hologramcowboy · 6 months
In the wild west of fame, he's the Hologram Cowboy, Projecting perfection, but it's all just a decoy, Underneath the spotlight, where his secrets reside, Aching heart and wounded pride, he tries to hide.
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I just have to get this off my chest because it's been bothering me ever since I saw a particular post about Danneel (I'll mention below) earlier and all of the ridiculousness I've seen this weekend about J2M as well:
Holy fucking shit. I knew with Jibcon being this weekend that there would be so much drama happening (like always) but I can't believe some of the takes I've seen from what these guys have said. This, to me, is an all-new low for this fandom.
First of all, while I am not a Jared fan (I don't hate the guy, I'm just indifferent to him if that makes sense) and while I have repeatedly claimed that I despise 15x20 and Dean's death, when I read his answer to that finale question (I haven't watched the panel yet but I plan to), I did not automatically take it as him saying that Dean deserved to die or that he deserved to live a half life or any of it. Do I agree with his opinion (at first mention I mean)? No, but it's just that, his opinion. Since the whole DenCon 2021 disaster, I've actually done a deep dive with this guy and I have come to appreciate his opinions on things related to the show and industry, even if I may not necessarily agree with him all of the time. I don't think he's an evil guy or sitting around hatching evil schemes to screw over Jensen, Misha, Dean, Cas, or their fans or anything like it. The guy's human and he has opinions, just like every other human being on the planet. Can we please try to come from that perspective when we hear something he said rather than running around screaming "FOUL!" before the guy is even finished speaking? I'm guilty of making that mistake in the past but now I try to come from a more objective and compassionate perspective when I hear something, and then look into it for myself. And each time I find that his words/intention consistently gets misconstrued and painted in a light that was never there in the first place. Which brings me to my second point:
When it comes to Danneel, I am not per se a fan of hers either, I am also rather indifferent to her as I am to Jared or Misha. I don't hate her and even though I don't condone any of what could be characterized as "bad behavior" from the past (i.e. her old tweets and responses to people), like Jared for example, she is also another human being and like any other human being, people do change and they do grow as they get older/have more experiences. She may still behave in a similar manner (though we haven't seen this publicly that I am aware of) or she may not (when you have kids, things tend to change your perspective usually), either way it doesn't matter when it comes to what I'm about to mention. Criticize the woman or don't criticize her, love her or hate her, whatever your reasons, can we PLEASE stop with the bullshit? And what I mean by the bullshit is this:
Jensen mentioned that he was tired in his solo panel today because Danneel wanted to stay up the night before because she hadn't been to Rome in 11 years. All of a sudden, antis (and one severely worrying individual in particular who apparently has a hard time distinguishing fiction from reality when it comes to this couple aka one hgcowboy - you know the one): DANNEEL IS ABUSING HIM BY DEPRIVING HIM OF SLEEP!!!! HOW DARE SHE!!!
Like, are you fucking kidding me? I may be indifferent to the woman or give two figs about her really but how do you get from Jensen being tired from a late night out with his wife to her ABUSING him? And this is characterized as intentional sleep deprivation? Obviously this person (hgcowboy) has never been psychologically abused like this (which is obviously a good thing) nor has she ever spoken to someone who has been through such an ordeal (I am someone who has been through that for example); that's more than evident from this commentary she posted.
1) Danneel wanting to stay out late because this is the one time she's been to Rome in 11 years (and obviously the first time with their kids) is NOT abuse. Have you ever had kids? Have you been married with said kids? There is nothing wrong with Mommy and Daddy having a night out, especially in a place that Mommy doesn't always get to visit (which is why I'm willing to bet that Jensen agreed to stay up despite his early schedule the next day). It doesn't matter that Jensen had a con the next day. The circumstances being what they are change Jensen's usual schedule. If he wasn't married and dating someone instead or took his mom there and she wanted to enjoy a night out or Daniela did as Jensen first joked, is that abuse, too? Simple answer: no. Can it be inconsiderate if (and that's a big IF) that person's intentions were purely self-involved? Sure. But NOT abuse.
2) Jensen is a GROWN ASS MAN. He can make his own decisions. For example, he said yesterday that he likes to go on the Tower of Terror ride (or whatever they call it these days) like JJ, but Danneel doesn't like the ride. He still makes the decision to go on that ride no matter that she doesn't like it. HE MAKES HIS OWN CHOICES. He could have told Danneel no about staying up but he didn't. He chose to go anyway, knowing he had an early morning. That's on him, not her, no matter the reasoning behind his making the decision. He is responsible for himself. Stop pulling shit out of thin air to justify your hatred and jealousy, seriously.
3) As an abuse survivor, I am flat out asking that hgcowboy: can you please stop fucking throwing the word ABUSE around because you're insanely jealous of the woman who Jensen took with him to Rome and it's not you? Like seriously "Sleep deprivation IS abuse" - perhaps learn what actual abuse is and stop throwing that fucking word around (especially in this fucking context) for your own reasons and so you can keep your ongoing fantasy that Jensen is going to leave his wife for you for whenever the next time you meet him is (if you actually met him as you claimed). This is not the first time you've done this when it comes to the topic of Jensen and Danneel, and it needs to STOP. Every time you do it to justify your hatred and jealousy of a woman that the guy you're obsessed with is married to, you do harm to actual abuse survivors such as myself. Abuse is a serious subject and that word should not be thrown around lightly. Idgaf if you hate Danneel, you want to keep that toxicity going (as all hatred is), that's your business, but stop fucking using that word and STOP acting/saying it like you are an expert on the matter, like you do on everything else you talk about like acting, the industry, branding, Jensen's mental state, Danneel's mental state, their kids' mental states (remember that disgusting post you made about their youngest daughter because you couldn't distinguish a joking story from actual reality? saying she was a sociopath in the making? because I sure do), and psychology (spoiler alert on that one: you're not). Because from that statement alone, you clearly don't know what the fuck you're talking about. And it is absolutely disrespectful and damaging to the abuse survivor community when you say that shit and put it out into the universe. You really should be ashamed of yourself.
And those who have actually experienced abuse in any form know exactly how serious that word is, the kind of impact labeling a situation or event as such actually has, and would never use it so disrespectfully and so casually. Like I said, you ought to be ashamed.
Now for those who say Jensen was name dropping when talking about being a producer, did y'all actually watch the panel where he talks about it? He was stating how hard it was to actually get a project onto the air, no matter what the circumstances, i.e. having names attached that were highly successful. Where is the name dropping? Where is this him being so arrogant that he made himself sound like Thee Producer? Have y'all not learned by now to watch the panels for yourselves and not 100% trust the tweets that come out of these rooms? Meaning that their interpretation or translation and context may not always come across in their tweets? How many times does this need to happen in order for you to finally get it? And you guys say you're the critically thinking ones? Yeah, not so much.
Have your opinions, express them freely on your blogs or chosen social media, love/like or hate/dislike who/what you want, but for Christ's sake, can we please inject some rationale into this fandom once and for all? Not everything these guys say is meant to be taken literally or to be a sign of them being in a hostage situation with their wives that only you can help them escape from (looking at you blogger I mentioned above; just admit you're obsessed with Jensen and that's why you hate Danneel so much and go). Perhaps not all is right in the Jenneel world, perhaps there really is a separation on the horizon, perhaps there isn't, either way, it doesn't matter. It doesn't give you the right to throw that word around so casually. And you obviously haven't learned since your last claim of "abuse" that people were doing to Jared when a fan told him not to cry or she would start crying (not meant in a negative or demeaning way to him at all) in a panel a year or so ago. It's clear that you do not understand what that word means. If you truly care about the abuse survivor community, you'll stop using it for your own justifications, fantasies, and anti blog discourse.
And while we're at it, let's all just admit that half of the shit that's said about these guys (and their wives) would never be said to their faces. I seriously doubt you would say it to anyone's face if you had to look them in the eye and say it. You don't have to like these guys or these women, you're free to have your opinions and express them, but can we seriously stop with the exaggerated speculation and outlandish analysis of each word that comes out of these guys' mouths about every single aspect of their lives? We are not inside their heads, their homes, their marriages/relationships, or the inner working of their careers. Does that mean that each individual hasn't done something worth of legitimate criticism? No. They're human beings on a very public stage. Each one of them has done or said something that is not desirable and perhaps has caused you to un-fan them so to speak. But does that mean all of this fighting (i.e. Jensen fandom vs Jared fandom & Jared fandom vs Misha fandom) and toxicity and drama and spreading of negativity needs to continue? No. Why can't we just enjoy what we enjoy about this series and/or these guys and leave it at that?
It's just beyond frustrating. I swear, if I could make my own tag for this show and Jensen on here, I would. Tumblr has to come up with a better filtering tag system than the one they currently have in place.
Just had to get that out. Done.
Edit: I don't usually include names in any of these posts but after the person named here came at me the way she did, accusing me of shit I didn't do, and sicced her followers on me for no damn good reason, now Idgaf.
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may064 · 1 year
Oh that hologramcowboy person re-blogged me and blocked me! Good riddance! I can finally not see their shit!
I was tired of seeing them parading around as a Jensen fan and spouting absolute bullshit. This person is not-in-the-know or whatever. If they are, bring some proof, anything! Oh! even better! They’re in the know as much as Goob is! So, good for them, I guess ;).
But, if they were so in-the-know and so confident of themselves why couldn’t they bring any proof of literally anything they said? They have got a million theories and a tight philosophy about how good of an actor Jensen is NOT. But they couldn’t answer for Kylie and Katherine. Why their storyline ALSO sucks this season and not just Jensen’s. If Jensen changes the script so much and doesn’t understand his character (which is, bs honestly. No director or production team will give the actor so much control that he can change his character’s entire arc. (Also, Jensen has eidetic memory and can remember lines very well and can understand his characters very well. This is a known fact. He goes slowly through the script when he first gets it just to understand the character’s motivations and where they’re coming from. Therefore, another lie debunked.) So, rest assured that whatever’s happening it’s happening with the consent of the producers and the development team.) I’m sure the production team is there to point out any mistakes that don’t go with the character? Or does Jensen have them all tied up with ropes or has people holding guns to their head? And even after he’s said that he can accept any criticism? Elwood Reid is there, he’s not going to get starry eyed at Jensen. He can surely tell him when he’s going wrong and I’m sure does when it happens. Alos, there’s a thing such as fucking bad writing? And it has been going on since season 2, before Jensen came in? If the writing’s bad, even the best actor in the world can’t do anything?
So, this bullshit is just anti-behaviour. If not, then bring proof. Any proof. Also, super fun if anybody doesn’t agree with you or cheer you for hating Jensen or doesn’t want him to retire, they’re automatically an AA. Great, in that case, sure!
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unabashedlyinlove · 10 months
After Superman news yesterday
So according to AAs (lies anyways), JA was short-listed but lost the roles of:
Captain America;
Deadpool's sidekick;
Joel (TLOU);
Batman (when Gunn goes for a 30 Y.O higher tiered actor)
General Audience:
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Did I forget any roles he was 'alleged' short-listed @hookslinesandsinkers @hologramcowboy @its-sassyboots , lol ?
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lacilou · 1 year
Wanted to share with @hologramcowboy Didn't know there were cameras, no paparazzi....that arm rub is full of natural love. I had to share this with you.
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laf-outloud · 9 months
There's been some talk about possibly the Cas photo ops for the upcoming cons being cancelled (full disclosure, I haven't checked myself) which would make sense because that looks like promotion of a show but here is some confirmation that cosplaying isn't allowed (which is what he does in those ops lbr)
Thanks, anon. Yeah, if SAG-AFTRA is advising even influencers not to cosplay (even those who might one day join SAG), I guarantee that Misha won't be doing what is essentially Cas cosplay.
However, I don't think they'll cancel the photo ops. I think Misha will probably pull out something "special" so that he and Creation can still charge the higher photo op fee. (My bet is on a Pride flag.)
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sapphyreopal5 · 7 months
The Starfire Identity Crisis/SPN Fandom Witch Hunt
Oh boy, what a turn of events that has been going on here on Tumblr, IG, etc. I see that there's been some girl on girl crime going on here, perhaps some of which I did partake in clearly but did not hide unlike some people here. There's been so called imposters posing as a girl named Jenna working at SpaceX who went under the name @Starfire876 (then @Starfirelove5 and then @Starfirelove7 before she ultimately deactivated her account). It also seems my initial "dear mistress" post has been taken out of context by some people who decided to started calling me a liar (looking at you @hologramcowboy) because my post AND the ask both were taken out of a literal point of view by others, not so much from the point of view of WHY this ask was sent in. By the way, nice job showing her screenshots that clearly have MY name in the hyperlink at the top and with it, containing the background image that's awful distinctive and unique to MY PAGE. May be this was done as a way to get more positive notes YOUR way and more hate coming my way? Also, you and others named her directly, not I. Plus, why are you trying SO hard to figure out who Starfire is? Good job trying to "keep this fandom safe" in your own words to me, along with trying to pin Starfire's identity on my friend (who I can actually verify is NOT Starfire as I'll explain in this post why), and being frankly cruel about it. Nah girl, you ain't on a mission to help keep this fandom safe: you are on a witch hunt and are actually being cruel about it. Go back and look at the things you've said publicly and in PMs in recent months. Some self-reflection might just do you some good. Were people including yourself NOT talking about the bullying certain individuals in the fandom were partaking in within certain social circles? Hmm, you might want to take a good look in the mirror...
For future reference, take more care to actually review potential identifiers in your screenshots, asks, etc. and actually think about the consequences of such before you go on. It seems you and Anon are in cahoots to pin some things on certain individuals when reality is both of you chose to reveal this woman's identity. You "Anon" should've NEVER sent me that ask (because I'm sure you're gonna read this), let alone with the curious timing of this woman eliminating that already curious Austin post within mere hours of you sending me this ask. YOU contributed to this, quit trying to absolve yourself of any responsibility. "Stay off the blogs"... may be these words might ring a bell coming from someone you know?
Given the tizzy that has been stirred up by Starfire "posing" as a girl named Jenna, I can understand the negative sentiment coming my way. I understand why I am being called a liar given this imposter business. Heck, I've heard of some people believing Starfire and I are one and the same. Again, I understand this sentiment but I will say I've been attached to this same screenname for well over 13 years on many social media websites. I will say this: I NEVER post things to be a liar or to be deceitful. I post things I believe to be true ALWAYS period. I withheld the original ask out of safety concerns, as I believe it contained a lot of identifiers. Afterall, she didn't want people to be "sicced" on her. I apologize to people for feeling deceived and misled. I will say however that calling me a liar because of choosing to read it only from a literal point of view is frankly a direct attack on my character.
I was not and never will be a popular blogger here on Tumblr period. I care writing about spiritual topics, such as dream walking, dream interpretation, divination, deities, the astral planes, etc. Sometimes this crosses over to the show Supernatural, as I've written several posts before giving an explanation of what's true versus what's not on the show's depictions of things. And oh man, I swear I would SO love to talk about things like psychology, particularly forensic psychology. If I could go back in time and change career paths at a younger age, I so would've become a criminal psychologist. Plenty of people here clearly take things at face value when it comes to people's claims. I for many reasons do not. Again this is somewhat for the next post...
Bottom line is, my blog will never be popular and I know it. I'm okay with that. As long as I get to share my experiences and enlighten even a few people who may have had some experiences they can't explain, that's good enough for me. I've gotten plenty of "hateful" asks telling me things like I need to take medications for "talking to imaginary beings". I don't bother with those asks because they're a waste of my time period. The topics I am passionate about don't even coincide with this "mistress" business. I'm NOT a celebrity gossip column, never intended to be. Before I ever got the ask I did, I wrote about these things in such a vague context that maybe a handful of people knew who I could be talking about. I wrote about them with relation to what my tarot readings, pendulum dowsing readings, etc. have said and that's it. If I NEVER got this ask along with the funny timing of when certain things transpired on this woman's page and what's happening in Jensen's life and such simultaneously, I would've just probably stopped mentioning it altogether actually not too long before I got that ask.
When Starfire initially brought up to me her "identity has been stolen" storyline, this was starting around 9/10 or so. I myself found this to be awful suspicious but as always, I chose to give the benefit of the doubt and let her explain herself. It's interesting because she went on to rename herself Starfirelove5 not long after this whole thing went down. I ended up telling her I think it's cool she picked the number 5 because it's my favorite number. Funnily enough, not long after that she went on to change it to 7. She even went on to start taking things I told her and eventually made a twist of them. She tried to make certain traits of mine and such as if they were hers. And then to go on changing her screenname to have the same number of characters as mine, making a screenname that sounds an awful lot like mine and even containing the same number in it? Come on....
I dived into that girl's entire KNOWN LinkedIn and Facebook profiles, and a potentially linked Twitter account. I looked through ALL of her public posts on Facebook and LinkedIn because I got curious. I can 100% tell you for a fact this girl and my friend are NOT one and the same. Their interests are quite different, despite their personalities somewhat similar, and even their writing styles sharing similarities (frankly many people write somewhat like they do). It's also quite funny how many of the photos "Jenna" (or was it Jenna?) sent me were NOT readily available on the public side of her social media profiles. I mean unless someone wants to tell me her account was somehow hacked? I am also curious as to how she found out "someone" was "imposing" as her. Also why this timing NOW, given what's going on now?
I can tell you that the girl some of you are trying to say is Starfire is warm-hearted, caring, genuine and one of my favorite people to talk to period. She's shown me plenty of videos and photos of herself. She works in the humble hospitality industry and frankly has enough on her plate to not even worry about imposing as other people, let alone for the "sole purpose of spreading this ridiculous agenda" as some people put it (paraphrasing here). Starfire on the other hand barely spoke of her personal life, came across pretty aloof, and everything was just a bit too perfect. Heck, she even made up quite a few lies about my friend and for what, to make herself sound more relevant or charitable or something?
Dunno, your guess is as good as mine. I'm quite curious with this being said... What is this CLEAR proof my friend and Starfire are one and the same, hmm? Where is it outside of "writing styles match"? Did you get a chance to get to know both her and Starfire for months now? Nah, I didn't think so. If she really wanted to be an imposter hiding behind someone who frankly looks more like a diva than herself, why would she reveal her real self to anyone? Why would someone working in the hospitality industry and trying to make ends meet have enough care in the world to make several "sock accounts" for this purpose? Hmm....
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Same anon as “You must be very lost or confused if you’re associating Cockles shippers with Danneel haters.” — some account examples I can think of who display that kind of anti Danneel + Misha behaviour:
— + others/the people in their notes.
(sent separately since you probably won’t want to publish this one should those people search their usernames and send you hate)
Again i don’t associate all Cockles shippers with Danneel haters, i just know some are very toxic. And i block those accounts just because i dont want to send out any hate on anyone. Especially if they are minors
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hologramcowboy · 4 months
The beauty of having an anonymous account also lies in the fact that one can write appreciation posts without providing context and without revealing much. My heart has a few things to express towards someone and I can let go and do so on here.
Thank you, for bringing tears to my eyes in the most beautiful of ways.
Thank you, for protecting me in my dreams.
Thank you, for inspiring so many endlessly beautiful emotions.
Thank you, for bringing joy to so many.
Thank you, for showing me a depth you don't easily reveal.
Thank you, for piercing my armor. I wouldn't change a thing despite all the pain.
Thank you for saving my life when I couldn't even react or work up any willpower. Thank you for helping me breathe, giving me relief.
Thank you for sharing your emotion and moving me.
Thank you for the boundless sweetness you embody sometimes.
Thank you for all the ways you reminded me to empower myself, to believe in my dreams, to believe in something higher, to honor life's magic.
Thank you, for being that perfect mix of darkness and light that fascinated me.
Thank you for filling me with so much appreciation on so many levels, even when I was in my darkest moments.
Thank you, for reflecting back some of my pain and insecurities and allowing me to face them.
Thank you for being a light when I most needed one.
Thank you for secretly growing in my heart and making me feel so much.
Thank you for being a rolemodel in your own way, flaws and all, I learned so much from you on who I did and didn't want to be, on what I wanted to experience.
Thank you for helping shape my vision on so many different levels. It's like the Universe put you in my path so I could perfectly define, accept and love my highest dreams.
Thank you for all the incredible serendipities.
Thank you for breaking my heart in so many beautiful ways and healing it at the same time.
Thank you, for being my angel, in your own unique way.
There is so much more I could write but words can't really encompass everything you are to me. There is so much of you that will live on in me and I keep that part secret, maybe because I am jealous of and want to safeguard those emotions but, sometimes, I wish I could zap you with all the value, endless beauty and magnificence I see in you. Maybe then you'll be able to appreciate yourself instead of self destructing. If you only knew how precious and powerful you were, I hope you do. Crazy as it may seem, I love you, in my own way, and I always will. 🧡 I'll see you in my dreams.
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nancylou444 · 1 year
I am staring at those anon's hating on you and hologramcowboy and am like They are trying to portray you as awful people, yet the language they use is absolutely horrendous. Have these people no clue that at least in your case they sent you a death threat? Something, which I am pretty sure is illegal, including online.
Indeed, WE are the bad people for putting correctly tagged posts on our blogs but it's okay for THEM to threaten and attack us.
While hiding behind anon, of course.
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*logs in and sees even more anti-destiel posts*
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Must be a day ending in Y.
Here's the thing: ship what you want, don't ship, whatever. That's your right. You also can have opinions on said ships or not shipping something. But for the love of God, can we please stop misrepresenting supposed facts and outright lying? Just because you don't want to acknowledge something present in the show? Or because one of you is super obsessed with Jensen while at the same time hating him because he married someone else and didn't come to sweep you off of your feet because you're his supposed soulmate? (which btw, while very weird in general, what does that even have to do with destiel? why are you even weighing in when it's clear that you're only saying what YOU believe while trying to speak for him as if you two are a single unit? It's creepy and makes no sense. Keep your obsession in check, please)
Alright, let's get started:
1) Jensen's actual words:
Firstly, if you're going to quote someone and state their opinion on the matter as FACT, let's not only get the source right but also list it so people can see what the person had to say for themselves so they can not only get the actual facts but come to their own conclusions (critical thinking, remember?). It's literally a link you can put into the post from YouTube, it's not rocket science last I checked.
29:35 is where it starts
A woman asks when did Jensen know about Cas' "romantic, deep love" for Dean before 15x18. Meaning when he did know bts as an actor.
Jensen's answer: "I don't think Dean ever really knew until the very end there." -- not only does he not answer the question in its original form (and hey, it's a con, it's loud, tons of people there waiting for his answer, he probably wasn't prepared for this question, etc - so I get it, I'm not criticizing him, I'm just stating facts), he responds initially for Dean, not himself.
But in this initial answer, he even acknowledges what the woman just said. "Romantic, deep love" -> "I don't think Dean ever really knew until the very end there." LITERALLY RIGHT THERE - Dean didn't know it until it was said
No matter what comes after this from him, Jared, or even what Jensen has said at cons afterwards, his answer literally confirms what she just said, and that answer is what popped first into his mind.
Then, prepare to have your mind blown antis, he confirms it AGAIN: "In fact, I know he didn't, because I didn't play that." -> he played Dean as not knowing about Cas' "romantic, deep love"
Only then does he start to delve into talking about the term romantic with Jared interrupting. But he confirmed it TWICE with his own words. That doesn't nullify his opinion or his perspective on the relationship, but it does confirm that was the intention of the scene.
And again, the question was about when they knew bts about Cas' "romantic, deep love" for Dean, not what Dean felt, not what type of love Jensen considers it to be (or Jared), not whether romance was meant to be in the show or not. Through his own words, he confirms it. Twice. (watch it again)
2) Types of love:
I can't believe this is even a point some people have tried to make in attempting to invalidate the scene from 15x18 but it's 2023 and here we are.
Philia love is platonic/friendly love. (click on the links - since it was mentioned that Cas only has angelic/heavenly/brotherly love for Dean and Castiel's angel character is loosely based on Christian traditions, I chose the same Christian perspective in these links) Storge love is the love of family or brotherly love.
Agape love is NOT brotherly love. (if you're going to use these terms and claim you're an expert, perhaps learn what they mean first?) Agape love is a God-like love of humans, completely unfathomable.
All of this is easily searchable. Google is your friend.
Now agape is the closest to what Jensen says later in that panel (though it changes to philia mixed with storge in a later con) though he did not use that specific term. However:
The scene was written and performed with romantic intentions from Castiel's side. This is confirmed time and time again.
And since a lot of anti-Destielers tend to be anti Misha as well (and accuse him of placating, lying, and being downright manipulative when it comes to this topic), here are some other confirmations:
The script is available online (again, Google is your friend) and you can read it for yourself. Robert Berens, the screenwriter, wrote the script (and it was greenlit by Andrew Dabb, the showrunner, and kept in the episode with the network, Singer, and WB giving it the green light after reviewing it before it aired) with Castiel's confessing his romantic love for Dean. It's right there.
If it's not romantic, then why can't Dean "recriprocate"? Why is he shocked at the "declaration from his best friend"? Why is it Cas' "hidden truth"? If it's just platonic from Cas' side or familial or even a God-like love of a human then why all of these factors mentioned in the script to help guide Jensen and Misha in performing the scene? You know why. And one of these antis is the supposed acting expert in the fandom? Puhlease.
How's that for "script analysis"?
Not to mention, since it's clear these same antis don't know a thing about writing and how it actually works, why was this scene a part of Castiel's arc that connects back to his arc in season 15?
3:49 - "I know who you love"
Yep, they weren't planning the confession back then, but when the showrunner and the writing team did start planning the end of the character's journey going into season 15, this ties up Castiel's arc neatly and it's perfect foreshadowing. Right down to The Empty's involvement. And they tied it up this way why? To make sense with events that came before it so a visible narrative is present for this character's journey as well as showing his development. (that's literally writing 101 btw)
There's a shit ton more I could throw into this post but I think I've made my point. So the next time antis decide to sit there and scold people who ship/celebrate Destiel and tell them that they don't understand "script analysis" like you do or how dare they twist Castiel's love for Dean into something it's not because you're playing megaphone-turned-into-a-wannabe-parrot for Jensen (aka your point of unhealthy fixation) because Castiel only meant it as an angel, perhaps don't. Or at least look up the facts first before you spout off any of that nonsense. You've had no problem saying Jensen needs to take an acting lesson or two because he's basic and dilutes his characters while also having one note acting, so maybe you should take a writing lesson or two. 🤷‍♂️ Seems fair.
Think whatever you want about Dean and how he regards Castiel's romantic confession, or how Jensen sees it, or whatever you need to tell yourself since it was left ambiguous, but don't you dare sit there and tell people they're wrong for reading Castiel's love the way it was written, performed, and intended to be perceived -> romantic. Or imply that they lack a basic understanding of love, condescend to them to have to explain it to them as if they're idiots, and falsely accuse them of maliciously twisting your fantasy beloved's Jensen's words. Especially when it's very easily proven that the only ones in the wrong here are you, and this is very clearly a "you" issue.
It happened.
It was romantic.
Get over it.
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unabashedlyinlove · 1 year
This blind item about Jensen was just reveled. I'd say it wasn't really a mystery to anybody with 2 eyes, but to have it being written so blatantly and revealed while TW is still going on, damm son!
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We have been talking about it extensively, right ? @hologramcowboy @curiouswitches @neecy83
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laf-outloud · 11 months
I have only seen Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne/Batman. I assume others who played him had that elegance, nuanced layers of sadness and that je ne sais quoi, that indefinable allure that makes the character fascinating.
Jensen Ackles seems too forced when he does anger, too obvious when peeved, too heavy with sarcasm. What kind of acting is that? Maybe it is that it is acting. I don't get the sense that there is anything beneath the surface to explore. He plays a part, rather than becomes the character.
I would like to think Ackles knows his limitations and would never submit himself for playing such an intricate and beloved character. But, does he? He seems so arrogant.
Whereas I only ever paid attention to Christian Bale's Batman, lol! Of course, I've been a Christian Bale fan since Newsies, so my impression of him may be biased, but I felt like he captured Batman's internal conflicts well, and easily transitioned between Batman and Bruce Wayne (though I never cared for any of the love interests). He certainly had a commanding presence on screen and you really believed he was strong and agile enough to take on the villains of Gotham.
I believe the acting Jensen does is considered over-acting without any consideration for the character. @hologramcowboy and @jarpadswalker could probably give you a better answer regarding his acting, but it does seem very one-note, at least from what I've seen since SPN.
I know he can do better, as even his Dean from early seasons of SPN had a layer of nuance that can only happen by truly understanding the character and his motivations. I still marvel at the work he did in S2 EP20, What is and What Should Never Be. Unfortunately, the long stretch of SPN either made him lazy or forgetful when it comes to crafting characters and stories.
As to your question about Jensen knowing his limitations? I'm guessing that the majority of actors, including Jensen, would never turn down a role they were hired for, even if they felt they weren't right for it. A job is a job.
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