor spine doesn't have to keep you upright now. You can completely lie down and relax.
Probably neither Suguru nor Satoru are at home. Since they have not come to you so far, they are not here.
If they were with you, they'd both be adjacent to you already. It does not matter whether in the form of a cat or a human. It is enough that it is them.
And now you could use a soft, relaxing cat fur or the warm skin of your lovers... 
Anyway, so that they don't tire you anymore...
Or better, make you dinner...
Or have them come back after you've been asleep for at least half an hour...
You were thinking with your eyes closed, and it made your body fall asleep. 
But as always, something must wake you up...
You felt a prickle on your thigh.
You got a muscle cramp or lay down on something. Or you may also have some living creature there...
One answer was correct.
And that was the third answer.
You turned to see the white fur.
You sighed. You rested a bit.
"Hi, Satoru." you said smiling slightly.
Suddenly he jumped on your back. His paws almost massaged you, but he was heavy... 
You don't know if this fur weighs so much or because it's a big cat... If any of them lay on your face, you would choke you. And they themselves weigh a lot when they are human.
You could at least die strangled in soft fur... It is also some friendly death...
You saw and felt him climb onto your ass.
"...The pervert cat... Who would have thought they existed..." you laughed as he lay down, pressing into your body. He began to purr.
You closed your eyes but you looked there again when you heard a loud meowing.
You no longer felt Satoru on your body. That's why you looked over there and sat down on the bed.
Satoru clawed on the bed as Suguru's cat pulled on his tail.
The white cat meowed sadly.
"Sugu, leave him alone." You grunted and held out your hand to the dark cat. 
You put your hand on his head and let go of the white's tail.
Satoru climbed onto the bed and sat down next to you. 
"Welcome home, (y/n)-chan." suddenly you heard Satoru's voice. You turned to see him in human form.
He leaned in to place a kiss on your lips.
"I finally came back..." you grunted and rested your head against his chest. You patted the seat next to you to make Suguru jump there.
He was still in the form of a cat.
You stroked his back.
"Sugu, why don't you turn into a human?" you asked holding in your hand the paw he gave you.
"He lost the bet."
"What?"  You turned to Satoru.
"I made a bet with him that when I jumped on you whether you would throw me off or not. Suguru said you would be tired and throw me off right away. So we made a bet. If you don't dump me, he becomes a cat for another hour. If you dump me, I'll be a cat for two hours."
"And he lost...?" you laughed. 
You showed him any jumped on your lap.
He sat down there, surrendering to your caresses.
"Have a look. He can't beat me!"
Suddenly Satoru stood up, taking Suguru's paws in his hands and picked him up, leaning against his chest. He picked it up slightly and then lowered it.
You saw Suguru's face twist in dissatisfaction. 
"Satoru, but as a cat he can too–"
You didn't have time to finish before you saw Suguru push away from Satoru, land on the bed, and suddenly he jumped back on Satoru with his claws. 
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"Hisss–" you only heard it, and then Satoru's loud groan as he tried to protect himself.
The dark cat clung to Satoru's clothes and waved its paws to attack him whenever he tried to push him away.
You laughed softly at the sight, but you came quickly and pulled Suguru off him. 
"If this is what your punishment for losing is going to be, you can change!" White-haired groaned. "This is worse than pissing you off as a human..."
Suguru calmed down.
You put him on the floor and he turned into a human. 
You now have two men.
"Now you've you lost by saying I can't attack you." Suguru laughed. You heard his voice for the first time today.
"Okay Okay..." Satoru muttered with a smile before walking up to you and kissing you passionately. 
As he pulled away, with a cocky smile he turned into a cat at the sight of your blush.
He proudly went into the kitchen.
Suguru hugged you and kissed you gently on the cheek.
You grabbed his waist. It's nice to cuddle with them when they're human. Even though it is the same when they are cats. 
"I'll go check where he went." He spoke and turned into a cat again and followed his friend.
You laughed. It was always fun at home. Especially with them. It doesn't matter if cats or people.
You didn't have time to turn around and Satoru already appeared in front of you.
You got scared...
He was sitting on the floor with a mochi box in front of him.
Suguru sat down next to him. 
"The mochi are out?" you asked, knowing exactly the answer. "Satoru I have to pay the rent for the apartment this week. I'll buy you a supply some other time."
Suddenly a banknote appeared in his mouth. From where?
"You know it's only enough for one box, right?" you laughed.
And now you widened your eyes to see that he was holding a black credit card instead of a banknote... You sat on the edge of the bed.
"Okay..." you looked at him strangely. It wasn't your credit card. "You didn't steal it from anyone, did you?"
"Meow." you looked at Suguru who was meowing. He was pointing his paw at his white friend. 
"So that's his card. Why I didn't know about this?" 
They both purred. 
"We have to eat dinner?" you said and you wanted to get up.
 When you were about to get up, Satoru jumped on you, causing you to roll over on the bed.
He lay down on your stomach before he left.
They both disappeared into the kitchen.
Were you supposed to rest while the cats were in the kitchen?
That is a bit strange.
After all, they don't have grippy thumbs to grab anything...
Or maybe they turned into people...
You stayed like that for a while.
They are cute.
You could never leave them.
Same with the fact that they are also dangerous as cats.
Even as friends, they do everything for you. And they are jealous...
But you have two hands. So you can pet them both at once.
You haven't felt the smoke of burning fur in the house yet.  
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 Ten minutes later you went to the kitchen. They really did cook as cats... 
Suguru was standing by the pot. By the fire...
And Satoru was sitting in the chair. There were several plates on the kitchen island.
You walked quickly to Suguru.
"Sugu, watch your tail." You said quickly, taking it from the stove. 
You know they have clean feet. Sometimes they are able to wash them under water. Soap. 
But for now, only a pot of water is on fire. Next to it, a packet of pasta. 
"You cannot cook when you are cats!" 
They both looked at you.
You picked up the black cat.
You hugged Suguru, keeping him with you.
Moments later you felt the weight increase a lot. 
Suddenly you were hugged by him as a human. He was standing on his own legs, and you were a little pulled up. They were so tall...
"Okay. Sweetheart~." he muttered with a smile.
You saw him wincing a little, and then you saw Satoru climbing over his clothes. Until he lay on his shoulders.
As always, they made up with each other. 
You walked over to them. You put your hand on Satoru-cat's head, and on Suguru's cheek. 
They both came closer to your touch.
He watched Suguru cook supper. He made pasta and sauce.
You always enjoyed Suguru's cooking.
You were sitting with Satoru until he suddenly turned into a human as well. 
You sat on his lap while you waited for food.
Happy evening with your "cats". 
You felt the fatigue go away.
You went to the bathroom to take a shower and when you came back you saw them lying in bed. 
Both without shirts. They lay facing each other with a gap between their bodies.
They showed you that this was the place for you.
You slipped between them, pressing your back against Satoru's chest as you put your head against Suguru's chest. 
Relax after tiring hours.
You're not crazy. Really your boyfriends are two people who turn into cats.
Your life is very enjoyable.
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Next part
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leupagus · 2 years
I got tagged! For a writing meme!
I never get tagged, this is so exciting! The excellent @connachta, whose fic you should go read right now, tagged me for Out Of Touch Thursday, and in keeping with the apparent theme I’m so out of touch that I don’t actually know what Out Of Touch means in this context. But the general idea seems to be to post something in the fic you’re working on, or one of the fics you’re working on. So here you go:
"Whatever, we do this and we stay alive, all right? Both of us."
"And then what?" Frenchie demands, keeping his voice as low as he can. "We escape? You think we can just steal a dinghy and row ourselves to freedom, is that it?"
"I don't know, maybe," snaps Jim. "It's not impossible."
"It's… fairly impossible, mate," Frenchie says, as gentle as he can. He forgets that Jim's not a sailor, and probably thinks the whole Caribbean's the size of a small lake.
"Okay, then we wait for a rescue," Jim says, stowing the knives in various pockets and sheaths.
"A rescue from who? There's nobody—" Frenchie stops, trying to comprehend the depth of Jim's idiocy. "You can't possibly think think that Stede Fucking Bonnet is going to sail back into our lives and, what, suck Blackbeard's cock good enough that he gives up his life of crime," he says, disbelieving. "Can you?"
Jim shrugs. "Never underestimate the power of a good cocksucking, I always say."
Frenchie wants to tear his own head off. "Okay, granted, but we don't even know if he's still alive! Or where he is! He could still be at that fucking privateer camp, for all we know!"
"So we find out for sure!" Jim hisses, getting as far up in his face as they're capable. It's hard to remember how short Jim really is; they take up more space than most. Maybe it's the hat. "And who knows, Oluwande might find us instead — the rest of the crew, they were marooned, not murdered, remember?"
"Marooning is just like, lazy murder," Frenchie says, because if he had tuppence for every deserted island in the Caribbean that was riddled with skeletons from some poor marooned bastards, he'd have three shillings sixpence.
"Sure," Jim says, waving a hand, "But it's not like Blackbeard killed anybody. So—"
"He killed Lucius," Frenchie snaps. Some part of him enjoys how Jim startles at that. "I suppose that don't count, since Lucius wouldn't exactly be captaining a ship. But yeah, he killed somebody."
"He killed Lucius?" Jim asks. It's the first time Frenchie's ever heard them sound… small.
"Pushed him overboard, the night before he went insane. Maybe that's what did it, I dunno." Frenchie didn't even find out for a few days after the rest of the crew was forced off; it was Fang who told him, sniffling and asking if the boy's lovely drawings had been thrown overboard, too. "Point is, you made this deal with someone who's not got a great track record as it concerns our former co-workers."
"Maybe," says Jim, and swallows. "But Oluwande's gotten out of bigger messes than a little involuntary island vacation. He'll figure something out. And we've got to be ready for when that happens, okay Francés? You with me on this?" They make to spit on their palm.
It's common enough, even if he's never been a particular fan: a spit and a handshake, a deal between pirates, mutually beneficial and hard to break. "Is that what you did with Blackbeard, then?" he asks.
Hard to break, but not impossible.
Jim looks back at him for a long moment, then pulls out one of their knives. "Fine," they mutter — and make a small cut on their thumb, pressing the blood into their palm. "We both stay alive, whatever it takes," they say, holding the knife out to Frenchie, handle-first.
He takes the knife and does the same to his thumb, flinching only a bit. "Whatever it takes," he says, ignoring the bile rising in his throat as he takes their hand, "We both stay alive."
Tagging @angryonabus, @whetherwoman, @kiraziwrites, @praycambrian, and @auntieclimactic!
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